10 款最佳 3D 打印机套件:2022 年更新!
本文分析了 10 种具有不同运动系统的打印机套件:笛卡尔、Delta 和 Core XY。对于每个套件,都有其规格摘要、区别于其他套件的功能描述以及有关其纸张和公司提供的售后支持的信息。
什么是 3D 打印套件?
它们是“自己动手”(DIY) 组装套件,包含构建 3D 打印机所需的所有元素。目前市场上的套件大多是预组装的;这使用户只需几个步骤即可快速构建打印机。也有完全未组装的套件,因此组装时间稍长。
购买 3D 打印套件的优点
最好的 3D 打印机套件
Prusa Mini+

- 打印机类型:笛卡尔
- 挤出机类型:Bowden – 简单挤出机
- 打印体积:7.08×7.08×7.08 英寸
- 打印机底座材料:具有 2 个表面(一个光滑,一个有纹理)的可拆卸磁性 PEI 钢板。
- 自动调平:是 (SuperPINDA)
- 灯丝末端传感器:否
- LCD 屏幕:彩色,可预览要打印的模型
- 电机驱动器:TMC 2209
- 打印方式:USB / LAN
- 无线连接:以太网和 Wi-Fi(可选更新)
- 断电恢复:否
- 噪音等级:低
- 价格:套件 $~350 / 半组装 $~400
Prusa Mini+ 是一款具有出色打印质量的小型打印机,因此它允许用户使用多种材料。 TCM 2209 驱动程序 ,除了安静之外,还允许用户随时测量自己的位置,而无需在 X 和 Y 轴上将限位开关归零。
另一个特点是 SuperPINDA 自调平传感器 .它不仅是感应式的,而且它还有一个热传感器,可以估计加热时床的膨胀情况。
彩色 LCD 显示屏允许用户通过从外部 USB 选择 gcode 文件来预览要打印的模型。此外,该打印机可以通过以太网端口连接到 Internet,并且可以添加 Wi-Fi 模块。因此,Prusa 寻求远程发送打印文件以及执行固件更新;这样,可以从同一台计算机控制大量 Prusa Mini+ 打印机。这是任何想要建立打印机场的用户的理想选择。
如果在打印过程中电源被切断,很遗憾 Prusa Mini+ 无法从中断的地方继续打印。
组装非常容易。 Prusa Mini+ 提供了一个很好解释的分步手册和精确的高质量图像。为了方便用户的工作,该套件包括了整个过程所需的工具:内六角扳手、钳子和扳手。
此外,这是一款开放式硬件打印机,因此用户可以轻松找到其所有部件的 3D 设计。

Prusa 公司以其出色的用户支持而闻名,因为它提供 7 种语言的 24/7 帮助。此外,用户将成为始终愿意帮助您的大型社区的一部分。该打印机型号的处理软件和配置文件也可以从其官网免费下载。
创力 XY-2 Pro-2E

- 打印机类型:笛卡尔
- 挤出机类型:Bowden – 双挤出机
- 打印体积:10.03×10.03×9.64 英寸
- 打印机床身材质:柔性片材
- 自动调平:是(感应式)
- 灯丝末端传感器:是(每个灯丝)
- 液晶屏:彩色触摸屏,可预览要打印的模型
- 电机驱动器:静音 TMC(未指定型号)
- 打印方式:MicroSD、USB 数据线
- 无线连接:否
- 断电恢复:是
- 噪音等级:低
- 价格:$~320
使用此打印机,由于其双挤出机系统,用户可以打印 2 种颜色。它有一个接收两个灯丝输入和一个喷嘴的热端;这允许用户在打印时在两种颜色之间切换。
该系统可用于组合不同的材料。例如,用户可以使用可溶性灯丝来避免以后会被丢弃的另一种材料,特别是对于价格较高的特殊灯丝。因此,可以轻松地从工件上移除支撑件而不会损坏它并节省您感兴趣的材料。它的鲍登系统具有以良好的牵引力和性能而闻名的 Titan 挤出机,从而为用户提供良好的打印质量。
这台打印机有一个“自调平”传感器,它可以测量到床的距离并将其存储在整个表面的 16 点矩阵中。这些测量值可以从显示屏上观察到;它们向用户展示了必须手动调整哪些床身螺钉以进行调平。然后应重复该过程,直到达到最佳水平。这个传感器不是那么自动的,但它确实可以在手动调平过程中帮助用户。
Tronxy XY Pro 打印机是一种预组装套件,组装起来既快速又容易。所述套件具有必要的工具,例如内六角扳手、螺丝刀以及带有视频的组装和安装手册。电缆的连接很简单,因为它们已经配备了特殊的连接器,因此用户只需将它们插入即可。只需几个步骤即可组装和运行打印机!
这家中国公司为其每台品牌打印机提供用户自己的切片软件和配置文件。它具有在线技术支持服务,可在前 24 小时内提供回复。在其官方网站上,可以找到包含故障排除指南的博客。
创意 CR-10

