有效的物料搬运是运输和仓储业务的重要组成部分。这个庞大的行业满足了美国和国际从 A 点到 B 点的货物运输需求。以安全和合规的方式最大化产品流,同时保持成本效益至关重要。这个过程的核心是低托盘。
这份购买托盘的指南将帮助您学习基础知识——可以说是 Pallet Buying 101。它不仅引导您在哪里购买新托盘。本托盘买家指南清楚地描述了当今新托盘市场上的可用产品。如果不提及隔板——另一种运输产品的方式,任何托盘购买指南都是不完整的。
他们说需求是发明之母。也就是说,当运输方式发生变化时,一些需要为 20 世纪材料处理提供完美解决方案的聪明的发明家开发了第一个现代托盘。船舱和铁路车辆中使用的旧板条箱和桶让位于平面运输,如半拖车和货物集装箱。托盘发明也与叉车设计密切相关。这一切都促成了您现在随处可见的现代通用托盘运输方式。
美国林务局估计,如今美国有超过 20 亿个可使用的托盘。这几乎是每个美国公民的六个托盘。绝大多数托盘是木结构的。只有大约四分之一的美国制造商使用塑料和金属等替代材料。那是因为太多托盘处于开环循环中。这意味着一旦托盘离开您的设施,您可能再也看不到它了。您将失去投资。
- 塑料托盘 引领替代材料的选择。它们干净、耐用,可提供出色的投资回报。
- 铝托盘 非常适合户外和空运服务。铝质轻巧,不会生锈并且可以无限期使用。
- 出口托盘 服务于国际航运业。出口托盘需要植物检疫认证,以免污染外国利益。
- 压板托盘 是经济的替代品。它们既便宜又轻便,而且是一次性的。
- 金属丝网托盘 允许空气流动,不要夹杂碎屑。它们非常坚固,负载能力高,在恶劣的气候条件下也能很好地发挥作用。
- AS/RS 托盘 被设计为自动存储和检索系统。 AS/RS 托盘在自动化材料处理设施内流畅地工作。
- 化学品托盘 承受恶劣和腐蚀性的条件。它们广泛用于石油、油漆和工业环境。
- 配送托盘 是仓库的可靠解决方案。典型的配送托盘支持零售、批发和杂货业务。
- 自定义托盘 努力满足对独特尺寸、强度和耐用性问题的需求。在这里,像 Cherry's Industrial Equipment 这样的材料处理专家可以帮助您创建特定于您要求的托盘。
塑料正在对托盘业务产生巨大影响。根据 Logistics Management 的调查,37% 的美国物料搬运企业使用某种形式的塑料托盘。事实上,对塑料托盘的需求如此之高,以至于 Cherry's Industrial Equipment 提供了十几个库存塑料托盘。我们还根据您的个性化规格提供定制设计的塑料托盘。
- 无孔: 与潮湿时吸水的木材不同,塑料没有孔隙。您可以将塑料托盘完全浸没,而且它们的重量不会发生变化。
- 安全: 塑料托盘不会像木托盘那样腐烂、分裂或破裂。塑料托盘是一件式结构。没有松动的指甲伤害工人的风险。塑料的光滑表面和圆形边缘比木材更安全。
- 无异味且耐化学腐蚀: 这对于许多材料处理企业来说很重要,尤其是那些在清洁环境中工作的企业。塑料是一种惰性物质,不会产生其他气味,也不会被化学污染轻易损坏。
- 耐用: 塑料托盘的使用寿命通常为 10 年,而木托盘的使用寿命通常为一年。虽然木托盘会很快变质,但塑料托盘在整个使用寿命期间都保持其承重能力。
- 无感染: 这对于必须符合国际植物检疫措施标准第 15 号 (ISPM15) 规定的出口企业来说非常重要。由于塑料易于消毒,因此不会有虫子或昆虫出没托盘,这会对外部环境造成严重破坏。
如果您正在寻找满足安全性、耐用性和可靠性测试的托盘,塑料托盘可为您提供真正的价值。购买塑料托盘时,您的投资回报率非常高,尤其是在闭环环境中。今天就让 Cherry 的工业设备帮助您改用塑料。
浏览 Cherry’s Industrial 网站并查看我们广泛的塑料托盘选择。从可堆叠、可嵌套和可机架的塑料托盘中进行选择。请务必致电我们知识渊博的服务人员之一,指导您找到最适合您业务的产品。拨打 800-350-0011 联系我们,也可以在线联系我们。
Cherry 的工业设备提供使用 6005/T5 回火铝型材制成的托盘。这些轻巧但坚固的结构是用户友好的。它们非常适合重度使用的严苛环境。想想为您的托盘选择铝材的这些有吸引力的好处。
- 所有金属托盘材料中重量最轻: 这不仅对工人的舒适和努力很重要。这意味着运输重量更轻,这对于您进行空运至关重要。
- 异常强大: 尽管铝很轻,但它是您在购买托盘时可以拥有的最坚韧的材料之一。其强度重量比无与伦比。
- 易于维护: 与木材不同,铝没有钉子或钢紧固件。铝不会生锈、腐烂、扭曲、翘曲或脱落。铝制托盘有焊缝,可终身佩戴。
- 卫生: 我们的密封焊接版本易于清洗和消毒,支持敏感产品的国际和国家运输要求。您可以用软管冲洗或高压清洗铝制托盘,不会产生任何副作用。
- 防火: 铝在任何条件下都不会燃烧,不像木托盘那样有火灾危险。如果您有大量的托盘库存需要经过防火规范检查或容易着火,这是一个重要的问题。
