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作者:Branislav Pulis 和 Andrea Pufflerova

全球大流行影响了世界各地的业务。一些生产和制造设施在限制性制度下维持运营,另一些则暂停,还有一些被迫永久关闭。这种新情况对自动化的业务影响是什么?与大流行爆发前相比,公司对基于 3D 视觉的自动化解决方案的需求是减少了还是增加了?可以采取哪些措施来帮助恢复经济并使企业重回正轨? Photoneo 的销售和营销副总裁 Branislav Pulis 在接下来的采访中阐述了他对当前形势及其对自动化的影响的见解



«基于 3D 视觉的应用程序(例如机器人采摘)通常非常灵活 – 通常它们不包含用于一种产品类型的单一用途系统,而是可以通过添加不同的软件。因此,我们可以期待柔性自动化的繁荣。 »

— Photoneo 销售与营销副总裁 Branislav Pulis—



在这方面,基于 3D 视觉的应用程序(例如机器人采摘)通常非常灵活——通常它们不包含针对一种产品的单一用途系统,而是可以通过添加不同的软件来调整以适应新型产品。因此,我们可以期待柔性自动化的繁荣。

AP:您认为企业应该如何应对新形势?什么可以帮助启动业务?未来几年市场会是什么样子? Will there be an interest in automation?

B.P.:In my opinion, as soon as the second pandemic wave is over or when there is a vaccine, companies will push for automation more than ever and we will witness a boom in robotization. I think that this trend will be inevitable if we want to achieve optimal supply chain processes and accurate and on-time deliveries. Without advanced, smart automation, this will be very difficult.

The pandemic showed us the importance of automation – infected employees together with the imposed restrictions led to the lack of workforce and in many cases also to the closure of businesses or prolonged delivery times.

Aside from the current situation, companies have experienced fluctuations in the workforce throughout the year. In addition, the global parcel volumes have generally been growing at a rate of up to 25% per year. In order to be able to meet the ever-growing market demands, companies will have no other option than to automate if they want to gain a competitive edge.

A.P.:Why should companies actively participate in the integration of automation solutions?

B.P.:Because automation helps to increase productivity, efficiency, and manufacturing flexibility; it also improves the utilization of human resources and reduces the risk of failures in product deliveries.

Photoneo also wants to help support the spread of automation by introducing a new price tag for the Bin Picking Studio . This way we want to help kick-start industrial projects around the world in these challenging times and get them back on track by making automation available truly for everyone.



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  8. 制造业从工业革命到自动化以及介于两者之间的一切对环境的影响
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