焊接机器人是制造领域最重要的工业机器人之一。他们处理焊接,这基本上是将机器(包括汽车)固定在一起的一件事。 汽车制造中的机器人 高度依赖于自动化焊接,在全球几乎所有汽车制造工厂中取代人工。在所有工业制造中的机器人应用中 , 机器人焊接是最新的,不到 20 年前推出。
大约有六种自动化焊接工艺 广泛用于工业制造。每个进程都有一个独特的功能,并有一个专门的机器人来执行该功能。
使用点焊机器人的优势 很多;一是无缝衔接;它不会留下任何焊接痕迹。另一个是与其他类型的焊接相比,它要强得多;一旦两个部分相互融合,就会留下薄弱点。汽车行业对点焊机器人的依赖程度很高,平均每辆车有超过5000个点焊点。
这是另一种先进的金属连接方式,使用激光束将热量集中在一个点上。这项技术已经存在了 30 多年。激光焊接的工作原理是将两块金属板放在一起并相互接触。随后将激光束集中在金属板的边缘。强烈的热量使它们同时熔化,将它们混合在一起,完成了接头。一旦冷却下来,它们就会合而为一。
这是一种机器人焊接 其中热源是在自耗金属电极和工件之间形成的电弧,并具有外部供应的气态气体屏蔽,通常是惰性气体。这会导致在两种材料之间形成熔池,然后在冷却后结合。
气体保护金属弧焊机器人有两种类型 .第一个叫做金属惰性气体焊接(MIG 焊接机器人 ) 使用惰性气体,如氩气或氦气;然后是金属活性气体焊接(MAG),它使用的活性气体通常是氧气、二氧化碳和氩气的混合物。
这是一种在电极和被焊材料之间传递电流的焊接。焊缝通过包围焊缝区域的保护气体与大气隔离。此过程中使用的电极由钨制成。之所以选择这种金属,是因为它在 6,170 华氏度的任何金属中具有最高的熔化温度。
这是一种机器人焊接工艺,用于需要精细焊接的薄材料。任何精通焊接的人都会证明焊接薄金属板是一项巨大的挑战。如果您使用过大的力或非常极端的焊接方式,则可能会改变所涉及材料的整个性质。薄规格电弧焊的工作原理是最大限度地减少烧穿,烧穿可能会使熔化的焊缝坍塌,从而损坏材料。该过程使用两种惰性气体来最大程度地减少飞溅;钨惰性气体 (TIG) 和金属惰性气体 (MIG)。
等离子焊接是一种弧焊工艺,其工作方式与薄规格弧焊相似;唯一的区别是等离子弧可以与保护气体封套分开。然后通过细骨铜喷嘴挤压等离子体,然后收缩电弧。该过程可以通过三种主要方式进行;用于薄至 0.1 毫米厚的薄板的微等离子焊接。
第二种称为中等电流焊接,使用 15-200A 的电流;它有更深的渗透。最后一种方法称为锁孔焊接,用于厚度不超过 10mm 的金属板。
提高了效率和生产力: 焊接机器人的工作非常精确,因为它们是按照这种方式编程的;几乎没有错误的余地。他们能够一遍又一遍地完成重复性任务而不感到疲倦,从而提高了工作效率。
更短的循环时间: 随着制造效率的提高,周期时间变得更短,这反过来意味着与依靠人工生产的产品相比,可以在该时间范围内生产更多产品。
更好的地板利用率: 工作场所的自动化减少了人类的足迹,反过来又为其他事物创造了更多的占地面积。一个焊接机器人能够完成过去由一群人处理的工作。更多的空间意味着有更多的活动空间以及增加新的机器人焊接机 .
