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11%复合年增长率!这就是家具行业 预计将在 2018-2022 年期间在全球范围内增长。然而,如果我们深入研究这个话题的深度,我们一定会发现更多。根据沙特阿拉伯家具的研究 2022 年市场预测,沙特阿拉伯家具行业 对于营销人员来说,这是一个真正的前景,可以构建对消费者行为方式的合乎逻辑的理解。


在世界上所有主导行业中,沙特阿拉伯家具行业 已成为家具制造商中最具活力、发展最快且前景广阔的企业之一 .为了支持这一点,不断增长的房地产数量和对住宅家具的需求不断增长 房地产正在使基础设施的平衡向家具行业倾斜。除此之外,外国家具制造商在沙特阿拉伯不同酋长国不断增加投资和扩张 也见证了阿拉伯家具的日益流行 .

<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com



<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com


<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

随着投资者的进入,据说KSA家具市场正朝着豪华家具行业发展 .据说这个行业是更高社会地位的象征,也是财富的象征。此外,2013-2018 年回顾期(5 年)的市场收入也有所增加,并以两位数的正复合年增长率观察到。展望未来,多功能家具将成为未来的首选 .这种类型的家具有望通过其多用途提供更少的空间需求和更大的灵活性。并且,这种家具本身的吸引力和优势,也是其成为投资者看好的原因之一。

<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com


图片资源: 令人印象深刻的室内设计

除此之外,沙特阿拉伯的家具市场 由于人口不断增加,现有和新建的住房单元的快速稳定发展在很大程度上影响着。在顶部添加樱桃,阿拉伯家具 还通过在线零售商店向全球观众展示了自己。家居中心、宜家等更多类似的公司让世界更容易体验真实而独特的 KSA 家具。

<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

因此,应该说市场收入增加的部分功劳应该给予当局的适当照顾,他们正在照顾增长,这应该是正确的家具制造商 以及相关的零售店。

<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

<中心> 图片资源: i.pinimg

除了这种适当的照顾外,沙特阿拉伯经济和城市化的发展也对阿拉伯家具行业的倾斜起到了巨大的推动作用 .随着对酒店、写字楼、住宅区和工业部门的巨大需求,以及许多房地产开发商的进入,塑造了该行业的巨大增长,并影响了阿拉伯家具的当前前景 .

<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

<中心> 而且,为了确保家具行业的增长毫不费力,政府一直在努力和设计方法,通过保持特别关注年轻人口。根据《今日研究新闻》进行的研究,如前所述,在 2018 年左右面临衰退的市场已经复苏,预计未来 5 年将以 10% 的复合年增长率增长。据悉,2018年公寓和传统住宅的数量分别达到了惊人的1572654套和657897套。此外,从数字上看,2019年预计将达到213亿美元。而且,现在,沙特政府和住房部正在努力寻找到 2030 年将沙特的住房拥有率提高到 70% 的方法。

<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com


除了整体市场,如果对沙特阿拉伯家具进行完整的背景分析 是基于:

– 家长市场评估


• 区域性

• 段

我们一定会发现沙特阿拉伯的家具 市场正在报告每个部门的重大变化。在日益流行的情况下,市场的动态和概况正在发生重大变化。为了理解这一点,让我们深入研究在阿拉伯家具制造中涉及的各个层面进行的研究:

<中心> 图片资源: arabianstyle沙发在利物浦

● 按材料(玻璃、塑料、木材、金属等)分类:



<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

<中心> 图片资源: ae01.alicdn

● 无组织和有组织的市场结构部分:

根据市场报告,可以说人们和家具爱好者帮助有组织的家具行业主导了无组织的市场行业。一方面,有组织的部门由经营高质量产品的零售商组成;并且,高质量的报告是指那些销售主要由实木或 MDF 制造的时尚、苛刻和高质量产品的零售商。此外,有组织的细分市场往往会通过使用进口家具和装饰来带来一流的感觉。

<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com


<中心> 图片资源: Facebook ExcelFurniture

● 最终用户如何看待家具:


顺势而为,我们可以说市场被沙特阿拉伯住宅家具所主导 .市场收入创历史新高!

