赫克车床 G 代码列表
Hurco 车削中心(双屏和 Max 控制台)的 G 代码列表。 Hurco 车床 G 代码列表还指定了哪些 Hurco G 代码是模态的,哪些是非模态的。

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Hurco WinMax 软件免费下载
CNC 机械师可以从 Hurco 网站免费下载 Hurco WinMax 软件
Hurco CNC 软件 WinMax 免费下载。
赫克车床 G 代码列表
Hurco 车床模态 G 代码上写有一个“M”。
-------------------------------------------------- G-Code Modal Function -------------------------------------------------- G00 M Linear Motion at Rapid G01 M Linear Motion at Feed G02 M Clockwise Circular Motion at Feed G03 M Counterclockwise Circular Motion at Feed G04 Dwell G06 M Probe/Block Skip G07 M Radius Programming G08 M Diameter Programming G09 Exact Stop G20 M Inch Mode G21 M Millimeter Mode G33 Threading G40 M Cutter Radius Compensation Off G41 M Cutter Radius Compensation Left G42 M Cutter Radius Compensation Right G53 M Program Machine Coordinates G59 M Cancel Work Coordinate Offsets G73 M Peck Drill with Chip Break Drill Cycle G74 M Left Hand Tapping G78 Threading Cycle G80 M Cancel Drill Cycle G81 M Drill Cycle G82 M Drill Cycle with Dwell G83 M Peck Drill Cycle G84 M Right Hand Tapping G90 M Absolute Programming G91 M Incremental Programming G92 M Work Coordinate Offsets or Spindle Max Speed G94 M Feed per Minute G95 M Feed per Revolution G96 M Constant Surface Speed (CSS) G97 M Direct Spindle Speed G98 M Drill Cycle Initial Level Return G99 M Drill Cycle R Plane Return