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Verilog 时间刻度

Verilog 模拟取决于如何定义时间,因为模拟器需要知道 #1 在时间方面的含义。 `timescale 编译器指令为它后面的模块指定时间单位和精度。


`timescale <time_unit>/<time_precision>

// Example
`timescale 1ns/1ps
`timescale 10us/100ns
`timescale 10ns/1ns


时间单位 是延迟和仿真时间的测量,而 time_precision 指定延迟值在用于模拟之前如何四舍五入。


字符 单位
毫秒 毫秒
我们 微秒
ns 纳秒
ps 皮秒
fs 飞秒


示例 #1:1ns/1ns

// Declare the timescale where time_unit is 1ns
// and time_precision is also 1ns
`timescale 1ns/1ns

module tb;
	// To understand the effect of timescale, let us 
	// drive a signal with some values after some delay
  reg val;
  initial begin
  	// Initialize the signal to 0 at time 0 units
    val <= 0;
    // Advance by 1 time unit, display a message and toggle val
    #1 		$display ("T=%0t At time #1", $realtime);
    val <= 1;
    // Advance by 0.49 time unit and toggle val
    #0.49 	$display ("T=%0t At time #0.49", $realtime);
    val <= 0;
    // Advance by 0.50 time unit and toggle val
    #0.50 	$display ("T=%0t At time #0.50", $realtime);
    val <= 1;
    // Advance by 0.51 time unit and toggle val
    #0.51 	$display ("T=%0t At time #0.51", $realtime);
    val <= 0;

		// Let simulation run for another 5 time units and exit
    #5 $display ("T=%0t End of simulation", $realtime);


第一个延迟语句使用 #1 使模拟器恰好等待 1 个时间单位,该时间单位被指定为 1ns,其中 `timescale 指示。秒延迟语句使用 0.49,它小于半个时间单位。然而,时间精度被指定为 1ns,因此模拟器不能小于 1ns,这使得它对给定的延迟语句进行舍入并产生 0ns。所以第二次延迟无法提前模拟时间。

第三个延迟语句恰好使用了一半的时间单位 [hl]#0.5[/lh],模拟器将再次将该值四舍五入以得到 #1,它表示一个完整的时间单位。所以这会在 T=2ns 打印出来。

第四个延迟语句使用超过一半时间单位的值,并进行四舍五入,使显示语句在 T=3ns 时打印。

ncsim> run
T=1 At time #1
T=1 At time #0.49
T=2 At time #0.50
T=3 At time #0.51
T=8 End of simulation
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

模拟按预期运行了 8ns,但请注意波形在每纳秒之间没有更小的间隔。这是因为时间的精度和时间单位是一样的。


示例 #2:10ns/1ns

唯一的 与上一个示例相比,此示例所做的更改是时间刻度已从 1ns/1ns 更改为 10ns/1ns。所以时间单位是10ns,精度是1ns。

// Declare the timescale where time_unit is 10ns
// and time_precision is 1ns
`timescale 10ns/1ns

// NOTE: Testbench is the same as in previous example
module tb;
	// To understand the effect of timescale, let us 
	// drive a signal with some values after some delay
  reg val;
  initial begin
  	// Initialize the signal to 0 at time 0 units
    val <= 0;
    // Advance by 1 time unit, display a message and toggle val
    #1 		$display ("T=%0t At time #1", $realtime);
    val <= 1;
    // Advance by 0.49 time unit and toggle val
    #0.49 	$display ("T=%0t At time #0.49", $realtime);
    val <= 0;
    // Advance by 0.50 time unit and toggle val
    #0.50 	$display ("T=%0t At time #0.50", $realtime);
    val <= 1;
    // Advance by 0.51 time unit and toggle val
    #0.51 	$display ("T=%0t At time #0.51", $realtime);
    val <= 0;

		// Let simulation run for another 5 time units and exit
    #5 $display ("T=%0t End of simulation", $realtime);


实际仿真时间是通过乘以使用 # 指定的延迟来获得的 与时间单位,然后根据精度四舍五入。然后第一个延迟语句将产生 10ns,第二个给出 14.9,然后四舍五入为 15ns。

第三条语句同样增加了 5ns (0.5 * 10ns),总时间变为 20ns。第四个增加了另一个 5ns (0.51 * 10) 以将总时间提前到 25ns。

ncsim> run
T=10 At time #1
T=15 At time #0.49
T=20 At time #0.50
T=25 At time #0.51
T=75 End of simulation
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.



示例 #3:1ns/1ps

唯一的 与上一个示例相比,此示例中所做的更改是时间刻度已从 1ns/1ns 更改为 1ns/1ps。所以时间单位是1ns,精度是1ps。

// Declare the timescale where time_unit is 1ns
// and time_precision is 1ps
`timescale 1ns/1ps

// NOTE: Testbench is the same as in previous example
module tb;
	// To understand the effect of timescale, let us 
	// drive a signal with some values after some delay
  reg val;
  initial begin
  	// Initialize the signal to 0 at time 0 units
    val <= 0;
    // Advance by 1 time unit, display a message and toggle val
    #1 		$display ("T=%0t At time #1", $realtime);
    val <= 1;
    // Advance by 0.49 time unit and toggle val
    #0.49 	$display ("T=%0t At time #0.49", $realtime);
    val <= 0;
    // Advance by 0.50 time unit and toggle val
    #0.50 	$display ("T=%0t At time #0.50", $realtime);
    val <= 1;
    // Advance by 0.51 time unit and toggle val
    #0.51 	$display ("T=%0t At time #0.51", $realtime);
    val <= 0;

		// Let simulation run for another 5 time units and exit
    #5 $display ("T=%0t End of simulation", $realtime);


看到时间单位缩放以匹配新的精度值 1ps。另请注意,时间以最小分辨率表示,在这种情况下为皮秒。

ncsim> run
T=1000 At time #1
T=1490 At time #0.49
T=1990 At time #0.50
T=2500 At time #0.51
T=7500 End of simulation
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.



  1. Verilog 教程
  2. Verilog 连接
  3. Verilog 作业
  4. Verilog 阻塞和非阻塞
  5. Verilog 函数
  6. Verilog 任务
  7. Verilog 调度语义
  8. Verilog 时钟发生器
  9. Verilog 数学函数
  10. Verilog 时间格式
  11. Verilog 时间刻度范围
  12. Verilog 文件 IO 操作