50 个最佳设施管理培训课程
如果有效地完成,设施管理会使事情运行得如此顺利,以至于大多数组织都不必再三考虑。当设施管理不当时,每个人都会注意到;运营受到影响,设备和系统出现故障,工人的安全和生产力水平下降。设施管理的关键职能可以决定您的公司成败,这就是为什么具有 FM 经验和专业培训的人才如此受欢迎的原因。
如果您想了解有关设施管理的更多信息,或者如果您想要为您的组织创建专业的 FM 团队,您需要了解可用的专业发展、认证和学位。为了帮助简化您的搜索,我们收集了 50 个在美国和全球范围内在线和亲自提供的顶级设施管理课程。我们根据计划认证、讲师证书、计划材料的深度以及以前学生的评论做出了选择。为了帮助您选择最适合您情况的课程,我们按课程类型对它们进行了分类,并尽可能按开始日期按时间顺序列出它们。因此,我们排名前 50 的设施管理课程没有以任何方式排名或评级。
- 课堂课程
- 国际课程
- 在线课程
- 其他课程形式
1。设施管理课程 - 加州大学河滨分校
4 月 12 日至 6 月 14 日
加州大学河滨分校 (UCR) Extension 全年提供专业证书课程。所有 UCR 扩展学术课程都是与 UCR 教师一起开发的,并且通常由 UCR 教师教授,以确保学生获得大学毫不妥协的卓越标准。他们的设施管理课程没有先决条件,是获得可用设施管理证书所必需的。
参加费用: $545
2.设施管理 - 巴鲁克学院继续和专业研究
5 月 7 日至 5 月 30 日
巴鲁克学院继续与专业研究部 (Baruch CAPS) 一直提供优质课程、证书,并服务超过 35 年。他们的所有课程都是在专业社区专家的投入下经过严格的教育发展后提供的。他们的设施管理课程将于 5 月 7 日至 5 月 30 日的每周一和周三下午 6:00 至晚上 9:15 开课。该课程涵盖成本效益、维护、安全、外包等,以获得对 FM 的真实概述。
参加费用: 489 美元
6 月 6 日至 8 月 1 日
每周三晚上 6:00 至 8:00 的八节课程会议,除了设计专业人士和房地产所有者、投资者和开发专业人士之外,可持续发展领导力是设施经理和运营经理的 FM 课程。学生将学会系统地思考资源和资产,并获得领导变革性变革所需的技能。该课程以可持续设计为中心,将讲座与独立和小组探索和讨论相结合。
参加费用: 695 美元
9 月 7 日至 10 月 27 日
维拉诺瓦大学专业研究学院 (CPS) 提供本科学位完成课程和学分或非学分- 信用专业证书。他们的设施管理专业计划在 9 月 7 日至 10 月 27 日期间举办周五活动和周六活动,非常适合各行业的设施管理人员和可持续设施管理人员。该计划由两门必修课程组成,让专业人士有机会获得 IFMA 的设施管理专业证书或 IFMA 的可持续发展设施专业证书。请注意,课程可以单独参加,不作为课程的一部分。
- IFMA 会员:2,400 美元
- 非会员:2,500 美元
9 月 9 日至 13 日
设施管理学院每年开设两次,周日至周四晚上开课,包括四个关键领域:一般行政管理、维护和运营、能源和公用事业以及规划、设计和施工。学生选择一个核心领域,这是他们在学院期间课程的重点;然后,他们在上午参加所选领域的必修课,并在下午参加四个领域相结合的选修课。完成学院学习后,学生将获得一份指定其核心学习领域和三个继续教育单位 (CEU) 的证书。
- APPA 会员:1,455 美元
- 非会员:1,955 美元
6。设施管理证书 - 华盛顿大学专业与继续教育
2018 年 10 月至 2019 年 6 月
华盛顿大学专业与继续教育 (PCE) 提供 100 多个晚上、周末、以及旨在促进参与者职业生涯的在线计划。他们的设施管理证书课程是一项非学分课程,为期八个月,从 2018 年 10 月开始。威斯康星大学的设施管理证书专为对设施管理感兴趣且至少有五年工作经验的任何人设计。该课程由国际设施管理协会 (IFMA) 开发,涵盖关键概念,包括战略规划和可持续发展趋势。
参加费用: 3,774 美元
波士顿大学专业教育中心 (BU CPE) 提供律师助理研究、财务规划方面的证书课程、房地产、筹款等。他们的设施管理证书提供九门课程,学生必须完成八门课程才能获得证书。该证书课程专为实践 FM 专业人士而设计,旨在确保学生获得知识,以制定和执行企业设施管理的战略和运营使命。
参加费用: 725 美元/课程
加州大学伯克利分校继续教育分部,扩展提供2000个在线和课堂每年的课程和超过 65 个证书和课程。他们的设施管理证书课程提供您做出决策和实现成功的设施管理所需的知识、工具和技能。该课程涵盖运营和维护、战略规划、商业地产、项目管理、空间规划和施工管理。
参加费用: 证书估计费用为 $4,500-$5,400,不包括课程材料或注册费
9。课程 307 - 设施管理
参加费用: 700 美元
10。 CCAPS 设施管理证书
