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2020 年参加的 50 大设施管理会议


为了帮助您的设施管理团队提高效率和效能,您需要鼓励他们参加专业发展活动和会议。我们汇总了 2020 年全球 50 场顶级设施管理会议,以帮助您选择与您的需求最相关的活动。要列入我们的名单,会议必须具有教育意义、完善且受到高度评价。当然,它们是由行业领导者和该领域权威的专题演讲者提供的。为了帮助您快速填写日历,我们按季度对前 50 个设施管理会议进行了分类,并按时间顺序列出了它们。因此,我们的 50 场设施管理会议没有以任何方式排名或评级。



1。 WASBO设施管理会议
2 月 4 日至 5 日

威斯康星州学校商业官员协会 (WASBO) 支持在全州学区的学校运营业务方面服务的每个人。他们为期一天半的会议提供专为学校设施、学校运营和维护以及学校商务专业人士设计的课程。与会者还喜欢参观服务附属公司展示产品和服务的资源区。 WASBO 设施管理会议还设有 24 场会议,涵盖针对学校设施和商业专业人士的维护、运营和安全最佳实践,分组会议涵盖涉及访问和使用学区财产和楼宇自动化的法律问题等主题。

参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式

2。 LSFMA 和 NSPMA 2020 年全国会议暨博览会
2 月 9 日至 12 日

全国学校植物管理协会 (NSPMA) 通过专业的设施管理努力追求卓越的教育。他们为期四天的会议和博览会将在默特尔比奇举行。演讲将集中在设施大师的轨道上,主题包括设施管理和预防性维护、能源管理、绿色学校和学校安全。演讲者将涵盖一系列主题,与会者将有机会建立联系并参加分组会议。

参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式

2 月 20 日

Workplace Futures 2020 有一个独特的主题:“健康愿景”。今年的会议将侧重于“更全面地了解人和建筑”。这个为期一天的活动涵盖了广泛的热门话题,例如政策和程序、合规性、采购、一般管理等等。组织者希望为与会者提供有力的问题,以促进行业内的行动和协作。


4。 FM 爱尔兰 2020
3 月 3 日至 4 日

FM Ireland 的工作场所和设施博览会是同类活动中规模最大的。本次会议可免费参加,并将 FM、健康与安全、消防安全和安保领域的买家和决策者聚集在一起。您可以在一个地方找到最新的行业解决方案,在一个屋檐下查看来自领先供应商的新产品和技术,并与行业专家建立联系。 FM Ireland 还提供有关最新 FM 问题以及思想领袖和服务提供商的重要见解的教育研讨会。

参加费用: 免费

5。纽约建筑 2020
3 月 3 日至 4 日

New York Build 是领先的建筑和设计博览会,专注于纽约市和三州地区。与 Javits 中心 River Pavilion 的与会者一起,向建筑和开发领域的关键决策者和影响者学习。专业峰会包括可持续性、基础设施、健康与安全、洪水等。与会者代表多个领域,例如工厂和机械、基础设施、建筑、消防安全、可持续性以及室内和装修。您将有机会与 150 多家行业领先的供应商会面,并获得创新解决方案。

参加费用: 免费

6。 RFMA 2020
3 月 8 日至 10 日

餐厅设施管理协会 (RFMA) 是由餐厅设施管理专业人士创建的唯一协会。他们的年度会议定于凤凰城举行。在三天的课程中,您将建立关系,从演讲者和教育课程中学习,并与同行、供应商和其他行业权威分享知识和网络,同时收集新资源。

参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式

7。 NFMT 2020
3 月 17 日至 19 日

全国设施管理与技术 (NFMT) 会议和博览会是设施专业人士前来学习的盛会。 NFMT 2020 提供为期三天的教育、交流机会和无与伦比的展览馆。您的免费注册可让您访问超过 125 场教育课程、最大的 FM 博览会、设施参观、社交活动等。

参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式

8。 ISC 西部
3 月 17 日至 20 日

国际安全会议暨博览会是一项领先的物理安全活动,展示了与网络安全、物联网 (IoT)、人工智能 (AI)、无人机和机器人集成的市场动态。 ISC West 是美国最大的安防行业贸易展,通过来自 1,000 多家参展商和品牌的新产品和技术,为与会者提供了与 30,000 多名安防专业人士建立联系的机会。详细了解如何保护您的设施和技术,以帮助您在 ISC West 做到这一点。


