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库存标签是贴在产品或包装上用于跟踪的条形码标签或铭牌。这些标签可用于执行手动库存盘点或连接到扫描仪系统和库存管理系统 (IMS) 以进行自动盘点。库存标签的使用是理想的,因为这些标签可以定制以满足每个公司的需求并提供足够的库存控制。






  1. 库存跟踪—— 条形码技术允许必要的各方在任何给定时间定位库存的位置。库存跟踪使清点或循环变得更简单、压力更小,尤其是在需要进行库存审计时。
  2. 库存盘点 - 如果您熟练的仓库团队仍在手动进行计数,请知道您正在浪费宝贵的时间、金钱和技能。取而代之的是,使用库存标签背后的技术来按需接收正确的库存盘点。
  3. 资产管理—— 不要忘记,您仓库的库存可能占公司动产和固定资产的很大一部分。当通过最新的资产管理软件运行库存盘点时,您将能够跟踪资产的吞吐量。掌握这些信息后,公司可以立即做出更精明的决策,而不必担心追踪错误库存。
  4. 加强端到端的可见性—— 如今,端到端可见性已成为游戏的名称,因为它为整个供应链中的每一方提供有关您当前库存状况的实时信息。通过您的库存标签编译的数据,从您的客户服务部门到您的供应商再到您的客户,每个人都将能够随时了解您的库存情况。使用这样的系统可以让您节省工作时间,否则您将花费​​在与供应商和客户沟通上。
  5. 无缝报告—— 年终或季度报告可能很难收集,尤其是当您的公司正经历一段特别忙碌的时期时。幸运的是,库存标签是进入库存资产管理系统的一个非常重要的组件。扫描标签后,可以汇总其数据以提供全面的报告——远在审计或纳税日之前。







当库存标签安装并集成到您的库存跟踪系统中时,结果通常是无缝的。但是,在您体验管理系统的好处之前,您首先需要选择最适合您的应用程序需求的标签类型。以下是 Camcode 最受欢迎的选项:




Tamper-Evident Bar Code Labels 

Destructible Vinyl Inventory Labels

Two-Part Labels

Removable Inventory Tags

As you can see, there is a label option to meet the needs of your inventory management system. Remember, it’s rare for one company to stick to a singular category of label as some inventory requires more durability than others. To determine your needs, look through your register and ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is this piece of inventory stored indoors or outdoors?
  2. Is this piece of inventory regularly exposed to any harsh chemicals or elements?
  3. Are theft-prevention and detection a priority when it comes to this piece of inventory?
  4. Is the label needed for short-term or long-term use?
  5. What type of information needs to be included on the label?

Once you answer these questions, place your inventory into categories organized by similar type. Once you’re finished, you will have a better idea of the number of tags needed and an estimated cost of the investment.

 How to Select a Software that Complements Your Inventory Tags

Similar to selecting the best inventory tags, you need to ask yourself plenty of in-depth questions about the specifics of your business before you invest in the first inventory management system that you see. Here are some of the key ones to consider: 

  1. Is my company already using an asset-tracker, like QuickBooks? (If so, purchase a system that has QuickBooks integrated and ready for your transfer.)
  2. What’s my company’s budget?
  3. Is my company a small, medium-sized, or large business?
  4. Does my workforce need branded training materials to go along with the software?
  5. Is my business’ IT department confident that the current system will integrate easily into the new one?
  6. Is my business in need of comprehensive, on-demand reporting functions?
  7. Is automated purchasing a concern?
  8. Does my company require cloud-based software?
  9. Does the software need to support multiple locations, sites, and warehouses?
  10. What types of employees will be using this software?
  11. Is end-to-end visibility a goal?
  12. Will my company be expecting on-demand cycle counts?
  13. Would bar code reader support be helpful?
  14. Does the warehouse manager want to use reporting from the system to streamline warehouse organization and operations?

Once you have answered and considered all of these questions, take a look at our list of the top 30 inventory management software tools available to help you make your selection.
Inventory tags can make a huge difference when it comes to efficiency, accuracy, safety, theft-prevention, and the overall lifespan of your inventory. It’s time that you integrate your valuable assets into an inventory system that rewards and safeguards your business.

Additional Resources on Inventory Tags

For more information on how inventory tags can help streamline your operation, visit the following resources:

Products and Tracking Solutions from Camcode:


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  7. 镀锌钣金:必知事实和最佳实践
  8. 现场服务管理专家指南
  9. 库存管理完整指南
  10. 6 仓库库存跟踪最佳实践
  11. 50 个顶级库存控制学习资源:帮助您掌握库存控制的最佳文章、教程、视频、网络研讨会(等等)
  12. 什么是库存会计?工作原理、库存会计类型等