- 环保: 铝是 100% 可回收的。在您的铝托盘需要报废的极少数情况下,它会被送到废品场,而不是垃圾填埋场。
- 残值: 由于您的铝托盘具有回收价值,因此它们始终具有价值——即使它们的目的已经实现!
如果您在库存中看到铝托盘的位置,请查看 Cherry's Industrial 的供应。我们还可以定制您的铝托盘。不要犹豫与我们联系并谈论您的需求。我们可以通过 800-350-0011 与我们联系,或通过我们的在线联系表向我们发送消息。
如果您的国际业务需要在美国境外发货,您将了解您的托盘必须符合的规定。您需要具有成本效益且耐用的托盘,以提供符合国际规则的安全、高效运输。这来自于选择 Cherry's Industrial 的出口托盘。
Most countries enforce ISPM15 regulations, which primarily specify restrictions on wood pallets that must get debarked and treated before leaving America. These measures are essential to prevent cross-contamination between countries.
Cherry’s Industrial export pallets include plastic, wire mesh and some wood-fiber options. Yes, we deal with wood. It’s not just regular wood, though. We supply Litco INCA presswood pallets, which are wood-fiber composites. Litco export pallets are light, inexpensive and meet all ISPM requirements. Sizes range from U.S. standard 48” x 42” down to compact 24” x 40” export models. They include:
- Nestable export pallets that fit inside each other, which helps you save valuable space with more effective storing in your warehouse
- Stackable export pallets with bottom runners and frames like conventional pallet designs, which lets you multi-stack loaded pallets to maximize storage and shipping efficiency
To start your export pallet selection process, take time to check out our export pallet line on the Cherry’s Industrial website. Review the individual product descriptions. Then, call us at 800-350-0011 and we’ll be glad to help you choose the right export pallet for your company's needs. Remember, you can also reach us via our online contact form.
Presswood Pallets
Depending on your situation presswood pallets just might be your best choice. Presswood is a recyclable wood byproduct designed for limited use. If your pallet needs include shipping product out of the country or shipping domestically with no expectation of receiving your pallet in return (open loop) then presswood might be the way to go. Here’s how you’ll benefit from Cherry’s Industrial's selection of presswood pallets.
