Verilog 阻塞和非阻塞
阻止 赋值语句使用 =
赋值 并在程序块中一个接一个地执行。但是,这不会阻止在并行块中运行的语句的执行。
module tb;
reg [7:0] a, b, c, d, e;
initial begin
a = 8'hDA;
$display ("[%0t] a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c=0x%0h", $time, a, b, c);
b = 8'hF1;
$display ("[%0t] a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c=0x%0h", $time, a, b, c);
c = 8'h30;
$display ("[%0t] a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c=0x%0h", $time, a, b, c);
initial begin
d = 8'hAA;
$display ("[%0t] d=0x%0h e=0x%0h", $time, d, e);
e = 8'h55;
$display ("[%0t] d=0x%0h e=0x%0h", $time, d, e);
模拟开始时并行执行的块。语句在每个块中按顺序执行,两个块都在时间 0ns 完成。更具体地说,变量 a 首先分配,然后是显示语句,然后是所有其他语句。这在变量 b 的输出中可见 和 c 在第一个显示语句中是 8'hxx。这是因为变量 b 和 c 第一个 $display
时尚未执行分配 被调用。
ncsim> run [0] a=0xda b=0xx c=0xx [0] a=0xda b=0xf1 c=0xx [0] a=0xda b=0xf1 c=0x30 [0] d=0xaa e=0xx [0] d=0xaa e=0x55 ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.
module tb;
reg [7:0] a, b, c, d, e;
initial begin
a = 8'hDA;
$display ("[%0t] a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c=0x%0h", $time, a, b, c);
#10 b = 8'hF1;
$display ("[%0t] a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c=0x%0h", $time, a, b, c);
c = 8'h30;
$display ("[%0t] a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c=0x%0h", $time, a, b, c);
initial begin
#5 d = 8'hAA;
$display ("[%0t] d=0x%0h e=0x%0h", $time, d, e);
#5 e = 8'h55;
$display ("[%0t] d=0x%0h e=0x%0h", $time, d, e);
模拟日志ncsim> run [0] a=0xda b=0xx c=0xx [5] d=0xaa e=0xx [10] a=0xda b=0xf1 c=0xx [10] a=0xda b=0xf1 c=0x30 [10] d=0xaa e=0x55 ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.
非阻塞 assignment 允许在不阻塞执行以下语句的情况下安排分配,由 <=
指定 象征。有趣的是,相同的符号在表达式中用作关系运算符,在非阻塞赋值的上下文中用作赋值运算符。如果我们从上面的第一个例子中,替换所有 =
带有非阻塞赋值运算符 <=
的符号 ,我们会看到输出有所不同。
module tb;
reg [7:0] a, b, c, d, e;
initial begin
a <= 8'hDA;
$display ("[%0t] a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c=0x%0h", $time, a, b, c);
b <= 8'hF1;
$display ("[%0t] a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c=0x%0h", $time, a, b, c);
c <= 8'h30;
$display ("[%0t] a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c=0x%0h", $time, a, b, c);
initial begin
d <= 8'hAA;
$display ("[%0t] d=0x%0h e=0x%0h", $time, d, e);
e <= 8'h55;
$display ("[%0t] d=0x%0h e=0x%0h", $time, d, e);
看到所有 $display
语句打印 'h'x
.这种行为的原因在于非阻塞赋值的执行方式。捕获特定时间步长的每个非阻塞语句的 RHS,并移动到下一条语句。捕获的 RHS 值仅在时间步结束时分配给 LHS 变量。
ncsim> run [0] a=0xx b=0xx c=0xx [0] a=0xx b=0xx c=0xx [0] a=0xx b=0xx c=0xx [0] d=0xx e=0xx [0] d=0xx e=0xx ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.
|__ Spawn Block1: initial | |___ Time #0ns : a <= 8'DA, is non-blocking so note value of RHS (8'hDA) and execute next step | |___ Time #0ns : $display() is blocking, so execute this statement: But a hasn't received new values so a=8'hx | |___ Time #0ns : b <= 8'F1, is non-blocking so note value of RHS (8'hF1) and execute next step | |___ Time #0ns : $display() is blocking, so execute this statement. But b hasn't received new values so b=8'hx | |___ Time #0ns : c <= 8'30, is non-blocking so note value of RHS (8'h30) and execute next step | |___ Time #0ns : $display() is blocking, so execute this statement. But c hasn't received new values so c=8'hx | |___ End of time-step and initial block, assign captured values into variables a, b, c | |__ Spawn Block2: initial | |___ Time #0ns : d <= 8'AA, is non-blocking so note value of RHS (8'hAA) and execute next step | |___ Time #0ns : $display() is blocking, so execute this statement: But d hasn't received new values so d=8'hx | |___ Time #0ns : e <= 8'55, is non-blocking so note value of RHS (8'h55) and execute next step | |___ Time #0ns : $display() is blocking, so execute this statement. But e hasn't received new values so e=8'hx | |___ End of time-step and initial block, assign captured values into variables d and e | |__ End of simulation at #0ns
module tb;
reg [7:0] a, b, c, d, e;
initial begin
a <= 8'hDA;
$display ("[%0t] a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c=0x%0h", $time, a, b, c);
#10 b <= 8'hF1;
$display ("[%0t] a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c=0x%0h", $time, a, b, c);
c <= 8'h30;
$display ("[%0t] a=0x%0h b=0x%0h c=0x%0h", $time, a, b, c);
initial begin
#5 d <= 8'hAA;
$display ("[%0t] d=0x%0h e=0x%0h", $time, d, e);
#5 e <= 8'h55;
$display ("[%0t] d=0x%0h e=0x%0h", $time, d, e);
模拟日志ncsim> run [0] a=0xx b=0xx c=0xx [5] d=0xx e=0xx [10] a=0xda b=0xx c=0xx [10] a=0xda b=0xx c=0xx [10] d=0xaa e=0xx ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.
|__ Spawn Block1 at #0ns: initial | |___ Time #0ns : a <= 8'DA, is non-blocking so note value of RHS (8'hDA) and execute next step | |___ Time #0ns : $display() is blocking, so execute this statement: But a hasn't received new values so a=8'hx | |___ End of time-step : Assign captured value to variable a, and a is now 8'hDA | |___ Wait until time advances by 10 time-units to #10ns | | |___ Time #10ns : b <= 8'F1, is non-blocking so note value of RHS (8'hF1) and execute next step | |___ Time #10ns : $display() is blocking, so execute this statement. But b hasn't received new values so b=8'hx | |___ Time #10ns : c <= 8'30, is non-blocking so note value of RHS (8'h30) and execute next step | |___ Time #10ns : $display() is blocking, so execute this statement. But c hasn't received new values so c=8'hx | |___ End of time-step and initial block, assign captured values into variables b, c | |__ Spawn Block2 at #0ns: initial | |___ Wait until time advances by 5 time-units to #5ns | | |___ Time #5ns : d <= 8'AA, is non-blocking so note value of RHS (8'hAA) and execute next step | |___ Time #5ns : $display() is blocking, so execute this statement: But d hasn't received new values so d=8'hx | |___ End of time-step : Assign captured value to variable d, and d is now 8'hAA | |___ Wait until time advances by 5 time-units to #5ns | | |___ Time #10ns : e <= 8'55, is non-blocking so note value of RHS (8'h55) and execute next step | |___ Time #10ns : $display() is blocking, so execute this statement. But e hasn't received new values so e=8'hx | |___ End of time-step and initial block, assign captured values to variable e, and e is now 8'h55 | |__ End of simulation at #10ns