从 2D 工程图转移到 3D CAD 文件的好处
得益于 3D 设计的发展,数字制造发生了重大转变。
使用 3D CAD 技术具有多种优势,包括更丰富的设计上下文、更低的错误率以及更快的制造路径。最终,伟大的设计是关于优化和找到从创新想法到制造产品的最简单、最快的途径。

从 2D 绘图到 3D CAD 模型
使用 2D 图纸进行的设计包含制造所需的基本组件和上下文,但对这些图纸的解释留下了错误的机会,并且需要较慢的报价速度。为您的设计获取 3D CAD 文件越来越成为行业黄金标准。
在 ZVerse,我们经常遇到拥有遗留零件或备件目录的公司,但设计文件不容易访问或完全丢失。其他公司需要为数字制造设计和优化的新零件。有些有更具挑战性的设计文件问题。我们服务过的一家公司只需要 500 个零件就可以完成大规模的生产运行,但是一场突然的工厂事故导致这些零件无法使用。由于缺少可提供给制造商的设计文件,其整个供应链在等待这些零件时陷入停顿。
所有这些公司都在寻找最好和最快的报价和制造方式。但是许多人发现如果没有 CAD 文件就很难获得报价。他们追求按需制造,却被告知 2D 图纸甚至不足以被引用。

拥有 CAD 模型后,您将拥有更大的自由度。您可以轻松获得报价,并可以按您的时间进行制造。
不仅速度是一个优势,而且 3D CAD 文件还可以让您的设计更加精确和准确。您可以使用 3D 设计模型轻松运行各种设计测试。
我们在 Zverse 提供的 3D CAD 即服务 (CADaaS) 模型进一步提高了产品机会。通过这个过程,我们的设计师创建了一个 3D 文件并与客户密切合作以加强设计,注意到微小的缺陷或提出改进建议,同时充分优化设计的功能。
大多数积压 2D 文件的公司都有将这些文件转换为 3D 的时间表。值得注意的是,当特定部件已准备好制造时,此转换过程可以作为日常工作流程的一部分进行。
更常见的是,3D CAD 文件设计已成为现代制造不可或缺的一部分。一个典型的例子是我们公司与 Protolabs 之间的合作,这是一个制造现代化的例子,因为我们一起简化了数字设计流程——数字制造在行动中的主要例证。
ZVerse’s 3D Design On-Demand platform bridges the gap from an idea or a 2D image data file to a 3D file optimized for the selected manufacturing process at Protolabs, whether it be CNC machining, injection molding, sheet metal fabrication, or 3D printing (additive manufacturing). We use machine learning to predict the cost to design a part for manufacturing in any material or process, which reduces a major friction point to execute design for manufacturing at scale.
A company that approaches Protolabs with a manufacturing need, but lacks a 3D file, can harness the capability of the ZVerse CADaaS platform to quickly create a 3D CAD file and move forward to turn great ideas into manufacturable products. We guide customers through an industry-proven process to create their 3D files, with guaranteed manufacturability.
The ZVerse360 platform aims to simplify and accelerate the design-to-production process through an end-to-end solution for on-demand digital manufacturing, including CADaaS, instant quoting, e-commerce, workflow management, and access to the ZVerse production partner network.
Protolabs serves more customers by offering 3D design services through the ZVerse platform, and customers can access 3D designers to guide them through optimizing their design and obtaining a 3D CAD file.
They can take a 3D CAD file to multiple manufacturers, always with the same result. With other design methods, there can be slight variations from manufacturer to manufacturer.
More than ever, companies need a way to build resilience in their supply chains and also have backup plans and redundancy. 3D CAD data fulfills that aspiration.
Editor’s Note:This post was provided by Zverse, which is in Protolabs’ preferred network of design firms.

John Carrington is the CEO of Zverse, a digital manufacturing ecosystem that connects innovative makers with the expert designers, materials, and manufacturers they need to bring their products to life with less friction and less waste.