安全性提高: 人类不能长时间保持专注;他们工作得越多,注意力越集中;这就是导致使用重型机械的地方发生事故的原因。另一方面,焊接机器人可以运行数天而不会出错。因此,制造工厂中的事故不再常见。
减少浪费: 机器人表现出的高精度非常高效,几乎没有什么可以丢弃的。在大多数制造工厂中,人类性欲是造成浪费的最大因素。而机器人则是最大限度地利用了大部分原材料。
自动化的初始成本非常高: 考虑工业机器人编程的数量 制造机器人以及使其正常运行所需的复杂工具,因此在初始阶段实现工厂自动化的成本非常高。
培训是必要的: 尽管机器人已经接管了人类的位置,但大多数仍然需要人来操作和监督。考虑到工业机器人的复杂程度,培训人类操作这些机器人可能是一件非常昂贵的事情,需要时间。维修和保养也是如此,只有专业的专家才能处理这种类型的工作,而且这种工作在市场上是有限的。
决策有限: 尽管机器人可能很复杂,但它们缺乏做出决定的能力,它们只是根据程序员输入的一组指令进行操作。在工作场所有无数的决策需要人为因素,这是当前的机器人所缺乏的。随着人工智能发展的步伐加快,未来机器人有望具备先行思考的能力。
有限的灵活性: 与可以接受训练以连续处理两个不同角色的人类不同,大多数焊接机器人过于专业化,无法实现这一点。他们被编程来满足他们所致力于的一个利基,没有任何偏差。焊接机器人可以转换角色的唯一方法是他们被故意重新编程来做到这一点。
实施周期长: 一挥手就不会切换到机器人。您首先需要重组您的工厂以容纳它们,然后考虑到它们的重量,还有将它们运送到前提的问题。您还需要专家帮助来设置它们,所有这些都需要经过一段试用期,以确保它们在恢复生产之前按预期工作。在全面投入运营之前,您至少需要 20 周的时间。
焊接机器人需要特定的软件来执行其角色。该软件由独立公司创建,然后将其出售给机器人制造商。以下是一些最受欢迎的机器人焊接系统 软件。 来源:verbotics。 com
Verbotics Weld 是一款简单但功能强大的焊接软件,可以从任何桌面运行。这是一种离线设置,使机器人焊接变得容易。它有一个用户界面,可以让您预览程序如何控制焊接机器人。 Verbotics 不是免费的,但它有一个试用版,允许您在做出最终决定之前试驾该软件。 来源:almacam。 com
Amalacam Weld 是一款离线焊接机器人软件,可让制造商优化其焊接机器人以提高效率。 Almacam Weld 已经使用了 20 多年,并且多年来不断改进,成为最受欢迎的焊接软件之一。该软件的优点之一是易于安装,操作人员无需过多培训即可上手。 来源:新。 abb.com
ABB 是另一种易于在任何工作场所使用和实施的离线焊接软件。它在降低风险的同时提高了生产力,同时最大限度地提高了对所有机器人系统的投资。 ABB 与许多焊接机器人兼容,任何受过培训了解其工作原理的人都可以操作。
机器人焊接主要用于处理重型机械的制造工厂。其中一些行业包括以下。 来源:Pixabay
一辆汽车平均有 5000 多个焊接部件,这足以证明自动焊接系统的重要性 是至关重要的。这项工作过去是由人工完成的,但这导致焊接不均匀,从而降低了汽车在道路上的效率。现代汽车制造商离不开焊接机器人。机器人焊接背后的技术有望在未来进一步改进。 来源:Pixabay
电脑主板由非常微小的部件组成,无法用手焊接。制造此类物品所涉及的机器人焊接非常先进,甚至可以焊接肉眼难以辨别的最微小的东西。使用机器人焊接是唯一可以按照他们的需求快速生产电子产品的方法。 来源:Pixabay
用于远距离运输原油的巨大管道依靠机器人焊接将它们连接起来,因为它们必须分段制造。机器人参与焊接管道的另一个原因与安全有关。管道必须防漏,以免发生爆炸或泄漏,对人员和环境造成危害。 来源:Pixabay
More than cars, airplanes require the most attention when manufacturing their parts considering the fact they have to stay airborne. To reduce errors, all the welding of airplane parts are done by highly advanced welding robots that are programmed to cover all parts. They are equipped with vision technology that they can use to detect any flaw. Source:Pinterest
The hardest part of automating your manufacturing business is deciding the right robot to go for. There are countless robot manufacturers in the world, each with unique products that promise the best results. Deciding what to go for requires a lot of research since robots cost a lot. It is the kind of investment you make once in a lifetime, therefore it has to be done right. The following is a guide on buying welding robots for your manufacturing plant.
