Arduino 和 HC-12 远程无线通信模块
在本 Arduino 教程中,我们将学习如何使用 HC-12 无线串行通信模块,该模块能够在多个 Arduino 板之间进行远距离无线通信,距离可达 1.8 公里。您可以观看以下视频或阅读下面的书面教程了解更多详情。
在本教程中,我制作了两个基本示例来解释如何连接 HC-12 模块并在两个 Arduino 之间进行基本通信,以及在第一个 Arduino 上使用加速度计传感器的另一个示例,我在第二个 Arduino 上无线控制步进器的位置阿杜诺。
HC-12 模块有一个微控制器,实际上不必由用户编程。为了配置模块,我们只需使用 AT 命令,这些命令可以从 Arduino、PC 或任何其他使用串行端口的微控制器发送。进入 AT 指令模式只需要将模块的“Set”引脚设置为逻辑低电平即可。
现在让我们将 HC-12 模块连接到 Arduino 并制作第一个示例。这是电路原理图。模块的工作电压为 3.2V 到 5.5V,为了更稳定的工作建议使用去耦电容和外部电源。但是,我在本教程中的所有三个示例中都使用了 PC USB 作为电源,并且没有任何问题。
我将第一个模块连接到 Arduino UNO,将第二个模块连接到 Arduino MEGA,当然,您可以使用任何您想要的板。
您可以从以下链接获取本 Arduino 教程所需的组件:
这是第一个示例的 Arduino 代码,两个模块之间使用串行监视器进行基本通信。
两个 Arduino 使用相同的代码。我们可以将两个 Arduino 连接在两台不同的计算机上,也可以使用一台计算机。
在这种情况下,一旦我们将第一个 Arduino 连接到计算机,我们需要选择型号和 COM 端口并将代码上传到 Arduino。然后我们连接第二个 Arduino,我们必须再次启动 Arduino IDE,以便能够选择我们的第二个 Arduino 连接到的另一个 COM 端口,然后上传相同的代码。
因此,一旦我们运行了两个 Arduino IDE,我们就可以启动串行监视器并测试通信是否正常。我们在串行监视器中键入的任何内容都将从一个 Arduino 发送到另一个 Arduino。
代码的工作原理: 因此,一旦我们在串行监视器中键入内容并单击“发送”按钮,在第一个 Arduino 上,带有 Serial.available() 函数的 while 循环将变为真,并且使用 HC12.write() 函数,我们将从串行监视器连接到 HC-12 模块。该模块会将数据无线传输到第二个 HC-12 模块,因此在第二个 Arduino 中,带有 HC12.available() 函数的 while 循环将变为真,并使用 Serial.write() 函数将数据发送到串行监视器。
我们可以使用相同的代码发送 AT 命令和配置模块参数。我们所要做的就是将模块的“Set”引脚连接到地或Arduino的任何数字引脚,并将引脚设置为低逻辑电平。
为了测试我们是否成功进入模式,在串口监视器中我们可以输入“AT”,我们应该得到一个响应消息“OK”。 AT 命令共有 12 个,用于更改波特率、通道、发射功率等各种参数。例如,如果我们输入“AT+B38400”,则模块的波特率将设置为38400.