住宅、卧室家具 在同行中处于领先地位。如果消息来源可信,卧室家具会增加产生最大收入,预计在 2020-2023 年期间将以 7% 的复合年增长率增长。在卧室方面,床和床垫的市场份额稳步增长。专家预测2020-2023年复合年增长率分别为12%和9%。

<中心> 图片资源: ae01.alicdn

继住宅之后,酒店家具 细分市场也占据了很大一部分市场份额。据研究,沙特阿拉伯2019年的游客人数较2018年有所增加;这有助于进一步促进沙特阿拉伯的旅游业。因此,引领更多新酒店和度假村建设的费用导致对酒店家具的需求增加 .

很容易猜测哪个细分市场占据了剩余的市场份额。随着沙特阿拉伯总办公空间的激增,剩余的市场份额进入了商业家具的口袋 .随着市场份额的进一步增加,预计仅利雅得的办公空间就将大幅增加至 3,500,000 平方米。随着 Cayan Mefic 中心、Business Front 和 Al Rajhi Bank Tower 等令人兴奋和引人注目的项目的出现,这个商业空间预计将扩大其面积,东部省和吉达预计将增长到 1,050,000 平方米 GLA 和 1,100,000 平方米平方米 GLA。



<中心> 由于这些原因,这个家具行业多年来一直在国内和国际参与者之间进行高水平的竞争。此外,对质量需求的增加也助长了沙特阿拉伯日益激烈的竞争。像宜家这样采用颠覆性模式的公司正在对属于无组织部门的零售商构成严重威胁。

<中心> 因此,可以公平地说,有组织部门的零售商因其高预算的营销活动而取得成功。这些活动主要集中在以低价提供的高质量和降低的 MRP 上。


● 店铺数量

● 产品 SKU

● 在线状态

● 分销渠道

● 用于制作家具的材料类型

● 定价


随着全国住宅区、商业空间和酒店的增加,沙特阿拉伯家具市场成为国内外制造商的热门产业。因此,该市场将在 2020-2023 年呈现两位数的正复合年增长率也就不足为奇了。



鉴于 KSA 家具市场的巨大增长,优秀的制造商或零售商会抓住主导市场的关键趋势。为了帮助您,这里有一些:


● 餐厅客厅家具板块:


到2018年,餐厅和客厅家具的收入 价值超过400万美元!此外,美国在创造高收入方面处于领先地位。



– 客厅

– 大厅

– 休息室

– 客厅

– 餐厅

● 卧室家具板块

被认为是家具行业中装饰最多的艺术形式之一,该行业自成立以来就统治着世界。说到卧室,最好的就是消费者的需求。舒适是时代的召唤!因此,不仅是必需品,更重要的是将事物放置在这样一种方式,即在漫长劳累的一天之后,休息的地方会带来巨大的快乐。或许,这就是这个市场部门在 2015 年达到 30 亿美元并且增长非常迅速的原因。



– 衣橱,

– 床头柜

– 梳妆台


● 主要趋势的竞争格局

沙特现代工厂、Al Mutlaq Furniture、Al Aamer Furniture、Riyadh Furniture Industries Co. 和 Al-Abdulkader Furniture Co. Ltd 等一些主要参与者目前在沙特阿拉伯占据主导地位家具市场份额。除了像宜家这样的国际公司,他们凭借其全球影响力、产品创新和技术进步在竞争中处于领先地位。此外,一小部分市场份额被中型公司占据,这些公司正在寻找自己的空间来交易和提供设计师家具 通过开拓未涉足的市场并从零售商处获得新合同,为零售商提供服务。




<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

现代阿拉伯家具设计 融合了摩洛哥、伊斯兰和地中海风格,并带有一丝过渡现代主义。这些风格中的每一种都有自己的一组特征,并且彼此之间是独一无二的。除此之外,现代阿拉伯室内家具设计也融合了许多细节。这些小功能不仅完善了阿拉伯家具,而且还结合了上述元素,使阿拉伯家具行业独树一帜。为了深入了解并全面了解事物,我们现在将逐一解开不同的风格:

● 伊斯兰风格

就其本身而言是独一无二的,伊斯兰家具设计 是开放空间哲学的融合。仔细的布局和严格的几何形状。虽然这个设计最初的目的是通过展示伊斯兰文化的神秘思想和宏大来展示不同之处,但随着时间的推移,这已经变成了一种与清扫庭院的皇室相匹配的设计。

<中心> 图片资源: ihis.info



– 几何

这种家具设计的一个定义方面是它的几何形状。从雕刻精美的伊斯兰 mashrabiya 到门窗上的复杂设计,几何,如上所述,是这种风格中最具定义性和继承性的部分。


(OMNI CNC 几何创建漂亮的分区)

