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根据 Gartner 的 Heng &Kim (2016),到 2020 年,60% 的企业将遭受某种形式的失败,这直接归因于其内部 IT 团队无法有效管理风险。安永调查的近 1200 名全球 C 级高管中有 87% 的人表示,他们需要增加 50% 的资金来应对日益增加的威胁形势。由于我们正面临技术和安全服务方面的全球技能短缺,这一问题更加复杂。这些问题直接影响组织维护和保留其信息技术以及现在的网络安全人员的能力。


这一领域的行业领先供应商并没有袖手旁观。作为这样的供应商,phoenixNAP 处于从本地到国际的许多举措的最前沿。例如,至关重要的是,我们开始培养小到小学的孩子的知识,以获得对该领域的兴趣。我们与行业组织合作,赞助活动并在组织中发挥领导作用,以支持课程开发和意识。我们在威胁情报共享和使用不同的暗网数据源方面处于领先地位,以创建可用于早期威胁向量识别的预测分析。此外,我们与美国武装部队和美国退伍军人事务部合作,为有兴趣的军人提供途径,降低进入门槛,并拥有专门的支持系统,以便他们能够成功过渡到网络扮演平民角色。



Gartner 2015 年的一项研究预测,年增长率为 16%。现实情况是,随着我们接近 2020 年大关,我们看到云服务上的 IT 支出增加了 32%。同一项研究发现,现在约有 40% 的 IT 预算用于云或 SaaS 相关服务。



在phoenixNAP,我们有独特的视角。作为基础设施提供商,我们提供由互补工具和服务组成的服务组合,为组织提供全面、安全、基于云的解决方案。考虑到这一点,我们确定了中小型企业空间 (SMB) 的差距及其进入壁垒,以获取诸如此类的尖端技术。我们知道我们必须做什么:我们开发了工具来帮助这些企业获得世界一流的安全基于云的解决方案产品,满足并支持他们的监管需求。我们在性能、可恢复性、业务连续性、安全性以及现在的合规性方面设定了很高的标准。我们对中小型企业的热情和对安全的奉献是我们构建数据安全云的原因。我们的数据安全云旨在创建世界上最安全的云产品。

我们想要一种方法来构建一种解决方案,该解决方案将成为安全方面的黄金标准,而且每个人都可以完全访问。为此,我们需要将传统的咨询安全服务产品商品化,并以可承受的 OpEx 成本结构提供。这正是我们所做的。


2017 年云采用率调查发现,90.5% 的受访者认为云计算是 IT 的未来。多达 50.5% 的受访者仍然认为安全是一个问题。在这些担忧中,以下领域特别值得关注:

考虑到这些观点,我们从头开始构建我们的解决方案。我们发现,我们需要监控、积极防御并为安全运营中心提供资源,以便对全球 24×7 的事件做出响应。我们设计了一个解决方案,我们与每个客户合作,共同分担保护环境的责任。最终,该策略有助于保护其后续客户的特权、财务、医疗保健和个人/人口数据的隐私和机密性。我们着手设计一个系统,帮助您实现安全态势的目标。







传统 IT










市场份额数字是一种量化指标,尽管受阿尔法水平的影响,但在统计上仍然是合理的。英特尔和 VMware 显然是这一领域的领导者和全球创新者。在高要求的空间中集成组件以创建创新解决方案时,产品优势是一种定性衡量标准,是一项至关重要的资产。在phoenixNAP,我们为我们持续的合作伙伴关系感到自豪,并为与这些合作伙伴一起开发产品而感到自豪。我们相信联合品牌解决方案的价值,这些解决方案具有创新性,但由于其在该领域的长久性和领导地位而创建了稳定的平台。

在开发我们的数据安全云 (DSC) 产品时,我们很高兴使用最新一代的英特尔芯片组和早期发布的 VMware 产品代码。我们使用下一代工具和技术进行架构和实施,不受以前解决方案或方法的束缚。

我们将 VMware 的 vRealize Suite 和 vCloud Director 技术整合到一个世界级的解决方案中。在 phoenixNAP,我们不仅希望让我们的客户能够自行管理他们的运营任务,而且通过使用行业标准 VMware 作为平台,我们可以在他们的内部部署和数据安全云实施之间创建混合云解决方案。




我们利用我们在实现合规目标方面的广泛背景;采用框架方法,使用行业最佳实践,预测获得行业和合规性认证(如 PCI、HIPAA 合规性和 ISO 27002(即将推出))所继承的需求和限制。我们设计了一个灵活且安全的架构,辅以 VMware LogInsight 日志收集和聚合平台,将与安全相关的事件流式传输到 LogRhythm SIEM,并由我们的 24×7 安全运营中心 (SOC) 监控。


有什么比让最受尊敬的组织验证和认证我们更好的方式来证明我们在安全标准中实现了我们的目标。我们让 TrustedSec 评估了我们的环境,并让他们证明它符合他们的期望。然而,我们并没有止步于仅仅实现合规性。此外,作为安全专家,我们审核了我们的环境,超出了监管标准。我们将框架设计为采用“不妥协的方法”,以及从技术和安全角度“做正确的事”的基本理念。经我们对该安全云平台的 PCI 认证证明。


