比较每种类型的作业机具,发现最适合您的滑移装载机或紧凑型履带式装载机的附件。查看我们为任何应用选择最佳附件的提示,并按照我们关于如何更换 Cat ® 的分步流程进行操作 滑移转向和紧凑型履带式装载机附件。
设备附件彻底改变了承包商、工人和土地所有者完成艰巨任务的方式。通过提供旨在最大限度提高效率的大量功能,Cat 滑移装载机和紧凑型履带式装载机的附件为每项可能的工作提供了合适的工具。
在寻求最大限度地提高紧凑型履带式装载机或滑移装载机的多功能性和生产率时,请考虑与这些机器兼容的 Cat 作业机具的广泛可用性。从园林绿化和建筑工具到清理和维护附件再到通用解决方案,Blanchard Machinery 为您的应用提供理想的产品。
比较 Blanchard Machinery 提供的滑移转向和紧凑型履带式装载机附件的类型:
- 移动和装载材料,包括砾石、雪或碎片
- 执行基本的挖掘、平整和回填需求
- 携带设备、用品或其他材料,包括混凝土板等特殊应用
用于滑移装载机和紧凑型履带式装载机的 Cat 铲斗附件有多种配置,包括:
- 通用桶
- 轻料桶
- 抓斗
- 混凝土板桶
在铲斗之后,拇指是 Cat 紧凑型履带式装载机和滑移装载机最有用的附件之一。拇指附件也称为夹子,它与水桶的配合使用方式类似于拇指与其他手指配合使用的方式。用拇指牢牢抓住无法放入桶中的物体,例如大石头或奇形怪状的废料。
使用 Cat 螺旋钻附件处理现有滑移装载机或紧凑型履带式装载机的挖掘工作。在地面上钻出精确的孔,用于植树、混凝土基础和模板、栅栏柱或任何其他建筑应用。 Cat 螺旋钻旨在最大限度地增加对地面的扭矩影响,从而提高生产率并减少人工工作量。
Caterpillar 提供多种与滑移转向或紧凑型履带式装载机连接系统兼容的螺旋钻附件:
- A23 直接驱动螺旋钻可提供 1,699 英尺磅的扭矩。
- A41 单行星驱动螺旋钻可提供 3,037 英尺磅的扭矩。
- A68 双行星驱动螺旋钻可提供 5,034 英尺磅的扭矩。
请咨询您当地的 Cat 代理商,为您的滑移装载机或紧凑型履带式装载机型号匹配正确的螺旋钻附件。
Cat 反铲臂是市场上最具颠覆性的工作工具之一。当您需要挖掘机的挖掘和挖沟功能以及装载机的机动性时,您可以使用反铲附件将两者结合起来。
获得扩展、挖掘深度和 180 度摆动,以获得高效和高性能的挖掘和移动材料解决方案。该附件具有内置稳定器,因此您可以放心,在您向前伸展反铲臂并提升和摆动重物负载时,您的紧凑型履带式装载机或滑移装载机将保持安全。
- 运动休闲综合体管理
- 景观美化和建筑工地清理
- 道路建设和公路养护
- 仓储和码头管理
Caterpillar 为紧凑型履带式装载机和滑移装载机提供三种扫帚附件:
- 角扫帚 沿着紧密的表面和建筑物清洁。
- 拾取扫帚 使用排水沟刷沿边缘清扫并将碎屑收集到连接的料斗中。
- 实用扫帚 实现最大的刷毛接触,以便更轻松地清扫和收集更多的冷刨碎屑。
使用适用于滑移装载机或紧凑型履带式装载机的 Cat 割草机附件处理顽固的植被过度生长并清除灌木丛。割灌机附件可穿过茂密的灌木丛和小树,帮助您清理财产界线、清理杂草丛生的地役权和通行权,并帮助准备场地进行平整。
Caterpillar 设计了两种类型的割灌机——标准的封闭式甲板割灌机和开放式工业割灌机。标准割草机包含两个旋转圆盘以吸入刷子,而后排气装置则安全地排出切割材料。工业割灌机的前部包含一个重型推杆,可帮助击落较大的刷子并将其导向四个旋转刀盘,从而吸收全部刷子负载。
使用适用于紧凑型履带式装载机或滑移装载机的 Cat 货叉附件安全地提升和移动重物。托盘叉可帮助您移动托盘化负载以及建筑用品,包括木材、管道、石膏板和任何其他需要安全运输的物品。
Cat 托盘叉包括一个刚性后支撑和一个网状设计,以实现最佳视野。操作员可以安全地将托盘货物装载到叉齿上,同时目视确保负载适当平衡和固定。托盘叉齿可调节以匹配您的负载宽度,长度有 36、42 和 48 英寸。
用于滑移装载机和紧凑型履带式装载机的 Cat mulcher 附件专为承担艰巨的工作而设计,这要归功于重型推杆,它可以帮助您一次性砍倒选定的树木或砍掉灌木丛。当推杆击落刷子时,它被引导到钢鼓中。滚筒的齿呈分散的螺旋状分布,确保您留下尽可能最好的副产品。
Cat 景观耙可让您捡起高达 6 英寸的碎屑,将其切碎并放入连接的料斗中。这样一来,您就可以在完成工作后清空料斗,方便地丢弃碎屑。
Cat 景观耙与标准流量液压机兼容,适用于所有紧凑型设备,包括滑移装载机和紧凑型履带式装载机。
Cat 树桩打磨机为操作员提供了令人难以置信的机动性,因此无论手头的地形如何,您都可以打磨掉树桩。树桩研磨机附件可左右旋转以及前后旋转,让您更好地控制工具的性能。打磨机有 32 个独立的硬质合金钻头,可剪切硬木或软木,并可将树桩打磨到地表以下。
Recover fallow soil and reinvigorate your landscape with tiller attachments for skid steers and compact track loaders. Tillers are used to break up compact earth, churning it over to aerate it and disperse the natural supply of soil nutrients.
Put Cat tiller attachments to use in the following applications:
- Maintain sports fields and green spaces