1. AT - 测试命令。
2. AT+Bxxxx – 更改串口波特率。
可用波特率:1200 bps、2400 bps、4800 bps、9600 bps、19200 bps、38400 bps、57600 bps 和 115200 bps。默认值:9600 bps。
3. AT+Cxxxx – 更改无线通讯频道,从001改为100。
默认值:001 频道,工作频率为 433.4MHz。每个下一个频道都高 400KHz。
示例:如果我们要将模块设置为通道 006,我们需要向模块发送“AT+C006”命令,模块将返回“OK+C006”。新的工作频率为 435.4MHz。
注意:两个 HC-12 模块的“设置”引脚连接到两个 Arduino 的引脚 6,第一个 Arduino 上的两个按钮连接到引脚 4 和 3。
因此,首先我们需要定义引脚并将“Set”引脚设置为高逻辑电平,以便模块在正常透明模式下工作。在第一个 while 循环中,我们将传入的数据存储到一个 String 变量中,这样我们可以更好地处理它。
传入的数据总是一次一个字节,例如,如果我们从第二个 Arduino 发送字符串“Test123”,这个 while 循环将执行 7 次迭代。每次迭代,使用 函数,我们将读取每个传入的字节或字符,并将其添加到名为“readBuffer”的字符串变量中。
接下来让我们看看如何使用第一个按钮更改通信渠道。因此,如果我们按下第一个按钮,使用 HC12.print() 函数,我们会将字符串“AT+C001”发送到 HC-12 模块或第二个 Arduino。
当第二个 Arduino 接收到该字符串时,我们将 HC-12 模块设置为 AT 命令模式,然后写入相同的字符串“AT+C001”,将模块设置为通讯通道号。主页>
我们使用下一个 while 循环来打印来自 HC-12 模块的响应消息是否已成功更改频道。
回到第一个 Arduino,我们执行相同的过程,将 AT 命令发送到第一个 HC-12 模块。以同样的方式,使用第二个按钮,我们设置了第二个通信通道。因此,使用这种方法,我们可以随时选择与哪个 HC-12 模块进行通信。
现在让我们看第三个例子。这里我们使用第一个 Arduino 上的加速度计模块来控制第二个 Arduino 上的步进电机的位置。
该电路还包含一个微动开关,用于查找步进电机在 0 度时的初始位置。
第一个 Arduino - 发射器代码:
第二个 Arduino - 接收器代码:
因此,首先我们在设置部分定义引脚并初始化模块。然后我们读取加速度计的 X 和 Y 轴的值,并将它们映射到 0 到 180 度的值。来自加速度计的值有时会不稳定或抖动,因此为了平滑结果,我使用了一百个读数的平均值。
为了进一步平滑,我将发送新的角度值,前提是它与之前的值相差 2。
在第二个 Arduino 中,我们等到开始标记“s”到来,然后我们读取角度值,直到结束标记“e”到来。这样我们就可以确定我们只会收到角度的值。
然后我们将该值转换为整数,并将该值从 0 映射到 1600 步,这对应于 A4988 步进驱动器上选择的第 16 步分辨率。然后我们将步进电机旋转到当前角度。
这就是本 Arduino 教程的全部内容。欢迎在下方评论区提出任何问题。概览
Arduino 和 HC-12
示例 01 – Arduino 代码
/* Arduino Long Range Wireless Communication using HC-12
Example 01
by Dejan Nedelkovski,
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial HC12(10, 11); // HC-12 TX Pin, HC-12 RX Pin
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Serial port to computer
HC12.begin(9600); // Serial port to HC12
void loop() {
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data
Serial.write(; // Send the data to Serial monitor
while (Serial.available()) { // If Serial monitor has data
HC12.write(; // Send that data to HC-12
Code language: Arduino (arduino)AT 命令:
示例 02
/* Arduino Long Range Wireless Communication using HC-12
Example 02 - Changing channels using push buttons - Buttons side
by Dejan Nedelkovski,
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define setPin 6
#define button1 4
#define button2 3
SoftwareSerial HC12(10, 11); // HC-12 TX Pin, HC-12 RX Pin
byte incomingByte;
String readBuffer = "";
int button1State = 0;
int button1Pressed = 0;
int button2State = 0;
int button2Pressed = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Open serial port to computer
HC12.begin(9600); // Open serial port to HC12
pinMode(setPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(button1, INPUT);
pinMode(button2, INPUT);
digitalWrite(setPin, HIGH); // HC-12 normal, transparent mode
void loop() {
// ==== Storing the incoming data into a String variable
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data
incomingByte =; // Store each icoming byte from HC-12
readBuffer += char(incomingByte); // Add each byte to ReadBuffer string variable
// ==== Sending data from one HC-12 to another via the Serial Monitor
while (Serial.available()) {
// ==== If button 1 is pressed, set the channel 01
button1State = digitalRead(button1);
if (button1State == HIGH & button1Pressed == LOW) {
button1Pressed = HIGH;
if (button1Pressed == HIGH) {
HC12.print("AT+C001"); // Send the AT Command to the other module
//Set AT Command Mode
digitalWrite(setPin, LOW); // Set HC-12 into AT Command mode
delay(100); // Wait for the HC-12 to enter AT Command mode
HC12.print("AT+C001"); // Send AT Command to HC-12
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data (the AT Command response)
Serial.write(; // Send the data to Serial monitor
Serial.println("Channel successfully changed");
digitalWrite(setPin, HIGH); // Exit AT Command mode
button1Pressed = LOW;
// ==== If button 2 is pressed, set the channel 02
button2State = digitalRead(button2);
if (button2State == HIGH & button2Pressed == LOW) {
button2Pressed = HIGH;
if (button2Pressed == HIGH) {
HC12.print("AT+C002"); // Send the AT Command to the other module
//Set AT Command Mode
digitalWrite(setPin, LOW); // Set HC-12 into AT Command mode