- Strong, yet lightweight: Presswood pallets weigh nearly 25 percent less than conventional wood pallets. Despite being light and easy to handle, presswood is a tough and durable material.
- Low-profile: Because presswood pallets are nestable, they maintain a low profile when stored in your warehouse. They take far less space than regular high-profile pallets.
- Expendable: Presswood is an expendable material designed for one-way shipping. Their low cost makes presswood an ideal answer for economical and expendable shipping problems.
- Safe and sanitary: There are no nails or splinters with manufactured presswood pallets. There also are no contaminants, which makes them ideal for international shipping.
- Environmentally friendly: Because presswood is a wood-recycled byproduct, it is easy to recycle again. In this way, presswood is a truly green product doing its part to protect our environment.
Cherry’s Industrial Equipment carries an extensive line of top-quality presswood pallets. We offer you superior support and service. For more on using presswood pallets, call our knowledgeable product specialists at 800-350-0011, or drop us a note on our online contact form.
Wire Mesh Pallets
Have you thought about using wire mesh pallets? They’re the answer when you need open-space platforms that vent and drain weeds and debris. Wire mesh pallets are also ideal for clean warehouse environments, such as those in the food and beverage industry.
Think about the benefits you’ll get by adding wire mesh pallets to your workplace. Standard pallets weigh 50 pounds. They’re not lightweight, but they’re exceptionally strong. Wire mesh 48” x 48” pallets have a 3,000-pound dynamic capacity and a 4,000-pound stacking capacity. That’ll handle many applications.
Cherry’s Industrial's wire mesh pallets use high-quality two-gauge wire and have galvanized, welded frames. They are very robust in design and construction. Besides an indefinite lifecycle, you’ll get these features with wire mesh pallets:
- Reinforced steel channels
- Stackable and nestable designs
- Large and small platforms
- Structural integrity with excellent price points
- Ability to custom order
If you see a need for wire mesh pallets, call Cherry’s Industrial at 800-350-0011 or contact us online if that is more convenient. Our service personnel will help you find the exact wire mesh pallet fit to handle all of your material-handling needs.
AS/RS Pallets
What are AS/RS pallets, you ask? That’s the acronym for popular automatic storage and retrieval system pallets you’ll see in automated warehouse distribution systems. Due to the nature of these systems, they require specialty pallets designed for compatibility.
Technically, AS/RS pallets are captive skids or slave boards. They replace regular pallets used in high-bay storage. All AS/RS pallets are uniform in size and materials. Most are ORBIS 40” x 48” plastic composition pallets that are ideal for automated conveyors. If you’re using automated shipping, this is what you’ll get from Cherry’s AS/RS pallets:
- Cost reduction and improved product flow
- Reusable plastic packaging
- 30,000-pound slave board capacity
- FDA-approved materials and colors where required
- Shipping quantities up to 50 units per stack
- Consistent dimensions
For more on AS/RS specialty pallets, call us for a no-obligation quote. Cherry’s Industrial's toll-free number is 800-350-0011, or don’t hesitate to contact us online.
Chemical Pallets
Often, traditional pallets aren’t suitable for handling special materials like transporting and storing certain chemical types. Chemicals can be caustic and corrosive. They can eat away at conventional pallets, dissolving and destroying their structures. If any part of your material handling tasks includes chemicals, you’ll want to protect your staff and facility with specialized chemical pallets.
Cherry’s Industrial Equipment supplies top-quality chemical pallets molded from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which is chemically resistant and withstands harsh exposure without affecting structural integrity. HDPE chemical pallets globally transport barrels, bags and octabins containing powdered and granular chemical materials.
Our chemical pallets (CPs) use USDA-approved recycled plastics. We offer standard and custom sized CPs in two- and four-way designs. These have easy forklift and pallet truck access. Different chemical pallet styles include:
- Rackable CPs
- Stackable CPs
- Nestable CPs
- Drum CPs
Every chemical pallet is designed for 2,000- to 3,000-pound load capacity to give you exceptional strength with proportionately light weight. Considering your pallets are impervious to chemical damage, you know investing in Cherry’s Industrial products gives you the best possible return on your investment.
