网站可靠性在线培训资源 50 强
当行业专业人士有获得和磨练现有技能的能力,加上增强他们的知识和能力,组织实现了更高水平的可持续性和可靠性。这就是为什么我们在互联网上搜索最有价值和最有效的网站可靠性在线培训资源。为了获得成功,资源必须由知名的组织和作者、讲师和演讲者提供,他们是各自领域的知识渊博的专家。我们提供排名前 50 位的网站可靠性在线培训资源,从博客和期刊到此处列出的在线课程和计划,不分先后。
- 文章、博客、电子书和在线期刊
- 多用途资源
- 在线社区和论坛
- 视频和网络研讨会
- 在线课程和培训计划
Control Global 为负责维护和优化的工程、运营和管理人员提供信息过程自动化行业。他们关于站点可靠性的文章是信息最丰富、最可靠的文章,它们提供了适当的站点可靠性培训资源,尤其是因为它们可以随时从任何带有网络浏览器的设备上获得。
- 最佳做法
- 将可靠性作为一项业务战略
- 无线安全应用程序
- 预测性维护
费用: 免费
2。 CMMS城市
@CMMSCity 支持更有效地使用计算机化维护管理系统 (CMMS) 和资产性能管理 (APM) 系统作为信息资源。 CMMS City 在线提供的文章涵盖了与站点可靠性和 CMMS 相关的广泛主题,并且由行业领导者撰写。因此,CMMS City 的文章是站点可靠性培训资源的明智选择。
- 企业可靠性
- 使用移动计算进行资产管理
- 工厂维护
- 使用 SAP 提高可靠性
费用: 免费
- 防止故障
- 业务流程
- 延长设备寿命
- 防止停机
费用: 免费
- 关于扳手时间的问题和误解
- 设备和工艺可靠性的基本原理
- 影响工厂可靠性的员工行为
- 集中维护组织
费用: 免费
可按付费章节下载的电子书,Mark Tweeddale 的“管理过程工厂的风险和可靠性” ” 对于那些寻求现场可靠性培训的人来说,这是一个强大的资源。这本电子书适合那些新的网站可靠性或一直在该领域工作但希望了解最新知识的人。
- 风险评估
- 现实生活场景和方法
- 危害识别、风险分析和风险管理
- 应用快速排名提高市场供应的可靠性
费用: 31.50 美元/章
来自 Noria Corporation,一家领先的机器培训、咨询和出版公司,致力于促进卓越的润滑机器可靠性,Reliable Plant 是一本致力于现场可靠性和精益制造的在线期刊。文章由行业领导者撰写,涵盖与站点可靠性相关的众多主题,使 Reliable Plant 成为有用的培训资源。
- 预测性维护的关键工具
- CMMS 的重要优势
- 超声波检测
- 通过振动监测提高机器可靠性
费用: 免费
- 可持续性
- 润滑技术
- 红外线和超声波分析
- 基于状态的维护
费用: 免费
《工厂工程与维护》 (PEM) 杂志充满了面向工厂工程师和维护技术人员的新闻谁想要“实现一流的资产管理和可靠性”。文章由行业领导者和专家撰写,它们是网站可靠性的强大培训资源。
- 超声波提高资产可靠性
- 可靠性管理咨询服务
- 用于提高电力系统可靠性的能源管理软件
- 可靠性和维护解决方案
费用: 免费
作为其维护和可靠性培训产品的一部分,Perspective CMMS 提供了“如何粉碎维护” ”电子书。该电子书可供下载,被描述为“对于希望员工快速学习、理解和欣赏关键维护和可靠性问题的人们来说,这是一个很好的资源。” “如何粉碎维护”解释了维护和可靠性方面的 48 个问题,对于希望接受现场可靠性培训的任何人来说,它都是一个很好的培训资源。
- 振动
- 世界一流的维护
- 生产部门概念
费用: $20
由维护专家和顾问 Alexander Dunn 创立,工厂维护资源中心分享了 Dunn 的专业知识和有维护工厂和设备的经验。工厂维护资源中心拥有维护顾问、CMMS 和维护软件、维护文章和许多其他资源的链接,是一个综合性网站,适合任何网站可靠性培训资源列表。
- 数百篇维护和技术文章
- 网上商店包括培训材料、书店和工具店
- 数十种软件解决方案
- 指向出版物、培训材料等的链接
费用: 免费注册网站、材料和时事通讯
11。 UE系统
UE Systems被认为是超声波设备可靠性和节能的主要来源之一,因此毫不奇怪,他们的网站实际上是一个了不起的网站可靠性资源。最好的部分是,UE Systems 的网站不仅仅是关于超声波的可靠性;它包括新闻和材料,它们是整个站点可靠性领域的宝贵培训资源。
- 文章
- 白皮书
- 行业资源
- 超声博客
- 防损计算器下载
费用: 免费
12.维修专业人员协会 (AMP)
维护专业人员协会为维护、可靠性和资产管理方面的专业人员而存在。虽然 AMP 的使命是“通过信息共享和专业网络支持改进资产管理实践的发展”,但可免费加入的 AMP 网站是维护和网站可靠性方面最强大的资源之一。
- 指向现有和特色维护和网站可靠性博客的链接,以及用于创建您自己的博客的链接
- 数十个与维护和站点可靠性相关的视频
- 认证信息
- 网站可靠性和维护论坛和博客的链接
费用: 免费
被描述为“致力于在全球范围内推动制造业可持续发展的数字资源和社区,”Sustainable Plant 致力于分享最佳实践和创新解决方案,“以在全球范围内长期减轻制造运营对环境的影响。”由于担心制造对环境的影响,工程师、工厂经理和技术人员确保高效运营变得更加重要,其中包括减少停机时间和现场可靠性。他们的文章、新闻和视频是宝贵的站点可靠性培训资源。
- 用于跟踪、管理和提高效率和可靠性的软件
- 维护与可靠性和可持续性之间的关系
- 改善文化
费用: 免费
- 化学加工问题档案
- 致力于网站可靠性的白皮书和文章
- 电子资源库
- 与网站可靠性相关的产品和博客链接
费用: 免费
15. 威布尔网
Weibull.com被描述为“可靠性工程资源网站”,非常棒用于站点可靠性的多资源。它拥有6000多页,是真正的可靠性工程、可靠性理论、可靠性数据分析和建模的综合性网站。主题涵盖可靠性寿命数据分析、加速寿命测试、系统可靠性和可维护性建模与分析、可靠性增长分析等。这就是为什么 必须包含在您的站点可靠性在线培训资源列表中的原因。