- Stabilize agricultural soil
- Prepare seed beds and mix in fertilizer or compost
- Level and grade lots for construction
Cat tillers are manufactured both for high performance and longevity. The double-edged tines are tungsten-coated for durability, while the direct-drive motor gives you the impact force needed to puncture the toughest of topsoil.
Snow Products
Put your skid steer or compact track loader to productive use year-round with snow management attachments from Caterpillar.
Choose from the following types of snow work tools:
- Snowplows and multi-V plows: With hydraulic angling capabilities, Cat snowplows can help you clear away snow from tight spaces, contour around buildings and operate on paved surfaces. Take snow plowing one step further with multi-V plows that offer two independent angling blades for maximum snow removal efficiency.
- Snow pushers and wings: Remove snow and ice efficiently with straight snow pusher attachments. For precise snow moving, use a snow pusher with independently controlled wings that angle for better snow-pushing maneuverability.
- Snow blowers: Quickly remove snow from streets, parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks with a snow blower. Cat snow blowers are ideal tools for winter maintenance and cleanup.
Shop Cat® Attachments
3 Tips for Choosing Skid Steer and Compact Track Loader Attachments
Get the most out of your compact equipment by making a smart investment in the right work tool for your needs.
When choosing a skid steer or compact track loader attachment, consider the following top tips to help you select the right work tool:
1. Define Your Application
You should understand the full scope of your application before selecting an attachment to invest in. In general, Cat attachments for skid steers and compact track loaders accommodate the following main types of applications:
- Material handling: Buckets, forks, bale grabs, and spears for lifting and loading supplies are best for material handling applications.
- Land management: Consider brooms, brushcutters, mulchers, rakes, tillers, stump grinders and snow products for clearing overgrowth and maintaining soil and surfaces.
- Site preparation: For digging, grading, backfilling, and trenching, use augers, backhoe arms, blades and trenchers.
Knowing which tools are best for which applications will help you narrow down the type of attachment you need.
