降低 PCB 成本 – 在 PCB 制造和组装过程中帮助节省成本的 7 大技巧
关于降低 PCB 成本,在购买电子产品时,大多数买家的目标始终是检查更便宜和优质的设备替代品。因此,作为一名 PCB 工程师,有一些技巧可以帮助您降低制造 PCB 的成本,这将促进您的电子产品的销售。
话又说回来,当您想投资印刷电路板制造和组装时,诸如“如何降低 PCB 成本?”之类的问题。或“我在哪里可以找到最便宜的 PCB 制造服务?”势必会大显身手。
降低 PCB 成本-价值 PCB 成本并学会降低
致任何对 WellPCB 感兴趣的人。我们将为您提供一站式服务和优质产品。您可以将您需要制作的文件发送给我们并立即获得报价!我们还在等什么?我们有十年的PCB制造经验,了解PCB制造会产生一些不必要的成本是降低制造成本的第一步。您必须了解 PCB 本身的价值。并在不影响印刷质量的情况下,尽可能降低PCB成本。

它不断面临激烈的竞争和监管。 PCB制造过程本身受许多变量驱动,这些变量可以独立影响整体板价格。
PCB 成本降低是从电路板的最初阶段和布局设计开始就必须考虑的事情。
在其余章节中,我将说明在电路板设计、PCB 报价和组装阶段需要考虑的一些关键因素。我们将展示在这些单独阶段影响定价的因素。
在前面的章节中,我们将概述其中一些节省成本的技术,并认识到某些因素(我们高度重视)是我们无法控制的。有了这种认识,就有可能在不影响最终产品整体性能的情况下实现激进的 PCB 价格。
一个好的设计就是一切。优秀的产品很容易通过优秀的产品设计来预测。在PCB制造中,降低成本的第一道工序是PCB设计本身。 PCB设计越优化,降低PCB成本的机会就越大。

接下来,您将不得不考虑选择通孔元件或表面贴装元件。尽早做出此决定将大大降低您的 PCB 生产成本。
尽可能使用通孔过孔而不是激光过孔或埋孔,使得 PCB 生产比使用 HDI 技术更便宜。
板层的布局是有助于降低板成本的另一个方面。 PCB 成本随着层数的增加而增加。在电路板上添加更多的层会增加印刷电路板的成本。
使用两层和标准层的简单 50 x 50 毫米 PCB 的成本可能约为 16 美元。但如果电路板重新设计为仅使用一层,WellPCB 的生产成本将降至 10 美元左右。仅从两层改为单层,价格就降低了 6 美元。
现在让我们说明其他节省技术并优化 PCB 制造和 PCB 组装的电路板设计。
如何降低 PCB 的 PCB 成本并简化制造流程?

3.1 材质类型
PCB 材料的选择是 WellPCB 的重要组成部分。它决定了电路板的性能、耐用性,甚至应用范围。我们将为您提供一站式服务和优质产品。您可以将您需要制作的文件发送给我们并立即获得报价!我们还在等什么?我们拥有十年的 PCB 制造工艺。
FR-4 是 PCB 中最常用的材料。 FR-4 是大多数应用的理想选择,但我们还有其他材料可以耐受不同的温度,但在 FR-4 范围内分级。
例如,选择 FR4-TG150 将导致总价格增加约 5%,而 FR4-TG175 将增加总制造成本 10%。
3.2 复杂形状
为了使最终产品看起来独特或与众不同(这可能不一定会影响任何东西),产品设计师最终会为他们的 PCB 板创建复杂的形状。这些形状需要使用更精确的设备和额外的成本费用。
3.3 电路板尺寸
3.4 降低PCB成本 —董事会复杂性
此外,电路板制造商通常有 PCB 设计人员应遵循的最小间隙要求以避免额外费用。
3.5 特殊板设计(切口和槽)
然而,在某些情况下,电路板设计师(希望创造出独特的东西)在他们的 PCB 内部添加一些切口,除了看起来很酷之外,对最终产品没有任何意义。
这种不必要的削减有时会大大增加生产 PCB 的成本。因此,建议使电路板的设计尽可能简单。
3.6 降低PCB成本 —孔和环
在 PCB 设计期间,电路板可能需要诸如环和孔之类的东西。始终,点和圆圈的设计应适合棋盘,但要尽可能大。
与正确的 PCB 服务提供商相比,更大的孔直径更可取。值得庆幸的是,有多种 PCB 制造工艺,因为它们在制造过程中要求的精度较低。