明尼苏达大学继续与专业研究学院 (CCAPS) 一直提供高质量的100 多年来,为成年人提供继续教育和学习机会。他们的设施管理证书是一个本科水平的课程,包括总共 19 个学分的必修课程,也可以作为辅修课程。学生将获得设计、建筑运营、施工管理和商业技能方面的基本技能。
- 居民:492.31 美元/学分
- 非居民:961 美元/学分
莫霍克谷社区学院(MVCC),两年制院校,是世界上最大的学院锡拉丘兹和奥尔巴尼以及该地区的大学教育和非学分培训的主要提供者。他们的学校设施管理证书课程需要 30 个总学分,是与纽约州学校建筑和场地管理者协会 (SBGA) 合作开发的。该计划专为在校舍和场地担任管理职位的个人设计,重点关注 FM、基础教育法以及学校公共卫生和安全方面的课程。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
加州大学圣地亚哥分校(USCD Extension)服务于终身学习、继续教育,以及圣地亚哥及其他地区的技能发展需求。他们的设施经理规划和项目管理课程让学生对在开发、设计和运营与设施相关的项目中使用项目管理概念有一个基本的了解。讨论还包括计划、协调、实施、结束和评估 FM 项目。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
13.设施管理证书 - 奥克顿社区学院
奥克顿社区学院为终身学习、学位和证书课程、继续教育和社区提供机会和文化活动。设施管理证书包括 32 个学期的学分和 23 小时的必修课程以及至少 9 小时的选修课程,涵盖室内空气质量、项目管理和商业 HVAC 系统应用等主题。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
对于希望获得 FM 本科学位的个人,来自天普大学是一个明智的选择,因为它通过整合人员、地点、流程和技术,为学生的职业生涯做好充分准备。请注意,该计划至少需要两门写作密集型课程。选择学士学位的学生天普大学设施管理专业毕业后可申请FM认证。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
杨百翰大学 (BYU) 提供设施管理本科学位。该学习计划需要 31-83 学分,涵盖主要概念,例如管理设施财务资源、管理建设项目、设施建设系统、空间规划和设计规划等。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
16.设施管理证书 - 威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校
威斯康星大学密尔沃基继续教育学院 (UWM SCE) 提供设施管理证书三年内完成四门课程的学生;该计划旨在帮助学习者在短短 18 个月内获得 FM 证书。从超越设施管理服务交付、设施管理管理和可持续性、设施管理简介 - 业务规划和服务交付以及领导力和战略实践中进行选择。学生也可以在不攻读证书的情况下参加单门课程。
参加费用: 参会费用请联系
17.设施管理证书 - 温特沃斯理工学院
温特沃斯理工学院专业与继续教育学院提供设施管理证书。该证书课程为专业人士准备 IFMA 的认证设施经理考试,涵盖关键项目管理、房地产、房地产开发和金融技能。温特沃斯学院的课程为期 7 周,价值 2.1 个 CEU。
参加费用: 750 美元/课程
18.设施管理证书计划 (FMP)
乔治王子社区学院 (PGCC) 为在马里兰州上万宝路的威斯特伐利亚培训中心。 PGCC 与 IFMA 的切萨皮克分会合作,向中早期职业和过渡设施管理专业人员和行业供应商传授当今全球雇主所需的技能和知识。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
北伊利诺伊大学 (NIU) 继续专业教育与 IFMA 一起提供设施管理专业证书.完成本课程后,学习者可以加快您向专业的过渡,并全面了解 FM 的基础知识。四门课程中的每一门都包括两天的课堂教学、综合印刷材料和必修的在线考试。请注意,您无需成为 CFM 或 FMP 候选人即可参加这些 NIU 课程。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
纽约理工学院 (NYIT) 是一所私立、非营利性的全球性大学提供超过 50 个研究领域的学位。他们的 18 学分设施管理高级证书课程为学生提供管理照明系统、建筑控制、空调设备和其他基本功能的实践经验。您还将学习如何在完成此 FM 证书计划的同时以经济高效的方式保持安全、舒适和性能标准。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
曼彻斯特社区学院 (MCC) 每学期招收大约 3,300 名学生,并提供 60 多个学位除了讲习班和专业发展外,还有证书课程。 MCC 的设施管理学位课程旨在为学生提供 FM 方面的扎实背景,以便他们可以转入四年制学院或大学或获得入门级 FM 职位。
参加费用: 估计总学杂费 - $16,590