– 容量和尺寸


– 设计所需的元素:

+ 拱门


<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

<中心> 图片资源: itqan-2010

+ 书法



+ 伊万斯

Iwans 是现代伊斯兰家具设计的一个显着特征。通常在凹陷的拱门之外,这个方形壁龛作为一种设计元素脱颖而出,可以融入家具中以获得现代氛围。

<中心> 图片资源: 回家

– 颜色


<中心> 图片资源: st.hzcdn




● 摩洛哥风情





– 大胆的颜色



– 毛绒家具


– 装饰



– 马赛克

通过马赛克创建几何设计是摩洛哥风格的首选技术之一。如果您看到下图所示的设计,它是由木板制成的。使用数控机床 ,这个设计是可以实现的。这些类型的设计可以与现代阿拉伯风格的室内设计相结合。阿拉伯风格的家具强调其美学。古代使用的设计可以在数控机床的帮助下有效地转化为现代美学。




● 地中海风情


<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com


– 开放式庭院或起居区

如果你能联想到地中海风格的家具,你就会明白他们更喜欢有大客厅和豪华家具。现代阿拉伯家具风格与这个概念有很大关系。借助高效的数控机床 , 现代传统与现代家具很有可能。


– 灰泥壁板


<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

– 拱形开口


<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com




● 现代主义



– 音调变化


<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

– 最少的口音


<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com

– 干净的线条


<中心> 图片资源: Comelite-arch.com






<中心> 图片资源: 阿尔库扎米亚

<中心> 那么,准备好了解它了吗?来了!





<中心> 由于阿拉伯文化围绕着拥有坚实家庭基础的含义而旋转,因此重要的是要了解空间,在介绍家具的同时,应该以生活的方式进行翻译房间被认为是一个适当的社交聚会场所。因此,重点应该放在创造一种支持社交空间的文化上。



– 文化规定




– Color and Material

Each and every modern furniture style mentioned at the top are interrelated. Although it might not seem on the outer surface they are. Like that of the Moroccan style using bold colors along with the simplistic approach of Islamic style.

This tangent which allows the warm colors to mix with the other styles helps the manufacturers to create an organic look with the help of natural-looking materials like wood, stucco, stones, etc.

– Furniture Design

The modern Arabic furniture designs promote a design that minimizes discomfort without losing its contemporary touch. Besides, it is important the furniture a consumer chooses should complement the theme of the room. Like, with couches and sofas, one should go for a diwan for the living room. Besides, it is very much essential to have the couch or the diwan to be customized in a proper way. And, by proper, we mean that it should fit the modern Arabic theme of the modern Arabic style along with the other furniture. The key for both the manufacturer and the consumer is to ensure that the outlook and aesthetic of the theme and the furniture is a defining property and is maintained properly.


<中心> In case the consumer feels that something is off or different, then, one should opt for seating mattresses around the perimeter of the room is a very convenient option to maintain the aesthetics of the room. Along with that, they can also arrange for matching pillows that help the consumer to make the room comfortable as well as purposeful.

Furthermore, the major aspect that helps modern Arabic furniture relate to its theme is that Muslims don’t wear shoes inside their home, mostly outside one. Usually, they move around their house barefoot. Hence, it will be in the best interest of the person to match their furniture and theme with a well-suited rug or carpet. Also, ensure to create a space at the corner of a room or an eyesore where the owners and guests can properly keep their shoes without piling one on the other.

– Conclusion

If one can master these intricacies then we can assure that they will never find a problem in designing their favorite modern Arabic furniture theme. Albeit, it takes extensive hard work and experience to become proficient in this field. Moreover, for a layman, it is important to contact an interior designer to ensure that the furniture is carved in a way that aligns with the opted theme.

8. Understanding Furnishing Trends

No matter where you live in this world, everything at your home has to snug and cozy. Pause us if we are wrong! As per experts, who believe that when furniture and furnishings are considered, the main buzz is around this intriguing word in the form of “hyggelig”. This is a word that is doing rounds in the furniture industry and it is hard to keep professionals away from it. However, the question is what is this word? Do we even have any idea about it?


– Hyggelig – How the New Cosiness Works

“Hyggelig” finds its roots in Scandinavia. This word is given by interior designer and magazine writers who understand this word is a perfect depiction of an intimate and cozy home. A home that is secure, features a snug, and possesses a feel-good factor about it.

