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Verilog 延迟控制

Verilog中有两种时序控制——delay事件 表达式。 延迟 控制只是在模拟器遇到语句和实际执行语句之间添加延迟的一种方式。 事件表达式 允许将语句延迟到某个模拟事件发生,该事件可以是网络或变量上的值变化(隐式事件 ) 或在另一个过程中触发的显式命名事件。




如果延迟表达式计算为未知或高阻抗值,它将被解释为零延迟。如果计算结果为负值,则将其解释为与时间变量大小相同的 2 的补码无符号整数。

`timescale 1ns/1ps

module tb;
  reg [3:0] a, b;
  initial begin
    {a, b} <= 0;
    $display ("T=%0t a=%0d b=%0d", $realtime, a, b);
    a <= $random;
    $display ("T=%0t a=%0d b=%0d", $realtime, a, b);
    #10 b <= $random;
    $display ("T=%0t a=%0d b=%0d", $realtime, a, b);
    #(a) $display ("T=%0t After a delay of a=%0d units", $realtime, a);
    #(a+b) $display ("T=%0t After a delay of a=%0d + b=%0d = %0d units", $realtime, a, b, a+b);
    #((a+b)*10ps) $display ("T=%0t After a delay of %0d * 10ps", $realtime, a+b);
    #(b-a) $display ("T=%0t Expr evaluates to a negative delay", $realtime);
    #('h10) $display ("T=%0t Delay in hex", $realtime);
    a = 'hX;
    #(a) $display ("T=%0t Delay is unknown, taken as zero a=%h", $realtime, a);
    a = 'hZ;
    #(a) $display ("T=%0t Delay is in high impedance, taken as zero a=%h", $realtime, a);
    #1ps $display ("T=%0t Delay of 10ps", $realtime);


请注意,时间刻度的精度为 1ps,因此 $realtime 需要用延迟表达式 (a+b)*10ps 显示语句的精度值。

xcelium> run
T=0 a=x b=x
T=10000 a=0 b=0
T=20000 a=4 b=0
T=24000 After a delay of a=4 units
T=29000 After a delay of a=4 + b=1 = 5 units
T=29050 After a delay of 5 * 10ps
T=42050 Expr evaluates to a negative delay
T=58050 Delay in hex
T=58050 Delay is unknown, taken as zero a=x
T=58050 Delay is in high impedance, taken as zero a=z
T=58051 Delay of 10ps
xmsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.


网络和变量上的值变化可以用作同步事件来触发执行其他程序语句,并且是一个隐式 事件。该事件还可以基于变化的方向,例如朝向 0,这使其成为 negedge 并且对 1 的更改使其成为 posedge .

从相同状态到相同状态的转换不被视为边。像 posedge 或 negedge 这样的边缘事件只能在矢量信号或变量的 LSB 上检测到。如果表达式的计算结果相同,则不能将其视为事件。

module tb;
  reg a, b;

  initial begin
    a <= 0;
    #10 a <= 1;
    #10 b <= 1;

    #10 a <= 0;
    #15 a <= 1; 

  // Start another procedural block that waits for an update to
  // signals made in the above procedural block
  initial begin 
    @(posedge a); 
    $display ("T=%0t Posedge of a detected for 0->1", $time); 
    @(posedge b); 
    $display ("T=%0t Posedge of b detected for X->1", $time);
  initial begin
    @(posedge (a + b)) $display ("T=%0t Posedge of a+b", $time);

    @(a) $display ("T=%0t Change in a found", $time);

ncsim> run
T=10 Posedge of a detected for 0->1
T=20 Posedge of b detected for X->1
T=30 Posedge of a+b
T=45 Change in a found
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.


关键字 event 可以用来声明一个命名的 可以显式触发的事件。一个 event 不能保存任何数据,没有持续时间,并且可以在任何特定时间发生。 -> 触发命名事件 运算符,方法是在命名事件句柄之前为其添加前缀。可以使用 @ 等待命名事件 如上所述的运算符。

module tb;
  event a_event;
  event b_event[5];
  initial begin
    #20 -> a_event;
    #50 ->a_event;
    #10 ->b_event[3];
  always @ (a_event) $display ("T=%0t [always] a_event is triggered", $time);
  initial begin
    @(a_event) $display ("T=%0t [initial] a_event is triggered", $time);
    #10 @(b_event[3]) $display ("T=%0t [initial] b_event is triggered", $time);


命名事件可用于同步两个或多个同时运行的进程。例如,always 块和第二个 initial 块由 a_event 同步。事件可以声明为数组,就像 b_event 一样,它是一个大小为 5 的数组,索引 3 用于触发和等待目的。

ncsim> run
T=20 [always] a_event is triggered
T=50 [always] a_event is triggered
T=50 [initial] a_event is triggered
T=100 [always] a_event is triggered
T=110 [initial] b_event is triggered
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.


