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Motoman 控制器的一站式商店

您将在下方找到所有可用的 Motoman 控制器的列表。

Motoman ERC 控制器:

描述: Motoman ERC 控制器能够控制多达 12 个轴。它提供电子焊缝跟踪和多层功能。它不需要外部传感器和焊缝跟踪设备。 INFORM 程序使用坐标和逐步位置控制通过 ERC 示教器输入。 ERC 示教器有一个 12 字符显示屏和一个三位死锁手柄。

Motoman MRC 控制器:

描述: Motoman MRC 控制器通过独特的 32 位多处理器结构升级后的性能和可靠性不会令人失望。可以通过同时或独立操作两个机器人来实现协作和独立控制,并能够控制多达 21 个轴。可与外轴联动进行插补控制,简化编程。 MRC 还提供类似机器人的外轴示教和与机器人控制作业同时运行的能力,以帮助缩短活动周期时间。 MRC 示教器具有 40 个字符 x 12 行的显示屏,背光便于查看。所有示教操作都可以在手电筒上进行,直开键可一键显示信息。这个控制器是有能力的,但是现在有各种更新、更先进的控制器可用,包括 XRC、NX100 和/或 DX100。

Motoman XRC 控制器:

描述: Motoman XRC 控制器提供比其他基于奔腾的控制器更高的性能,提供先进的 32 位 RISC 处理器和数字伺服驱动器。获得专利的多机器人同步控制允许该控制器控制多达四个机器人以实现最大生产率。内置防撞装置和手动断开释放开关有助于该机器人符合当前的安全标准。 XRC 控制器使用的 INFORM II 语言是图标驱动和用户友好的。屡获殊荣的轻型示教器采用人体工程学设计,简化了编程。类似 Windows 的菜单显示在带有十字光标键的 5.7 英寸 LED 图形用户界面上。

Motoman NX100 控制器:

描述: 一流的 Motoman NX100 控制器具有简化机器人编程和增加生产时间的功能。一个控制器最多可控制四台机器人,包括外部设备在内最多可控制 36 个轴,使该控制器能够轻松处理多项任务。高级机器人运动控制提供高性能路径精度和振动控制。双通道安全功能包括增强的紧急停止功能、集成速度监控和机器人的手动制动器释放。 NX100 无需单独的 PLC,可显着节省成本并降低系统复杂性。 NX100 示教器具有独特的十字形导航光标,可将示教时间缩短 30%。其他功能包括全彩色触摸显示屏、便于备份的紧凑型闪存插槽,以及用于专家系统维护的可选在线故障排除指南。大多数操作员控件都位于吊坠上,允许远程安装 Motoman NX100 控制柜。

Motoman NXC100 控制器:

描述: Motoman NXC100 控制器是一款轻巧紧凑的控制器,可以轻松安装在传送带下方、控制柜或其他小地方。它是处理小零件搬运、装配和包装的出色控制器,可与 HP3、HP3XF、HP5 和 HP3L 机器人一起使用。使用与标准 NX100 相同数量的内存和 Windows CE 编程。它还为多达 100 个用户提供四级密码安全保护,并提供无与伦比的连接性。

Motoman MLX200 控制器:

描述: 先进的 Motoman MLX200 不需要单独的编程语言或控制器,因此易于集成,并提供更多应用可能性。此外,由于机器人驱动器是面板安装的,因此这款 MLX200 可以节省占地面积并减少硬件选项。单一的应用程序开发和降低的系统复杂性为生产车间带来了快速的上市时间,因为只需要一个程序员和一个非常简化的控制方案。此外,该平台上还提供范围广泛的机器人,有效载荷从 5-300 公斤不等。

Motoman MLX100 控制器:

描述: Motoman MLX100 控制器与 Rockwell ControlLogix 配合使用可提高应用程序开发速度、简化集成和故障排除、减少维护并帮助节省占地面积。这款 MLX100 具有广泛接受且用户友好的编程界面,可简化培训和学习过程。此外,该控制器可以在同一个工作单元中控制和编程多达 2 个机器人,并具有完整的机器人运动学解决方案,用于 4、5、6 和 7 轴的协调运动。 MLX100 可以与多种物料搬运机器人配对,包括拣选、包装、装配和码垛应用。其中一些型号包括 MH5S、MH5LS、SIA20D、MPK50、MPL80、MPL300 等。此外,请务必查看此控制器的全新、改进和升级型号 MLX200。

Motoman NXM100 控制器:

描述: 紧凑型 Motoman NXM100 控制器有助于节省占地面积,并且可以轻松安装在传送带下方或堆叠以减少占地面积要求。它提供了 NX100 的所有优势,同时占用更少的空间!高性能 NXM100 是物料搬运和码垛应用的最佳控制器。它可以在一个吊坠上控制多达四个机器人,提供广泛的灵活选择。操作员控件在吊坠上的战略布局允许远程安装控制柜。NXM100 可用于小型 HP 系列机器人型号。

Motoman DX100 控制器:

描述: Motoman DX100 最多可以控制 8 个机器人(72 个轴),并且具有令人难以置信的快速处理速度,从而实现高性能!它是一种具有平滑插值和开放通信的开放通信动态下一代控制器。此 DX100 还有助于节省占地空间,是同类最佳的路径规划,有助于减少教学时间,并使用高级机器人运动 (ARM) 控制。 The Motoman DX100 offers up to 25% in energy savings and is programmed through a lightweight, Windows CE color screen teach pendant. Furthermore, the DX100 reduces the need for separate PLC and HMI devices enabling significant cost savings when integrating a robotic workcell. Furthermore, there is a maintenance with reducer status check function to help enhance trouble shooting and alarm recovery. Smaller DX-series controller options include the DXM100 or the upgraded and powerful DX200.

Motoman DXM100 Controller:

Description: Ideal for stacking or placement under conveyors, the compact Motoman DXM100 robot controller is a full-featured controller in a much smaller cabinet. It offers all of the advantages of the DX100 controller, in a much smaller package. The DXM100 is ideal for use in applications that involve small payload material handling or palletizing. The DXM100 also includes high-speed processing, INFORM III programming, and four levels of password protection. All operator controls are located on the pendant, allowing for the remote mounting of the control cabinet. This controller eliminates the need for a separate PLC, HMI, and password protection hardware, creating a significant savings at the system level. For even more protection, there is a maintenance with reducer status check function to help enhance trouble shooting and alarm recovery. Also worth checking out is a new and powerful controller that Motoman has recently released, the DX200.

Motoman DX200 Controller:

Description: The Motoman DX200 has proven core software that makes it a very powerful controller providing increased productivity. It can handle up to 8 robots/72 axes with coordinated motion between devices. The DX200 has a reduced footprint with a stack-cabinet setup alowing for additional robot control with electronics. Furthermore, this controller has ARM (Advanced Robot Motion) that gets best-in-class path planning and dramatically reduces teaching time. Furthermore, this controller has high reliability and energy efficiency. There is less wiring, an improved internal configuration for easier maintenance, reduced Mean Time to Repair (MTTR), and ultimately a lower integration costs. World-leading functional safety is also supported via the DX200 to help with collaborative application development and certification. This controller also has improved security functions, such as:velocity limits, tool conversion surveillance, velocity range restrictions, size of work objects and the robot distance from the operator. With a very lightweight pendant, this robot it user friendly Windows® CE programming with a color touch screen with multiple window display capability.

Motoman FS100 Controller:

Description: The compact Motoman FS100 controller is a small, compact, and powerful option for your robot system. The FS100 is 2-4 times faster than the DX100 and is designed for robots with payloads of 20 kg and under. It can easily handle high-speed and discrete operations such as packaging, assembly, and small parts handling operations. There are also open software architecture options that allow OEMS, machine builders, and system integrators to develop custom solutions. The FS 100 also has the option to be configured alone or with another FS100 controller for more power. It can be programmed in Motoman's INFORM language or in C++, C# utilizing our MotoPlus SDK. Other benefits include faster speeds than previous models increasing your company's profit margins and helping the environment by using less energy.

Motoman YRC 1000 Controller:

Description: One of the smallest robot controllers around, Motoman's YRC 1000 is ready to impress with its high speeds, amazing path accuracy, incredible efficiency, and amazing flexibility. There is no transformer Additionally, it has global standardization which means there is no transformer required. Maintenance is also simplified by offering preventative maintenance information and powerful software tools for analysis and notification. This controller has been improved in a variety of ways, such as increasing the speeds by lowering a ladder scanning time, and more precise path accuracy and trajectory performance, independent on motion speed. The programming pendant is lightweight and easy to use by the operator, it weighs a mere 730 grams. There is a smartphone-like touch operations on the interface, allowing the user to 3D simulate robot motion before or during execution of the real robot arm. Additionally, the service staff can directly connect to the user interface for remote service purposes.

Contact RobotWorx

RobotWorx representatives are ready to discuss all of the Motoman controller options with you. Contact the experts online or at 877-762-6881.


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