经过多年的广泛测试和客户的反馈,我们将安全风险管理和事件响应能力构建为一项服务产品,可供我们的整个客户群使用。我们通过集成先进的安全编排和自动化测试工具以及与公共和私人信息共享与协作 (ISAC) 组织建立战略伙伴关系来增强我们的安全运营。通过我们从我们自己的系统、成员组织和暗网实时收集全球威胁向量数据的能力得到增强,我们利用独特的丰富技术,对这个社会的社会结构进行预测分析;目标是创建可操作的情报或预警系统,以支持我们的防御态势。




phoenixNAP 在设计、开发和运营创新的基础设施解决方案方面拥有悠久且久经考验的历史。作为一家金融交易领域的母公司,我们在这些关键解决方案的安全操作方面拥有广泛的知识和专业知识。作为全球数据中心设施的运营商,我们建立了值得信赖的声誉和运营流程,以支持我们多样化和庞大客户群的需求。

我们的 SOC-1、SOC-2 和 SOC-3 认证为物理和逻辑访问控制、数据安全以及业务连续性管理和程序建立了基准。我们的 II 类名称在实践中验证了这些能力。我们的 PCI-DSS 认证确立了我们对“做正确的事”的承诺和信誉,以创造一个体现您对最高级别安全状况的关注的环境。


在phoenixNAP,我们相信每位客户都应该得到最高形式的安全和保护。在我们最消费者层面,我们的客户受益于基于六职业混合连接的互联网服务,以及内置于通信结构中的 DDoS 缓解等技术。我们的每一位客户都获得了这种开箱即用的卓越保护水平。借助我们的数据中心可用性专业知识,我们设计了一种网状交换结构,它具有快速弹性,消除了单点故障,让我们有信心提供 100% 的服务水平可用性 (SLA) 保证。


Lisa Spellman - 英特尔至强和数据中心副总裁/总经理



A New Level of Trust

Designed around the latest Intel Xeon processor technology alongside our extensive expertise in managing highly scalable workloads in our other cloud offerings, we built a computing platform that achieved 1.59X performance gaines over previous generations. These increases that are passed down into our customer’s workloads, providing them with better performance, and a higher density environment to optimize their existing investment, without any capital outlay; in most cases without any additional OpEx commitments.

Advanced Hypervisor Technology

We build a foundational commitment to VMware, and our commitment to integrate the latest tools and techniques to empower our customers to do what they need, whenever they need it.

Using Hybrid Cloud Extender we can help customers bridge the network gaps to hosted cloud services while maintaining network access and control. Tools like VMWareNSX allow for the creation of logical security policies that can be applied to a Virtual Machine regardless of location (cloud or on-premise). The integration of the latest Intel Cloud Integrity Toolkit allows for platform security with unmatched data protection and compliance capabilities.

Our vRealize Suite and vCloud Director integration is no different. We provide our customers with direct access to the tools they need to manage and protect their hybrid cloud environments effectively. In the event the customer wishes to engage phoenixNAP to perform some of these tasks, we offer Managed Services through our NOC and 3rd party support network.

Segmented Components

Experience has taught us how to identify and prevent repeat mistakes, even those made by strategic or competitive partners in the industry segment. One of those lessons learned is the best practice to section and separate the “Management” compute platform, from the “User compute platform.” Segmentation will significantly minimize the impact of a “support system” crash, or even a heavy operational workload, from impacting the entire computing environment. By creating flexible and innovative opportunities, we train our teams to reflect, communicate and enhance their experiences, creating a knowledgeable and savvy operator who can step onto the batter’s box ready to do what’s asked of them.

Threat Management

We believe that we have created a state-of-the-art infrastructure solution with world-class security and functionality. However, the solution is still dependent on a human operator. One, that based on skill or training, could be the weakest link. We, therefore, engage in continuous education, primarily through our various industry engagements and leadership efforts. This service offering is designed to be a high touch environment, using a zero-trust methodology. A customer, who is unable to deal with the elements of an incident, can see us engage on their behalf and resolve the contention.

If all else fails, and the environment is breached, we rely on 3rd party pre-contracted Incident Responders that deploy in a rapid format. The proper handling of cybersecurity Incident Response requires a Crisis Communication component. One or more individuals trained in handling the details of the situation, interfacing with the public and law enforcement, and based in the concepts of psychology, are trained to be sensitive and supportive to the various victim groups of the situation.

As we bundle backup and recovery as a core service in our offerings, we can make service restoration decisions based on the risk of overwriting data vs. extended downtime. Using the cloud environment to our advantage, we can isolate systems, and deploy parallel systems to restore the service, while preserving the impacted server for further forensic analysis by law enforcement.

It’s All About the Layers

Hierarchy of Virtual Environment Security Technologies

Security solutions are designed to defend through depth. If one layer is compromised, the defense process begins by escalating the tools and techniques to the next tier. We believe that a layered approach as described creates a secure and stable solution that can easily be scaled laterally as the needs and customer base grows.

Why Does This All Matter?