or 运算符可用于等待直到在表达式中触发任何列出的事件。逗号 , 也可以用来代替 or 运营商。

module tb;
  reg a, b;
  initial begin
    $monitor ("T=%0t a=%0d b=%0d", $time, a, b);
    {a, b} <= 0;
    #10 a <= 1;
    #5  b <= 1;
	#5  b <= 0;
  // Use "or" between events
  always @ (posedge a or posedge b) 
    $display ("T=%0t posedge of a or b found", $time);
  // Use a comma between
  always @ (posedge a, negedge b)
    $display ("T=%0t posedge of a or negedge of b found", $time);
  always @ (a, b) 
    $display ("T=%0t Any change on a or b", $time);

ncsim> run
T=0 posedge of a or negedge of b found
T=0 Any change on a or b
T=0 a=0 b=0
T=10 posedge of a or b found
T=10 posedge of a or negedge of b found
T=10 Any change on a or b
T=10 a=1 b=0
T=15 posedge of a or b found
T=15 Any change on a or b
T=15 a=1 b=1
T=20 posedge of a or negedge of b found
T=20 Any change on a or b
T=20 a=1 b=0
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.


敏感度列表或事件表达式列表通常是 RTL 中许多功能错误的常见原因。这是因为在程序块中引入新信号后,用户可能会忘记更新敏感度列表。

module tb;
	reg a, b, c, d;
	reg x, y;
	// Event expr/sensitivity list is formed by all the
	// signals inside () after @ operator and in this case
	// it is a, b, c or d
	always @ (a, b, c, d) begin
		x = a | b;
		y = c ^ d;
	initial begin
		$monitor ("T=%0t a=%0b b=%0b c=%0b d=%0b x=%0b y=%0b", $time, a, b, c, d, x, y);
		{a, b, c, d} <= 0;
		#10 {a, b, c, d} <= $random;
		#10 {a, b, c, d} <= $random;
		#10 {a, b, c, d} <= $random;

ncsim> run
T=0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 x=0 y=0
T=10 a=0 b=1 c=0 d=0 x=1 y=0
T=20 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=1 x=0 y=1
T=30 a=1 b=0 c=0 d=1 x=1 y=1
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

如果用户决定添加新信号 e 并将逆信号捕获到 z 中,则必须特别注意将 e 也添加到灵敏度列表中。

module tb;
	reg a, b, c, d, e;
	reg x, y, z;
  // Add "e" also into sensitivity list
  always @ (a, b, c, d, e) begin
		x = a | b;
		y = c ^ d;
    	z = ~e;
	initial begin
      $monitor ("T=%0t a=%0b b=%0b c=%0b d=%0b e=%0b x=%0b y=%0b z=%0b", 
                				$time, a, b, c, d, e, x, y, z);
      {a, b, c, d, e} <= 0;
      #10 {a, b, c, d, e} <= $random;
      #10 {a, b, c, d, e} <= $random;
      #10 {a, b, c, d, e} <= $random;

ncsim> run
T=0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 x=0 y=0 z=1
T=10 a=0 b=0 c=1 d=0 e=0 x=0 y=1 z=1
T=20 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=1 x=0 y=0 z=0
T=30 a=0 b=1 c=0 d=0 e=1 x=1 y=0 z=0
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

Verilog 现在允许将敏感度列表替换为 * 这是一种方便的简写方式,通过添加 statemnt 读取的所有网络和变量来消除这些问题,如下所示。

module tb;
	reg a, b, c, d, e;
	reg x, y, z;
  // Use @* or @(*)
  always @ * begin
		x = a | b;
		y = c ^ d;
    	z = ~e;
	initial begin
      $monitor ("T=%0t a=%0b b=%0b c=%0b d=%0b e=%0b x=%0b y=%0b z=%0b", 
                				$time, a, b, c, d, e, x, y, z);
      {a, b, c, d, e} <= 0;
      #10 {a, b, c, d, e} <= $random;
      #10 {a, b, c, d, e} <= $random;
      #10 {a, b, c, d, e} <= $random;

ncsim> run
T=0 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 x=0 y=0 z=1
T=10 a=0 b=0 c=1 d=0 e=0 x=0 y=1 z=1
T=20 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=1 x=0 y=0 z=0
T=30 a=0 b=1 c=0 d=0 e=1 x=1 y=0 z=0
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.


程序语句的执行也可以延迟到条件变为真,并且可以使用 wait 完成 关键字,是一个级别敏感的控件。


module tb;
  reg [3:0] ctr;
  reg clk;
  initial begin
    {ctr, clk} <= 0;
    wait (ctr);
    $display ("T=%0t Counter reached non-zero value 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
    wait (ctr == 4) $display ("T=%0t Counter reached 0x%0h", $time, ctr);
  always #10 clk = ~clk;
  always @ (posedge clk) 
    ctr <= ctr + 1;

ncsim> run
T=10 Counter reached non-zero value 0x1
T=70 Counter reached 0x4
T=90 Counter reached 0x5
T=170 Counter reached 0x9
Simulation complete via $finish(1) at time 170 NS + 1


  1. Verilog 教程
  2. Verilog 连接
  3. Verilog 作业
  4. Verilog 阻塞和非阻塞
  5. Verilog 控制块
  6. Verilog 函数
  7. Verilog 任务
  8. Verilog 内部和内部分配延迟
  9. Verilog 门延迟
  10. Verilog 时钟发生器
  11. Verilog 数学函数
  12. Verilog 时间格式