我们为原型和生产零件提供多种制造工艺和材料。但是一个过程有一种材料将自己与其他材料分开,光学液体硅橡胶 (OLSR)。 OLSR 是一种先进的材料,具有许多特性,使其成为照明和光学部件优于聚碳酸酯 (PC) 和丙烯酸 (PMMA) 的首选材料。以下是 OLSR 提供的一些好处:
当光穿过材料时,光传输会丢失。 PC、PMMA 甚至玻璃都会有光损失,玻璃保留高达 95%,PMMA 大约为 93%,PC 在 88% 到 90% 之间。当您的产品需要透明 PC 或 PMMA 部件时,您可以使用 OLSR 改善透光率,它可保持高达 94% 的透光率。折射率怎么样?与 PC 和 PMMA 分别为 1.58 和 1.49 相比,OLSR 的折射率为 1.42。
硅胶 | PC | 亚克力 | 玻璃 | |
透光 | 94% | 88-90% | 93% | 95% |
折射率 | 1.42 | 1.58 | 1.49 | 1.52 |
抗紫外线 | 高 | 低 | 中等 | 高 |
耐化学性 | 高 | 中等 | 低 | 高 |
温度 | >150°C | 120°C | 90°C | >200℃ |
变黄 | 否 | 是 | 是 | 没有 |
微细节 | 是 | 否 | 否 | 没有 |
粗体 | 是>1 英寸。 | 否 | >PC | 是的 |
最小零件厚度 | <0.020 英寸 | 0.040 英寸 | 0.040 英寸 | - |
Still another advantage is the non-yellowing factor. Thermoplastics without additives are not UV resistant, which means the parts could yellow and degrade over long exposures to lights and sunlight. OLSR is non-yellowing so it’s great for outdoor fixtures exposed to harsh environments. Heat and Chemical Resistance Because OLSR is durable under temperatures that may be close to exceeding 300°F (150°C), and able to withstand many chemicals that may break down thermoplastics, you can use OLSR in high-power light fixtures, solar power, outdoor fixtures, LED lighting, cleaning fixtures, and many other environments where PC and PMMA may fail.

Injection Molding Resilience
In plastic design, thick and thin parts are not easily achieved without sacrifice. That doesn’t necessarily ring true with OLSR design. You can achieve thick and thin geometries that oftentimes can be as thin as 0.010 in. (0.25mm) and as thick as 2 in. (50mm), all within the same part geometry because you don’t have issues with material flow, sink, or voids.
OLSR is extremely resilient against the molding issue that frequently create problems with thermoplastics, including the ability to create micro details. You also can design in negative draft angles without the need for expensive tooling that normally requires lifters, collapsible cores, and side-actions.
When to Use
As you learn about the benefits of OLSR, the applications where you can use OLSR are numerous:
- Reducing part count in your design with built-in gaskets
- Lenses of all types
- Lightpipes or guides
- Marine and wet environments
- Outdoor and indoor light fixtures
- Low- and high-heat environments
- High impact parts
To learn more about optical liquid silicone molding and other molding, machining, and 3D printing services at Protolabs, visit protolabs.com . You can also contact us at [email protected] or 877.479.7541 to speak with one of our knowledgeable applications engineers.