- 打印机类型:笛卡尔
- 挤出机类型:Bowden – 简单挤出机
- 打印体积:11.81×11.81×15.74 英寸
- 打印机底座材质:玻璃
- 自动调平:否
- 灯丝末端传感器:否
- 液晶屏:单色
- 电机驱动程序:未指定
- 打印方式:MicroSD、USB 数据线
- 无线连接:否
- 断电恢复:否
- 噪音等级:高
- 价格:$~310
CR-10 打印机以其大打印量和低成本而著称,并因其良好的打印质量而被用户证明是可靠的。但是,由于外壳内的驱动程序和风扇便宜,因此它是一台非常嘈杂的打印机。通过更换风扇和在电机上增加阻尼器以减少振动,可以很容易地降低噪音水平。这次升级大约是 65 美元。
另一方面,打印机没有自动调平传感器,但可以添加 BL Touch 并进行一些更改,价格为 50 美元(亚马逊)。它也没有灯丝末端传感器,但用户可以以 15 美元(亚马逊)的价格添加它。通过所有这些升级,打印机的实际成本约为 440 美元。
这台打印机的新版本有一些升级。 CR-10S(400 美元)有一个灯丝末端传感器,在 Z 轴上提供更高的稳定性,并且可以在断电后恢复打印;然而,板子驱动程序没有改进。
在此视频中,有更多关于如何使 CR-10 静音的信息。
CR-10 打印机套件是预先组装好的,因此用户只需组装框架、拧紧螺丝和连接电缆;这样,组装变得简单快捷。该套件包括组装所需的工具,如扳手、螺丝刀和钳子,以及带有图像的分步手册。
关于技术支持,用户对这家中国公司提供的服务不是很满意。在其网站上,有电子邮件、电话号码和在线客户服务,用户可以在其中联系公司代表。综上所述,Creality并不是一家售后服务口碑好的公司。但是,该公司有一个庞大的打印机用户社区(主要是 Ender 打印机),他们随时准备帮助彼此解决问题并寻找解决方案和升级。该公司也不为其打印机提供特殊的切片器软件。
Anycubic Vyper

- 打印机类型:笛卡尔
- 挤出机类型:Bowden – 简单挤出机
- 打印体积:9.64×9.64×10.23 英寸
- 打印机底座材料:柔性 PEI 磁钢片
- 自动调平:是
- 灯丝末端传感器:是
- 液晶屏:彩色触摸屏
- 电机驱动器:TMC2209
- 打印方式:MicroSD、USB 数据线
- 无线连接:否
- 断电恢复:是
- 噪音等级:中等
- 价格:$~360
这款打印机具有美观和大屏幕,可为用户提供高质量的打印效果。在打印头中有两层风扇,可以快速冷却最后一层打印。因此,可以制造具有陡峭角度或长桥而没有下方支撑的部件,并且它们的光洁度得到改善。其 Bowden 挤出机具有双齿轮系统,可以以良好的推力更好地拉动细丝,从而可以打印多种材料。此外,挤出机外壳是透明的,因此用户可以看到细丝如何通过齿轮。
与其他打印机不同,Anycubic Vyper 具有 Z 轴光电传感器,可在轴归零时自动补偿床差。它还有一个自动调平传感器,可在 16 点矩阵内进行测量。
与 Prusa Mini+ 不同,这种调平不是在每次打印之前执行的。相反,用户必须经常从屏幕上手动执行此操作。床身的四角没有手动调节的弹簧和螺丝,所以通过屏幕通过升降Z轴偏移的方式进行调节。
Anycubic Vyper 预组装套件有几个简单的步骤,非常适合初学者。用户只需将框架安装到底座上,剪下一些拉链,然后连接电缆。该套件包括组装所需的工具(内六角扳手、钳子等)。
在其手册中,有一系列带图像的步骤,以及 Cura 切片器软件的安装和配置指南(尽管用户建议使用 Prusa Slicer)。
根据用户的评论,中国公司 Anycubic 提供了公平的售后支持服务。在其网站上,有一个客户服务,用户可以创建票证来解释他们的问题并附上照片和视频。他们还可以成为 Facebook、Reddit 和 Discord 等不同平台上社区的一部分。
创智X5SA Pro

