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对于保修期过后出现的问题,设备更换 50/50 规则可能是一种有用的启发式方法。

50% 规则规定,在修理机器的成本超过所需更换机器成本的一半以上之前,不需要更换。为了准确计算,维修成本应包括人工费用以及维修零件的成本。

在给定设备的使用寿命内,维修成本会增加,从小修复到导致效率低下甚至安全问题的重大问题。认识到维修成本与更换成本相比 50% 的门槛可以帮助您确定更换设备的最佳时间。

随着时间的推移,维修成本往往会上升到更换的 30% 左右,然后在第二年跃升至 50%。遵循机器生命周期中的这些一般里程碑可以帮助您提前数年计划所需的设备维修和适当的预算。

50-50 规则有许多强有力的论据,但许多涉及重型设备的维修/重建/更换决策将需要更复杂的分析。

这些行业的盈利商业模式在很大程度上取决于设备的成功管理和操作。在 MacAllister Machinery,我们了解所涉及的因素并提供资源来帮助形成和遵循主动的重型设备管理战略,并贯彻执行计划。我们随时为重型设备的整个生命周期提供帮助,包括针对以下方面的具体计划:










  1. 有问题的机器是否已付款,还是仍有欠款?
  2. 转售、交易或打捞交易中的资产价值多少?
  3. 维修费用对资产负债表、损益表和现金流的影响有多大?
  4. 是否考虑了定期维护和服务成本?
  5. 新单位的税费是多少?
  6. 是否可提供所需维修成本的可靠估算?
  7. 一台新机器能否增加显着的财务价值,例如允许对要求更高的合同进行投标?
  8. 报废机器时需要支付哪些处置费用?
  9. 考虑中的任何机器是否存在可能产生费用的风险?
  10. 重建或维修真的会将设备恢复到可接受的性能吗?
  11. 任一选项将如何影响燃料使用和成本?
  12. 该选项是否使公司在未来具有竞争优势?




虽然这是大公司更常见的做法,但任何企业都可以对其每台机器进行生命周期成本分析 (LCCA)。它可以在整个舰队范围内进行,也可以只在较旧的机器上进行。 LCCA 通常是详细而彻底的,并根据几种公认的方法之一进行。

业主和管理人员使用生成的数据作为分析、预测、安排和比较特性的工具,以便就维修、重建和更换做出合理的决策。请记住,该过程可能涉及大量挖掘、分析和思考,但最终会随着时间的推移带来信心、知识和储蓄。 LCCA 通常从两个角度检查设备费用:

  1. 所有权 – 包括购买价格、保险、利息、税金、存储、折旧、退役和处置。
  1. 运营 – 其中包括维修、保养、燃料、操作员人工、轮胎、液体和其他消耗品成本。


成本分析应该建立在一个电子表格中,其中包含针对各种项目的多个列和小节。生命周期本身可能从 7 年到 50 年不等,具体取决于您分析的设备类型及其预计使用寿命。









  1. 确定新零件和旧零件的成本。
  2. 算出设备需要多少英里或多少小时。
  3. 加上安装人工成本。
  4. 将成本除以小时数,得出每英里成本。

使用这种方法,并根据 6 年内 600,000 英里的需要,确定新交流发电机与重建交流发电机成本的分析可能如下所示:



如果您使用这台机器整整 600,000 小时,那么多年来使用重建的交流发电机可以节省大量资金:






Cons of Replacing with New Equipment:

Pros of Replacing with Used Equipment:

Cons of Replacing with Used Equipment:

Pros of Rebuilding Current Equipment:

Cons of Rebuilding Current Equipment:

Pros of Repairing Current Equipment

Cons of Repairing Current Equipment:

Brands, Dealers Make a Difference

The decision about whether to rebuild or replace construction equipment or other heavy machines also depends on what brand it is, how it’s used, what dealer does the work or sells the machine and the type of environment in which it works, among others.

MacAllister Machinery carries many brands and types of machines, but we choose to feature Cat equipment and offers — for example:The Cat Certified Power Train Rebuild (CPT). The process entails professional technicians disassembling the entire power train to update or replace all of its parts, with options for extended coverage.

