工业真空泵旨在将气体和液体从密封容器中抽出以产生真空。尽管这项技术自 17 世纪以来就已被探索,但直到最近才扩展到一系列行业。从家用电子产品到飞机设备,无数应用都需要真空吸尘器。
- 正排量泵 通过作用于恒定体积的空气来产生真空,并在流量很小的情况下产生高真空。
- 非正排量泵 加速空气从系统中排出以在进气口产生真空,但在高流量下产生的真空很小。
旋转叶片泵是正排量泵,通过在圆柱形外壳中使用旋转叶片来工作。当这些叶片围绕偏心安装的转子滑入和滑出时,泵捕获空气并将其从入口端口移动到出口端口,从而产生真空。总体而言,旋片泵通常会产生 20 至 28 inHg 的压力,但一些两级设计可能会产生高达 29.5 inHg 的真空。
- 优点: 旋片泵高效、紧凑且便宜。尽管与其他类型的泵相比,这些泵体积较小,但它们的体积流量很大,而且比具有类似真空度的泵便宜得多。此外,它们运行非常平稳、安静,没有振动,产生的声音低至 45 dBA。
- 缺点: 旋片泵处于真空泵的中间地带 ——它们不像其他类型的泵那样强大,例如活塞泵。
- 应用: 由于其紧凑的特性和功效,旋片式真空泵可用于各种行业,尤其是环境、医疗和商业行业。它们通常用于空调和曝气系统,但也可用于食品加工、手术抽吸甚至池塘曝气应用。
摇摆活塞泵是容积式泵,使用刚性安装的活塞和偏心连杆。当曲轴旋转时,活塞前后摆动,通过用作密封件的弹性杯推动和拉动空气。单个泵可产生高达 27.5 inHg 的真空,而两级设计可产生高达 29 inHg 的真空。
- 优点: 没有隔膜装置中的活塞销,摇摆活塞真空泵比许多其他选项更轻、更紧凑。它们在运行期间也相对安静,运行声级低至 50 dBA。
- 缺点: 摇摆式活塞泵无法产生大量气流——即使是最大的型号也有低于 10 cfm 的流速。
- 应用: 摇摆活塞泵通常用于池塘曝气系统,但其运行安静使其成为医疗、牙科和实验室应用等对噪音敏感的环境的理想选择。摇摆活塞泵还用于饮料分配系统、汽车悬架系统甚至纸张计数机。
往复式活塞泵具有一个或多个连接到旋转曲轴上的活塞。当曲轴转动时,活塞往复运动,交替的活塞动作移动空气以产生真空。这些正排量泵产生从 27 到超过 29 inHg 的相对较高的真空度。
- 优点: 往复式活塞泵产生相对较高的真空度,并且在各种操作条件下都能很好地工作。它们的寿命也很长。
- 缺点: 往复式活塞泵系统的主要缺点是它们比许多其他系统更重且更昂贵。它们的容量也有限,并且通常在比其他系统更高的噪音水平下运行。
- 应用: 往复式活塞泵最适合恶劣条件下的应用,使其成为挥发性应用以及石化、薄荷醇和芳香工业的理想选择。
在隔膜泵中,流体室与泵送机构密封。相反,偏心连杆使该腔室内的隔膜弯曲,从而产生真空。隔膜泵提供中等真空度,单级版本最高可达 25.5 inHg,两级版本最高可达 29 inHg。
- 优点: 隔膜泵压缩比低,流量小,直径大,冲程短。这意味着这些类型的泵运行非常安静。它们还非常可靠且具有成本效益。
- 缺点: 与其他容积式真空泵相比,隔膜泵产生的真空度较低。
- 应用: 这些类型的泵因其可靠性和安静的运行而在医疗行业中非常受欢迎。它们通常用于血压计、吸奶器、消毒器、吸引器和各种类型的移动设备。它们还常见于空气和水采样、水净化和一般实验室设备中。
- 优点: 干爪式真空泵由于其低磨损设计而具有较长的使用寿命。他们也不使用润滑剂,从而消除了加工物质的污染。它们也是市场上最安静的泵。
- 缺点: 干式爪式泵是为工业应用而设计的重型系统,因此不适合较小规模的应用。它们在高海拔地区也表现不佳。
- 应用: 干式爪式泵专为工业环境而设计,常见于生产线、气动系统和中央真空供应系统。
- 优点: 液环泵可有效吸收压缩过程中产生的热量。系统中的液体还可以用作捕获空气中任何粉末或液体的方法。这些泵也被称为业内最安静的泵,产生大约 75 分贝。
- 缺点: 液环泵设计更大,最适合大型工业装置。
- 应用: These pumps are most often used in industrial applications, most often in applications that benefit from the air-purifying properties of the liquid-ring design. Some examples include the chemical, environmental, mining, petrochemical and textile industries.
7. Rotary Screw Pump
Rotary-screw vacuum pumps are positive displacement pumps. In this design, two helically-shaped rotors turn in opposite directions, trapping air and moving it through the chamber to create a vacuum. Though this design allows for high airflow, it achieves relatively low vacuums limited to about 15 inHg.
- Advantages: Unlike piston pumps, screw pumps work through a smooth, continuous motion, which means the pumps do not have the pulses often seen with piston-based designs.
