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液压泵发生故障的 5 个原因

液压泵发生故障的 5 个原因






液压泵通常分为 3 类,即活塞式、齿轮式和叶片式。




这些泵整体零件相对较少,工作压力约为 210 bar,通常可以在 3000-6000 rpm 左右的速度下工作。






  1. 水污染
    水混入液压油对液压泵来说是个坏消息。 When too much water is present in the hydraulic fluid, the internal components may start to corrode.In addition to its corrosion-causing qualities, water is also problematic because it could freeze inside the pump.
  2. Hydraulic Fluid Issues
    The hydraulic fluid present inside the pump can also be problematic even if it doesn’t mix with water.If some small particles fall into the liquid, it’s possible that they could deal damage to the inside of the pump. You must also check if the fluid level is correct or else that could alter the performance of the pump.Lastly, the viscosity of the hydraulic fluid must be just right to keep the pump from sustaining damage. Make it a habit to routinely check the viscosity of the hydraulic pump to see that it has not degraded just yet.
  3. High Levels of Heat
    Heat can act as a kind of amplifier of other hydraulic pump-related issues. The heat itself can be a byproduct of other issues affecting the hydraulic pump so be sure to take note of it.
  4. Leaks in the Joints and Shafts
    Because hydraulic pumps need the right pressure levels to function, anything that affects it can be disruptive or even damaging. Some of the joints and shafts of hydraulic pumps may spring leaks as they age causing holes to open up. If too much air gets inside the pump via the holes, it may not work as intended.
  5. Cavitation
    Cavitation refers to the formation of small vapor-filled bubbles in areas within the pump where the pressure is low. Once those bubbles are exposed to high pressure, they may burst and start to damage the pump.

How Sapphire Hydraulics Can Help

Different kinds of issues can plague a hydraulic pump. Address them properly by getting in touch with the professionals. We at Sapphire Hydraulics are always ready to address your concerns so please feel free to reach out to us.ler.


  1. Hydraulic Institute 更新了两个泵标准
  2. 液压泵设计基础
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