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50 个用于数据捕获的顶级自动识别系统和技术工具

自动识别和数据捕获 (AIDC) 描述了在不使用键盘的情况下将数据识别和/或直接收集到计算机系统或手持设备中。制造商、仓库经理、配送中心经理和其他行业专业人士依靠 AIDC 作为识别和跟踪物品、库存、工具、资产,有时甚至是人员的手段。更重要的是,AIDC 有助于降低数据输入成本,消除与识别和/或数据收集相关的错误,并收集跟踪数据以确定准确位置。
与任何工业过程一样,AIDC 仅与自动识别一样好用于完成工作的系统。
Camcode 了解准确可靠的自动识别系统的价值,因此我们找到了最耐用、值得信赖和准确的自动识别系统和可用的技术工具。因为每个公司和组织都有自己的自动 ID 需求,我们已经包含了具有集成功能和选项的自动识别系统和工具。在为该列表选择自动 ID 系统和工具时,我们还考虑了 ROI 价值和拥有成本。
请注意,这些顶级自动 ID 工具排名不分先后 .
1. Datalogic 固定式工业条码阅读器

Datalogic 为一系列行业提供自动数据采集产品和解决方案,包括医疗保健、酒店和娱乐、制造和零售等。他们的固定工业条码阅读器是自动识别系统的主要产品,使全球经济的日常运营成为可能。

费用: 联系报价
2. TechnologiesPlus 移动数据终端


费用: 联系报价

迈思肯的使命是帮助制造商降低成本、增加利润和提高产品质量足够耐用的条码阅读器可以应对几乎任何环境的挑战。自发明第一台激光二极管条形码扫描仪以来,Microscan 一直提供创新产品的技术领导者,提供扫描仪和成像仪,“从适用于狭小空间和嵌入式 OEM 应用的小型条形码扫描仪,到手持式阅读器,再到适用于工业环境的坚固产品。” Microscan 自动识别系统和技术工具可满足任何公司的要求。

费用: 联系报价

Serialio 提供创新且易于使用的移动条形码和库存解决方案。 Serialio 提供完整、集成的自动识别系统和技术工具,可在 Android、iOS 等设备上提供无线扫描。

费用: 联系报价
5.霍尼韦尔仓库 AIDC

作为领先的扫描和移动解决方案制造商,霍尼韦尔提供仓库 AIDC 以最大限度地提高库存吞吐量,增加生产力,并提高准确性。而且,他们的仓库扫描仪足够坚固,甚至可以应对最具挑战性的环境。

费用: 联系报价

AssetPulse 旨在帮助企业更好地处理与资产相关的数据。 AssetGather 平台旨在做到这一点,因为它收集、聚合和关联来自各种数据源的资产相关信息,包括来自条形码阅读器、传感器和其他实时数据源的实时数据。 AssetGather 是一个值得重新审视的自动识别系统。

费用: 联系报价
7. SICK 识别解决方案

领先的工业用传感器、安全系统和自动识别产品制造商,SICK 提供条形码扫描仪、成像仪、手持式扫描仪等。借助 SICK 识别解决方案加快物流自动化、减少人为错误并提高工作效率和生产力。

费用: 联系报价

作为 AIDC 的全球领导者,CipherLab 为各行各业提供制造和仓储解决方案。制造商、仓库经理、运输和分销经理以及零售商直接识别、捕获数据并将其输入计算机系统,以便使用 CipherLab 选项进行准确、及时的管理。

费用: 联系报价
9. RFIDTraxx

RFIDTraxx 通过有源和无源技术为政府、大学和企业提供条码和 RFID 解决方案.它们在石油和天然气行业的应用、签入/签出流程、仓库管理和流程自动化是一些可用的最佳自动识别系统和技术工具。

费用: 联系报价
10. IMCorp

IMCorp 位于乔治亚州玛丽埃塔,“专门为企业提供输入、输出和连接解决方​​案信息技术的用户。”凭借旨在优化供应链效率的各种 AIDC 产品,IMCorp 满足了公司自动识别系统和技术工具的需求。