For excellent customer service and more information on chemical pallets, contact a Cherry’s Industrial Equipment representative today. You can use our online form or call us at 800-350-0011.
Distribution Pallets
If you operate a full-scale distribution center, you’ll appreciate a reliable and reusable pallet supply where sanitation and storage are top priorities. Heavy-duty warehouses like retail, wholesale and grocery supply centers need pallets that accommodate heavy loads. They also need their pallets to be cost-effective and durable. Return on investment should be at the top of your mind.
Distribution pallets maximize your floor space. To do that, you need to minimize the amount of space pallets take up. This isn’t a play on words. It’s a fact facing every large distribution facility, especially in closed-loop distribution, where pallets play a huge role in making productivity efficient.
Top-performing distribution pallets are foam-molded structural plastics, making them light and extremely durable. Most material handling managers prefer nestable distribution pallets because they save so much space when not in use. Here are some returns you’ll get when choosing Cherry’s HDPE plastic distribution pallets.
- Saves floor space: Closed-loop distribution centers have a large pallet volume circulating at all times. Interlocking nestable distribution pallets use up to four times less floor space than other designs.
- Reliability: Distribution pallets are built tough and made to last. You can rely on your Cherry’s Industrial distribution pallets to perform when you need them.
- Lightweight: Weight is crucial when you’re handling distribution pallets in large volumes. Weight reduction means less strain on labor and reduced injury potential.
- Clean: Plastic distribution pallets are easy to clean and keep clean. They’re non-porous and resist bacterial growth, which is critical in handling food.
- Environmentally friendly: Pallets made of recycled plastics are easy on the environment. By using plastic distribution pallets, you’re doing your part for the green movement.
Cherry’s Industrial Equipment strongly supports any cause that helps our environment. Offering recycled distribution pallets is one small part of the big picture. Call a Cherry’s representative today and begin a dialogue on distribution pallets and other material-handling supplies. We can be reached at 800-350-0011. Or, feel free to contact Cherry’s online.
Custom Pallets
Although Cherry’s Industrial Equipment carries a large stock of the nation’s leading pallets, you might find yourself in a situation where our stock plastic, aluminum, presswood or wire mesh pallets won’t quite fit.不用担心。 Cherry’s Industrial is fully equipped to work with you on custom pallet designs. We will review the material and specifications your application requires and find the best custom option available.
Custom pallet solutions are very popular in the material-handling market. We’ve worked with many distribution centers and supply warehouses to develop exactly what people like you require. All our custom pallet designs consider the basics you’d expect in our stock pallet selection. That includes:
- Quality materials handcrafted in America
- Custom sizes as big as you want – If you can ship it, we can build it
- Ability to accommodate any weight requirement
- Extended service life through design and materials
- More customization options than any other American source
Cherry’s Industrial offers endless possibilities in providing you with custom pallets. We do the same with other material-handling equipment like pallet trucks , pallet stackers, slip sheets and lift tables. Please take time to explore our other pallet and freezer spacer related products. We’re always available for a call at 800-350-0011 or through our online form.
Choosing the Right Slip Sheets for Your Business
Slip sheets are an interesting and effective alternative to using regular pallet designs. These innovative material-handling devices replace conventional pallets where forklift tines get inserted into bulky pallet channels. Instead, slip sheets are thin yet robust plastic sheets set underneath loads, allowing them to slip onto specially designed push-pull forklift attachments.
Plastic slip sheets extend slightly beyond the load’s footprint, leaving a flexible plastic “lip” or tab protruding several inches outward. A push-pull forklift attachment mechanically grasps the lip, effectively pulling or dragging the slip sheet with its load onto the tines or forks. To unload a slip sheet package, the forklift uses its extension to push the load off to its placement.