22。设施管理专业 - 布鲁克代尔社区学院
新泽西布鲁克代尔社区学院提供 IFMA 的设施管理专业 (FMP) 证书。赛诺菲战略房地产项目总监乔尔·奥顿 (Joel Orton)、友邦保险 (AIA)、FMP、CFM 是本课程的讲师,该课程在全年不同时间开设,共 15 次晚间课程。学生将
参加费用: 2,395 美元
巴尔的摩县社区学院 (CCBC) 在与 IFMA 的切萨皮克分会联合。这些课程使学生获得 FMP 证书,这需要成功完成所有四门课程:FMP 的运营和维护、FMP 的项目管理、FMP 的财务和商业基础以及 FMP 的领导力和战略基础。请注意,您可以按任意顺序参加课程。
参加费用: 每门课程的总学杂费为 799 美元;该计划的总学杂费:3,196 美元
24。 FM 中的能源与可持续性 - 4 级
5 月 12 日至 6 月 30 日
波托贝罗研究所从 5 月开始提供 FM 中的能源与可持续性 - 4 级课程。除了周三晚上 6:30 至 9:30 的课程外,该课程还包括三个周六的课程。 FM 中的能源与可持续性——4 级专为希望提高与 FM 职业相关技能的专业人士以及希望发展技能并获得公认的 FM 资格的一线经理和主管而设计。本课程由英国设施管理学院 (BIFM) 开发,包括三个模块:FM 概述、FM 中的可持续性和环境,以及能源和公用事业管理和 FM。
参加费用: 1495 欧元
25。设施管理 - FM 采购中的风险管理
5 月 16 日
皇家特许服务学会 (RICS) 是世界领先的土地资格认证专业机构、财产和建筑。高级 FM 专业人士 Bob Parkin 是本课程的主讲人,该课程将于 5 月 16 日在线提供。学生将学习如何采用系统的方法来管理您的 FM 服务,同时在完成课程后避免不必要的运营、业务和财务风险。
参加费用: 40.00 英镑
7 月 2 日
开普敦大学从 7 月 2 日开始提供设施管理在线短期课程。在线课程专为寻求 FM 管理职位并希望加强您的战略和运营业务技能和知识的个人而设计。课程内容包括分析贵组织的战略以确保符合 FM 最佳实践、更新 FM 政策和流程以符合行业标准和法规等等。
参加费用: 参加费用请联系,因为课程费用可能会在 2018 年 4 月增加
西印度群岛大学 (UWI) 开放校区提供设施管理 CPE 证书。这个 120 小时的课程为学习者提供了成为成功 FM 专业人士所需的知识、技能和能力。该计划包括四门课程——设施管理简介、维护管理、设施管理的可持续性和变更管理——这些课程可以一起参加以完成证书,也可以单独参加 CEU。
参加费用: 参会费用请联系
伦敦市中心学院是一所私立高等教育学院,提供多种课程在会计、商业和管理、计算机、国际贸易和航运、管理和设施管理方面。作为 BIFM 认可的中心,伦敦市中心学院为 3、4、5 和 6 级资格提供设施管理途径。这些课程专为在 FM 领域具有经验的专业人士设计。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
29.物业和设施管理 (SCSI)
都柏林理工学院 (DIT) 提供物业和设施管理高级证书以提供帮助毕业生满足FM专业的需求和挑战。毕业生满足 SPSRA 许可的最低要求,并获得与物业和设施管理不断发展的格局保持同步所需的技能。该计划涵盖财产和公司法、专业发展、项目管理、健康和安全、建筑服务、多单元开发管理等。
参加费用: 每年 3,200 欧元
设施管理领导力和管理计划在爱尔兰的五个地点举行,获得了研究所的认可领导和管理 (ILM) 认证,并通过了 City &Guilds 组织的认证。学生将更多地了解财产和资产管理、项目管理、健康和安全、组织背景下的 FM、FM 角色的领导力等等。学习者可以通过格里芬学院设施管理领导和管理计划获得 5 级到学位/H 学位。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
Newcent Training Academy (NTA), a privately held training institute, provides several vocational distance learning, classroom courses, and direct certification programs. NTA’s Facility Management Course is offered in Delhi and Mumbai and is available for students looking to begin a career in FM or those working in the field without professional training. The course also is available in three formats:distance learning, classroom course, and direct certification.