- 可靠性主题指南
- 电子教科书
- 免费分析工具
- 可靠性出版物和参考资料的链接
费用: 免费和付费资源
- 教育资源包括网络研讨会、参与机构等
- AFE 杂志
- 新闻和活动的链接,包括会议
- 认证和培训链接包括复习课程、复习材料和其他资源
费用: 免费和付费资源
加拿大工厂工程和维护协会 (PEMAC ) 提供“在维护、可靠性和有形资产管理实践方面的全球领导地位、教育和认证”。 PEMAC 为全球的工厂经理、工程师和技术人员提供资源,帮助他们实现效率和现场可靠性。
- 有关认证信息的链接
- 会议和其他活动的链接,以获得更多有关站点可靠性的学习和培训机会
费用: 免费
18. 是一个为与网站打交道的工程师、经理和技术人员提供的在线论坛空间可靠性。作为“可靠性和维护的交汇点”, 确实需要注册才能消除垃圾邮件发送者。论坛已有数百人注册,对于那些寻求站点可靠性资源培训的人来说,论坛是一个不断更新且有用的资源。
- 适合网站可靠性初学者和老手的内容
- 通过电子邮件跟踪讨论
- 可靠性峰会活动网站链接
费用: 免费
LinkedIn 上的私人群组,Plant Reliability &Maintenance Professionals (PRMP) 由专业管理和专注维护和可靠性专业人员和工程师。 PRMP 拥有超过 25,000 名成员,由 Construction Development Company LLC 的 Upendra Nath 所有,必将成为一个充满专业知识的站点可靠性资源。
- 用于消除垃圾邮件发送者和没有专业知识的成员的私人团体
- 适合机械、电气、化学和其他行业专业人士的讨论
- 主题包括仪器仪表、资产管理、管理活动、维护和可靠性系统改进等
费用: 免费
20。 QuICKER:在线可靠性意识系列
QuICKER,Quanterion Internet Connection to Knowledge for Enhancing Reliability,来自 Quanterion Solutions, Incorporated,是一系列简短的信息性视频演示,重点关注与站点可靠性相关的主题。 Quanterion 旨在通过其 QuICKER 系列帮助组织提高可靠性,这些视频包含有用且信息丰富的提示和讨论,作为可靠性培训资源。
- 无铅焊料的可靠性
- 腐蚀预防与控制
- 目前的可靠性预测方法
- 精益六西格码
费用: 免费
作为石油和天然气基础知识的资产完整性管理在线培训系列的一部分开发,本介绍性视频将以可靠性为中心的维护 (RCM) 描述为“石油和天然气运营商用来确保他们负责的资产能够以用户预期的方式长时间运行的关键过程”。观看者会欣赏视频中详尽的解释,并肯定会将其视为宝贵的网站可靠性培训资源。
- RCM 的基本要素
- 失效模式和影响分析 (FMEA)
- 组织诚信的基本原则
- 资产完整性管理
费用: 免费
- 热成像
- 维护和可靠性技术
- 预防性维护
费用: 免费
来自生命周期工程,由 Ron Moore 主持,“可靠的工厂就是安全的工厂”具有成本效益的工厂”是一个网络研讨会,其中包括来自运营工厂的数据和统计数据,以展示可靠性和安全性之间的关系。视频中提供的极具视觉吸引力的幻灯片和专业知识使其成为宝贵的网站可靠性在线资源。
- 将可靠性和安全性联系起来的政策的重要性
- 确保可靠性的流程模型
- 领导、协调和管理文化变革以确保可靠性和安全性的模型
费用: 免费
联合可靠性集团为工业和制造业提供可靠性服务解决方案。 Allied Reliability Group 网站上提供的网络研讨会是他们为行业专业人士提供可靠性解决方案的另一种方式,它们是任何人的站点可靠性在线培训资源列表的重要补充。
- 根本原因失败的七大原因
- 维护经理需要了解的可靠性工程知识
- 基于失败的方法
- 以可靠性为中心的维护的七个步骤
费用: 免费
Hobbs Engineering 为站点可靠性工程师提供研讨会和培训,但公司知道人们不能总是参加研讨会。作为一种解决方案,他们提供对网络研讨会的访问权限,以便行业专业人士可以了解他们方便的时间和地点。个人可以快速轻松地联系 Hobbs Engineering,以便立即访问他们预先录制的任何网络研讨会,开始使用可靠性在线培训资源。
- 推进 HALT 和 HASS:转向比较极限分析
- 分析删失的故障时间数据
- 在精益产品开发中应用加速测试
- 基本可靠性统计
费用: 网络研讨会的价格从 150 美元到 400 美元不等
ThinkReliability 提供了几场大约 45 分钟的免费实时网络研讨会,并且“充满了有用的信息”以及促进更好调查的提示。”有时,ThinkReliability 还提供收费的特殊培训网络研讨会,演示时间更长。网络研讨会包括通过电话或 PC 进行的收听选项,并且可以通过投影仪投影在会议室中,或者组织人员可以连接到他们自己的 PC 上。凭借 ThinkReliability 提供的所有选项和专业知识,他们的网络研讨会提供了出色的网站可靠性在线培训资源。
- 在 Excel 中使用原因映射工具
- 风险、可靠性和根本原因分析
- 创建和使用累积原因图
费用: 提供免费和付费网络研讨会——更多信息请联系
27。 iLearnReliability 视频
来自 Mobius Institute 的 iLearnReliability 视频,“振动分析和机器可靠性培训课程的主要提供商、产品和 ISO 认可的认证”,由 Mobius Institute 的创始人兼董事总经理 Jason Tranter 进行。这些视频将基本的可靠性主题归结为简短的演示文稿,这些演示文稿内容丰富且有价值的现场可靠性培训资源。
- 提高可靠性的原因
- 可靠性计划失败的原因
- 状态监测缺点
费用: 免费
来自 Reliability Center, Inc. 的免费根本原因分析网络研讨会提供了简化和管理的技巧您的根本原因分析 (RCA) 流程。 Reliability Center, Inc. 以其培训和咨询计划而闻名,免费网络研讨会的质量与其付费服务相同。免费的 RCA 网络研讨会将成为任何网站可靠性在线培训资源列表的重要补充。
