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12+ 具有大构建量的最佳 3D 打印机:2022 年更新!

在许多方面,3D 打印仅受您的想象力的限制。然而,有时,技术的局限性很容易赶上你。 3D 打印机的物理尺寸是一项雄心勃勃的打印作业目前最受限制的因素之一。

为大型机械打印巨大的雕像或零件可以通过专业的 3D 打印机来完成,但消费市场也为想要做大的人提供了广泛的选择。有许多适合初学者和专家的选择。

继续阅读以查看一些具有大量构建量的最佳 3D 打印机的详细信息和比较。

打印机 构建体积 自动调平床? 直接驱动/鲍登 双挤出机? 价格(美元)
Creality CR-10 Max 450x450x470mm 是的 鲍登 没有 ~ $1000
Creality CR-10 S5 500x500x400mm 没有 鲍登 没有 ~ $700
创智 X5SA-500 Pro 500x500x600mm 是的 鲍登 是的 ~ $800
He3D K280 三角洲 280x600mm 是的 鲍登 没有 ~ $350
FLSUN QQ-S Pro 255x365mm 是的 鲍登 没有 ~ $400
核心 3D 技术“大三角洲” 320mmx1220mm 没有 鲍登 没有 $4000+
Creality Ender 5 Plus 350x350x400mm 是的 鲍登 没有 ~ $580
维维迪诺伤齿龙 300x300x400mm 是的 直接驱动 没有 ~ $1670
Modix Big-40 &Big-60 400x400x800mm 是的 直接驱动 是的 $4200 – $9000
Raise3D Pro2 Plus 300x300x600mm 没有 鲍登 是的 ~ $6300
Phrozen 变换 292x165x400mm 没有 不适用 不适用 ~ $2700
Peopoly Phenom Prime 276x155x400mm 没有 不适用 不适用 ~ $2800


大型 3D 打印机的优势

大型 3D 打印机有很多优点。具有大构建量的打印机可以打印更大的部件。这是大型3D打印机最明显的优势。但是,它们的成本也更高(有时甚至更多),并且在构建质量方面它们可能会提出自己的问题。



在 3D 打印方面,大型打印机有几种方式会带来新问题。其中一些与与相同或相似的挤出机制相比增加的打印尺寸有关。由于打印作业期间移动印版的重量和惯性,还存在其他问题。


似乎很直观,较大的打印作业通常比较小的打印作业需要更长的时间。但是更大的 3D 打印机能够更快地打印更小的物体吗?不幸的是,情况并非总是如此。许多较大的 3D 打印机使用与较小的同类产品相同的喷嘴和挤出机构,期望它们以更高的速度执行往往会导致失望。

如果您想使用更大的 3D 打印机并期望打印速度更快,则必须非常注意零件并微调切片机软件中的设置以确保打印质量。一般来说,更快的打印速度意味着更低的质量。

Creality CR-10 Max

Creality 的 CR-10 Max 扩展了 CR-10 系列的功能集,添加了一些功能,使其与之前的产品相比使用起来更舒适。特别是,CR-10 Max 使用了许多优质的名牌零件,代替了其他 CR-10 型号的一些更通用的组件。






您可以在此处找到 Creality CR10 Max :创意网站、亚马逊、3D 打印机在线。

创意 CR-10 S5

CR-10 S5 是 Creality 提供的最大的打印机之一。考虑到 500x500x500mm 的大打印量,它也相对实惠。它具有一组可靠的功能,但奇怪的是缺少其他大型 Creality 打印机上的“黄金三角”。






您可以在此处找到 Creality CR-10 S5 :创意网站、亚马逊、3D 打印机在线。

创智 X5SA-500 Pro

虽然此打印机比此列表中的其他选项更先进一些,但对于寻找更大 3D 打印机的有经验的人来说,它仍然是一个不错的选择。 XS5系列以对设置和配置要求苛刻而闻名,因此对于初学者来说可能会望而却步。

话虽如此,对于那些愿意投入时间和精力的人来说,X5SA-500 Pro 是一个不错的选择。打印床由双步进电机驱动,具有 500x500x600mm 的巨大构建体积。与此列表中的其他更先进的大型打印机相比,它也相对实惠。





您可以在此处找到 Tronxy X5SA-500 Pro :亚马逊、Banggood、3D 打印机在线。


FLSUN QQ-S PRO 是一款 delta 打印机,旨在为初学者和有经验的打印机提供设备齐全且价格合理的入门点。它是QQ-S的升级版,具有自动调平和Wi-Fi连接。

Delta 3D 打印机以其在高速下保持打印质量的能力而闻名,这要归功于机构的方向和固定打印床。它们通常适合较高的结构,QQ-S PRO也不例外。厂家称QQ-S PRO的打印速度最高可达120mm/s。

晶格平台具有复合涂层以增加稳定性。加热的打印床快速冷却,打印后可以轻松地将物体从打印床上取出。它还具有自动调平功能和高质量的 32 位控制器板。




您可以在这里找到 FLSUN QQ-S PRO :亚马逊,在线 3D 打印机。

核心 3D 技术“大型 Delta 打印机”

“大三角洲”的构建体积为 330x1240mm,名副其实。它不是便宜的打印机,也不能预先购买。您只能通过购买其设计中使用的现成零件来构建它。根据您居住的地方,其中一些部件可能非常昂贵,但打印机本身非常准确且体积大,可以弥补组装的麻烦。

除了庞大的构建量之外,它还具有许多非常棒的功能。它有一个加热床、用于各种部件的冷却风扇、一个飞行挤出机,据报道可以达到 400 毫米/秒的打印速度。其构造中使用的许多部件也是 3D 打印的,以帮助降低机器的整体成本。