Slip sheets can completely alleviate the need for conventional pallets in the right circumstances. Not only do slip sheets reduce pallet height, they significantly reduce storage space when inactive. Slip sheets are also considerably cheaper than all other pallets. That makes them attractive for budget-conscious managers like yourself.
Cherry’s Industrial Equipment stocks the best die-cut, coextruded plastic slip sheets available on the American market. They’re particularly popular in the air freight industry, where every pound and inch of space matters. Here are the main situations where you’d use slip sheets:
- Cubing out containers: Since slip sheets eliminate the average 6" height of space taken by each and every pallet more product can be transported within trailer truck or shipping container thus maximizing space and ultimately reducing the overall cost of bulk shipments. This is especially beneficial when exporting product to or importing product from other countries.
- Exporting or importing: Another benefit slip sheets have for exporting and importing product is that they are not subject to the phytosanitary regulations that wood pallets are subject to. Since slip sheets are made of HDPE plastic they are by nature washable and infestation proof.
- Small items to move and store: Slip sheets are thin yet solid in construction. They are a great tool for blanketing the top of non-smooth top pallets and preventing product spills from going through the holes or slats. This works well when transporting or storing items such as bagged product or smaller sized parts.
- Reducing strain when moving: Slip sheets are light and highly portable. They’re easy to set in place and easy to stack or roll up to store. Each sheet can weigh about 2 lbs which makes it much easier to carry, store, or wash.
Cherry’s Industrial Equipment supplies stock-sized plastic slip sheets that save space, offer flexibility, resist wear and store tightly. We also produce custom-sized slip sheets just right for your individual jobs. Call Cherry’s Industrial today at 800-350-0011 and talk to a representative about what slip sheets are and what they can do to make your material handling less expensive and more efficient. You can also drop us a note online.
Plastic Slip Sheets
If you need to reduce weight, bulk and costs, but still require product protection in shipping, plastic slip sheets may be the perfect solution. Plastic sheets are tough, but reduce friction between load surfaces. Packages set on slip sheets get slid along the forks, rather than being immediately lifted. To ensure long-lasting value, Cherry’s slip sheets use the best HDPE plastic that is extremely durable, tear-resistant and lightweight.
We stock 22 different slip sheet sizes to cover almost every material-handling situation you’ll likely encounter. With Cherry's Industrial plastic slip sheets, you get the benefits of:
- Saving space
- Flexibility
- Resistance
- Strength
- Easy storage
- Low cost
Cherry’s Industrial slip sheets give you optional features like four-tab lips, opposite-edge, adjacent-edge and single-edge construction. They’re resistant to moisture and bacteria. Our slip sheets are also fully recyclable. However, if that doesn’t fulfill what you’re looking for, we can always customize your plastic slip sheets.
Custom Slip Sheets
One of the many benefits of building a partnership with Cherry’s Industrial Equipment is our ability to customize products for you. We realize every company has unique needs and can’t always find stock items to do exactly what they need. If that’s the case, call us and we’ll work with you to find the product that is custom suited for your application.
We always start with the best HDPE slip sheet material. Strong base materials are absolutely essential to deliver a long-lasting slip sheet that’s going to withstand years of active use. Once we know your design parameters, we narrow down other features like:
- Thickness
- Shape
- Texture/score
- Logo/company information
Thickness is highly important to ensuring slip sheet strength. We carry HDPE sheets in various gauges, but have the ability to produce any necessary size. Shapes are simple to replicate or expand from. Texture and score provide the right friction elements and make sure you have the safest slip sheet design. And, for a professional image, we can custom-design your logo and company information right into the slip sheet surface.
If there’s anything else you can think of for making a custom slip sheet, please call us. Cherry’s Industrial Equipment's team offers the best help and customer service possible. Reach us at 800-350-0011 or fill out our online contact form. And, make sure to ask us about freezer spacers!
