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卓越的金属轧制:成功的 3 个因素

金属轧制和弯曲是高度专业化的多面工艺,几乎所有金属产品都会在某个时间点经历他们的制造和选择制造商来实现这一点是一个应该仔细考虑的决定。并非所有的制造商或成型商都会仅仅因为他们说他们可以生产出质量特别高的金属模型。它需要合适的工具和最熟练的制造商的结合 成功地将金属成型为各种圆形形状,适用于各种应用。当找到正确的组合时,金属轧制可以提高生产率并提供对制造过程的严密控制。


  1. 对弯曲方向有敏锐的了解有助于保护钣金强度。 当金属在特定方向上被轧制和拉伸得更薄和更长时,它会形成一种自然的“纹理”。这种晶粒对金属的性质和强度有重大影响。钣金制造商必须能够识别所生产晶粒的方向,并抵消如果金属在错误的方向上成型或轧制可能产生的任何缺陷。以适当的方式处理金属的天然纹理和天然延展性将有助于保持其强度。事实上,轧制金属的晶粒方向将直接影响内弯曲半径的类型和程度。
  2. 相信数学;内弯曲半径的比率和比例很重要。 是的,与人们的看法相反,了解数学对于成功进行钣金折弯或轧制至关重要。最小内弯曲半径与所成型金属的厚度成正比。材料越厚,半径越大。计算适当的内弯曲半径是每次制作坚固产品的关键步骤。每种类型的金属都有其独特的弯曲能力和比率。 Then, the next step is to identify which tool is the proper tool to complete the bend appropriately without compromising its structural integrity. It takes a highly skilled, exceptionally trained fabricator to understand those unique specifications and produce optimal results every time.
  3. Not all metals bend the same. Always consider individual metal elasticity. Bending metal is a skill. Anticipating how the metal will bend under pressure can be challenging. One thing is certain however; metal is elastic. Yes, that’s right. Metal will tend to bend back toward its original shape when being bent. This is a fabrication problem that great formers will be able to overcome, however. By knowing exactly how much to over-bend the sheet or plate beyond the intended final radius, formers can compensate for the “spring back” of the metal, ensuring that the desired radius is reached in the end.

The repeated process of rolling and bending sheet metal to varying thicknesses and lengths can put the metal under intense pressure that could create potential problems or defects in the metal. Part of the fabrication process involves identifying these concerns and knowing how to effectively correct them, all without compromising the integrity of the plate or slab. Formers and fabricators must take many different factors into consideration:

The fabricators at Swanton Welding have been expertly rolling, bending, and welding sheet metal since 1956. Whether you’re in need of Large storage tanks, custom ductwork, shells or cones, cyclones, arcs, handrails, rolled beams and angles or tapered chutes, Swanton Welding has the full capabilities to finish your project with ease. Contact us today to request a free quote and discover all of the services that we offer.


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