Verilog 时间刻度
Verilog 模拟取决于如何定义时间,因为模拟器需要知道 #1 在时间方面的含义。 `timescale
`timescale <time_unit>/<time_precision>
// Example
`timescale 1ns/1ps
`timescale 10us/100ns
`timescale 10ns/1ns
时间单位 是延迟和仿真时间的测量,而 time_precision 指定延迟值在用于模拟之前如何四舍五入。
用于基本测量单位和时间精度- $printtimescale 系统任务显示时间单位和精度
改变 .
字符 | 单位 |
s | 秒 |
毫秒 | 毫秒 |
我们 | 微秒 |
ns | 纳秒 |
ps | 皮秒 |
fs | 飞秒 |
示例 #1:1ns/1ns
// Declare the timescale where time_unit is 1ns
// and time_precision is also 1ns
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module tb;
// To understand the effect of timescale, let us
// drive a signal with some values after some delay
reg val;
initial begin
// Initialize the signal to 0 at time 0 units
val <= 0;
// Advance by 1 time unit, display a message and toggle val
#1 $display ("T=%0t At time #1", $realtime);
val <= 1;
// Advance by 0.49 time unit and toggle val
#0.49 $display ("T=%0t At time #0.49", $realtime);
val <= 0;
// Advance by 0.50 time unit and toggle val
#0.50 $display ("T=%0t At time #0.50", $realtime);
val <= 1;
// Advance by 0.51 time unit and toggle val
#0.51 $display ("T=%0t At time #0.51", $realtime);
val <= 0;
// Let simulation run for another 5 time units and exit
#5 $display ("T=%0t End of simulation", $realtime);
第一个延迟语句使用 #1 使模拟器恰好等待 1 个时间单位,该时间单位被指定为 1ns,其中 `timescale
指示。秒延迟语句使用 0.49,它小于半个时间单位。然而,时间精度被指定为 1ns,因此模拟器不能小于 1ns,这使得它对给定的延迟语句进行舍入并产生 0ns。所以第二次延迟无法提前模拟时间。
第三个延迟语句恰好使用了一半的时间单位 [hl]#0.5[/lh],模拟器将再次将该值四舍五入以得到 #1,它表示一个完整的时间单位。所以这会在 T=2ns 打印出来。
第四个延迟语句使用超过一半时间单位的值,并进行四舍五入,使显示语句在 T=3ns 时打印。
模拟日志ncsim> run T=1 At time #1 T=1 At time #0.49 T=2 At time #0.50 T=3 At time #0.51 T=8 End of simulation ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.
模拟按预期运行了 8ns,但请注意波形在每纳秒之间没有更小的间隔。这是因为时间的精度和时间单位是一样的。
示例 #2:10ns/1ns
唯一的 与上一个示例相比,此示例所做的更改是时间刻度已从 1ns/1ns 更改为 10ns/1ns。所以时间单位是10ns,精度是1ns。
// Declare the timescale where time_unit is 10ns
// and time_precision is 1ns
`timescale 10ns/1ns
// NOTE: Testbench is the same as in previous example
module tb;
// To understand the effect of timescale, let us
// drive a signal with some values after some delay
reg val;
initial begin
// Initialize the signal to 0 at time 0 units
val <= 0;
// Advance by 1 time unit, display a message and toggle val
#1 $display ("T=%0t At time #1", $realtime);
val <= 1;
// Advance by 0.49 time unit and toggle val
#0.49 $display ("T=%0t At time #0.49", $realtime);
val <= 0;
// Advance by 0.50 time unit and toggle val
#0.50 $display ("T=%0t At time #0.50", $realtime);
val <= 1;
// Advance by 0.51 time unit and toggle val
#0.51 $display ("T=%0t At time #0.51", $realtime);
val <= 0;
// Let simulation run for another 5 time units and exit
#5 $display ("T=%0t End of simulation", $realtime);
实际仿真时间是通过乘以使用 #
指定的延迟来获得的 与时间单位,然后根据精度四舍五入。然后第一个延迟语句将产生 10ns,第二个给出 14.9,然后四舍五入为 15ns。
第三条语句同样增加了 5ns (0.5 * 10ns),总时间变为 20ns。第四个增加了另一个 5ns (0.51 * 10) 以将总时间提前到 25ns。
模拟日志ncsim> run T=10 At time #1 T=15 At time #0.49 T=20 At time #0.50 T=25 At time #0.51 T=75 End of simulation ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.
示例 #3:1ns/1ps
唯一的 与上一个示例相比,此示例中所做的更改是时间刻度已从 1ns/1ns 更改为 1ns/1ps。所以时间单位是1ns,精度是1ps。
// Declare the timescale where time_unit is 1ns
// and time_precision is 1ps
`timescale 1ns/1ps
// NOTE: Testbench is the same as in previous example
module tb;
// To understand the effect of timescale, let us
// drive a signal with some values after some delay
reg val;
initial begin
// Initialize the signal to 0 at time 0 units
val <= 0;
// Advance by 1 time unit, display a message and toggle val
#1 $display ("T=%0t At time #1", $realtime);
val <= 1;
// Advance by 0.49 time unit and toggle val
#0.49 $display ("T=%0t At time #0.49", $realtime);
val <= 0;
// Advance by 0.50 time unit and toggle val
#0.50 $display ("T=%0t At time #0.50", $realtime);
val <= 1;
// Advance by 0.51 time unit and toggle val
#0.51 $display ("T=%0t At time #0.51", $realtime);
val <= 0;
// Let simulation run for another 5 time units and exit
#5 $display ("T=%0t End of simulation", $realtime);
看到时间单位缩放以匹配新的精度值 1ps。另请注意,时间以最小分辨率表示,在这种情况下为皮秒。
模拟日志ncsim> run T=1000 At time #1 T=1490 At time #0.49 T=1990 At time #0.50 T=2500 At time #0.51 T=7500 End of simulation ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.<无脚本>