3 月 18 日至 20 日

由国际设施管理协会 (IFMA) 组织的设施会议 World Workplace Europe 正在组织其 2020 年春季阿姆斯特丹会议。到目前为止,该协会已经发布了一个激动人心的时间表,其中包括数十场教育会议、大量的交流机会和一个强有力的闭幕主题演讲。在会议的最后一天,与会者将有机会参观该市提供的一些最先进的设施。


10。 GLOBALCON 2020 会议和博览会
3 月 21 日至 22 日

GLOBALCON 由非营利性专业能源工程协会能源工程师协会主办,是一个提供最新实践信息以改进您的能源管理计划的会议。与会者可以快速了解可用的最新创新技术,并向谈论具有全球重要性的战略能源方向的行业和政府领导人学习。为期两天的会议计划与一系列有资格获得 CEU、PDH 和 AEE 重新认证学分的 AEE 培训研讨会同时举行。

参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式

11. 2020 PDC峰会
3 月 22 日至 25 日

美国医疗工程协会 (ASHE) 和美国医院协会 (AHA) 举办了 PDC 峰会,该活动欢迎医疗保健规划、设计和建设各个领域的高级领导人,专注于为医疗保健环境创造价值.与会者与同事和网络联系,学习提高医疗保健灵活性的创新策略。会议前计划也可提供额外费用和联系时间或 CEU;有关详细信息,请参阅定价页面。


12. NESEA BulidingEnergy 波士顿
3 月 23 日至 24 日

东北可持续能源协会 (NESEA) 在东北推进可持续建筑和能源实践,并将专业人士与想法、机会和彼此联系起来。他们的建筑能源波士顿活动是一个会议和贸易展览,被认为是高性能建筑、能源效率和可再生能源领域的专业人士和从业者的领先活动。与 2,000 多名 FM 专业人士、行业领导者和新兴专业人士一起学习和分享想法和见解。新的贸易展览形式有 60 家参展商。

参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式

13.工作场所和设施管理协会 (IWFM) 会议
3 月 24 日

2020 年 IWFM 会议是 IWFM 的旗舰工作场所和设施管理行业盛会。 IWFM 于 2018 年正式成立,此后通过研讨会、计划和其他活动为其全球 17,000 多名专业人士提供支持。在去年会议取得成功的基础上,2020 年的聚会将汇聚演讲者、专家和各种与会者,讨论工作场所和设施管理行业面临的机遇和挑战。


14。德克萨斯州医疗设施管理协会 2020 年会议
3 月 29 日至 4 月 1 日

德克萨斯州医疗设施管理协会 (TAHFM) 是代表美国医疗工程协会和医疗环境协会的州分会。他们的年度 Interlink 会议将在纪念城的威斯汀休斯顿酒店举行,重点关注医疗机构管理人员所特有的机遇和问题。 Interlink 2020 将提供高质量的内容、讨论新出现的问题和最佳实践的机会,以及与同事、供应商和顾问就一系列医疗保健问题进行交流的时间。多轨计划专为设施经理、项目经理、工程和维护人员、管理员、安全官员、风险经理、建筑师和工程师设计。今年,Interlink将以合规、运营和质量改进为特色。

参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式

15。 FM 战略采购:有效合同和 ISO 41012

设施管理专业机构 (BIFM) 促进 FM 的卓越性,以造福从业者、经济和社会。 BIFM 学院提供为期两天的课程,FM 战略采购:有效合同和 ISO 41012,帮助您培养使用战略业务管理的最新工具进行战略思考的能力,并获得洞察力以改进您的 FM 战略并获得竞争优势.本课程包括茶点和午餐。


第 2 季度设施管理会议

4 月 1 日至 2 日


参加费用: 免费

17. CxEnergy 2020 会议暨博览会
4 月 6 日至 9 日

AABC 调试小组 (ACG) 是一个非营利性协会,致力于提升独立的第三方调试专业人员。他们主办了 CxEnergy,这是一个关于建筑调试和能源管理的重要会议和博览会。许多与会者选择在主要会议之前参加会前研讨会和认证机会以获得认证机会。您还将有机会参观拥有最新技术的扩建展厅,参加更多由行业专家举办的技术会议,并在 CxEnergy 2020 上享受建立关系的机会。

参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式

18. 2020 年亚洲世界职场大会暨博览会
4 月 7 日至 9 日

World Workplace Asia 2020 Conference and Expo 是亚洲卓越的设施会议,将在新加坡滨海湾金沙度假村举行。该活动由 IFMA 组织,旨在吸引在亚洲和国际上工作的顶级 FM 专家。今年的会议以“未来FM”为主题,涵盖Smart FM、运维、房地产等热点话题。