Cost to Attend:
- Distance Learning:$130, 6-8 weeks
- Classroom Course:$280, 8+ weeks
- Direct Certification:$100, 1-2 weeks, only for professionals with at least three years of experience
32. Diploma in Facilities Management
Throughout the Year
The Facilities Management Association of New Zealand (FMANZ) offers the Diploma of Facilities Management, a unique program designed by facilities managers for facilities managers. Gain practical expertise and on-the-job skills upon completion of the course. To earn your diploma, you will need to complete eight core units and four elective units. The diploma should take students between 18-24 months to complete as you work through the flexible online format. Please note, FMANZ and FMA members are eligible for a 10% discount.
Cost to Attend: $5,164.50 AUD
33. MSc Facilities Management Course
Throughout the Year
Leeds, United Kingdom
Formerly Leeds Metropolitan, Leeds Beckett offers world-class learning and campuses across the United Kingdom. Their MSc Facilities Management Course is a postgraduate distance learning course offered at various times throughout the year. Students will use practical work and case studies in a number of assignments to learn to address challenges relevant to your workplace and build decision-making strategies to resolve FM problems. The course is accredited by BIFM.
Cost to Attend: £661/20-credit point module
Online Courses
34. AutoCAD Facilities Management:Occupancy
Throughout the Year
From LinkedIn, Lynda.com is a leading online learning platform helping individuals learn business, software, technology, and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. Autodesk Certified Instructor in AutoCAD and Revit Architecture, Shaun Bryan is the author of this Lynda course, which covers such skills as architecture, CAD, 2D drawing, site planning, and AutoCAD. Shaun demonstrates how to use AutoCAD to specify occupancy in your computer-aided facilities management (CAFM) drawings in the course so that you can export information to applications like Microsoft Excel to analyze data in a tabular format.