<中心> In these uncertain times, home is the biggest luxury for a person. With Isolation the need of the hour, homing is becoming a new trend and is set to continue for the years to come. And, is there a better way to find shelter other than staying at home? Perhaps not!

And, this situation has encouraged many furniture companies, furnishing consultants, and interior designers to step-up their game to provide a place where the people look for a tinge of newness to their regular environment.

In an environment where companies are promoting work from home, coziness is not the only factor that is driving the furniture industry. It has to be professional as well! The old dusty way is not going to work around. Hence, it is very much understandable that furnishing firms and interior designers are promoting personal furnishing, where individuals can organize their setting in tandem with the consultant as per their mood, inner state, and preferences.

Besides, they have to take care of those who are looking for a peaceful environment. The day-to-day hectic schedule of work from home can take a toll on the mental side. Netflix and Chill or just a quiet atmosphere can be a need to reduce pressure substantially. Hence, to convert a living room into a theatre or using purist furnishing style featuring clean-lined furniture with natural colors and materials can be a good way of reigniting the lost interest.

– The Thing that Pleases!

Plush, glamour, kitsch, etc, these are just a few of the components that are required to give a person a run for their imagination while creating their bedroom or a living room. While bringing imagination into reality is a lucrative option, it is important to consider that wrong guidance or lack of consultation can increase the likelihood of draining cash by not reinforcing the idea of the chosen theme.

<中心> Hence, it becomes imperative to have the right consultants who can help the consumer in adding furniture which stands tall in the Modern Arabic furniture market, thus, producing a thing that pleases the makers, consumers, and the guest who sees it.

– Understanding the Importance of Retro Touch in Modern Arabic Furniture

No matter what kind of furniture you opt for it is important to contemplate a thought of having a touch of retro look in it. Yes, despite the furniture belonging to the Modern Arabic Furniture, one should include some shades of retro look like that of art deco ornaments on the sideboard as a part of styling. Retro furniture and its related accessories symbolically represent the age and also showcases the class of that era.

In a time of Big Data and heavy internet usage, many furniture designers have found a place on Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp to hit furniture enthusiasts with the nostalgia and bring back the spirit of different Arabic eras.

Nonetheless, coming back to our key trends of the furnishing industry; here are a few of them which a consumer can discuss with their manufacturers or retailers while planning to add furniture belonging to Saudi Arabian roots:



1. Tame Gorilla, Plush, and Brass for the Living Room

Containing broad elements like brass and gold, this kind of trend pumps the right amount of glitter to ensure that the host’s room never runs out of the ambiance. Moreover, this trend comes with a combination of references that take inspiration from the fifties and the seventies. The retro sofas, console tables, deeply velvety armchairs, and some surprising decorative materials like the seated plastic gorilla and much more make this trend an exciting prospect to make a living room more lively.


2. Strength of Iron, Stone, and Wood

Is there a better giver than nature itself?绝对不! And, this is the reason why people are longing to use the gifts of nature to provide some elegant context to their furniture. And, when the modern Arabic furniture is considered, we can see that the different elements of the modern themes enable the furniture to provide archaic look while injecting some natural inspiration. Perhaps, this is the reason why we can witness the designers and consultants focussing especially on the combinational play of wood, glass, stone, and metal. And, a perfect example of this is the “Fundy side table” whose solid wood top and greenish glass is a pure depiction of a lake.


3. The Bar Trolley Trend

Bar trolleys have made a revealing comeback into the modern Arabic furniture! Not only are they stylish but also very functional. Be it as a side table for books or pot plants or decorative materials, this bar trolley provides flexibility and a touch of class for modern Arabic furniture. However, the only thing to be careful is the placement; wrong placement can dramatically reduce the demeanor of the room it is placed in.


4. Vitalize it with Green

If there is a color that represents the life at the fullest then it is Green! A pure portrayal of nature and positive feeling, using this color can inspire modern Arabic furniture to create a sense of calmness and security around the room it is placed in.

So, here it was a users’ manual to comprehend what the Arabic furniture market is all about. With its expanding market, Saudi Arabian furniture and its trends are a statement of style, elegance, and royalty. However, it is very essential for consumers to consult with interior designers and furnishing consultants to understand the proper placement of the Arabic furniture to ensure that it adds to the charm and luxury of the room.

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