费用: 联系报价
11. Zebra 库存和材料管理

斑马技术致力于让“企业像我们生活的世界一样智能和互联”。他们的库存和材料管理解决方案通过实时数据使生产流程保持移动。利用 Zebra 的自动识别系统和技术工具优化材料管理并减少浪费和停机时间。

费用: 联系报价

TEKLYNX 是威斯康星州白鱼湾的一家公司,提供 BACKTRACK,一种资产和条形码跟踪软件。让您的组织能够使用 BACKTRACK 准确高效地跟踪任何项目的准确位置、移动和使用情况。

费用: 联系报价
13.自动扫描 AIDC 技术

Autoscan 已成为自动识别和数据采集产品和解决方案的主要名称,已有超过两个几十年。他们的条码扫描仪、移动数据终端、无线 LAN、RFID 和其他 AIDC 系统和技术工具非常可靠,可以提高供应链的可见性和效率。

费用: 联系报价
14. MobileFrame 资产管理和库存跟踪


费用: 联系报价

GAO Auto-ID Engine 是所有 GAO 条码软件系统的核心,包括他们的 Platform for Auto-ID 系统、GAO Auto-ID builder 和 Auto-ID Cloud Services 软件的快速开发。 Auto-ID Engine是一个基于Wind0ws的服务,为条码阅读器、业务模块和数据同步提供运行时接口,适用于从小型到超大规模的auto-ID系统的快速高效部署。

费用: 联系报价
16. TraxFast AV

InfoDot, LLC 为自动识别系统提供基本和关键的解决方案。 TraxFast AV(航空)是这样一种解决方案,它是一种用于航空零件和工具跟踪的高级数据收集应用程序。

费用: 联系报价
17. iTech Automation, Inc. AIDC 解决方案

位于伊利诺伊州 Mundelein 的 iTech Automation 为其自动识别系统提供完整的服务和支持和技术工具。 iTech Automation 的 AIDC 解决方案为汽车、食品、化学品、玻璃、容器、包装和材料、药品制造商以及供应链、仓库和配送中心以及其他机构和组织提供服务,涵盖条形码系统、数据收集系统、软件解决方案等。

费用: 联系报价
18. IntelliTrack 库存软件

使用 IntelliTrack 库存软件,您可以管理库存和资产以及任何其他可以条形码化的东西。 IntelliTrack 提供自动识别系统,“可以从任何地方轻松收集、跟踪和管理您的库存。”

费用: 联系报价
19. CaptureSoft eXpress

来自 Barcoding, Incorporated 的 CaptureSoft eXpress 软件位于为您的独特而构建的自定义应用程序的中心业务需求。 Capture Soft eXpress 适用于 Windows 和 Android,即将推出适用于 iOS,可为您的自动识别需求提供无限的数据采集可能性。

费用: 联系报价
20.仓库 20/20

AIDC Solutions Limited 提供其 Warehouse 20/20,“世界上一项新的尖端创新仓库管理。”通过这种独特的自动识别系统使用 GPS 跟踪叉车和托盘。

费用: 联系报价
21. noFilis 串音

CrossTalk 作为数据捕获应用程序的目标是“显着降低复杂性并最小化或在向公司引入新的 AutoID 技术时避免额外的工作。”结合 noFilis CrossTalk 使用传感器、线性条码或 2D 矩阵优化业务流程。

费用: 联系报价
22.自动 ID 和项目序列化

借助 SAP 的自动 ID 和项目序列化软件,您的组织可以“实时行动” ,具有现实世界的意识。”使用 SAP 自动识别系统在您的供应链中降低成本、提高知名度并创造商业价值。

费用: 联系报价
23. System ID 库存管理和控制系统

系统 ID 旨在帮助中小型企业自动化手动流程并优化关键操作使用条码解决方案。在德克萨斯州普莱诺市,System ID 提供库存管理和控制系统,以最大限度地降低成本并最大限度地提高运营效率。通过使用自动识别的正确库存控制系统防止错误并避免停机。