- 打印机类型:Core XY
- 挤出机类型:Bowden – 简单挤出机
- 打印体积:12.99×12.99×15.74 英寸
- 打印机床身材料:灵活的平台
- 自动调平:是
- 灯丝末端传感器:是
- 液晶屏:彩色触摸屏
- 汽车司机:安静、未指定
- 打印方式:SD、USB 数据线
- 无线连接:不可以,可以加个Wi-Fi模块
- 断电恢复:是
- 噪音等级:高
- 价格:$~540
Tronxy X5SA Pro 是一款带有 Core XY 系统的打印机,可将 X 和 Y 轴电机固定到框架上,并通过一个或两个长驱动皮带将它们连接到打印头。与 X 轴和 Y 轴独立移动的笛卡尔打印机不同,在 Core XY 系统中,两个电机必须同时运行。
为了在 X 轴上进行运动,两个电机必须同向转动。但是,如果它们朝相反的方向转动,则运动将在 Y 轴上。如果其中一个电机转动而另一个不转动,则头部将沿对角线移动。该系统减少了床身在Y轴上的运动惯性,提高了床身的稳定性和打印速度。

从结构上讲,用户会发现一台实心金属打印机,其 Titan 挤出机模型能够打印 TPU 等困难材料。在其规格范围内,它指出该机器非常安静。然而,用户并不这么认为。
Tronxy X5SA Pro 是一个完全拆卸的套件。虽然有带图片的分步手册,但很难把它们放在一起;这就是为什么推荐给初学者的原因。在 SD(包含在套件中)中,有组装手册、sliceo 软件的可执行文件、带有打印机备件供用户打印的 STL 文件,以及一些可供打印的 gcode 文件。
公司提供的技术支持信息在前面提到过Tronxy XY-2 Pro-2E。

- 打印机类型:笛卡尔
- 挤出机类型:直接 - 简单挤出机
- 打印体积:8.66×8.66×9.84 英寸
- 打印机床身材料:PEI 柔性磁片
- 自动调平:是(Anycubic LeviQ)
- 灯丝末端传感器:否
- 液晶屏:彩色触摸屏
- 电机驱动器:安静的 TMC(未指定型号)
- 打印方式:MicroSD、USB 数据线
- 无线连接:否
- 断电恢复:是
- 噪音等级:中等
- 价格:$~300 美元
与 Anycubic Vyper 一样,用户再次发现自己的床没有用于手动调节的螺钉或弹簧。 Anycubic 引入了自动调平系统 LeviQ,这是一种感应传感器,可测量表面上的 25 个点,从而获得每个点的距离。结果,无需任何努力即可实现出色的平整度。柔性磁性平台兼具优良的品质和光洁度,为用户提供了极好的附着面。
这台打印机之所以引人注目,是因为它的任何轴上都没有限位开关,这要归功于它的 Trinamic 品牌驱动程序和 StallGuard 技术。 When the axis reaches the origin and touches the structure, some resistance begins to form in the motor that the driver detects keeping its position as the origin.
Unlike the Anycubic Vyper, this printer uses a direct extrusion system placed above the print head and allows users to use flexible materials without any inconvenience.
Although it has quiet drivers, fans are the cause of the noise since they are slightly noisy. Said noise can be reduced simply by changing the fans for quieter models.
Their printing quality is very good right from the start because of the printing profiles that the company offers for the Cura software. However, users may need to make minor adjustments to improve its quality, especially to reduce stringing.
Documentation and technical support
The kit for this printer comes pre-assembled and allows users to assemble it in a few easy steps; it is ideal for beginners. It includes an instruction manual and the necessary tools for assembly, and also a microSD card that contains the files ready to make the first printing tests. Together with its auto-leveling system, this printer is an excellent option to quickly enter the world of 3D printing without any inconveniences.
Flsun QQS-Pro