Cost to Attend: 提供免费试用
- LinkedIn Learning Monthly Plan:$29.99/month
- LinkedIn Learning Annual Plan:$24.99/month
35。 Essentials of Facility Management
Throughout the Year
The International Facility Management Association (IFMA) helps facility managers improve business and our lives. In conjunction with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), a global professional body promoting the public advantage and delivering consistent professional standards, IFMA offers the Essentials of Facility Management. This workshop series is designed for newcomers to the FM field and those who want to deepen their knowledge of it. The program consists of three workshop series consisting of a total of 10 modules, with a primary focus on basic FM knowledge and concepts.
Cost to Attend:
- Individual Modules, Member:$70
- Individual Models, Non-Member:$80
- Entire Series, Member:$510
- Entire Series, Non-Member:$590
36。 Facilities Management and Maintenance Training Solutions
Throughout the Year
RedVector provides online continuing education, professional development, and compliance training to the design, construction, industrial, and facilities management industries. They offer several FM and maintenance training solutions to help you improve safety, increase productivity, and maintain credentials. In fact, they offer hundreds of online courses and deliver FM training through their best-in-class learning management system to ensure safety, compliance, career development, and certifications.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
37. AutoCAD Facilities Management:Space Management
Throughout the Year
LinkedIn Learning now features 100% of Lynda.com courses. In this Lynda.com course, CADFMconsultants Unlimited owner and director Shaun Bryant walks learners through using AutoCAD for space management when conducting computer-aided facilities management (CAFM). Go step-by-step through a real-world CAFM project, learn at your own pace, and develop your skills to ultimately export your space management information to applications like Microsoft Excel. Course topics include managing spaces with AutoCAD, setting up a facilities drawing, defining space areas, and annotating spaces.
Cost to Attend: 提供免费试用
- LinkedIn Learning Monthly Plan:$29.99/month
- LinkedIn Learning Annual Plan:$24.99/month
38. Facilities Management Certificate – Arizona State University
Throughout the Year
Arizona State University’s continuing education program offers noncredit courses, workshops, and certificate programs to help people achieve their personal and professional goals. Their Facility Management Certificate covers critical topics in FM, provides lessons from industry experts, and prepares participants to take the IFMA Certified Facility Manager (CFM) credential exam.
Cost to Attend: $9,995
39. Facility Management Certificate – Ferris State University
Throughout the Year
Ferris State University, located in Big Rapids, Michigan, offers the Facility Management Certificate program for individuals currently working in FM and looking to deepen their understanding of the profession. Course topics include facility planning, programming, project management, operations management, budgeting, and more. Please note, courses within the online certificate program prepare students to complete the IFMA Certified Facility Management (CFM) exam.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
40. Facilities Management Program Certificate
Throughout the Year
The University of California, Irvine (UCI) Division of Continuing Education has been offering educational opportunities for adult learners for more than 50 years. Their Facilities Management Program Certificate is offered entirely online and includes three required courses – Fundamentals of Facilities Management, Facilities Design and Space Planning, and Leadership for Facilities Professionals – in addition to a minimum of nine units of electives courses. Please note, students not seeking the full certificate may take individual courses.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
41. Online Certificate in Managing Maintenance for Buildings and Facilities
Throughout the Year
Course TECH2050 – Online Certificate in Managing Maintenance for Buildings and Facilities is designed for professionals who manage any sort of building or facility, including facility managers, maintenance managers, and property managers. The course covers the scope of responsibilities for facilities managers, cost-savings projects, setting up and maximizing a work order system, lean maintenance for buildings, and much more. Learners may enroll and begin the course at any time and complete the course within six months. Please note, the course format is self-paced online training.
Cost to Attend: $1,295
42. Building Maintenance and Management Courses
Throughout the Year
360training.com provides online licensing and certification for a variety of technical industries and professions. Specifically, 360training.com offers 36 building maintenance and management courses, which deliver best-in-class training content for the entire operations and maintenance workforce. Courses cover a variety of topics including basic preventive maintenance, basic HVAC maintenance, facility management, and more.
