CNC G 代码简介
G代码是经得起时间考验的编程语言之一。 G 代码是用于操作计算机数控 (CNC) 机器的语言之一。 CNC 机器依靠计算机来指导操作,而不是人工操作员; G代码是那些计算机用来执行操作的语言。在本文中,我们将深入探讨什么是 G 代码及其工作原理,让您更好地了解 G 代码对现代制造和机械加工领域的重要性。
首先,一个简短的定义。计算机数字控制或 CNC 是指可以编程为在没有操作员的情况下执行一系列切割和操作的机器。 CNC 技术使制造过程中的许多步骤实现自动化。它还大大改善了所生产零件的质量控制和均匀性。 CNC 技术自 1950 年代就已问世,但随着计算机和机器人技术的出现,CNC 机器可以处理越来越复杂的操作,在多轴上移动并在同一台机器内的不同工具和切割头之间切换。
CNC 机器的维护任务分为三大类:日常检查、需要每 500 小时或每六个月执行的工作以及每 1000 小时或每年需要执行的额外检查。每日清单当然是最长的,也是您最常使用的清单。但是,不要忘记其他检查,尤其是当您的机器全天候运行或需要加班时。五天 24 小时就是 121 小时,这意味着几乎持续使用的机器几乎每个月都需要进行 500 小时的检查。
G代码起源于1950年代。字母“g”开始代码中的命令,通常告诉机器开始操作、停止等。因此,整个语言被称为 g 代码——尽管并非每个命令都以“g”开头。
G 代码开始于计算机能力有限且无法处理长而复杂的命令字符串的时代:因此,g 代码往往简短而甜美。示例字符串可能如下所示:
G01 X1 Y1 F20 T01 M03 S500
The G command initiates the machine movement, and X and Y give the destination coordinates. F tells the machine how fast to move, in this case, at a rate of 20. T01 instructs the machine to use Tool 1 to perform the job, M03 starts the spindle moving, and S500 sets the spindle speed. (Example taken from here.)
While g-code doesn’t have to be terribly complex, it communicates all the necessary information to perform a variety of tasks. This succinctness makes it ideal for CNC routers, mills, lathes, electron discharge machines (EDMs), and any number of other factory and machine-shop machines. In the early days, programmers needed to enter g-code manually; today, CAD programs or wizards will often do so for you, making it easier for people without direct experience of g-code to operate CNC machinery.
How G-code is used
Every six months to a year, you should have your CNC machines thoroughly inspected by a trained technician, often one sent from the original manufacturer of the machine. That person can completely drain and replace the hydraulic fluid, clean the coolant tank itself, and perform an inspection of the chuck, jaws, and clamps of the machine heads.
G-code makes it possible to automate large industrial machines and manufacturing equipment. From its base form, established in the United States officially as RS-274-D, g-code has developed a number of flavors. Those flavors depend partly on the country of origin, and even more so on the particular machine using them.
G-codes generally initiate an operating or a series of operations, with other codes, often M-codes, forming the “body” of the code block. Some machines may use a g-code to initiate a particular part rotation, or even to follow an arc or curve in the tool’s path. Other machines won’t use those codes at all, and will employ completely different ones.
Each CNC program aims to produce parts quickly and efficiently, using G-code to keep commands as simple as possible. Nevertheless, certain codes pop up in CNC programs everywhere. These are some of the common ones:
- G0 – Move the tool to a set of coordinates as rapidly as possible. G0 can indicate a non-linear position:the tool may have to move along more than one axis.
- G1 – Move the tool to a new position in a straight line.
- G17, G18, G19 – Plane designation for an arc machining.
As mentioned, there are sets for common functions or common types of machinery
- G80-G89 – milling instructions
- G81-G88 – cylindrical grinding instructions
Whatever the machine and whatever the function, g-code has been instrumental in the development of modern industry. One of the most significant functions of g-code is its repeatability:a program can be written, entered into a machine, and then performed a limitless number of times. Rather than rely on a human operator to follow instructions correctly, industries can turn to operators to write programs (in g-code!) which command their machines to perform the same operation over and over again. Assuming the program is correct, this means parts can be made the same way, drilling done to the same depth, and machining done to the exact same standards across an entire run of parts.
In short, g-code made industrial automation possible. A good accomplishment for a nearly seventy-year-old programming language!