- Disadvantages: Due to the size of the necessary parts, rotary screw pumps are cumbersome at smaller sizes. As a result, they are most often seen in larger installations. They also do not produce as much vacuum as piston-based designs and have lower inlet capacities. Additionally, screw pumps sometimes encounter issues with lubricant migrating into the pumping chamber over time, which can result in maintenance problems.
- Applications: These pumps are often found in large-scale industrial applications that handle clean gasses.
High vs. Low Vacuum Pumps
In addition to the various types of industrial vacuum pump systems, pumps are also split into categories by the amount of vacuum they can generate. Levels of vacuum are divided into four levels defined by the level of pressure within the vacuum chamber. These are represented below in torr units of pressure, though mmHg is also commonly used. For reference, one unit of torr is equal to 1/760 of atmospheric pressure.
The categories of vacuum are as follows:
- Low vacuum: Low vacuum is any pressure level above one torr. All vacuum pumps can achieve this level, and most mechanical vacuum pumps operate within this range. Also called a rough vacuum, the majority of industrial-level vacuum units are considered low volume vacuum pumps and generate this level of vacuum.
- Medium vacuum: A medium vacuum has a pressure level between one and 10 -3 torr. Most pumps providing this range are mechanical. Process application vacuum units are typically made to produce this level of vacuum — this includes vacuums made for spraying or gas removal processes.
- High vacuum: High vacuum is indicated by pressures between 10 -3 and 10 -7 torr absolute — any lower than 10-7 torr is considered very high vacuum. High vacuum is only required in specialized industrial and lab applications and is often achieved through the use of non-mechanical vacuums. Very high vacuums are even more specialized, needed mostly in laboratory applications and space simulations.
How to Choose the Right Vacuum Pump
Choosing between the different types of vacuum pumps can be difficult with so many options available. The choice often comes down to a few factors, such as:
- Level of vacuum: The level of vacuum needed is one of the primary factors to consider. These categories tell the user how much vacuum the pump can generate.
- Usage: Larger units are typically designed and rated for continuous duty, while smaller units are made for intermittent duty. Smaller units applied in a continuous manner typically encounter functional limitations that decrease their vacuum generation capabilities.
- Rate of removal: Pumps are flow rated based on the volume of air they can handle. High flow rates mean that the pumps can remove air more quickly.
- Power requirement: Vacuum pumps typically require little power input, but not all pumps are made the same. Though the power requirement for a unit doesn’t necessarily affect functionality, it does affect your business’ power usage and efficiency.
- Time: If it is essential that a certain vacuum level is achieved within a specific time frame, a high volume vacuum pump will be the best option. If time is not important, a small pump will suffice.
Common Vacuum Pump Applications
Vacuum technology is everywhere in industry, with businesses relying on vacuums for a range of processes and production methods. Some common examples are:
- Automotive: Vacuums are required in the function of vehicles and in their production and maintenance. Cable pressure and automotive suspension systems are often maintained using vacuum systems, while auto detailing and tire inflation equipment use vacuum pumps to build pressure for their systems.
- Medical: Vacuum pumps are used in a wide range of applications throughout the medical industry. Various types of ventilation equipment and oxygen concentrators use pumps for respiratory therapy applications. Surgical teams also use vacuum pumps to power various types of equipment and sterilization systems. Even medical pumps themselves, including breast pumps, and suction units, use vacuum pumps.
- Dental: The dental industry commonly uses a range of vacuum pumps in various applications. Dental compressors and portable dental equipment often use vacuum pumps to build pressure in systems, while vacuum ovens are used to mold implants.
- Environmental: Air sampling and soil aeration equipment both use vacuum pumps to power their processes. Vacuum pumps are also an essential part of any air supply system or sewage aeration system.
- Food and beverage: Food processing and water purification systems often use vacuums as part of their processes. From aeration and mixing to packaging, vacuums are used throughout this industry.
- Agricultural: TheAgriculture industry often uses vacuum pumps in the development and application of agricultural sprays. Pest control equipment and crop sprayers are often powered by vacuum pumps. Milking equipment also uses vacuum pumps.
- Electronics: Many electronics require vacuums to function. The most common example is the electric lamp — light bulbs require a vacuum in order to function, so a vacuum pump is needed to take gas from the bulb. Semiconductor production also requires the use of vacuums.
- Arts and printing: Airbrushes, ink-jet printers, framing equipment and other staples of the printing arts are powered by vacuum pumps.
Choose RG Group
With so many industrial vacuum pump sizes and types available, it’s important to know your options. Different technologies can be used to generate a reliable flow of vacuum, but no single technology achieves optimal efficiency at every level of vacuum. The right type of vacuum pump will serve your application smoothly, while the wrong one may result in significant costs and future down-time. We know that the choices can be overwhelming, so RG Group is here to help.
For over 60 years, RG Group has been an industry expert in vacuum technology solutions, providing trusted expertise in selecting and installing solutions from a variety of manufacturers. We offer an extensive line of air-moving products from industry-leading manufacturers GAST and Atlas Copco., including Gast vacuum pumps, compressors, air motors, gear motors, vacuum generators, and regenerative blowers. By combining the two global leaders, the RG Solution incorporates a wide variety of vacuum pump models to choose from, ensuring you’ll be able to find the right one for your applications.
Whether you need a simple fix or a custom solution, RG Group can help with our team of experts and our global network of sales representatives, service facilities and distributors. Whether you’re located in the United States, Europe or China, we can help you get the parts and services you need.
Contact RG Group today to learn more about our fluid handling and motion control solutions, as well as our quality industrial parts and services.