近年来,烘干机技术取得了显着发展 - 带来了以下改进:
- 烘干机体积更小,节省空间。
- 更好的控制器可以简化和增强系统管理。
- 支持远程监控和服务的高级连接。
尽管上述所有进步都很重要,但没有一个比另一个领域的同步进步更具有全球影响力——变速驱动 (VSD) 冷冻式干燥机的持续发展。
后者进步重要性提高的原因既有环境方面的,也有经济方面的。这是因为,尽管对压缩空气的需求不断波动,但大多数工业运营中的传统空气压缩机总是满负荷运行,而 VSD 技术通过自动调节电机速度以满足空气需求来节省能源和资金。另一项重大突破是开发了一种全新类型的干燥剂,这种物质在某些压缩空气系统中用于去除水分。
- 以标准立方英尺每分钟 (scfm) 为单位的最大空气流量
- 所需的压力露点
- 进气压力
- 入口空气温度
- 环境空气温度(和水温,如果您的冷凝器是水冷的)
- 烘干机的安装环境
除湿干燥机可提供超低露点,通常约为 -40°C/-40°F。冷冻式干燥机的露点通常约为 3°C/37°F,但与吸附式干燥机相比,它们的购买、运行和维护成本更低。
传统的冷冻式空气干燥机通常采用以固定速度运行的活塞式压缩机 - 造成浪费能源的“开或关”场景。相反,VSD 冷冻式空气干燥机使用由逆变器驱动的涡旋压缩机,可以根据需求改变速度,从而节省能源。
- 净化再生吸附式干燥机 (“无热型干燥机”)使用膨胀的压缩空气清除干燥剂中的水分。
- 加热净化再生干燥器 与无热型干燥机相比,加热膨胀的吹扫空气可提高吹扫效率并减少 25% 的能耗。
- 鼓风再生干燥机 吹热环境空气以再生湿干燥剂。不使用压缩空气,与无热型烘干机相比,能耗降低 40%。
- 压缩热干燥器 利用压缩机自然释放的热量再生干燥剂,无需任何额外的能源消耗。
Compared to traditional granular desiccants, Cerades — a revolutionary new solid desiccant developed and patented by Atlas Copco — delivers higher air quality, lower energy and service costs, and substantial health and environmental benefits.
Compressed air flows straight through the Cerades structure, saving energy by reducing pressure drop (up to 70%) in the dryer. Cerades also handles higher air flow than granular desiccant, so the dryer can be much smaller. Further, Cerades is vibration- resistant, can be mounted horizontally, lasts longer, delivers longer cycle times to improve energy efficiency and process productivity, and doesn’t decay and break down into dust — all big advantages over granular desiccant.
Want to learn more about compressed air drying efficiency — and how Atlas Copco’s VSD and Cerades technologies can improve yours? Download Atlas Copco’s recently released whitepaper, An Overview of Compressed Air Drying, to take a deeper dive into these topics and a range of related ones.
To help you discover how to boost both your energy efficiency and your bottom line, the whitepaper answers questions such as:
- Is it best to buy an air compressor with a built-in dryer?
- If I have a VSD compressor, should I choose a VSD dryer? Conversely, if I have a fixed-speed compressor, should I have a fixed-speed dryer?
- How important is dryer choice in overall system efficiency?
Download the whitepaper today to get answers to these questions and more.