费用: 联系报价
24. GigaTrak

GigaTrak 提供简单而强大的库存管理软件解决方案,让您的组织可以有效地管理仓库的库存、制造和生产以及运输。使用 GigaTrack 的自动识别系统(基本版或专业版)甚至可以跟踪非库存和基本用品,例如收据和标签材料。

费用: 联系报价

ASAP Systems 通过条形码、RFID 和智能手机技术提供全面的库存和资产跟踪.库存管理系统 Passport 可帮助组织改进和自动化库存控制,特别是通过使用条形码扫描仪、智能手机和平板电脑。

费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价

IntelliScanner 提供智能扫描仪来组织一切。 IntelliScanner Pro 200 是一种易于使用的库存管理解决方案,用于组织小型企业并包含业务管理软件。

费用: 199 美元
27。 QuickBooks 高级库存

很有可能,您已经信任 Intuit 产品或 QuickBooks。为什么不考虑在 QuickBooks 中使用 QuickBooks Advanced Inventory 有效地管理整个企业的库存?

费用: 高级库存包含在 QuickBooks Enterprise Platinum 订阅中,起价为每月 120.60 美元或 1 位用户每年 1,440 美元
28。 BellHawk 系统

BellHawk Systems Corporation 为制造商提供条形码库存和生产跟踪软件。获取库存和在制品跟踪软件,帮助您从 BellHawk 自动识别。

费用: Licenses start at $5,000 for purchase or $300/month on a monthly subscription basis; Contact for a quote
29. SmartScan

SmartScan barcoding solutions from Baus Systems are known for fast deployment, easy implementation, and low total cost of ownership. Increase your inventory accuracy and reduce costly errors with SmartScan, an automatic identification system.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
30. Wasp Barcode Technologies

Improve efficiency for organization with Wasp barcode technologies. Wasp’s “stress-free” inventory management software systems are automatic identification systems that “instantly end inventory headaches and eliminate inventory write-offs.”
Key Features:

费用:  Contact to customize your solution

31. Stitch Labs

Stitch Labs offers smart, simple inventory control that increases sales. With Stitch, you can centralize your inventory tracking system in one location, whether you need to integrate with various sales channels or operate stock among multiple warehouses. Make automatic identification simple with Stitch.
Key Features:

费用: FREE trial available for 14 days

32. Inventory Manager

Inventory Manager by tbare.com makes it possible to manage inventory of differing types, use barcodes to track, and check items in and out. Including quantities and reports, Inventory Manager is software that you can put to work for you, while making automatic identification a breeze.
Key Features:


33. Cardinal Health

Cardinal Health is dedicated to improving healthcare cost effectiveness and does so by helping pharmacies, hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers, clinical labs, and physicians focus on patient care. They also realize that managing healthcare inventory is a crucial component of their mission, so Cardinal Health offers a complete end-to-end inventory management solution that includes automatic identification systems.
Key Features:

费用: 联系报价
34. TAKE Solutions

TAKE, a global technology solutions and service provider with a primary focus on supply chain management, offers automatic identification and data collection solutions. Your organization can automatically identify items, collect data about them, and drive business processes with TAKE’s mobility solutions and barcode/RFID applications.
Key Features:

费用:  Contact for a quote
35. Scandit

Scandit provides the highest quality mobile barcode scanning solutions for smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices. Scandal’s mobile app suite for logistics and transport improve your profitability and productivity with their automatic identification “mobile solutions that travel at the speed of tomorrow.”
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
36. Honeywell Wearable Scanners and Mobile Computers

Honeywell’s automatic identification tech tools are renowned for their comfort and ease of use. Even operators who regularly scan barcodes appreciate the freedom of movement provided by Honeywell wearable scanners and mobile computers.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
37. Motorola MC9190-G

If you are going to have a successful automatic identification system, you have to have reliable and durable mobile computers. The MC9091-G from Motorola gives workers the ability to process information and take action, no matter the environment.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
38. Velocity

