Arduino Touch Breakout 游戏
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这是Arduino UNO和TFT LCD屏幕(240x320像素)的经典突破视频游戏的小版本,具有8位并行通信的驱动程序ILI9341。
这个 Breakout 有多个屏幕,带有不同的可配置行和列的积木,最多八行,每两行一种不同的颜色,可以用不同的模式编程打开或关闭。使用单个球,使用触摸面板,玩家必须使用墙壁和/或下方的桨击倒尽可能多的砖块,以将球弹到砖块上并消除它们。如果球员的球拍错过了球的反弹,他们将失去一个回合。
uint8_t pointsForRow[] ={7, 7, 5, 5, 3, 3 , 1, 1};


typedef struct game_type {
int ballsize;
int playerwidth;
int playerheight;
int exponent;
int top;
int 列;
int brickGap;
int living;
int wall[GAMES_NUMBER];
int initVelx;
int initVely;
} game_type;
game_type games[GAMES_NUMBER] =
// 球大小、玩家宽度、玩家高度、指数、顶部、行、列、brickGap、生命、墙[8]、initVelx、initVely
{ 10, 60, 8, 6, 40 , 8, 8, 3, 3, {0x18, 0x66, 0xFF, 0xDB, 0xFF, 0x7E, 0x24, 0x3C}, 28, -28},
{0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA}
1,0,1, 0,1,0,1,0
1,0,1,0,1,0 ,1,0

该项目使用 AZ-Delivery 2.4 英寸 TFT LCD 显示屏,带有电阻式 4 线触摸屏和集成 SD 卡读卡器。 AZ-Delivery 2.4英寸TFT液晶显示屏。

在我的文章“道路测试 AZ-Delivery 2, 4 TFT LCD 触摸显示器”中详细介绍了此防护罩
您只需将屏蔽罩插在 Aduino 上即可。

#include // 核心图形库
您必须校准显示器,以便在您触摸显示器时位置信息是正确的。 MCUFriend_kbv 库提供了一个名为“TouchScreen_Calibr_native”的示例。该示例将结果发送到串行端口。启动Arduino IDE的串口监视器,复制示例生成的代码。
TouchScreen.h GFX 校准
使所有控制和总线引脚 INPUT_PULLUP
典型的 30k 模拟上拉与相应引脚
例如对于 300R X 方向读取 ~25
e.g. 500R Y 方向读取 ~30
测试:(A2, D8) =26
测试:(A3, D9) =28
ID =0x9341
cx=153 cy=103 cz=534 X、Y、压力
cx=150 cy=475 cz=406 X、Y、压力
cx=155 cy=868 cz=231 X、Y、压力
cx=517 cy=103 cz=561 X、Y、压力
cx=535 cy=855 cz=364 X、Y、压力
cx=884 cy=88 cz=650 X、Y、压力
cx=908 cy=478 cz=557 X、Y、压力
cx=902 cy=864 cz=488 X、Y、压力
*** 从串行终端复制粘贴:
const int XP=8,XM=A2,YP=A3,YM=9; //240x320 ID=0x9341
const int TS_LEFT=118,TS_RT=931,TS_TOP=72,TS_BOT=887;
肖像校准240 x 320
x =map(px, LEFT=118 , RT=931, 0, 240)
y =map(py, TOP=72, BOT=887, 0, 320)
景观校准 320 x 240
x =map(py, LEFT=72, RT=887, 0, 320)
y =map(px, TOP=931, BOT=118, 0, 240)
pos +=vel * dt;
ILI9341 分辨率为 240 x 320,因此我们需要两个 9 位整数来引用屏幕中的一个像素。使用 16 位整数,这让我们有 6 位自由来表示小数部分。
nnnn nnnn nndd dddd
我们称这个数字 6 为二进制指数。我们可以使用这六位来获得一个范围从 0.000 到 0.63 的小数部分。所以我们可以使用整数数学来避免浮点运算。
数字>> 指数
state.ballx +=state.velx;
state.bally +=state.vely;
// 检查球碰撞并退出
checkBallCollisions(game , &state, state.ballx>> game->exponent, state.bally>> game->exponent);
checkBallExit(game, &state, state.ballx>> game->exponent, state.bally>> game ->指数);
#define DEMO_MODE
- Arduino Breakout
Arduino BreakoutArduino
/* Arduino Touch TFT Breakout Classic breakout game 所需部件:Ardunio UNO AZ-Delivery 2.4 TFT LCD Touch Display Arduino Shield or compatible 此示例代码在公共领域。 07 11 2020 由 Enrique Albertos 修改*/// #define DEMO_MODE#include// 核心图形库#include #include #define BLACK 0x0000#define BLUE 0x001F#define RED 0xF800#定义GREEN 0x07E0#定义青色到0x07FF#定义品红0xF81F#定义YELLOW 0xFFE0#定义WHITE为0xFFFF的#define PRIMARY_COLOR 0x4A11#定义PRIMARY_LIGHT_COLOR 0x7A17#定义PRIMARY_DARK_COLOR 0x4016#定义PRIMARY_TEXT_COLOR 0x7FFF的#定义LCD-CS A3 //片选去模拟3 #define LCD_CD A2 // 命令/数据进入模拟 2#define LCD_WR A1 // LCD 写入进入模拟 1#define LCD_RD A0 // LCD 读取进入模拟 0#define LCD_RESET A4 // 可以交替连接到 Arduino 的复位pinAdafruit_TFTLCD tft(LCD_CS, LCD_CD, LCD_WR, LCD_RD, LCD_RESET);#define LOWFLASH (defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) &&defined(MCUFRIEND_KBV_H_))// 触摸屏压力阈值#define MINPRESSURE 40#define MAXPRESSURE 