In one of his articles in the CISO Playbook series, Steve Riley challenges IT leaders not to worry that migration to the cloud may require relinquishing total control but encourages them to embrace a new mindset. This mindset is focused on identity management, data protection, and workload performance.

The primary is likely a reference to the cost savings achieved from consolidation, and transfer of responsibility to a service provider.

According to Gartner, the benefits of cloud migration include the following:

What’s Fueling the Cloud-First Strategy?

We hear many organizations adopting a cloud-first strategy, where they default to a cloud-based solution, until it proves unable, or not feasible before they consider other options. Factors driving this trend include:

Things to Consider

Not every workload is appropriate or destined for cloud-based compute platforms. The scoping part of any cloud migration project should start by identifying and selecting workloads that are easily migrated and implemented in multi-tenant cloud implementation.

The customer needs to understand the profile and characteristics of their workloads. For many years we would have never considered moving database workloads off of physical hardware. This is a similar case where high I/O or hardware timer reliant workloads (such as GPS or real-time event processing) may be sensitive to being in a shared, multi-tenant computer environment.

In contrast, cloud-based infrastructure allows for:

There are many reasons to consider a hybrid strategy where you combine workloads. What needs to stay on bare-metal can remain on bare metal servers, either in your facility or a colocation facility such as ours, while staying connected to the cloud platform via a cross-connect, gaining the benefits of both scenarios.

Cloud computing security  consists of a broad set of concerns. It is not limited to data confidentiality alone, but concerns for privacy, regulatory compliance, continuity and recovery, and even vendor viability. Staying secure in the cloud is, however, a “shared responsibility.” It requires partnerships, especially between the customer and their infrastructure service provider. Nobody needs to be convinced that data breaches are frequent, and often due to management or operator neglect. Customers are becoming tired of their data being disclosed and then used against them. Most recently, abused via an email-based threat vector, where the bad actor quotes a breached user ID and password, as a way to convince the target recipient to perform an undesired action, behind the mask of perceived authenticity.

Any organization that accepts Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of its customer base establishes with that customer, an implied social contract to protect that information. At phoenixNAP, we have demonstrated leadership in the infrastructure space on a global scale, through partnerships with customers, solution aggregators, and resellers. We have created innovative solutions to meet the unique challenges faced by businesses, going above and beyond to achieve the goals desired by the target organization.

Notes from the Author:Elements of a Strong Security Strategy

Over the years, I have learned many important lessons when it comes to creating solutions that are secure and reliable. Here are some final thoughts to ponder.

No single vendor can provide you with a “silver bullet.” Any vendor that tells you such, is someone you should shy away from. Every customer’s needs are unique. Each situation takes a unique blend of solutions to be effective. Hence your vast network of partner relationships, to provide you with the solutions you need, without trying to make you fit onto one of their offerings.

The offer is always on the table. At phoenixNAP, we will gladly take the call to discuss your concerns in this area, and provide advice on what our thoughts are on the topic of interest. Promoting and supporting properly secured environments is part of our social responsibility. It is part of our DNA and the core philosophy for building products in this segment. Let us be your partner in this journey.

Use of Reference Architectures

One of the benefits of a cloud-based, secure infrastructure such as our Data Security Cloud, is the ability to implement battle tested reference architectures that in some cases go above and beyond the standard capabilities of what’s possible in the physical environment.

In what we would consider an extreme case; an architecture as depicted above creates multiple layers of security with various gateways to get to the prized databases that most bad actors are after. Let’s not ignore the bad actors that want to take control of the web infrastructure to infect visitors with infectious payloads; however, the real prize sits inside those databases in the form of PII, PHI, or PCI data. While the various levels of defensive components are designed to make it difficult for the bad actors to storm the castle, the 24×7 Threat Monitoring will undoubtedly catch the multiple attempts and anomalous behavior, triggering an investigation and response activity.

Through a robust combination of tools, technology, services, and a cost model that’s supportive of the needs of the SMB space, we believe we have demonstrated our leadership, but more importantly, we have created a solution that will benefit you; our SMB customer. We aim to have created a complete security solution that you can take forward as you further define your cloud strategy.

Our Promise

We have assembled a world-class team of highly experienced and skilled leaders, who are passionate about cloud security. As global thought leaders, we design for the world and implement locally. We create sustainable solutions, understanding a customer’s appetite and limited budget. Let us show you how we can benefit your goals through our solutions offerings. Keeping with our promise to “do the right thing” as it involves finding the best solution for you.

Get Started with Data Security in Cloud Computing Today; Contact phoenixNAP today.


  1. 5 个让时间(和金钱)在您身边的云计算技巧
  2. 大数据和云计算:完美结合
  3. 什么是云安全以及为什么需要它?
  4. 云计算如何使您的组织受益?
  5. 每个公司都面临的云安全风险
  6. 如何成为云计算专家
  7. 云及其如何改变 IT 世界
  8. 在企业中使用大数据和云计算
  9. 如何成为云安全工程师
  10. 云计算如何让 IT 员工受益?
  11. 云计算如何改变管理?
  12. 云计算中的隐私;无所不知