19。 IFMA Facility Fusion 2020 会议暨博览会
4 月 14 日至 16 日

IFMA Facility Fusion Conference &Expo 承诺提供动态、多维的体验。与行业创新者、工作场所游戏规则改变者、新兴专业人士和中高级设施经理一起讨论和理解 FM 的多个层次,探索战略、战术、运营和软服务。


4 月 15 日至 16 日


参加费用: 免费

21。 CONNEX2020
4 月 20 日至 22 日

专业零售店维护协会 (PRSM) 是多地点零售设施管理的权威机构,通过提供行业最佳实践、教育、论坛和合作伙伴关系,赋予专业人士权力。 Their national conference takes place in Orlando and offers best-in-class education sessions and networking events. This is the largest multi-site retail and restaurant FM conference, and it hosts more than 300 qualified exhibitors under one roof. Attendees especially enjoy the added networking and educational opportunities, including professional development workshops, golf, charity events, hockey, and more.

Cost to Attend:  Contact for attendance cost

22。 Healthcare Facilities Management Forum
April 21-22
San Diego, CA

The Healthcare Facilities Management Forum is designed specifically for managers, directors, and VPs of healthcare facilities who have projects in the pipeline and actively are sourcing solutions. Over the course of two action-packed days, attendees will meet one-on-one with solution providers, attend workshops and sessions, and network with peers from leading companies.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

23。 Total Facilities
April 21-23
Melbourne, Australia

Total Facilities is billed as “the single most important business event for Australia’s facilities management and building-related industries.” The event will focus on finding intelligent solutions and strategies to create smarter buildings and future-proof facilities for the new era. Attendees immerse themselves in two days of discussion and discovery of all things FM. For 2020, Total Facilities’ product categories include cleaning and maintenance, software and technology, fit out and space planning, FM services and providers, HVAC/R, green FM, security, and health and safety.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

24。 Research Facilities Conference 
April 23-24
Scottsdale, Arizona

The Research Facilities Conference will cover numerous aspects of laboratory design, planning, and construction. Research activities across nearly every industry are evolving rapidly and the technology, metrics, and workspace requirements continue to change each year. This conference will include numerous opportunities for discussions and benchmarking with lab planning experts and peer research organizations. It remains an important event for project managers, facility managers, architects, engineers, and other professionals working on research facility development.

Cost to Attend:

25。 BuildingsNY
April 28-29
New York, NY

BuildingsNY is a premier show for building owners and managers, facility and property managers, engineers, and others who are looking for solutions for building and maintaining smart, efficient buildings. Enjoy free continuing education opportunities to help you get up to date on the latest codes, regulations, and trends in the industry.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

26。 The Facilities Event
April 28-30
Birmingham, United Kingdom

The Facilities Event is a facilities management conference that provides the FM community with the opportunity to join senior decision-makers and engage influencers from across the UK’s industrial, commercial, and public sectors. The event also offers a range of educational content and exhibitors, making it a must-attend event for facilities professionals. Join 5,000 visitors and visit 200 exhibitors while experiencing 20 hours of free conferences and seminars and 30 outstanding speakers at The Facilities Event.

Cost to Attend: FREE

27。 FM:Systems User Conference 2020
April 28-May 1
Asheville, NC

FM:Systems provides a range of solutions to help facilities managers and real estate professionals deliver better customer service, reduce costs, and improve productivity. Their annual user conference welcomes new and existing customers in addition to business partners and is the ideal place to learn more about current facility management trends and innovations. The user conference also gives attendees the opportunity to learn best practices from industry leaders and see the latest FM:Interact technologies.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

28. Tradeline University Facilities 2020 Conference
May 4-5
St. Petersburg, FL

Tradeline delivers highly acclaimed conferences on facility and space planning, building design, construction, and financial thinking for capital efficiency and productivity. Their University Facilities 2020 Conference centers on capital projects and space planning for high resource utilization, collaboration, cost reduction, and more. Enjoy attending insightful sessions, hearing from featured speakers, touring special facilities, and visiting with exhibitors at the Tradeline University Facilities 2020 Conference.

Cost to Attend:

29。 Southern California Facilities Expo
May 5-6
Anaheim, CA

The Southern California Facilities Expo will take place in May 2020 at the Anaheim Convention Center. Join facility management leaders to learn how to address your facilities engineering, maintenance, and energy management needs at this FM conference free of charge. You’ll also network with peers, gain valuable education and insights, and connect with exhibitors to learn more about cutting-edge products and cost-effective, local solutions to your facilities management challenges.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

30。 CleanMed Orlando
May 12-14
Orlando, FL

CleanMed 2020 is the premier environmental conference for leaders in healthcare sustainability. Connect with others who are on the leading edge of making the healthcare sector greener and with those who are forging the way for implementing sustainable projects, green building design, and environmentally preferable purchasing.