100st 触摸屏校准=100st XP 8, XM =A2, YP =A3, YM =9; //240x320 ID=0x9341const int16_t TS_LEFT =122, TS_RT =929, TS_TOP =77, TS_BOT =884;const TouchScreen ts =TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);#define SCORE_SIZE 分数04d";typedef struct gameSize_type { int16_t x, y, width, height;} gameSize_type;gameSize_type gameSize;uint16_t backgroundColor =BLACK;int level;const uint8_t BIT_MASK[] ={0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x208 , 0x80};uint8_t pointsForRow[] ={7, 7, 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1};#define GAMES_NUMBER 16typedef struct game_type { int ballsize;国际玩家宽度;国际球员高度;整数指数;国际顶级;整数行;整数列; intbrickGap; int生活; int 墙[GAMES_NUMBER]; int initVelx; int initVely;} game_type;game_type games[GAMES_NUMBER] =// 球大小、玩家宽度、玩家高度、指数、顶部、行、列、brickGap、生命、墙[8]、initVelx、initVely{ { 10, 60, 8, 6, 40、8、8、3、3、{0x18、0x66、0xFF、0xDB、0xFF、0x7E、0x24、0x3C}、28、-28}、{10、50、8、6、40、3、8 , 3, {0xFF, 0x99, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xBD, 0xDB, 0xE7, 0xFF} , 28, -28}, { 10, 50, 8, 6, 40 , 8, 8, 3, 3, {0x5AA, 0 , 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x55}, 28, -28}, { 8, 50, 8, 6, 40, 8, 8, 3, 3, {0xFF, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xC3 0xC3, 0xC3, 0xFF} , 34, -34}, { 10, 40, 8, 6, 40, 8, 8, 3, 3, {0xFF, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xAA, 0xAA}, 0 28, -28}, { 10, 40, 8, 6, 40 , 8, 8, 3, 3, {0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA}, 28, -28}, { 12, 64, 8, 6, 60, 4, 2, 3, 4, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, 20, -20}, { 12, 60, 8, 6 , 60 , 5, 3, 3, 4, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, 22, -22}, { 10, 56, 8, 6, 30, 6, 4, 3, 4, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF} , 24, -24}, { 10, 52, 8, 6, 30 , 7, 5, 3, 4, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, 26, -26 }, { 8, 48, 8, 6, 30, 8, 6, 3, 3, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, 28, -28}, { 8, 44, 8、6、30、8、7、3、3、{0xFF、0xFF、0xFF、0xFF、0xFF、0xFF、0xFF、0xFF}、30、-30}、{8、40、8、6、30、8 , 8, 3, 3, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF} , 32, -32}, { 8, 36, 8, 6, 40 , 8, 8, 3, 3, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, 34, -34}, { 8, 36, 8, 6, 40, 8, 8, 3, 3, {0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xAA}, 34, -34}};game_type* game;typedef struct game_state_type { uint16_t ballx; uint16_t bally; uint16_t ballxold; uint16_t ballyold; int velx; int vely;国际玩家x; int playerxold; int wallState[8];积分;剩余生命;国际顶级;国际底部;内墙;内部墙底; int 砖高度; int brickwidth;};game_state_type state;////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// ARDUINO 设置//////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////void setup(){ initTft(tft);游戏大小 ={0, 0, tft.width(), tft.height()}; newGame(&games[0], &state, tft);}///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////// ARDUINO 循环//////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////// int selection =-1;void loop( void){ selection =readUiSelection(game, &state, selection); drawPlayer(游戏,&状态); // 存储旧位置以移除旧像素 state.playerxold =state.playerx; // 计算新的球位置 x1 =x0 + vx * dt // 检查最大速度 if (abs( state.vely)> ((1 < exponent) - 1)) { state.vely =((1 <<游戏->指数) - 1) * ((state.vely> 0) - (state.vely <0)); } if (abs( state.velx)> ((1 < exponent) - 1)) { state.velx =((1 < exponent) - 1) * ((state.velx> 0 ) - (state.velx <0)); } state.ballx +=state.velx; state.bally +=state.vely; // 检查球碰撞并退出 checkBallCollisions(game, &state, state.ballx>> game->exponent, state.bally>> game->exponent); checkBallExit(game, &state, state.ballx>> game->exponent, state.bally>> game->exponent); // 在新位置绘制球 drawBall(state.ballx>> game->exponent, state.bally>> game->exponent, state.ballxold>> game->exponent, state.ballyold>> game->exponent, game -> 球尺寸 ); // 存储旧位置以移除旧像素 state.ballxold =state.ballx; state.ballyold =state.bally; // 增加速度 state.velx =(20 + (state.score>> 3 )) * ( (state.velx> 0) - (state.velx <0)); state.vely =(20 + (state.score>> 3 )) * ( (state.vely> 0) - (state.vely <0)); // 如果没有砖块进入下一层 if (noBricks(game, &state) &&level lives, state->remainingLives); updateScore(state->score);设置墙(游戏,状态);触摸开始(); clearDialog(游戏大小); updateLives(game->lives, state->remainingLives); updateScore(state->score); setupWall(game, state);}void setupStateSizes(game_type* game, game_state_type * state, Adafruit_TFTLCD &tft) { state->bottom =tft.height() - 30; state->brickwidth =tft.width() / game->columns; state->brickheight =tft.height() / 24;}void setupState(game_type* game, game_state_type * state, Adafruit_TFTLCD &tft) { setupStateSizes(game, state, tft); for (int i =0; i rows; i ++) { state->wallState[i] =0; } state->playerx =tft.width() / 2 - 游戏->playerwidth / 2;状态->剩余生命=游戏->生命;状态->bally =状态->底部<<游戏->指数;状态->ballyold =状态->底部<<游戏->指数;状态->velx =游戏->initVelx; state->vely =game->initVely;}void updateLives(int lives, int resumeLives) { for (int i =0; i walltop =游戏->top + 40; state->wallbottom =state->walltop + game->rows * state->brickheight; for (int i =0; i rows; i++) { for (int j =0; j columns; j++) { if (isBrickIn(game->wall, j, i)) { setBrick (state->wallState, j, i); drawBrick(state, j, i, colors[i]); } } }}void drawBrick(game_state_type * state, int xBrick, int yBrickRow, uint16_t backgroundColor) { tft.fillRect((state->brickwidth * xBrick) + game->brickGap, state->walltop + (state->brickheight * yBrickRow) + game->brickGap, state->brickwidth - game->brickGap * 2, state->brickheight - game->brickGap * 2, backgroundColor);}boolean noBricks(game_type * game, game_state_type * state) { for ( int i =0; i rows; i++) { if (state->wallState[i]) return false; } return true;}void drawPlayer(game_type * game, game_state_type * state) { // 绘制 tft.fillRect(state->playerx, state->bottom, game->playerwidth, game->playerheight, YELLOW); if (state->playerx !=state->playerxold) { // 移除旧像素 if (state->playerx playerxold) { tft.fillRect(state->playerx + game->playerwidth, state->bottom , abs(state->playerx - state->playerxold), game->playerheight, backgroundColor); } else { tft.fillRect(state->playerxold, state->bottom, abs(state->playerx - state->playerxold), game->playerheight, backgroundColor); } }}void drawBall(int x, int y, int xold, int yold, int ballsize) { // 移除旧像素 //if (xold !=x &&yold !