A good welding robot should be one that is easy to understand. Getting a welding robot that is too complicated may stop your production once they run into problems as it would require an expert to be brought in from the manufacturer to get it going on again. When selecting a welding robot, first ensure that it is simple enough for your in-house technician to handle it to save costs on repairs in the future. Source:Pinterest
Some welding robots need add-ons for them to work, this is an added cost that should be avoided if you can. Go for a welding robot that comes in a whole package, with the ability to handle a myriad of functions without the need to spend more on buying other parts. If you have to buy one that needs accessories, make sure the parts in questions are easy to find locally. Source:Pixabay
The number and the size of the welding robots you intend to acquire depend on the space available at your plant. When replacing human labor with robots, you will be forced to clear the floor in advance. The bigger space, the more the number of welding robots that can be fitted in and vice versa. If you were running a small factory and you intend to automate you will need bigger floor space. Source:Pinterest
Some manufacturing processes do not require advanced welding processes, but if you are in the kind of manufacturing that involves heavy metallic parts then robotic welding would be the most sensible route to take. Automotive manufacturing involves the use of heavy car parts that cannot be handled well by human labor, welding robots are the only option left in that industry. Source:Pixabay
The cheapest heavy-duty industrial robot goes for about $50,000, you could get a used one for slightly less but the bottom line is, robots are expensive. As much as the end justifies the means in the long run, the initial welding robot cost of automating a manufacturing plant will run you into debts if you are not cautious. Besides the cost of purchasing them, you will also need money for training people, setting them up in the factory, and future repairs. It will be a while before you are able to return all the initial investment.
Most robots involved in manufacturing are task-oriented, i.e they are designed to handle a specific role. As much as this makes them efficient, it does limit their range and when you consider their cost, it would really help you a lot if you can get a factory robot arm that can handle more than one role. A welding robot that can also handle picking and placing would be a better investment compared to one that can only handle welding.
It will cost you more to import a specific type of welding robot if it cannot be found locally. If you happen to live near a major robot manufacturer you may be lucky enough to even place special orders for customized robots. The use of industrial robots is not as widespread in all areas, this makes industrial automation manufacturers to be concentrated in specific areas that may be located too far from where your plant is. Consider the cost of importing welding robots before making a choice. Source:Pinterest
After-sale support is vital when it comes to handling robots. They are machines like any other, only highly advanced. Regardless, they will eventually break down or malfunction after prolonged use. When this happens you will require help with them without having to fork out crazy amounts of money. Go for industrial robot manufacturers that are able to offer warranties as well as dedicated technical hope for a specific amount of time. Source:Pinterest
Overused welding parts like end effectors are most likely to break down as they do most of the work. Any movable part is prone to the friction of some kind and even though it takes time, they will need replacements along the way. Select a welding robot whose spare parts are readily available at a moment’s notice. Lack of spare parts may bring production to a halt and that is one interruption you do not want to deal with. Source:Pinterest
The availability of software upgrades is also another big factor that should help you narrow down on the type of welding robot you would want for your factory. Upgrades make the robots become more efficient, being stuck with a robot that is using software that is overdue may start affecting the quality of production. Go for robots that have constant software support all through with upgrades at least once a year.
Welding robots are among the most important industrial robots in the manufacturing space. Owing to the high heat involved in the process, the role is best executed by welding robots as they are able to handle and withstand heat more than people. If you plan to buy a welding robot for a manufacturing plant, pay a visit to the nearest welding robot manufacturer and get the best automated welding machine for your enterprise.
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