- Type of printer:Delta
- Type of extruder:Bowden – Simple extruder
- Printing volume:Ø 10.03×14.17 in
- Materials:PLA, ABS, PETG, Cords
- Printer bed material:Porous glass
- Auto-leveling:Yes
- Filament end sensor:No
- LCD Screen:Color touch screen
- Motor drivers:A4988
- Printing means:USB cable, microSD
- Wireless connection:Wi-fi
- Power loss recovery:Yes
- Noise level:Low
- Precio:$~340
Notable features
Unlike the printers that we are used to seeing, the Flsun QQS Pro is a Delta-type printer with a fixed circular bed and three motors placed in a triangle shape that move the print head in 3 axes. Because of this, users obtain a high printing speed. High-rise pieces can be made with this type of printer.
The company sought to reduce printer noise by using dampers on the motors, graphite linear bearings, and a quiet fan in the hotend. However, the electronics fan is a bit noisy.
Its Bowden system made up of a Titan extruder is an excellent option that provides good traction and allows users to employ multiple materials, including flexible ones.
For automatic leveling, the kit includes a module that attaches magnetically to the print head. Users must place it only once, carry out the leveling process from the display and then remove the module. Finally, they must perform a manual check with a sheet of paper to adjust the distance from the nozzle to the bed at a single point in the center of the surface. As the bed is fixed, there is no need to carry out self-leveling before each print.
Its Wi-Fi system allows users to control the printer wirelessly. In order to print, the SD card must be placed in the printer since it will store the printing file. In this way, it is not necessary for the computer to be on to continue the printing process.
The printing quality turns out to be high and printing speeds are very interesting. It has a special printing style that doubles the speed at which it is set within the gcode. However, if speed is too high, the printing quality may decrease.
Documentation and technical support
The Flsun QQS Pro kit is pre-assembled and allows users to quickly assemble it in a few easy steps. They simply put the smooth rods and straps together, attach the extruder, and connect the cables (with great connectors). The kit also includes spare parts such as the block, nozzle, and barrel already assembled, a limit switch, a thermistor, a heater cartridge, extra screws, and filament along with the necessary tools (This is a wise choice on the part of the company). Inside the SD card, there is a very detailed assembly manual and videos, the firmware and manuals for Wi-Fi updating and setting, and the software and gcode files ready for the first printing tests. This kit is without a doubt an excellent experience for beginners.
According to users’ reviews, the Flsun company provides a good after-sales service and offers a reply within the first 24 hours.
Prusa I3 MK3S+

- Type of printer:Cartesian
- Type of extruder:Direct – Simple extruder
- Printing volume:9.84×8.26×8.26 in
- Materials:PLA, ABS, PETG, PC, Nylon, Cords
- Printer bed material:PEI flexible magnetic steel sheets with different textures
- Auto-leveling:Yes (inductive – SuperPINDA)
- Filament end sensor:Yes
- LCD Screen:Monochromatic
- Motor drivers:TMC2130
- Printing means:SD, USB cable
- Wireless connection:No (Wi-Fi may be added)
- Power loss recovery:Yes
- Noise level:Low
- Price:$~750
Notable features
It is one of the most multi-award-winning printers on the market. It has a direct extrusion system that allows users to employ multiple materials, including flexible ones. It has an inductive auto-leveling sensor that takes measurements in a dot matrix, quickly performing this process before each print.
The kit has three types of magnetic sheets:smooth, textured, and satin to avoid adhesion problems for different materials.
It is a quiet printer because of its Trinamic brand drivers and the usage of high-quality Noctua brand fans.
The Prusa MK3S+ achieves a very good printing quality, starting from an excellent first layer due to its automatic leveling. From time to time the company publishes new firmware updates on its website to improve its performance. It is a reliable, durable, and quiet printer with excellent performance, ideal for those users who work within the same room as well as for classrooms at schools.
Documentation and technical support
The printer kit is completely disassembled but it includes an excellent manual that will guide users step by step without any inconvenience. All the necessary tools for assembly and bags with their well-identified elements are included. Although assembly will take a few hours, it will undoubtedly be a satisfactory experience. It also has its own PrusaSlicer slicing software optimized for each of the printers of this brand.
Post-sales support was previously described for the Prusa Mini+.
Read the following article where there is more detailed information about this printer and a comparison with the Ender 3 Pro.
Ratrig V-Core 3