delay(100); // Wait for the HC-12 to enter AT Command mode
HC12.print("AT+C002"); // Send AT Command to HC-12
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data (the AT Command response)
Serial.write(; // Send the data to Serial monitor
Serial.println("Channel successfully changed");
digitalWrite(setPin, HIGH);
button2Pressed = LOW;
readBuffer = ""; // Clear readBuffer
// ==== Custom function - Check whether we have received an AT Command via the Serial Monitor
void checkATCommand () {
if (readBuffer.startsWith("AT")) { // Check whether the String starts with "AT"
digitalWrite(setPin, LOW); // Set HC-12 into AT Command mode
delay(200); // Wait for the HC-12 to enter AT Command mode
HC12.print(readBuffer); // Send AT Command to HC-12
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data (the AT Command response)
Serial.write(; // Send the data to Serial monitor
digitalWrite(setPin, HIGH); // Exit AT Command mode
Code language: Arduino (arduino)/* Arduino Long Range Wireless Communication using HC-12
Example 02 - Changing channels using push buttons
by Dejan Nedelkovski,
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define setPin 6
SoftwareSerial HC12(10, 11); // HC-12 TX Pin, HC-12 RX Pin
byte incomingByte;
String readBuffer = "";
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Open serial port to computer
HC12.begin(9600); // Open serial port to HC12
pinMode(setPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(setPin, HIGH); // HC-12 normal mode
void loop() {
// ==== Storing the incoming data into a String variable
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data
incomingByte =; // Store each icoming byte from HC-12
readBuffer += char(incomingByte); // Add each byte to ReadBuffer string variable
// ==== Sending data from one HC-12 to another via the Serial Monitor
while (Serial.available()) {
// === If button 1 is pressed, set channel 01
if (readBuffer == "AT+C001") {
digitalWrite(setPin, LOW); // Set HC-12 into AT Command mode
delay(100); // Wait for the HC-12 to enter AT Command mode
HC12.print(readBuffer); // Send AT Command to HC-12 ("AT+C001")
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data (the AT Command response)
Serial.write(; // Send the data to Serial monitor
Serial.println("Channel successfully changed");
digitalWrite(setPin, HIGH); // Exit AT Command mode
readBuffer = "";
// === If button 2 is pressed, set channel 02
if (readBuffer == "AT+C002") {
digitalWrite(setPin, LOW); // Set HC-12 into AT Command mode
delay(100); // Wait for the HC-12 to enter AT Command mode
HC12.print(readBuffer); // Send AT Command to HC-12
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data (the AT Command response)
Serial.write(; // Send the data to Serial monitor
Serial.println("Channel successfully changed");
digitalWrite(setPin, HIGH); // Exit AT Command mode
readBuffer = "";
readBuffer = ""; // Clear readBuffer
// ==== Custom function - Check whether we have received an AT Command via the Serial Monitor
void checkATCommand () {
if (readBuffer.startsWith("AT")) { // Check whether the String starts with "AT"
digitalWrite(setPin, LOW); // Set HC-12 into AT Command mode
delay(100); // Wait for the HC-12 to enter AT Command mode
HC12.print(readBuffer); // Send AT Command to HC-12
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data (the AT Command response)
Serial.write(; // Send the data to Serial monitor
digitalWrite(setPin, HIGH); // Exit AT Command mode
Code language: Arduino (arduino)// ==== Storing the incoming data into a String variable
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data
incomingByte =; // Store each icoming byte from HC-12
readBuffer += char(incomingByte); // Add each byte to ReadBuffer string variable
Code language: Arduino (arduino)if (button1Pressed == HIGH) {
HC12.print("AT+C001"); // Send the AT Command to the other module
//Set AT Command Mode
digitalWrite(setPin, LOW); // Set HC-12 into AT Command mode
delay(100); // Wait for the HC-12 to enter AT Command mode
HC12.print("AT+C001"); // Send AT Command to HC-12
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data (the AT Command response)
