Rexorth A18VO 液压泵评论
Rexorth A18VO 是一款功能强大的液压泵,可用于各种不同的机器。它能够产生高达 18,000 磅的压力,这使其成为大型工业应用的理想选择。
Rexorth A18VO 液压泵是一款相对较小的液压泵,但功率足以驱动各种机器。
Rexorth A18VO 是一款工业级液压泵,具有强大的电动马达和超大活塞。这意味着它可以承受很大的压力,但仍可用于狭小空间。
Rexorth A18VO 的最大工作压力为 3,000 psi (207 bar)。在 1,000 psi(69 巴)压力下,最大流速为每分钟 5 加仑(70 升/分钟)。为了适应这种高流量,液压泵包括两个止回阀。其中一个位于泵的吸入侧,它可以防止在油被污染或太稠时失去吸力。另一个止回阀位于泵的排放侧,如果系统管路泄漏,它可以防止油逸出。

Rexorth A18VO 液压泵评测
Rexroth A18VO 液压泵专为叉车和挖掘机等移动机械以及起重机和起重机等工业机械而设计。它可以处理需要高流速或压力的广泛应用。
力士乐 A18VO 液压泵旨在以低功耗提供最高性能。该泵配有数字显示屏,可让您在维修车辆时随时轻松监控液位。该泵具有自动停止功能,可防止其过热,从而在持续运行时不会损坏您车辆的发动机。
Rexroth A18VO 液压泵是一种可变排量轴向柱塞泵,这意味着它具有平行于主旋转轴移动的活塞。活塞杆和气缸体安装在一根公共轴上。液压油经进油口进入缸体,通过活塞杆与缸筒之间的空腔,经出油口流出。
这是一个固定排量泵。它具有高功率密度和广泛的应用范围。 A18VO系列液压泵是一种带有内部齿轮箱的直驱式容积泵。适用于需要高功率密度和紧凑设计的移动机械和工业系统。
A18VO系列液压泵设计紧凑,同时保持高功率密度。该产品线采用了液压技术的最新发展,例如力士乐 X 型联轴器和伺服控制阀,实现了效率和可靠性的完美结合。 A18VO 系列以其广泛的应用范围提供最大的多功能性:从小型系统到大型系统,从移动机器到固定式工厂设备,从简单到复杂的应用。
Rexorth A18VO 是一款液压泵,采用闭路设计和五个传感器来监控运行状况。它有两种版本,一种流量为18 L/min,另一种流量为22 L/min。
Rexroth A18VO 液压泵配备集成传感器系统(除压力传感器外),可监控温度、油位、振动和噪音等运行条件。该泵具有集成压力传感器,可提供有关液压回路中压力的信息。
这种液压泵的设计使其运行安静,适合在嘈杂的环境中使用。该装置采用 IP68 防护等级的不锈钢外壳,适合在海上石油钻井平台或采矿作业等恶劣环境中使用。
它由高强度钢制成,经久耐用,使用寿命长。 Rexort A18VO 是一款可用作油泵或水泵的泵。它具有旋转叶片式排量,可以处理其中存在磨蚀颗粒的液体。该泵用于农业、工程机械、采矿设备等应用。
Rexort A18VO 旨在高效、有效地满足客户的需求。它配备高品质组件,确保其耐用性和长寿命。 Rexort A18VO 有不同的尺寸,因此您可以选择最适合您的应用需求的一款。
该液压泵由我们的专业工程师使用优质材料设计而成,经久耐用且可靠多年。 The Rexort A18VO also helps you save money on maintenance costs because it requires less maintenance compared to other pumps available in the market today.
This pump uses bi-directional rotation for both forward and reverse motion.
This pump uses bi-directional rotation for both forward and reverse motion. This means that the pump can be used in both directions, making it more efficient and cost-effective. The pump also has a high pressure tolerance of up to 1,800 bar (26,000 psi). The A18VO is designed for use in hydraulic systems that need high flow rates and high pressures. This makes it an ideal choice for heavy duty industrial applications such as mining, construction and agriculture. The A18VO is self-priming and requires no external priming device or suction line.

Rexorth A18VO Hydraulic Pump Review
The Rexorth A18VO has an overall size of about 22 inches by 13 inches by 11 inches, making it a good fit for most hydraulic systems.
Rexorth is one of the leading manufacturers of hydraulic pumps, and the Rexroth A18VO is one of their top models. It’s a small pump with an overall size of about 22 inches by 13 inches by 11 inches, making it a good fit for most hydraulic systems. The Rexroth A18VO has a flow rate of up to 20 liters per minute and can operate at pressures up to 500 bar.
It’s also very powerful, rated at a max pressure of 500 bar, which makes it great for powering bigger hydraulic motors and other devices that require high levels of pressure or force. The Rexroth A18VO can handle up to 2200 watts of power consumption and weighs only 4 pounds, making it easy to install anywhere in your vehicle or equipment where you need more power than what comes from your engine alone.
The Rexorth A18VO Pump weighs about 160 pounds, which is slightly heavier than some other pumps on the market today. Takeaway:If you are looking for a powerful but compact hydraulic pump, then the Rexorth A18VO might be the best choice.
The A18VO comes with a built-in filter system to keep debris out of your hydraulic fluid, which can damage your system or cause leaks over time. The pump also has low pressure drop and high flow rates to ensure that you have enough power to get the job done quickly and efficiently.
Some people use Rexorth A18VO Hydraulic Pump Review to learn full details read of Rexorth pumps. is one of the most famous pumps manufacturers. If anyone endeavor to manufacture hydraulic pump and its spare parts, it is the best choice. It always go beyond our expectation.