Wavelink provides industry standard enterprise mobility solutions, and Velocity is one of those solutions for automatic identification that delivers more productive workers. A next generation mobile enterprise browser, Velocity introduces a new set of features to enhance web application performance.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
39. MCL Technologies

MCL Technologies offers MCL-Collection, a leading software for creating, integrating, deploying, and managing intelligent auto-ID applications for mobile computers and barcode label printers. As a matter of fact, MCL Technologies specializes in high-productivity products for auto-ID, as their products drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to create and deploy data capture solutions.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
40. StayLinked

StayLinked provides completely reliable emulation sessions, even in challenging environments. For automatic identification work, mobile workers need to be able to stay on the job. StayLinked’s innovative host-based architecture makes that possible.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
41. WISE Warehouse Management System

The WISE Warehouse Management System (WMS) is the core of Royal 4’s supply chain solution. WISE transforms warehouses “into a competitive advantage,” as it can be applied throughout all core warehouse processes. Upgrade your automatic identification system with WISE WMS.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
42. RJS Portable Bar Code Verifiers

RJS Technologies, Inc. manufactures the Inspector series portable bar code verifiers. These portable bar code verifiers are crucial to supply chain productivity and efficiency, especially because they are so accurate.
Key Features:


43. Panasonic Toughbook and Toughpad

Panasonic Toughbook computers have been performing above and beyond conventional notebooks for more than 20 years. Known for being tough and reliable, Toughbooks and Toughpads are trustworthy automatic identifcation tech tools that are available in a variety of options to fit your business needs.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
44. Opticon OEM Solutions

Opticon OEM Solutions integrate scanning technology into existing devices. Suitable for laboratories, medical equipment, self check-out kiosks, and other locations using automatic identification systems, Opticon OEM solutions are a smart choice when it comes to auto-ID tech tools.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
45. Motion F5m

Motion Computing delivers mobile technology designed for demanding industries in the form of rugged tablets, accessories, and wireless solutions. The Motion F5m is one automatic identification tech tool that fits the bill for environments that require rugged and powerful solutions. This Windows-based tablet is durable and functional, providing a connection and security wherever and whenever you need it.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
46. AutoVISION

AutoVISION, from Microscan, is “the next generation of machine vision software.” With an intuitive interface for setting up inspection jobs, AutoVISION is “the easiest machine vision software available for basic to mid-range applications.” Simplify vision integration and protect your time, effort, and investment with AutoVISION.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
47. Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server for Windows

The Georgia SoftWorks Universal Terminal Server (UTS) is an industrial-quality Telnet server and SSH server for Windows that meets the requirements of the most demanding commercial environments. Providing performance, reliability, consistency, and powerful features, Georgia SoftWorks UTS allows automatic identification tech tools to work at exceptional levels.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
48. Studio

Wavelink Studio is designed for mission critical applications and allows JAVA and COM developers to develop powerful, real-time server-side enterprise wireless applications for wireless data collection, barcode scanning, and RFID devices. Better yet, Studio applications run on mobil automatic identification tech tools from all the major device manufacturers.
Key Features:

费用: Studio COM Client:$195; Contact for other options
49. Royal4 ERP

The R4 Enterprise ERP system “aligns customer demand with supply and gives your company the ability to deliver to customers on time, all the time.” Operating in a truly open environment, the R4 Enterprise System is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, etc., as well as various flavors of Unix and runs on any popular hardware platform, including IBM, Dell, HP, and more. Ensure smooth automation with R4’s advanced technology.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
50. Motorola MC3200 Mobile Computer

A truly productive automatic identification system requires truly productive and reliable tech tools, and the Motorola MC3200 mobile computer delivers. The next generation in the class-leading MC3000 series, the Motorola MC3200 now features more options to meet your needs, including your choice of operating systems – Android Jelly Bean or Microsoft Embedded Compact 7.
Key Features:

费用: Contact for a quote
Asset Tracking Solutions from Camcode:


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