Serial.write(; // Send the data to Serial monitor
Serial.println("Channel successfully changed");
digitalWrite(setPin, HIGH); // Exit AT Command mode
button1Pressed = LOW;
Code language: Arduino (arduino)// At the second Arduino
// === If button 1 is pressed, set channel 01
if (readBuffer == "AT+C001") {
digitalWrite(setPin, LOW); // Set HC-12 into AT Command mode
delay(100); // Wait for the HC-12 to enter AT Command mode
HC12.print(readBuffer); // Send AT Command to HC-12 ("AT+C001")
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data (the AT Command response)
Serial.write(; // Send the data to Serial monitor
Serial.println("Channel successfully changed");
digitalWrite(setPin, HIGH); // Exit AT Command mode
readBuffer = "";
Code language: Arduino (arduino)while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data (the AT Command response)
Serial.write(; // Send the data to Serial monitor
Code language: Arduino (arduino)// ==== Custom function - Check whether we have received an AT Command via the Serial Monitor
void checkATCommand () {
if (readBuffer.startsWith("AT")) { // Check whether the String starts with "AT"
digitalWrite(setPin, LOW); // Set HC-12 into AT Command mode
delay(200); // Wait for the HC-12 to enter AT Command mode
HC12.print(readBuffer); // Send AT Command to HC-12
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data (the AT Command response)
Serial.write(; // Send the data to Serial monitor
digitalWrite(setPin, HIGH); // Exit AT Command mode
Code language: Arduino (arduino)HC-12 无线通信:使用加速度计的步进电机控制
/* Arduino Long Range Wireless Communication using HC-12
Example 03 - Stepper Motor Control using Accelerometer - Transmitter, Accelerometer
by Dejan Nedelkovski,
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Wire.h>
SoftwareSerial HC12(10, 11); // HC-12 TX Pin, HC-12 RX Pin
float angle;
int lastAngle = 0;
int count = 0;
int angleSum = 0;
//--- Accelerometer Register Addresses
#define Power_Register 0x2D
#define X_Axis_Register_DATAX0 0x32 // Hexadecima address for the DATAX0 internal register.
#define X_Axis_Register_DATAX1 0x33 // Hexadecima address for the DATAX1 internal register.
#define Y_Axis_Register_DATAY0 0x34
#define Y_Axis_Register_DATAY1 0x35
#define Z_Axis_Register_DATAZ0 0x36
#define Z_Axis_Register_DATAZ1 0x37
int ADXAddress = 0x53; //Device address in which is also included the 8th bit for selecting the mode, read in this case.
int X0, X1, X_out;
int Y0, Y1, Y_out;
int Z1, Z0, Z_out;
float Xa, Ya, Za;
void setup() {
HC12.begin(9600); // Open serial port to HC12
Wire.begin(); // Initiate the Wire library
Wire.write(Power_Register); // Power_CTL Register
// Enable measurement
Wire.write(8); // Bit D3 High for measuring enable (0000 1000)
void loop() {
// X-axis
Wire.beginTransmission(ADXAddress); // Begin transmission to the Sensor
//Ask the particular registers for data
Wire.endTransmission(); // Ends the transmission and transmits the data from the two registers
Wire.requestFrom(ADXAddress, 2); // Request the transmitted two bytes from the two registers
if (Wire.available() <= 2) { //
X0 =; // Reads the data from the register
X1 =;
/* Converting the raw data of the X-Axis into X-Axis Acceleration
- The output data is Two's complement
- X0 as the least significant byte
- X1 as the most significant byte */
X1 = X1 << 8;
X_out = X0 + X1;
Xa = X_out / 256.0; // Xa = output value from -1 to +1, Gravity acceleration acting on the X-Axis
//Serial.print("Xa= ");
// Y-Axis
Wire.requestFrom(ADXAddress, 2);
if (Wire.available() <= 2) {
Y0 =;
Y1 =;
Y1 = Y1 << 8;
Y_out = Y0 + Y1;
Ya = Y_out / 256.0;
// Combine X and Y values for getting the angle value from 0 to 180 degrees
if (Y_out > 0) {
angle = map(Y_out, 0, 256, 90, 0);
else if (Y_out < 0) {
angle = map(Y_out, 256, 0, 90, 0);
angle = 90 - angle;
if (X_out < 0 & Y_out < 0) {
angle = 180;
if (X_out < 0 & Y_out >0) {
angle = 0;
// float to int
int angleInt = int(angle);
// Makes 100 accelerometer readings and sends the average for smoother result
angleSum = angleSum + angleInt;
if (count >= 100) {
angleInt = angleSum / 100;
angleSum = 0;
count = 0;
// Some more smoothing of acceleromter reading - sends the new angle only if it differes from the previous one by +-2