较小的孔和环通常需要更多的控制和精度才能实现。这些因素需要专门的设备,反过来又会推高 PCB 的生产成本。
在下一章中,我将提到一些有助于在 WellPCB 期间节省资金的关键点。我们有十年的PCB制造。我们将为您提供一站式服务和优质产品。您可以将您需要制作的文件发送给我们并立即获得报价!我们还在等什么?
在 PCB 制造过程中省钱的技巧
在讨论了一些可以在印刷电路设计时应用以节省 PCB 成本的基本技术;我们考虑展示一些技巧,以在制造阶段控制印刷 PCB 的成本。

在本章中,我将重点介绍 WellPCB 期间的一些内容。我们将为您提供一站式服务和优质产品。您可以将您需要制作的文件发送给我们并立即获得报价!我们还在等什么?我们有十年的 PCB 制造经验,这个阶段可以帮助您节省资金。
4.1 降低PCB成本 —大批量生产
例如,如果您订购 5 个基本 50mm x 50mm 2 层的单元,则总成本为 15.12 美元,不包括运费,每单元 3.024 美元。更改单位数量,您订购的大约 20 个单位的总成本为 20.16 美元,每单位 1.008 美元,大大节省了生产。
4.2 电路板表面处理
电路板表面光洁度是 PCB 最关键的方面之一。它极大地决定了船的性能和耐用性。
使用标准 HASL 无铅表面处理的 PCB 板成本约为 20 美元,可能需要比典型成本高出约 20-30 美元。
最后,这一切都归结为产品需求。 HASL 是一种稍微昂贵的饰面;但是,HASL 不生产用于组装现代 BGA、CSP 和 MLF 封装的平面 PCB。
4.3 降低PCB成本 —面板化
通过采用板载面板化,您可以节省几美元。例如,当将印刷电路板装入面板时,它们会生产出工作更快、效果更好的 PCB。它们还浪费更少的 PCB 材料,并缩短了交货时间。
PCB组装成本。有时,您可能决定从供应商那里购买印刷电路板组件。你应该怎么做?下一章将重点介绍一些巧妙的方法,您可以采用这些方法来减少 PCB 的材料清单 (BOM),以便安装到板上。
降低 PCB 组装成本的聪明方法
PCB 的材料清单 (BOM) 安装到板上。 PCB 组装涉及自动填充印刷电路板及其所需的组件和零件。这将使拾取和放置机器可以轻松地在 PCB 上轻松拾取和放置细节(与大批量订购相比,PCB 组装通常成本高昂。SMT)。在电路板的大批量生产过程中,电路板组件的价格会发生剧烈变化。