- Type of printer:Core XY
- Type of extruder:Configurable
- Printing volume:11.81×11.81×11.81 in / 15.74×15.74×15.74 in / 19.68×19.68×19.68 in
- Materials:PLA, ABS, PETG, PC, Nylon, Cords
- Printer bed material:Flexible magnetic sheet
- Auto-leveling:Yes
- Filament end sensor:Optional
- LCD Screen:Optional
- Motor drivers:TMC2209
- Printing means:Wi-Fi
- Wireless connection:Wi-Fi
- Power loss recovery:Configurable
- Noise level:Low
- Price:Preconfigured kit $~1200 / Base price $~530usd + chosen elements
Notable features
After years of experience and together with the many contributions from the maker community, the Rat Rig company launched this premium printer:a fully configurable, modular, and open-source kit! Its most striking feature is without a doubt the bed. Unique among all printers, the Ratrig V-Core 3 print bed is suspended on three motors arranged in a triangle on the sides of the printer. Each support point consists of a small metal ball that is magnetically coupled to the plastic structure of the motor, isolating it electrically and allowing fluid movement. In this way, the printer seeks to perform a fully automatic and efficient leveling, leaving room for the natural expansion that occurs when the bed heats up and preventing it from curving.
See the fluid movement of the bed in the following video:
The following video shows an example of how automatic leveling works:
From its website, users can find a pre-configured kit with most of the printer pieces. They can also make their own element selection and choose different settings and technologies and even buy the pieces that they want elsewhere, use the ones that they already have or print their own pieces. Users can choose different bed sizes:11.81×11.81×11.81 in, 15.74×15.74×15.74 in, or 19.68×19.68×19.68 in. Users can also choose the extrusion system that they want the most (whether it is direct or Bowden) due to the EVA 2 modular system that gives users the chance to adapt the motor elements for extrusion and different hotend models. Its pieces can be printed by means of changing the extrusion system whenever users want to.
Its metal structure is really strong and its design is well thought out. Electronics are assembled on a panel at the rear of the printer; this provides users with easy access and excellent space for convenient cabling. It is important to bear in mind that this panel cannot be purchased from its website. However, the company provides the necessary file to send it to your local supplier for manufacturing.
Its printing quality is excellent because of its strong structure, automatic leveling and great design. It can be controlled and configured from any device through Fluidd, a user interface for Klipper firmware. Users can also add any type of screen to it, even a tablet.
Documentation and technical support
The kit is completely unassembled and, although the manual is excellent, it can be a bit hard to put it together. Personally, I would not recommend this kit for beginners. However, for all those with experience and passion for 3D printing, it will be a great and fun adventure.
As for its post-sale support, users are satisfied with the attention and professionalism provided by the company. Furthermore, there is a large and very active community willing to help. The only thing that users criticize is the long shipping delay, but the wait is worth it for this great printer.
Voron 2.4

