在本概述的第一部分中,我们讨论了液压泵维修、重建和再制造的历史以及推动该行业发展的因素。该材料摘自 P.K. 撰写的一篇文章。 Hydraulics &Pneumatics 杂志上的Guha.1
在本系列的第二篇也是最后一篇博文中,我们将讨论 Guha 的三类液压产品;维修、重建和再制造之间的区别;以及售后配件在液压产品服务行业中的作用。
为了简化对不同维修方法的理解,Guha 将液压产品分为动态、间歇动态和静态三类,并分别进行了说明。
动态 顾名思义,包括需要连续运动的液压产品,包括在非负载状态下的怠速。由于这种连续运动,即使在液压产品的使用寿命内,磨损也是配合部件的自然现象。这就是为什么泵是在设计寿命内和超出设计寿命时发生故障最频繁的液压产品部件之一。
间歇性动态 液压装置通常不会一直运行。其中包括液压马达、方向阀和伺服比例阀。因为它们不是连续运动,所以这些部件的自然故障率低于液压泵的故障率。
静态 液压产品是“开-闭”型元件。这些产品的自然磨损远小于动态或间歇性动态组件,因此它们的预期寿命要长得多。静态液压产品包括压力阀、流量阀、顺序阀和止回阀,以及插入件。
在第二种情况下,重新设计的组件通常是全新的,被认为是“改进设计”或“逆向设计”。 Tolerances and clearances in mating areas are often tightened when reverse engineered to improve efficiency and performance.
Improved engineered products are not “aftermarket” products. “Aftermarket is a market opportunity, not a product description. For example, if 10 injection molding machines with 2 hydraulic pumps each were sold in 2006, by 2008 these 10 machines could have generated a market potential for 20 pumps to be repaired, rebuilt or replaced. This market potential is known as the “aftermarket.” Other terms loosely used for these situations are “look-alike” and “will-fit.”
When original manufacturers cease to make products, others reproduce them, often to the original specifications and function of the original manufacturer’s product. These “look-alike” and “will-fit” products will have branded names and are usually less expensive and more readily available than the originals. Providing a quality product that reduces downtime and increases productivity is a cost-saving “win-win” situation for both the manufacturer and the consumer.
Servo Kinetics is a full-service hydraulic repair, inspection and rebuild facility that delivers the highest quality standards at the lowest possible cost. We’ve been in business for over 45 years and have worked with industries that have very exacting standards and include some of the most tech savvy companies in the world.
Our services include Vickers classic factory rebuilds, Beach Russ repair, hydraulic field piping services and much more. We also provide reverse engineering services and manufacture new pumps and motors. Call us to learn more about our services and ask about our Special Offers!
3 Understanding the Hydraulic Repair, Rebuild and Remanufacturing Industry, P.K. Guha, 4/8/2009