2. Choose the Right Model
Once you’ve decided on the type of attachment, consider the specific model that’s right for your needs. There are three critical factors to look at when selecting the best attachment model for your machine and project needs:
- Size: Depending on the work tool, there may be various sizes available. With different working widths and dig depths, Cat attachments offer both small and large working options that suit your project needs.
- Capacity: Another important consideration when choosing load-bearing attachments is the load capacity. Be sure to choose an attachment that can bear sufficient weight to lift and load your given material, whether it’s building supplies or loose landscaping material.
- Hydraulic rating: When selecting hydraulic work tools, be sure to match the tool's hydraulic flow rating to your machine. Know whether your Cat machine is standard, high flow, or high flow XPS, and ensure that the attachment will receive enough hydraulic pressure from your machine to maximize its performance.
3. Consider Future Projects
You want to invest in a work tool that will be put to productive use for years to come, so selecting one that serves its maximum purpose is essential.
Many work tools can accomplish similar tasks. To maximize the versatility of your machine, select the tool that will perform the best under your typical project circumstances. You can consult with your local Cat dealer for expert recommendations on how to select the right type of skid steer or compact track loader attachment.
How to Change Skid Steer and Compact Track Loader Attachments
Below are general steps on how to change an attachment. Always check your operation and maintenance manual (OMM) for the proper procedures for your specific machine.
To change attachments on your skid steer or compact track loader, follow these instructions:
- Position the attachment on the ground in front of the machine. Tilt the coupler forward and slowly drive into the work tool.
- Lift and tilt the coupler and the attachment backward, allowing the tool to seat properly.
- If your machine is equipped with the powered quick coupler option, press and hold the quick coupler button, engaging the coupling pins.
- If your machine uses the manual coupling option, exit the cab and secure the coupler pins by hand.
- Test whether the attachment is secure by tilting the work tool downward until it contacts the ground. Back drag the tool along the ground, putting pressure on it and checking that there’s no movement between the tool and the coupler.
- Finally, lift the work tool off the ground and visually inspect that the pins are engaged.
To attach a hydraulic work tool, follow these steps:
- Clean the hydraulic connectors before hooking up the lines.
- Thread the hydraulic lines through the hose guide on the side of the lift arm.
- Connect the hydraulic hose from the work tool to the machine’s auxiliary hydraulic connectors.
- As you connect the line, release any stored pressure from the hydraulic lines by pressing the connector inward and holding for up to five seconds.
- To disconnect the hydraulic lines, repeat the process in reverse.
Again, always check your OMM to understand the proper routing pattern for each type of work tool.
Why Choose Cat ® Skid Steer and Compact Track Loader Attachments?
When you choose a Cat skid steer or compact track loader attachment, you're choosing to partner with a world leader in heavy equipment design and manufacturing. Caterpillar is renowned for its high-quality products that provide equipment owners with benefits such as:
- Superior performance: Cat equipment and work tools are designed to perform well under rugged conditions. From the durable materials and advanced motor technology to the functionality and safety features, all work tools from Caterpillar are made with the owner and operator in mind.
- Versatile selection: Given the wide variety of specialty Cat work tools available, equipment owners rely on Caterpillar for a total systems solution. Turn to the vast Cat work tools selection for the versatility and options you need to tackle every type of job.
- Increased productivity: Eliminate unproductive downtime with Cat equipment attachments. Caterpillar designs work tools to maximize productivity, providing you with the right size, capacity, and power rating so you can get more done in less time, reducing your operating costs and maximizing your bottom line.
Choose Blanchard Machinery for Skid Steer and Compact Track Loader Attachments
Choosing attachments for your skid steer or compact track loader is easier when you partner with the right equipment experts. Blanchard Machinery is a leading dealer of Cat equipment and work tools, serving industries from construction and landscaping to agriculture and forestry to road work and mining.
Contact Blanchard Machinery to learn more about our skid steer and compact track loader attachments for sale. Call us today at 844-252-6242 or find a Blanchard Machinery location near you. Request a quote on equipment attachments today.