Cost to Attend: Courses start at $18/course
43. School Facilities Management, Associate of Applied Science
Throughout the Year
The State University of New York (SUNY) offers Open SUNY, a collaboration that makes world-class online-enabled learning opportunities available to individuals looking to advance their careers. In fact, the School Facilities Management, Associate of Applied Science degree program is made available through Open SUNY in partnership with Mohawk Valley Community College to make it possible for online learners to earn the same degree as on-campus students. When you complete this program, you will earn your associate degree or technical certificate in school facilities management from the comfort of your home or office.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
Other Course Formats
44. Fundamentals of Facilities Management
Throughout the Year
Online and In the Classroom
BOMI International is the Independent Institute for Property and Facility Management Education. As such, BOMI International offers courses and programs to employers and professionals. Their Fundamentals of Facilities Management course is available online and in the classroom at various times and locations throughout the year so that you can choose the delivery option that is most convenient for you. Learners will understand how to structure and manage operations and maintenance programs and effectively manage personnel to control workflow as a result of taking the course.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
45. FM Learning System for IFMA Credentials Programs
Throughout the Year
Online Training Program
The IFMA LFM Learning System is a review course of premier quality designed to meet the needs of professionals and organizations. Developed with input and guidance from a range of FM experts and leaders, the program provides learners with the necessary tools for learning the updated FM body of knowledge and preparing for the updated CFM exam. Enjoy the convenience of learning within the time frame and format that best suits you with this program, which is designed to be interactive while delivering a web-based review program reinforcing the FM body of knowledge.
Cost to Attend:
- IFMA FM Learning System with print materials, Member:$1,195
- IFMA FM Learning System with print materials, Non-Member:$1,495
- IFMA FM Learning System with print materials, GSA Rate:$865.59
46. Facility and Sustainable Building Management
Throughout the Year
Online and In the Classroom
De Anza College is a top-ranked California community college in transfers to universities that is nationally recognized for student success rates. Their Facility and Sustainable Building Management (FSBM) program is state accredited and provides an innovative educational and career path to learners. The degree program’s curriculum focuses on the business aspects of making buildings more efficient and covers 11 core competencies required of FM and building professionals.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
47. Facilities Management Courses – Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute
Throughout the Year
The Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute (PSFEI) offers facilities engineering services, education programs, and energy management to Pennsylvania state agencies, the federal government, and nonprofit organizations. Specifically, PSFEI offers several FM courses, which are available in the form of on-site training courses. Course topics include, but are not limited to, facilities water conservation and management, facility infrastructure fundamentals training, and fundamentals of high-performance buildings.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
48. Facilities Management Training
Throughout the Year
Pryor Learning Solutions offer unlimited learning any time, anywhere and help individuals reach their career goals. Their Facilities Management Training is a two-day comprehensive course designed to help participants learn the techniques leading facility managers use to create safe, cost-effective, and employee-friendly environments. Each seminar runs from 9 am until 4 pm.
Cost to Attend:
- $399/person
- $379/person for groups of 3 or more
49. Facility Management Certificate Program
Throughout the Year
The Facility Management Certificate Program offered by George Mason University Executive &Professional Education is a course available on a contract basis to enable organizations to deliver training onsite. The course can be tailored to suit your organization’s unique needs and includes a comprehensive curriculum covering theory, methodology, technology, and best practices in facilities management.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
50. IFMA’s Certified Facility Manager (CFM) Courses
Throughout the Year
FM360 seeks to improve the facility management industry through consulting and education. CFM John Rimer, FM360 president, has more than 20 years of experience in FM and ensures FM360’s IFMA’s Certified Facility Manager (CFM) courses help learners prepare for the exam and advance their careers. John brings the CFM courses to your organization so you can host a course and put John’s expertise to work for you.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
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