=y) { if (xold <=x &&yold <=y) { tft.fillRect(xold, yold, ballsize, y - yold, BLACK); tft.fillRect(xold, yold, x - xold, ballsize, BLACK); } else if (xold>=x &&yold>=y) { tft.fillRect(x + ballsize , yold, xold - x, ballsize, BLACK); tft.fillRect(xold, y + ballsize, ballsize, yold - y, BLACK); } else if (xold <=x &&yold>=y) { tft.fillRect(xold, yold, x - xold, ballsize, BLACK); tft.fillRect(xold, y + ballsize, ballsize, yold - y, BLACK); } else if (xold>=x &&yold <=y) { tft.fillRect(xold, yold, ballsize, y - yold, BLACK); tft.fillRect(x + ballsize, yold, xold - x, ballsize, BLACK); } // 绘制新球 tft.fillRect(x , y, ballsize, ballsize, YELLOW); // }}void touchToStart() { drawBoxedString(0, 200, " BREAKOUT", 3, YELLOW, BLACK); drawBoxedString(0, 240, "TOUCH TO START", 2, RED, BLACK); while (waitForTouch() <0) {}}void gameOverTouchToStart() { drawBoxedString(0, 180, " GAME OVER", 3, YELLOW, BLACK); drawBoxedString(0, 220, "TOUCH TO START", 2, RED, BLACK); while (waitForTouch() <0) {}}void updateScore (int score) { char buffer[5]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), scoreFormat, score); drawBoxedString(tft.width() - 50, 6, buffer, 2, YELLOW, PRIMARY_DARK_COLOR);}void checkBrickCollision(game_type* game, game_state_type * state, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { int x1 =x + game->ballsize; int y1 =y + game->ballsize; int 碰撞 =0;碰撞 +=checkCornerCollision(game, state, x, y);碰撞 +=checkCornerCollision(game, state, x1, y1);碰撞 +=checkCornerCollision(game, state, x, y1);碰撞 +=checkCornerCollision(game, state, x1, y); if (collisions> 0 ) { state->vely =(-1 * state->vely); if ((((x % state->brickwidth) ==0) &&( state->velx <0 )) || ((((x + game->ballsize) % state->brickwidth) ==0) &&( state->velx> 0 )) ) { state->velx =(-1 * state->velx); } }}int checkCornerCollision(game_type * game, game_state_type * state, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { if ((y> state->walltop) &&(y wallbottom)) { int yBrickRow =( y - state->walltop) / state->brickheight; int xBrickColumn =(x / state->brickwidth);如果 (isBrickIn(state->wallState, xBrickColumn, yBrickRow) ) { hitBrick(state, xBrickColumn, yBrickRow);返回 1; } } return 0;}void hitBrick(game_state_type * state, int xBrick, int yBrickRow) { state->score +=pointsForRow[yBrickRow]; drawBrick(状态,xBrick,yBrickRow,白色);延迟(16); drawBrick(状态,xBrick,yBrickRow,蓝色);延迟(8); drawBrick(状态,xBrick,yBrickRow,backgroundColor); unsetBrick(state->wallState, xBrick, yBrickRow); updateScore(state->score);}void checkBorderCollision(game_type * game, game_state_type * state, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { // 检查墙壁碰撞 if (x + game->ballsize>=tft.width()) { state ->velx =-abs(state->velx); } if (x <=0) { state->velx =abs(state->velx); } if (y <=SCORE_SIZE ) { state->vely =abs(state->vely); } if (((y + game->ballsize)>=state->bottom) &&((y + game->ballsize) <=(state->bottom + game->playerheight)) &&(x>=state->playerx) &&(x <=(state->playerx + game->playerwidth))) { // 改变玩家边界附近的 vel x if (x> (state->playerx + game->playerwidth - 6)) { state ->velx =状态->velx - 1; } else if (x playerx + 6) { state->velx =state->velx + 1; } state->vely =-abs(state->vely); }}void checkBallCollision(game_type * game, game_state_type * state, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { checkBrickCollision(game, state, x, y); checkBorderCollision(game, state, x, y);}void checkBallExit(game_type * game, game_state_type * state, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { if ((((y + game->ballsize)>=tft.height())) { state->remainingLives--; updateLives(game->lives, state->remainingLives);延迟(500);状态->vely =-abs(state->vely); }}void setBrick(int wall[], uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { wall[y] =wall[y] | BIT_MASK[x];}void unsetBrick(int wall[], uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { wall[y] =wall[y] &~BIT_MASK[x];}boolean isBrickIn(int wall[], uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { return wall[y] &BIT_MASK[x];}///////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// TFT 设置////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////void initTft(Adafruit_TFTLCD &tft) { tft.reset(); uint16_t ID =tft.readID(); tft.begin(ID); tft.setRotation(0);}//////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////屏幕绘画方法//////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////** 在填充框上打印前景色文本背景颜色。计算矩形大小以包括没有边距的整个文本 @param x 左上角的水平坐标 @param y 左上角的垂直坐标 @param fontsize 要打印的文本字体大小 @param foreColor 要打印的文本的前景色@param backgroundColor 填充矩形的颜色 @return void*/void drawBoxedString(const uint16_t x, const uint16_t y, const char* string, const uint16_t fontsize, const uint16_t foreColor, const uint16_t backgroundColor) { tft.setTextSize(fontsize); int16_t x1, y1; uint16_t w, h; tft.getTextBounds(string, x, y, &x1, &y1, &w, &h); tft.fillRect(x, y, w, h, backgroundColor); tft.setCursor(x, y); tft.setTextColor(foreColor); tft.print(string);}/** 清屏到默认背景@param void @return void*/void clearDialog(gameSize_type gameSize) { tft.fillRect(gameSize.x, gameSize.y, gameSize.width, gameSize .height, backgroundColor); tft.fillRect(gameSize.x, gameSize.y, gameSize.width, SCORE_SIZE, PRIMARY_DARK_COLOR);}////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////// 读取用户界面选择////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //* 检查用户是否正在选择任何可见的启用 ui 元素调用所选元素的 onTap 回调并将其设置为按下 @param lastSelected 最后一个选择 @return 新选择*/int readUiSelection(game_type * game, game_state_type * state, const int16_t lastSelected ) { int16_t xpos, ypos; //屏幕坐标 TSPoint tp =ts.getPoint(); //tp.x, tp.y 是 ADC 值 // 如果共享引脚,您需要固定触摸屏引脚的方向 pinMode(XM, OUTPUT); pinMode(YP,输出); // 我们有一些我们认为“有效”的最小压力 // 压力为 0 意味着没有压力! if (tp.z> MINPRESSURE &&tp.z tft.width() / 2) { state->playerx +=2; } else { 状态->playerx -=2; } if (state->playerx>=tft.width() - game->playerwidth) state->playerx =tft.width() - game->playerwidth; if (state->playerx <0) state->playerx =0;返回 1; }#ifdef DEMO_MODE state->playerx =(state->ballx>> game->exponent) - game->playerwidth / 2; if (state->playerx>=tft.width() - game->playerwidth) state->playerx =tft.width() - game->playerwidth; if (state->playerx <0) state->playerx =0;#endif return -1;}int waitForTouch() { int16_t xpos, ypos; //屏幕坐标 TSPoint tp =ts.getPoint(); //tp.x, tp.y 是 ADC 值 // 如果共享引脚,您需要固定触摸屏引脚的方向 pinMode(XM, OUTPUT); pinMode(YP,输出); // 我们有一些我们认为“有效”的最小压力 // 压力为 0 意味着没有压力! if (tp.z> MINPRESSURE &&tp.z
