密度约为每立方厘米 1.74 克(每立方英寸 0.063 磅)的镁合金,当以铸造形式与铝、锰、稀土、钍、锌或锆合金时,显示出高强度重量比,使其成为材料每当减轻重量很重要或必须减少惯性力(对于快速移动的机器零件)时都是首选。镁大约占钢重量的 20%,铝重量的 67%。镁铸件具有显着的阻尼能力。
- 纯镁在 650 摄氏度(1202 华氏度)下熔化。
- 从液体到固体的收缩率为 3.9% 到 4.2%,在熔点温度下从液体到室温下的固体的收缩率为 9.7%。
- 镁在某些铝合金的生产中用作合金元素。
- 在生产球墨铸铁的铸铁铸造厂中,镁用于使石墨颗粒呈球状。它还用于其他金属的阴极保护,使其免受腐蚀。
- ASTM B80、B94 和 B199 规范涵盖铸造合金。
- 符合 ASTM B90、B107 和 B217 的锻造合金。
- 用于焊接镁合金的填充金属在 中指定
- AWS A5.19 镁合金焊条和焊条规范
- ASTM B 448 镁合金焊条和裸电极规范
- SAE AMS 4397 镁丝,焊接。
由于镁的机械强度太低而不能直接使用,因此必须将其与其他元素混合以提高性能。 Mg-Al-Zn 合金组包含铝、锰和锌,它们是室温应用中最常见的合金元素。合金元素钍、铈和锆(不含铝)用于高温,形成 Mg-Zn-Zr 族。
- 铝是改善效果的最有效成分。以 2% 至 10% 的百分比添加少量锌和锰,它可以提高强度和硬度,但会降低延展性。含Al量大于1.5%的镁合金易发生应力腐蚀,焊后必须进行去应力处理。
- 锌与铝结合有助于克服镁合金中可能存在的铁和镍杂质的有害腐蚀作用。锌含量越高(超过 1%),热脆性越高,导致焊缝开裂。
- 锰提高了镁合金的屈服强度(略微)和耐盐水性。更高的熔点需要更高的热输入才能熔化。焊缝附近的晶粒生长会降低强度。
- 可以添加钍或铈以提高 260 至 370 摄氏度(500 至 700 华氏度)温度下的强度。少量的锆是提高可焊性的晶粒细化剂。
- 有时会添加铍以减少镁在熔化时燃烧的趋势。没有观察到对焊接的不利影响。在钎焊合金中,它可能有助于降低炉内钎焊过程中着火的危险。
- 添加少量钙以减少氧化,但会增加焊缝开裂的风险。
熔化极气体保护焊镁 (GMAW) 或金属惰性气体保护焊 (MIG) 的金属转移模式
- 短路模式 - 填料每秒多次接触工件并熄灭电弧,金属以液滴顺序供应。
- 脉冲电弧模式 - 电源提供调制电流。电弧不间断,中间转移金属。
- 喷雾转移模式 - 金属通过液滴喷雾转移。
- 最常用的保护气体通常是氩气,而与氦气的混合物也可以。
用于焊接镁的气体保护钨极电弧 (GTAW) 也称为钨极惰性气体保护 (TIG)
- 使用叠加高频电流的交流电机或直流反极性(电极正极)电源。
- For thin sheets both are suitable, for heavier sheets alternating current is preferred as it provides deeper penetration.
- Direct current straight polarity (electrode negative) is not preferred because it lacks the cathodic cleaning action.
Electron Beam welding magnesium has been used for repairing expensive casting on alloys containing less than 1% Zinc. The relative weldability of the different magnesium alloys is similar to that displayed for the more common arc processes.
The conditions have to be strictly monitored because of the danger of developing voids and porosity due to the low boiling point of Magnesium and the still lower one of Zinc. A slightly defocused beam may help to obtain sound welds.
Laser Beam is a preferred method for welding magnesium because of its low heat input, elevated speed and limited deformation. However this method has a tendency of developing porosity.
Resistance welding magnesium for either spots or seams is performed on wrought alloys like sheets and extrusions, essentially with equipment and conditions similar to those used for aluminum.
Repairing Castings:One of the most common Welding magnesium applications is repairing castings either as cast or after service. Preparation is important and should exclude contamination from extraneous materials. Generous bevels should be prepared to allow for full penetration.
Preheating:The need for preheating when welding magnesium is dictated by the degree of joint restraint and by metal thickness:for thick walls and a short welding bead, it may not be required. Preheating should be performed in a furnace with a protective atmosphere for reducing oxidation. One of the recommended procedures to minimize weld cracking is to weld from the center towards the sides (one half after the other). Thermal shocks should be avoided.