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  1. 降级失败: 所有机械设备最终都会退化并出现故障,包括适当维护的液压系统。管理退化故障的关键是监控组件并在它们失效之前对其进行修复或更换。
  2. 暂时性故障: 偶尔会发生液压元件故障。当它们这样做时,它们会将压力转移到其他部件上,也会增加它们失败的风险。此过程称为瞬态或渐进式故障。
  3. 灾难性故障: 一些液压故障似乎在没有警告的情况下发生。例如,软管可能会突然爆裂并排放加仑油。这些意外损坏可能会导致昂贵的维修费用和停机时间。




维护您的设备是一个持续的过程和持续的承诺。您需要制定包括操作前和操作后检查以及定期维护的例行程序。一个平衡良好的预防性维护 (PM) 计划有两个主要部分:





If you have experience with heavy equipment, you’ll know when something doesn’t look right. The trick is to constantly watch for problems — this is what your preventative maintenance plan is all about.

No matter how thorough your PM plan is, it’s easy to miss something. You might not see something when it’s right before your eyes. Here are some tips to help you find problems that you might not usually see and extend the life of your hydraulic system components.

Tips on Increasing Longevity with Hydraulic System Components

Increasing the longevity of your hydraulic system components is a core aim of any preventative maintenance and corrective measures program. Without question, staying on top of issues provides a tremendous return on your time and money investment. Look into these helpful tips, which are sure to increase your hydraulic component’s longevity.

Hydraulic pumps:

Hydraulic cylinders:

Hydraulic lines:

Hydraulic hoses:

Hydraulic reservoirs:

Hydraulic filters:

Hydraulic fluid:

Having a professional lab analyze your hydraulic fluid is an economical investment with high returns. Because hydraulic oil is your system’s lifeblood, you want to make sure it’s as healthy as possible. A thorough fluid analysis is a must-do maintenance measure that you can’t afford to miss.

Hydraulic Fluid Analysis

It’s more than a wise move to have your hydraulic fluid tested. It’s a no-brainer. This simple procedure done at regular intervals picks up minute contaminant traces that you couldn’t possibly otherwise detect. It’s also a low-cost operation with quick turnaround time.

Hydraulic fluid analysis gives you an immediate and early sign that you’re developing hydraulic problems. Getting a hydraulic health warning gives you time to schedule repairs without interrupting job flow. A fluid analysis also monitors positive indicators that give you the peace of mind that your equipment is healthy.

It’s an easy process to get your hydraulic fluid analyzed. You follow the prescribed collection directions, submit the oil to your lab and then receive the report. With an oil analysis, you can expect these tests:

Your oil has to be clean to keep the rest of your hydraulic components happy and healthy. Cleanliness is just that important to hydraulic performance, and so is having a clean hydraulic service environment.

The Importance of a Clean Hydraulic Service Environment

Servicing your machine’s hydraulic system in the field is risky. An open and uncontrolled environment exposes all your hydraulic components to dust and dampness, which are notable threats to unprotected hydraulic components.

Your machinery will be far better off having its hydraulics serviced in a shop. An enclosed shop at a professional dealership offers you superior hydraulic protection in a clean environment. You can’t possibly achieve clean-room conditions out in the field.

MacAllister Machinery knows how important cleanliness is for long-term hydraulic performance. Since 1945, when we opened our first Indiana Caterpillar dealership, we’re maintained a reputation for shop service that’s second to none. Although we do offer convenient field service for Cat® heavy equipment, we strongly recommend you have your hydraulic systems serviced in a shop.

Preventative Maintenance for Hydraulic Components From MacAllister Machinery

MacAllister Machinery is a full-service sales, maintenance and repair facility. We have the facilities, equipment and expertise needed to service all your hydraulics and perform your hydraulic hose maintenance in a clean environment. We also do hydraulic fluid tests and can evaluate your hydraulic system’s condition.

Contact MacAllister Machinery today for full hydraulic services. Call us at 800-382-1896 or reach out to us online.


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  7. 延长设备寿命和投资回报的 4 条维护技巧
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  9. 液压软管预防性维护的重要性
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