A certified construction equipment rebuild gives clients peace of mind, since all the major components are examined and either refreshed or replaced, including:

The thorough work includes options for such services as hydraulic overhauls and improvements, exterior paint and cab amenities. It’s worth considering how heavy equipment and the vendors that sell it have a range of standards, just like with most products and services.

Often, the successful implementation of a repair, rebuild or replacement project depends on choosing or having a good relationship with trusted equipment professionals. MacAllister Machinery, for example, offers three levels of rebuild, including a certified, to-the-frame job that reconditions everything to give the equipment a new life.

Rentals Fill Gaps, Offer Benefits

A large number of businesses across multiple industries augment their fleet with rental equipment. Rental agreements can also be a way for owners and managers to delegate some of the duties associated with managing the multiple machines, jobs, locations and transport schedules.

When something breaks, or needs maintenance and service, a rental can fill in the gap and help avoid lost productivity on the job site. Rental machines can open new opportunities for businesses with access to specialty machines, attachments and accessories that enable them to do more or different kinds of work.

For example, a bricklayer may rent a lift to do taller buildings or a construction contractor may rent an earthmover to do foundation work.

Machine rental offers a number of other benefits, including:

  1. Sustains business deadlines
  2. Does not incur capital expense
  3. Provides on-demand resources for a number of industries
  4. Relieves worry about transportation and storage
  5. Offers specialty attachments and accessories
  6. Enhances a company’s capabilities
  7. Eliminates responsibilities of testing, maintenance and service
  8. Translates into possible tax deductions
  9. Complies with all applicable codes
  10. Enables testing, experimenting and trial runs of different machines and technology

Maintenance Prolongs Life

Owners, managers and operators of heavy equipment always aim to use it for the maximum possible number of operating hours it’s designed to provide, and perhaps even beyond that. Many things affect the lifespan of a machine, but the number one factor is maintenance.

A well-maintained machine will last longer than one which is not. For example, two loaders of equal age in comparable environments and conditions may have dramatically different lifespans, depending on how they’re used and maintained. Properly trained operators and regular maintenance keeps a machine humming along, while poorly trained operators and no maintenance will cause delays and mechanical breakdowns.

Problems cost money, and regular maintenance can prevent many problems.

MacAllister Machinery offers equipment management services to help prevent things from breaking or going wrong. It can be a help to fleet owners and managers to offload the maintenance tasks and not worry about what changes and inspections are due for which machines.

Many of the Cat machines we sell feature technology that takes the guesswork out of maintenance, since they have electronic alerts to tell you when service is due or when minor problems arise, such as dropping pressure or rising temperatures. The innovative Cat technology also allows for fleet-wide fluid monitoring, machine tracking and other capabilities to enhance business. Some of the technological tools can even be affixed to machines that did not come with them, or retrofitted onto older machines.

General best practices for maintenance are to know and follow the factory recommendations for maintenance, keep good service records and get to know the machine thoroughly. Data has shown repeatedly for many kinds of equipment that preventative maintenance lowers long-term costs. That seems especially logical considering how much money is lost when a machine dies before its time or requires frequent maintenance.

Partner with the Professionals

MacAllister Machinery brings all its clients the benefit of extensive and detailed knowledge of a diverse range of machines, as well as an expansive inventory.

A family-owned business since 1945 that’s now in its third generation of ownership, we serve as the Cat dealer for the majority of Indiana counties (68 of 92). While recognized as a premier Cat dealer throughout Indiana and Michigan, we offer comprehensive services including sales, service and rentals of about 50 other brands.

Other advantages to teaming with our experts our specialized knowledge from of a number of divisions:

We use the knowledge, skill and enthusiasm of each person on our staff to fulfill clients’ needs and act as a valuable, collective resource. We have earned a position as an industry leader because we support businesses, share knowledge and help solve problems, including major decisions involving heavy equipment.

Please feel free to visit, or contact us at any time to let us know how we can help!


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  8. 实验室设备维修服务的好处
  9. 重型设备的历史
  10. 维修或更换:有时令人困惑的维护经济学
  11. 重型设备运输
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