为什么要在自动化项目中实施 3D 视觉?
今天的自动化项目越来越先进。 3D 视觉是相关改进的有力示例。这就是为什么它对于帮助项目达到新的高度如此不可或缺,并了解该技术多年来如何发展以解决以前的缺点并增强当前和未来应用程序的多功能性。
3D 视觉如何改进自动化
真实世界的环境通常不符合整洁的参数。它可能具有不同的纹理、不均匀的对象高度以及其他很少或永远不会在不同时刻保持静态的元素。幸运的是,3D 传感适应了这些差异。它使机器人能够适应非结构化环境并更加擅长新任务。
随着自动化应用程序变得越来越多样化和先进,人们将继续了解为什么三维计算机视觉对于使它们按预期工作至关重要。公司领导通常部署智能设备以降低错误率并提高生产率。检测 3D 对象的机器视觉可以提供这些优势以及更多优势。
部署工业 3D 视觉的常见机器人应用
许多工厂使用自动化移动机器人 (AMR) 来应对劳动力短缺的挑战,并减少团队成员从事繁重重复性工作的需要。 AMR 通常具有机载视觉功能,可以让机器通过识别障碍物并绕过障碍物找到清晰的路径。
研究人员还建议,3D 机器视觉解决方案可以帮助奶农评估牛的身体成分。进行此类评估对于保持奶牛泌乳、帮助它们怀孕和减少代谢疾病至关重要。
考虑到包裹的各种形状和大小,物流公司开始利用 3D 机器视觉的力量来提高生产力也就不足为奇了。 DHL 就是这样一个品牌。
Not so long ago, retail workers performed manual stock checks to gauge how fast certain products were selling and when to replenish the shelves. That still happens to some extent, but many retail brands now let robots equipped with 3D machine vision do that task. At some grocery retailers, including ShopRite, a bot roams the aisles up to three times per day to check product statuses. The high-tech machines can also detect when items are in the wrong places.
Advancements in 3D vision that tackle automation challenges
The above examples show how 3D sensing can help various industries get impressive results and target pain points. Improvements in the technology have also made it easier to deploy a robot for diverse tasks that were too complicated for 2D systems to do well. Examples include picking up parts from piles.
Three-dimensional vision systems are often the more appropriate choice because 2D vision systems do not provide depth information and as such, they are only suitable for simple applications that require the capture of objects in the X and Y-axis. Examples of such applications include barcode reading, character recognition, dimension checking, or label verification. 3D machine vision systems enable much more complex robotic tasks because they provide 3D point clouds with precise X, Y, and Z coordinates.
Challenges can also arise when using robots for bin-picking tasks due to the potential variations in product placement within those containers. Sometimes, the item positions are structured, such as if they’re stacked or lined up in rows. However, there are other cases where products overlap inside bins or are even entangled. Luckily, the most advanced machine vision systems can handle such scenarios without issues.
Better industrial automation made possible with Parallel Structured Light technology
Photoneo also has a novel Parallel Structured Light technology that powers its 3D camera, known as MotionCam-3D. Traditional area-sensing technologies could not handle the capture and scanning of moving 3D scenes without unwanted blur and artifacts.
It relies on a snapshot system that constructs multiple virtual images within a single exposure window. This approach gives high-resolution, accurate results. MotionCam-3D can scan dynamic scenes moving up to 144 km/hour. Alternatively, companies can use it for static scenes. Now, the capabilities of the camera have been extended to provide also color information.
Three-dimensional computer vision supports automation
These examples show why decision-makers in a wide range of industries should strongly consider exploring how 3D vision could support their intentions to automate particular processes. Implementing this technology takes time and effort, but it’s usually worthwhile.