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美国结构钢的 5 种常见用途



钢材重量轻、强度高,非常适合建造高层建筑。高层建筑(高度在 75-491 英尺之间)通常由钢筋和混凝土构成,而摩天大楼(高度超过 492 英尺)几乎总是严格由钢框架构成。

在这些大型建筑中使用钢材的另一个额外好处是钢材的建造速度。有了合适的团队,您就可以快速制造钢铁,从而加快生产速度。帝国大厦是一座非常著名的建筑,主要由价值 60,000 吨的钢材组成!





在建造用钢建造的住宅建筑期间,使用一种称为轻型钢的工艺来帮助最大限度地提高结构的实力水平。在轻型钢结构中,木材 2x4 被钢材取代。这类似于传统的木结构建筑,但更加可靠和持久。基本上任何住宅建筑,无论是独立住宅还是多单元住宅,都可以通过使用钢材来增强。


钢材是建筑结构(例如停车场)的理想材料,其原因有很多相同的原因大型建筑。好处包括建设成本低、建设时间缩短和长期耐用,这些都是停车场建设中非常重要的品质。 Also, the light weight and ease of construction that steel provides makes it an ideal material for constructing parking garages in a short period of time, and it is durable enough to withstand the weight of the many cars that will soon fill your space.


Steel is commonly used to build large bridges. Its outstanding strength to weight ratio is highlighted yet again when it comes to building these massive structures, and its level of durability ensures that it will be able to withstand the weight of cars and pedestrians atop it. The Brooklyn Bridge, the oldest suspension bridge in the US at 127 years old, is made up largely of steel-wire suspensions.

The benefits provided by using steel in your next project are countless, and with an impressive strength-to-weight ratio you can be rest assured that your steel project will be soundly constructed enough to stand the test of them. If any of these common steel structures are in the works for your next project, you will have a hard time finding another material that can provide so many great benefits. From towering skyscrapers to endlessly stretching bridges, steel is definitely one material that will not let you down.


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