它有一个带有 Duet wifi 连接的 32 位控制器。总的来说,这款打印机功能强大、体积大且设计精良。它非常适合那些能够应对挑战和成本的人。




Creality Ender 5 Plus

Creality 拥有预算充足的打印机,其中包括 Ender 5 Plus。努力在性能和成本之间取得平衡,以相对实惠的价格提供具有良好质量的大体积。虽然这款打印机对于那些在不花钱的情况下寻找大量打印量的人来说是一个不错的选择,但这种权衡确实带来了一些警告。

施工中的电缆和管子有时会危险地靠近打印件,可能会导致问题。驱动 Z 轴的电机也可能容易漂移,需要重新校准以确保长期使用的质量。与 Troodon 等完全构造的打印机相比,它还需要更多的设置。





您可以在此处找到 Ender 5 Plus :创意网站、亚马逊、3D 打印机在线。

Vivedio Troodon

Vivedio 提供了几种不同版本的 Troodon 大容量 3D 打印机。它有 300x300x300mm 和 400x400x500mm 的构建体积。它们配备双挤出机,可在固定打印床上打印,并具有自动调平功能。

该设计基于开源 Voron CoreXY,并与热端和其他原始设计使用 3D 打印或品牌零件的地方的机加工零件完全组装在一起。

This is a good option if you’re looking for a pre-built large-volume printer that has the functionality of a trusted open-source design, and you don’t want to go through the hassle of setting the thing up too much yourself.




Modix Big-40 and Big-60

Modix has two options for big printers; the Big-40 and the Big-60. Their build volumes are 400x400x800mm and 600x600x660mm respectively. The Big-40 has an overall smaller print volume but has one of the largest vertical build capabilities on this list.

Both printers have a great set of high-end features, such as high flow E3D Volcano hot ends, heated print boards, and fully enclosed printing environments. Both models are also highly customizable with extra amenities if you’re willing to cough up extra cash.

The two main drawbacks of these printers are the size and the cost. These machines don’t come cheap, and you will probably have a hard time finding a place in your home to store them. However, they do both have a Duet3D wi-fi mainboard, allowing you to potentially operate the Printer from anywhere in your house or facility.




Raise3D Pro2 Plus

Raise3D Pro2 Plus

This is a professional-grade large-scale 3D printer with a 305x305x605mm build volume. As a consumer printer, it has quality and features that rival more professional and industrial options. Accordingly, this printer is a bit pricier than other entries on this list.

This printer is mostly designed for labs and manufacturers as a prototyping solution. As such, it is not designed to be customized or upgraded. However, it is capable of providing quality results as-is.

This is a solid choice if you’re in the market for a professional 3D printer with a large build volume capable of consistently high-quality results. It’s great as-is if you’re willing to spend the money on it.




Phrozen Transform

The Transform by Phorzen is an LCD resin printer with a minimum layer height of 10 microns. It has replaceable LDC matrices and a very stable Z axis. This is a great option for a large volume resin printer that is capable of printing two models simultaneously with the replaceable double panel.

The two replaceable panels include a 13.3-inch single panel and a double panel of 5.5 inches. The double panel can be used for highly detailed pieces, while the single panel can be used for larger models. Phorzen also manufactures a series of specialized resins specifically meant for use in their printers.




You can find the Phrozen Transform here: 3D Printers Online.

Peopoly Phenom Prime

Peopoly phenom prime is another relatively affordable LCD printer with a large build volume. This one is 275x155x402mm and is capable of producing high-quality prints while being relatively easy to use. However, it should be noted that you need to pay close attention to the settings in its proprietary slicer software in order to get things printing properly.

The Phenom also is compatible with either Peopoly’s specialized “Delft” resin, or a third party LCD resin. Unfortunately, the LCD screen inside the printer may become damaged over time and require replacement. Replacing the screen can be a bit of a hassle if you’re not used to toying around with LCD printers.




Honorable Mentions

There are a number of other options for large volume 3D printers that didn’t quite make the cut for this list. Some of them are not as big, while others are not realistic for a consumer setting. Let’s take a look at them now.

Industrial 3D Printers

There are some industrial-sized 3D printers available with enormous build volumes. These include the Magnum 3D printer, which has over 2 cubic meters of build volume. This one is available for commissioned objects, but is currently not available for purchase.

There is also a series of industrial printers available from Markforged. These printers are available for purchase by labs and businesses, and there are a wide range of options to choose from.

Ender 3 Max

The Creality Ender 3 Max is an upscaled version of the Ender 3 Pro. It is available for an affordable price, but can be a bit outdated in terms of technology and interface. However, it can also be easily upgraded and customized like other Ender 3 models.

Anycubic Photon Mono X

The Photon Mono X from Anycubic has a decent build volume of 192x120x245mm. It is a resin printer with an XY axis resolution of 0.05mm. It has wifi connectivity, but setting up the connection requires uploading your wifi password to the printer as a .txt file, which is a bit unwieldy.

Maine University 3D Printer

If you’ve ever wondered what the largest 3D printer is, it’s probably the 3Dirigo printer at Maine University. 3Dirigo holds not one but two Guinness world records for 3D Printing. The first is for the world’s largest 3D printed boat, which is 25 feet (7.62m) long and took 72 hours to complete. The second record held by this monstrous machine is for the world’s largest 3D printed object.

There is also an enormous delta printer being built at Massa Lombarda in Italy, for the purpose of constructing cheap and eco-friendly dwelling structures. However, construction on the project is not yet complete.

And that’s it for my list of the best large 3D printers. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to fire away in the comments section.


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