Cost to Attend:  Contact for attendance cost

31. Facilities Show
May 19-21
London, United Kingdom

The United Kingdom’s largest FM event, Facilities Show celebrates and supports the industry in partnership with BIFM. This conference is curated to help facility managers advance while remaining compliant as the industry progresses. Inspiring excellence in facility management, Facilities Show includes more than 280 exhibitors and 11,450 attendees from more than 40 countries.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

32. ISSA Show Canada 
June 10-11
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

ISSA Show Canada is a leading trade show and conference for professionals working in the Canadian facility and cleaning markets. This event represents a partnership between ISSA, IFMA, and MediaEdge’s Real Estate Management Industry (REMI) Network. The focus of the 2020 gathering will be The Impact of Technology on Building Cleaning &Wellness, and attendees will get a first-hand look at the latest technology that is available. The event also will also feature educational programs including opportunities for training and industry certifications.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

33. InfoComm 2020
June 13-19
Las Vegas, NV

InfoComm is known as the “largest, most exciting event in North America focused on the pro-AV industry, with more than 1,000 exhibitors, thousands of products, and more than 44,000 attendees from more than 110 countries.” Learn about the latest products in unified communications, display, video, control, security, digital signage, and more.

Cost to Attend:  Contact for attendance cost

34. NFPA Conference &Expo
June 15-18
Orlando, FL

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) will hold its annual conference and expo in Orlando in June of 2020. This conference and expo is one of the largest, most comprehensive fire, electrical, and life safety events. Attendees gain valuable insights from industry experts and learn about new products and solutions at the NFPA Conference &Expo.

Cost to Attend: 

35。 RICS Strategic Facilities Management Conference
June 16
London, United Kingdom

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is an independent body committed to setting and upholding the highest standards of excellence and integrity in land, property, and construction. Their Strategic Facilities Management Conference is a one-day event focusing on the future of FM. Past conferences have focused on defining the future of FM, emerging smart technologies, and Big Data and AI.

Cost to Attend:  €260 + VAT

36。 2020 BOMA International Conference
June 27-30
Philadelphia, PA

Presented by Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International and BUILDINGS, BOMA 2020 International Conference &Expo will take place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn, connect, and grow at this FM conference, which features a full schedule of new educational content, the latest technology and innovative solutions, and prime networking opportunities.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

Quarter 3 Facilities Management Conferences

37. SAME Facilities Management Workshop
July 29-31
San Antonio, TX

Held at the Westin in San Antonio’s historic Riverwalk district, the SAME-IFMA Facilities Management Workshop features an intensive two-day course offering that covers an important range of topics, from basics, like best practices, to the complex, like strategic sourcing. SAME and IFMA have invited the top practitioners, topic experts, educators, authors, and students working in the field of facilities management.

费用: Contact for attendance cost

38. APPA 2020:Annual Conference and Exhibition
August 1-3
Boston, MA

The APPA is dedicated to leadership in educational facilities. Their annual conference and exhibition is an international event centering on best practices used around the world. Hear from more than 100 presenters and join facilities officers, directors, and managers to identify and discuss the most current, pressing challenges facing educational facilities and determine the path forward.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

39. 57th ASHE Annual Conference &Technical Exhibition
August 2-5
Chicago, IL

The ASHE Annual Conference &Technical Exhibition is the 57th installment of this annual FM conference. Connect with colleagues and prepare yourself for future trends and challenges in healthcare while joining more than 4,000 professionals to get the latest information on best practices for efficiency, sustainability, emergency preparedness, and other critical topics like compliance, codes and standards updates, and emerging trends.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

40。 CFTA 2020
August 4-7
Ogden, UT

The Campus FM Technology Association (CFTA) will hold their annual conference at Weber State University in summer 2020. The conference kicks off August 4 with a welcome session, keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and the business partner solutions showcase. Get ready for an all-member meeting, campus tour, special event, unconference, roundtable discussions, and much more.

