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Verilog n 位双向移位寄存器

在数字电子学中,移位寄存器 是触发器的级联,其中输出引脚 q 一个触发器连接到下一个触发器的数据输入引脚 (d)。因为所有触发器都在同一个时钟上工作,所以存储在移位寄存器中的位数组将移位一个位置。例如,如果一个 5 位右移位寄存器的初始值为 10110,并且移位寄存器的输入绑定为 0,那么下一个模​​式将是 01011 和下一个 00101。

<无脚本> 5-bit shift register


此移位寄存器设计有五个输入和一个 n 位输出,该设计使用 parameter 进行参数化 MSB 表示移位寄存器的宽度。如果 n 为 4,则它成为一个 4 位移位寄存器。如果n为8,则成为8位移位寄存器。


module shift_reg  #(parameter MSB=8) (  input d,                      // Declare input for data to the first flop in the shift register
                                        input clk,                    // Declare input for clock to all flops in the shift register
                                        input en,                     // Declare input for enable to switch the shift register on/off
                                        input dir,                    // Declare input to shift in either left or right direction
                                        input rstn,                   // Declare input to reset the register to a default value
                                        output reg [MSB-1:0] out);    // Declare output to read out the current value of all flops in this register

   // This always block will "always" be triggered on the rising edge of clock
   // Once it enters the block, it will first check to see if reset is 0 and if yes then reset register
   // If no, then check to see if the shift register is enabled
   // If no => maintain previous output. If yes, then shift based on the requested direction
   always @ (posedge clk)
      if (!rstn)
         out <= 0;
      else begin
         if (en)
            case (dir)
               0 :  out <= {out[MSB-2:0], d};
               1 :  out <= {d, out[MSB-1:1]};
            out <= out;





测试台用于验证该移位寄存器的功能。设计实例化到顶部module 并且输入以不同的值驱动。每个输入的设计行为都可以在输出引脚上观察到。

<无脚本> n-bit shift register TB
module tb_sr;
   parameter MSB = 16;        // [Optional] Declare a parameter to represent number of bits in shift register

   reg data;                  // Declare a variable to drive d-input of design
   reg clk;                   // Declare a variable to drive clock to the design
   reg en;                    // Declare a variable to drive enable to the design
   reg dir;                   // Declare a variable to drive direction of shift registe
   reg rstn;                  // Declare a variable to drive reset to the design
   wire [MSB-1:0] out;        // Declare a wire to capture output from the design

   // Instantiate design (16-bit shift register) by passing MSB and connect with TB signals
   shift_reg  #(MSB) sr0  (  .d (data),
                             .clk (clk),
                             .en (en),
                             .dir (dir),
                             .rstn (rstn),
                             .out (out));

   // Generate clock time period = 20ns, freq => 50MHz
   always #10 clk = ~clk;

   // Initialize variables to default values at time 0
   initial begin
      clk <= 0;
      en <= 0;
      dir <= 0;
      rstn <= 0;
      data <= 'h1;

   // Drive main stimulus to the design to verify if this works
   initial begin
      // 1. Apply reset and deassert reset after some time
      rstn <= 0;
      #20 rstn <= 1;
          en <= 1;
	  // 2. For 7 clocks, drive alternate values to data pin
      repeat (7) @ (posedge clk)
         data <= ~data;
     // 4. Shift direction and drive alternate value to data pin for another 7 clocks
      #10 dir <= 1;
      repeat (7) @ (posedge clk)
         data <= ~data;

      // 5. Drive nothing for next 7 clocks, allow shift register to simply shift based on dir
      repeat (7) @ (posedge clk);
      // 6. Finish the simulation

   // Monitor values of these variables and print them into the logfile for debug
      $monitor ("rstn=%0b data=%b, en=%0b, dir=%0b, out=%b", rstn, data, en, dir, out);



ncsim> run
rstn=0 data=1, en=0, dir=0, out=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
rstn=0 data=1, en=0, dir=0, out=0000000000000000
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=0, out=0000000000000000
rstn=1 data=0, en=1, dir=0, out=0000000000000001
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=0, out=0000000000000010
rstn=1 data=0, en=1, dir=0, out=0000000000000101
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=0, out=0000000000001010
rstn=1 data=0, en=1, dir=0, out=0000000000010101
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=0, out=0000000000101010
rstn=1 data=0, en=1, dir=0, out=0000000001010101
rstn=1 data=0, en=1, dir=1, out=0000000001010101
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=1, out=0000000000101010
rstn=1 data=0, en=1, dir=1, out=1000000000010101
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=1, out=0100000000001010
rstn=1 data=0, en=1, dir=1, out=1010000000000101
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=1, out=0101000000000010
rstn=1 data=0, en=1, dir=1, out=1010100000000001
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=1, out=0101010000000000
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=1, out=1010101000000000
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=1, out=1101010100000000
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=1, out=1110101010000000
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=1, out=1111010101000000
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=1, out=1111101010100000
rstn=1 data=1, en=1, dir=1, out=1111110101010000
Simulation complete via $finish(1) at time 430 NS + 0

<无脚本> n-bit shift register waveform


  1. Verilog 教程
  2. Verilog 连接
  3. Verilog 作业
  4. Verilog 阻塞和非阻塞
  5. Verilog 函数
  6. Verilog 任务
  7. Verilog 时钟发生器
  8. Verilog 数学函数
  9. Verilog 时间格式
  10. Verilog 时间刻度范围
  11. Verilog 文件 IO 操作
  12. Verilog Hello World