- Type of printer:Core XY
- Type of extruder:Configurable
- Printing volume:9.84×9.84×9.84 in / 11.81×11.81×11.81 in / 13.77×13.77×13.77 in
- Materials:PLA, ABS, PETG, PC, Nylon, Cords
- Printer bed material:PEI flexible magnetic sheet
- Auto-leveling:Yes (inductive)
- Filament end sensor:No
- LCD Screen:Monochromatic
- Motor drivers:TMC2209
- Printing means:MicroSD
- Wireless connection:Wi-Fi
- Power loss recovery:Yes
- Noise level:Low
- Price:$~1000 (depending on configuration)
Notable features
Voron is a project that was born from a community of very passionate 3D printers. Their goal was to create a good quality, quiet, nice, low maintenance, customizable and open-source printer capable of working 24 hours a day with no interruptions. After years of several tests and versions, they managed to design the Voron 2.4, among other printer models.
Curiously, it is not possible to buy the printer on their website. This website will guide users so they can choose the most desired printer settings:extrusion system, bed size, etc. At the end, it will show you the complete list of materials that you will need to be able to assemble it. Now it will be the users’ turn to buy them where it suits them best, even printing some pieces or buying them from another 3D printer. It is also possible to buy the kit on some unofficial pages.
Unlike the Ratrig V-Core 3, this Voron model has a fixed bed. For this reason, the print head moves along the Z-axis as well. It uses 4 motors at the corners of the Z-axis that independently move the head height to correct measurements taken by the leveling sensor.
In this way, the printer has a total of 7 engines and therefore 7 drivers. To control them it is necessary that their electronics be exceptional and for this it has two BigTreeTech SKR V1.4 controller boards. Like the Ratrig, it has a Raspberry Pi to stand the usage of the Kippler firmware. It seeks to leave the gcode processing to an external computer and achieve a higher printing speed.
Due to its good design and good quality elements, this printer achieves an excellent printing quality. Its metallic structure is firm and the design includes an acrylic enclosure in order to maintain the printing temperature inside and facilitate the printing of sensitive materials such as ABS.
Documentation and technical support
Although its manual is explained in detail, users will have to assemble the printer piece by piece and even manufacture some parts. Buying each of the elements can be long and hard.
This printer is not recommended to beginners, but rather to passionate and experienced 3D printers with a lot of patience. Both the Ratrig V-Core 3 and the Voron 2.4 are advanced premium printers, they have outstanding electronics and their designs are truly perfect. As support users will find a large community willing to help you.
How to choose a 3d printer kit?
A great question difficult to answer. Everything will depend on the objectives and the purpose that the users want to give to the printer, as well as the available budget. In the following table there is a brief summary of some important aspects according to my evaluation criteria for each kit.
Price[usd] | Printing volume [in] | Technology level* | Type of kit | Ideal for | |
Prusa Mini+ | ~350 | 7.08×7.08×7.08 | 高 | Unassembled | Beginners |
Tronxy XY-2 Pro_2E | ~320 | 10.03×10.03×9.64 | Normal | Pre-assembled | Beginners |
Creality CR-10 | ~310 | 11.81×11.81×15.74 | Basic | Pre-assembled | Beginners |
Anycubic Vyper | ~360 | 9.64×9.64×10.23 | 中等 | Pre-assembled | Beginners |
Tronxy X5SA Pro | ~540 | 12.99×12.99×15.74 | Basic | Unassembled | Users with previous experience |
Anycubic Kobra | ~300 | 8.66×8.66×9.84 | 中等 | Pre-assembled | Beginners |
Flsun QQS-Pro | ~340 | Ø 10.03×14.17 | 高 | Pre-assembled | Beginners |
Prusa i3 MK3S+ | ~750 | 9.84×8.26×8.26 | 高 | Unassembled | Beginners |
Ratrig V-Core 3 | ~1200 | 11.81×11.81×11.81 15.74×15.74×15.74 19.68×19.68×19.68 | Advanced | Unassembled | Advanced users |
Voron 2.4 | ~1000 | 9.84×9.84×9.84 11.81×11.81×11.81 13.77×13.77×13.77 | Advanced | Unassembled | Advanced users |
*Rating in the following order:Basic – Normal – Medium – High – Advanced
What is the recommended 3d Printer Kit?
Based on all of the above, the kits I would most recommend for the general public are:
- Prusa Mini+ and Prusa i3 MK3S+ :Excellent printing quality, great manual, good element quality and technical support. The Prusa Mini+ has an affordable price but a small printing volume.
- Anycubic Vyper and Kobra :Easy to assemble and use, great manual and printing quality, affordable prices. The Vyper model has a good printing volume.
- Flsun QQS-Pro :Good element quality, good printing quality, good after-sales support and high printing height on the Z axis.
For the most experienced users, I recommend assembling the Ratrig V-Core 3 or the Voron 2.4. Both kits will provide users with a rich experience and a lot of learning. Moreover, they will find very high quality, reliable and durable printers.
With a good budget, the Prusa i3 MK3S+ will always be a great option for both beginners and advanced users because it is an extremely reliable and durable printer. If the budget is a bit tighter, there are options around $300 with excellent features such as the Anycubic Kobra or the Flsun QQS-Pro. For the most advanced and experienced users, if the budget is available, do not hesitate to assemble the Ratrig V-Core 3 or the Voron 2.4. It will be a long process but definitely worth it.