Benefits of Plastic &Metal Pallets Over Wood Alternatives
Without question, plastic and metal pallets have a lot of benefits compared to wood alternatives. Wooden pallets still have their place, and they’re not going away anytime soon. However, for the best return on your long-term investment, you certainly have to weigh the benefits.
Wood pallets are attractive because of their price point. For many applications, wood pallets serve their purpose and get by nicely. But for market segments requiring higher standards than wood can deliver, it’s clear plastic and metal are first-choice products. Consider these benefits you get with plastic and metal that you can’t get with ordinary wood pallets.
- Longevity: Pallets made of metal and plastic will last far longer than wood. In Cherry's Industrial's experience, plastic pallets last approximately 10 times longer than wood ones. Metal pallets can last indefinitely, as long as they get treated with care.
- Weight: Both plastic and aluminum pallets are consistent in their weight. For companies that purchase or sell product by the weight this is financially necessary. Since wood pallets are not fabricated the same way and since portions of wood pallets eventually snap or break off from wear and tear there is very little chance for all the wood pallets being used to weigh the same.
- Strength: Wood pallets have limited strength. Over time, they loosen and become weak. That doesn’t happen with metal and plastic. These two superior materials retain their strength throughout their lifecycle.
- Affordability: Sure, wood pallets cost less initially. However, they have a far shorter lifespan. That makes your investment in buying metal and plastic pallets more affordable in the long run.
- 耐用性: Plastic and aluminum pallets won’t rot, rust, burn or split. You can be sure your metal and plastic pallets will stand up to the environment and work when you need them.
- Cleanliness: You can easily wash and disinfect metal and plastic. That’s not the case with wood. Once wood gets wet it eventually begins rot and become brittle. Wood also attracts wood boring pests and insects and for that specific reason the U.S. along with many other countries do not permit standard wood pallets be used for export transportation. Here is a list of countries that fall into this category.
- Safety: Metal and plastic pallets are head and shoulders above wood in the safety department. Wood pallets are notorious for splintering and having dangerous exposed nails, which won't be a problem with plastic and metal.
Cherry’s Industrial Equipment is an American leader in supplying plastic and metal pallets. Our staff knows the enormous advantages you get when you choose alternatives to wooden pallets. Call Cherry’s Industrial today and have a frank pallet benefit discussion. We’re at 800-350-0011, or you can reach us through our online form.
Benefits of Custom Pallets
If you have been searching all that is currently available in the market and still cannot find a perfect pallet solution, remember custom pallets are available. That’s part of Cherry’s Industrial full customer service. Together, we work to assess your needs and build you the right custom pallet choice. You get these great benefits from ordering custom pallets:
- Precise designs for specific needs
- Exact sizes for your facility
- Compatible materials for your business
- Perfect weight-per-strength ratios
- Materials meeting international hygienic standards
- American-made and -supported products
- Personalized markings and corporate promotion
Ordering Pallets From Cherry’s Industrial Equipment
Cherry’s Industrial Equipment has more than two decades of experience in the material handling supply business. We’ve grown and prospered because we value all our customers. Our philosophy is to build relationships and partner with customers to develop the exact material handling systems they need. Often, this entails custom orders.
If you are an online shopper looking for non-custom products our support team at Cherry’s Industrial also works hard to make your experience as helpful as possible. Our easy-to-navigate website contains links to many products. Descriptions provide the basic information you need so when you call Cherry’s Industrial product specialists you can ask the specific questions you need answered.
This team partnership approach is what gives Cherry’s Industrial Equipment an edge in the market place. Our company values are customer-focused. We want you to benefit from our experience and product knowledge. Here are a few reasons why you should purchase from Cherry’s Industrial Equipment:
- We have the best products at the best prices.
- You can easily and securely shop online for warehouse equipment and supplies.
- If you need help, our product specialists are only a phone call or email away.
- We provide you with custom material handling solutions.
Trust Cherry’s Industrial Equipment to deliver you top value, every time. Whether you're interested in purchasing pallets or any other warehouse equipment, call us today at 800-350-0011 or reach out to us online.