根据电路板零件的不同,单个电路板组件的价格可能高达 300 美元,而相同订单的 100 个可能约为 450 美元。 This will make it easy for a pick and place machine to easily pick and place the components on the PCB (PCB assembly way, don’t do small units like five or ten; make it range between hundreds and thousands. So, should you choose to go to the SMT)?
Smaller device sizes during PCB manufacturing might save the production cost
This will make it easy for a pick and place machine to easily pick and place the components on the PCB (PCB Assembly. But they add more complexity during the SMT). When a board is too small, it will make details all packed together, making it harder to assemble the parts on the board.
Smaller Board Sizes might reduce the PCB manufacturing cost, but it could make the board design quite complicated. Such complications would increase the value of assembly because of the required precision equipment needed during assembly.
Clearance of a board might not fully impact the cost of the PCBs as it will impact the board’s assembly cost. A small and congested board clearance would require more time and manufacturing resources during assembly.
The placement of polarized components is similarly a vital consideration. The post should only feature two-orientation (maximum) for the assembly machine to lessen the time spent on attaching components aboard. Improper documentation of the BOM (Bill of Materials) can also incur extra costs due to misinterpretation.
For example, most components on an SMT). This will make it easy for a pick-and-place machine to easily pick and place the details on the PCB (PCB assembly is fitted to the board’s top side. But there are cases where some parts get mounted to the bottom side. If BOM does not state the side a component goes to, the simple error could make an element to be attached to the wrong side. This act could result in additional costs of reworking.
Reliance on a PCB assembler could also cut down the cost of productions as the production of PCBs will be priced for large-scale production. But then, if you are limited to individual supply, it is best to have multiple component sources. With various sources, one gets better cost leverage and availability.
In regards to components used, the unique components count is significant because it directly influences the overall cost.
The more unique components you have, the more the value. The individual components count is the number of BOM line items.
For example, a Printed Circuit Board Assembly) is presented after the entire parts and components get soldered and rightfully installed. Reducing those individual components to 20 components count will cost about $248 (a reduction of about $47). A PCBA service for 50 quantities with about 30 unique details should cost around $295.
Need to know about ordering custom PCB Circuit boards online. FOR the PCB board you need, you can contact us at WellPCB is a PCB manufacturer that offers Printed Circuit Board Assembly) It is a board presented after the entire parts and components get soldered and rightfully installed. A PCBA services on sight. That seamlessly integrates these two functions and keeps responsibility for the quality of the product upon a single supplier. In the next chapter, we will further discuss how to reduce costs through the assembly process.
How WellPCB does to reduce the PCB and Assembly Cost to a reasonable consumer price.
In the previous chapters, we highlighted ways that can help you to reduce the cost of printed circuit manufacturing during assembly. Often, a reputable manufacturer can help you incorporate some reduction techniques during the manufacturing process to lower consumer prices. As PCB manufacturing technology and experience, assisting many customers in solving problems. WELLPCB, we take pride in such acts to our clients. If you are interested, you can visit our homepage.

WellPCB reduces production costs by manufacturing and delivering directly from our factory. In so doing, we cut out any middlemen like agents or distribution agencies. This nature of operation cuts on lead time for our customers’ orders.
WellPCB also offers a general low-cost PCB fabrication for prototypes compared to other competing PCB manufacturers and assembly accompanies. Thanks to our improved pass rate and efficiency in making PCBs, we can cut the cost of both small and large quantity orders.

Tools like a cost estimator are available on the WellPCB website to give our prospective customers a clear picture of the cost implication of their PCB projects. A client can also know what options are enabled or disabled to save them from an unnecessary expense.
Reducing PCB Cost–Finding a reliable PCB Supplier
As a beginner, finding a PCB manufacturer is hard; finding a reliable one is even more challenging. From experience, finding a reliable supplier would involve careful internet research of PCB manufacturers.
It might also involve attending electronics trade shows, traveling to China, among other such acts.

After finding a viable PCB supplier, checking their reliability might involve finding out their reviews. It is an act of digging a little deep to see the content they publish and asking for factory images.
As WellPCB, we have consistently strived to remain as a trusted PCB and PCB Rapid Prototyping. 3D PCB Printing makes the PCB and does the Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA supplier that you can work with and trust for your manufacturing works.
Reducing PCB Cost–Conclusion
When considering the tips highlighted, it is also good to take note of the device’s quality. Sacrificing quality over cost might be expensive in the long run due to returns from your consumers. It is advisable to strike a balance between both factors.
In summary, saving cost in PCB manufacturing and assembly is easy with this simple rule – if it’s not needed, don’t add it .
If you have questions on any of these methods (if you need engineering help to make sure your PCBs are better priced), don’t scratch your head too much; reach out to WELLPCB. We will guide you through and ensure your project succeeds. Get started by creating your low-cost PCB and PCB Rapid Prototyping. 3D PCB Printing makes the PCB and does the Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA today.