- 使用解决问题的技巧和技巧简介
- RCA 模板和软件格式
- 简化和管理 RCA 流程
费用: 免费
科罗拉多河下游管理局 (LCRA) 制作的视频,“预测性维护确保可靠性”展示了工作人员检查和维护灌溉泵站的流程。要了解预测性维护及其与可靠性的关系,还有什么比观看行业专业人士的实际操作更好的方法呢?该视频是一个很好的在线培训资源,特别适合那些刚刚开始了解预测性维护和站点可靠性的人。
- 热感应摄像头和振动探测器
- 提高可靠性的现代技术应用
- 预测性维护和可靠性
费用: 免费
维护凤凰是由联合可靠性集团的 Mike Gehloff 运营的独特博客。虽然他的博客文章内容丰富,并为网站可靠性和维护提供了很好的技巧和策略,但 Mike 的视频确实是他博客的皇冠上的明珠。任何希望了解有关维护和站点可靠性的更多信息的人都应该浏览 The Maintenance Phoenix 上的视频目录,并将其收藏为宝贵的在线培训资源。
- 维护计划和调度方面的最佳做法
- 如何立即影响可靠性
- 将技术用于可靠性和维护工程
- 预防性维护
费用: 免费
Podclass 是首创的网站,因为它是“以在线课程和视频播客的形式购买、销售和分享专业知识。”为站点可靠性设计的课程是 Reliability Centered Maintenance Fundamentals:Online Training Course Certificate and CEUs from learnnow。查看该课程的教学大纲和课程成果,这是一门介绍“维护和可靠性工程原理以及维护管理”的入门课程。
- 评估和管理风险
- 维护与设备功能的关系
- 功能故障和故障类型
- 计划内维护
- 维护分析工具
费用: 295 美元
- 引人入胜的内容有助于学习和提高表现
- 交互式的富媒体交付
- 按需定制
- 合理的教学设计
- 支持 20 种语言
费用: 联系报价
33.艾默生过程管理 - 在线学习课程
艾默生过程管理提供了一些与现场可靠性相关的在线学习课程,包括振动分析基础知识、 CSI 2140 机械健康分析仪的基础知识、CSI 2130 机械健康分析仪的基础知识、AMS 机械管理器的振动分析模块和 AMS 机械管理器的油液分析模块 (OilView)。每次购买课程提供 3 个月的无限制访问期。从入门课程到基于使用机械和软件的特定流程的课程,这些课程都属于您的站点可靠性在线培训资源库。
- 振动基础知识
- 分析参数
- 工作数据收集和设置
- 分析仪/计算机通信
- 数据分析和报告
费用: 联系报价
34. Meridium 在线学习快速课程
Meridium 资产绩效管理软件以帮助公司预测和预防资产故障及其影响而闻名- 来自 Meridium 研究所的快速学习课程以易于使用、为负责现场可靠性的工厂经理、技术人员和工程师的继续教育提供有价值的工具而闻名。这些课程是网站可靠性在线培训的绝佳资源。
- 资产健康指标
- 资产战略管理和实施
- 校准管理
- 以可靠性为中心的维护 (RCM)
- 厚度监测
费用: 课程价格从 10 美元到 100 美元不等
35。 Quality-One 在线培训
Quality-One 是制造业中人们与质量和可靠性相关联的名称,他们的流程开发培训也不例外。无论是作为讲师指导的研讨会的后续活动,还是作为介绍或进修课程,Quality-One 的在线技术培训概述都与音频、视频、动画和可下载的参考资料互动。成功完成 Q-1 在线技术培训概述的参与者将获得结业证书。 Quality-One Online Training courses are focused on the topics most important to site reliability and are sure to be a great addition to your site reliability online training resources.
Key Topics:
- Advanced product quality planning
- Design failure mode and effects analysis
- Failure ode and effect analysis
- Process failure mode and effects analysis
Cost: Courses range from $29-$299
36. TPC Training Systems
TPC Training Systems has been providing “industrial facilities with technical skills and safety training programs across all trades” for more than 40 years. Their online courses are perfect for self-paced training, just as two of their course offerings, Implementing Preventive Maintenance and Controlling Maintenance Resources, are perfect for site reliability online training.
Key Topics:
- Using maintenance resources for efficiency
- Effective implementation of techniques
- Procedures for setting up practical preventive maintenance
- Relationship between PM and production and quality control
Cost: Online Course &Test – $85