if (angleInt > lastAngle + 2 || angleInt < lastAngle - 2) {
String angleString = String(angleInt);
//sends the angle value with start marker "s" and end marker "e"
HC12.print("s" + angleString + "e");
lastAngle = angleInt;
angleSum = 0;
count = 0;
Code language: Arduino (arduino)/* Arduino Long Range Wireless Communication using HC-12
Example 03 - Stepper Motor Control using Accelerometer - Receiver, Stepper Motor
by Dejan Nedelkovski,
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial HC12(10, 11); // HC-12 TX Pin, HC-12 RX Pin
char incomingByte;
String readBuffer = "";
// defines pins numbers
const int dirPin = 4;
const int stepPin = 3;
const int button = 2;
int currentAngle = 0;
int lastAngle = 0;
int rotate = 0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Open serial port to computer
HC12.begin(9600); // Open serial port to HC12
// Sets the two pins as Outputs
pinMode(dirPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT);
// Microswitch input, with internal pull-up resistor activated
pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLUP);
digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH);
boolean startingPosition = true;
while (startingPosition) {
digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
if (digitalRead(button) == LOW) {
startingPosition = false;
void loop() {
readBuffer = "";
boolean start = false;
// Reads the incoming angle
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data
incomingByte =; // Store each icoming byte from HC-12
// Reads the data between the start "s" and end marker "e"
if (start == true) {
if (incomingByte != 'e') {
readBuffer += char(incomingByte); // Add each byte to ReadBuffer string variable
else {
start = false;
// Checks whether the received message statrs with the start marker "s"
else if ( incomingByte == 's') {
start = true; // If true start reading the message
// Converts the string into integer
currentAngle = readBuffer.toInt();
// Makes sure it uses angles between 0 and 180
if (currentAngle > 0 && currentAngle < 180) {
// Convert angle value to steps (depending on the selected step resolution)
// A cycle = 200 steps, 180deg = 100 steps ; Resolution: Sixteenth step x16
currentAngle = map(currentAngle, 0, 180, 0, 1600);
//Serial.println(currentAngle); // Prints the angle on the serial monitor
digitalWrite(dirPin, LOW); // Enables the motor to move in a particular direction
// Rotates the motor the amount of steps that differs from the previous positon
if (currentAngle != lastAngle) {
if (currentAngle > lastAngle) {
rotate = currentAngle - lastAngle;
for (int x = 0; x < rotate; x++) {
digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
// rotate the other way
if (currentAngle < lastAngle) {
rotate = lastAngle - currentAngle;
digitalWrite(dirPin, HIGH); //Changes the rotations direction
for (int x = 0; x < rotate; x++) {
digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW);
lastAngle = currentAngle; // Remembers the current/ last positon
Code language: Arduino (arduino)// Makes 100 accelerometer readings and sends the average for smoother result
angleSum = angleSum + angleInt;
if (count >= 100) {
angleInt = angleSum / 100;
angleSum = 0;
count = 0;
// Some more smoothing of acceleromter reading - sends the new angle only if it differes from the previous one by +-2
if (angleInt > lastAngle + 2 || angleInt < lastAngle - 2) {
String angleString = String(angleInt);
//sends the angle value with start marker "s" and end marker "e"
HC12.print("s" + angleString + "e");
lastAngle = angleInt;
angleSum = 0;
count = 0;
Code language: Arduino (arduino)// Reads the incoming angle
while (HC12.available()) { // If HC-12 has data
incomingByte =; // Store each icoming byte from HC-12
// Reads the data between the start "s" and end marker "e"
if (start == true) {
if (incomingByte != 'e') {
readBuffer += char(incomingByte); // Add each byte to ReadBuffer string variable
else {
start = false;
// Checks whether the received message statrs with the start marker "s"
else if ( incomingByte == 's') {
start = true; // If true start reading the message
Code language: Arduino (arduino)