Cost to Attend:  Contact for attendance cost

41. ASIS 2020
September 21-23
Atlanta, GA

The leading association for security management professionals around the globe, ASIS International will hold its 65th annual seminar and exhibits in Atlanta in 2020. ASIS is considered the premier event for the security industry because it addresses the most pressing priorities and issues for facilities and security management professionals. Learn from expert-led case studies, deep dives, panel discussions, Impact Learning sessions, keynotes, and more at ASIS 2020.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

42. Healthcare Facilities Symposium and Expo
September 22-24
Long Beach, CA

The Healthcare Facilities Symposium and Expo (HFSE) connects stakeholders responsible for planning, design, construction, and operations of healthcare environments. HFSE 2020 will take place in Long Beach and will welcome architects, healthcare providers, facility managers, interior designers, contractors, engineers, clinicians, and researchers. Speakers cover a range of disciplines to deliver a well-rounded point of view while delivering inspirational keynotes, informative case studies, and insightful instructional sessions. You will gain takeaways that you can implement in your current and upcoming projects when you attend HFSE 2020.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

43. IFMA’s World Workplace
September 30-October 2
Chicago, IL

The IFMA World Workplace conference is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2020 at McCormick Place in Chicago. “FM decision makers and influencers choose World Workplace to advance their skills, add to their team, and expand their inventory with game-changing products and services.” After a near-record-breaking number of attendees in 2019, IFMA World Workplace 2020 is sure to be an event you don’t want to miss in 2020.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

44. Critical Facilities Summit

The Critical Facilities Summit is an event for mission-critical facilities, design, construction, and management. The 2020 installment of this FM conference will take place in the fall of 2020. Enjoy more than two days of unbeatable networking, education, and product discovery with other senior-level professionals who are responsible for designing, constructing, managing, and operating all mission-critical facilities.

Cost to Attend:  Contact for attendance cost

Quarter 4 Facilities Management Conferences

45. Facilities Management Summit Cleveland 2020
October 5-7
Cleveland, OH

The Facilities Management Summit is three days of action with educational and networking opportunities geared towards FM professionals of all experience levels. Attendees will have the chance to schedule one-on-one sessions with solution providers, all of which can be scheduled strategically and in advance.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

46. NACS Show 2020
October 11-14
Las Vegas, NV

The National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) represents the global convenience and fuel retailing industry. Their 2020 show will take place in October in Las Vegas. The NACS Show joins more than 23,500 industry stakeholders from around the globe and features a 400,000 square foot expo segmented into six categories:fuel equipment and services, food equipment and foodservice programs, candy/snacks, facility development, and store operations, merchandise, and technology. Participate in the educational sessions to take a deep-dive into specific industry topics covering nearly any topic, including store size specifics.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

47. Animal Research Facilities Conference 
October 15-16
Austin, Texas

The Animal Research Facilities Conference has been held for over 30 consecutive years and remains a great forum for discussing the latest technology, best practices, and developments within the industry. Topics featured during the event include new facility equipment innovations, LEAN operating models, and recent lab space designs. This conference is well suited for veterinarians, facility managers, animal resource managers, biosafety engineers, and other professionals developing plans for animal research facility expansions, compliance, and programs.

  Cost to Attend: 

48. ISSA Show North America
October 26-29
Chicago, IL

ISSA is the worldwide cleaning industry association that offers the industry’s largest cleaning shows around the globe. The ISSA Show North America will be held in Chicago. Facilities management and maintenance professionals will have the opportunity to see the latest offerings at the world’s largest trade show for the cleaning and maintenance industry at the ISSA Show North America Chicago 2020.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

49. Greenbuild

Greenbuild joins together industry leaders, experts, and frontline FM professionals dedicated to sustainable building. Attendees report being better equipped to return to their jobs with a renewed passion and purpose after experiencing Greenbuild.

Cost to Attend:  Contact for attendance cost

50. Facility Executive Live!

Facility Executive keeps facility management professionals up to date on the latest practices, products, and services in the field. This one-day conference is informative and provides insight and practical solutions to the most pressing issues facing FM professionals today. Attendees will hear from industry experts about the latest trends and strategies, network with peers and other industry professionals, and discover the latest solutions to improve your facility’s performance. You’ll also be able to use your participation to earn points toward your CFM professional recertification, and all sessions are approved for CPD points offered by BOMI International.

Cost to Attend:  Contact for attendance cost

Products and Tracking Solutions from Camcode:


  1. 2020 年排名前 5 的云工作
  2. 2020 年 7 大制造业趋势
  3. 2020 年参加的 3D 打印活动:11 大精选
  4. 2020 年可预期的 10 大 3D 打印趋势
  5. 2020 年澳大利亚发展最快的 6 个行业
  6. 2020 年参加的 30 场制造会议
  7. 2020 年六大供应链战略
  8. 世界前 10 大集装箱船(2020 年)
  9. 库存软件:维护管理的主要功能
  10. 设施管理人员利用的主要 CMMS 优势
  11. 2020 年顶级电磁场 (EMF) 探测器
  12. FANUC 被评为 2020 年最佳工作场所