37. ASQ Certification – Certified Reliability Engineer
Innovations for Quality, LLC provides certification exam preparation training, including those administered by the ASQ. To fit the schedules of busy engineers and technicians, Innovations for Quality courses are presented in active, engaging online learning formats. The Virtual Classroom Technology (VCT) allows for flexible class times, the ability to review recorded classes at any time, and recorded quiz reviews and problem reviews. All of the features make Innovations for Quality, LLC’s Certified Reliability Engineer training program a perfect choice as your site reliability online training resource.
Key Topics:
- Basic and advanced statistics
- Reliability design and development
- Reliability modeling and predictions
- Reliability testing
- Maintainability and availability
- Data collection and use/reliability management
- $450 – unlimited access to recorded classes but does not include materials
- $750 – includes all materials, access to the live, online classes, and unlimited access to the recorded classes
38. Marshall Institute
A consulting and training company dedicated to helping clients improve maintenance for organizational performance, Marshall Institute offers Maintenance Training as “an integral part of reliability improvement.” Marshall Institute offers several choices for site reliability online training resources, including webinars, blog posts, an e-Newsletter, and E-Learning Labs, and all of the content is of the utmost quality.
Key Topics:
- Materials management for maintenance
- Maximizing asset reliability through preventive maintenance
- Achieving total process reliability through TPM
Cost: Free and paid resources, contact for quotes on training courses
39. Reliability Centered Maintenance
Carver PA is an industrial training, consulting, and staffing company for a wide range of industries, and their site reliability course, Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), is offered in various formats, including as a correspondence course through PDF and as a general correspondence course so that busy industry professionals can learn on their schedules.
Key Topics:
- Benefits of the RCM philosophy
- Basic RCM components, principles, and implementation steps
- Pros and cons of implementing traditional versus applied RCM
- Cost-effective maintenance programs
Cost: Contact for a quote
40. Online Institute of America
“Powered by 360 training, a leading provider of accredited online pre-licensing, continuing education and certification courses,” Online Institute of America offers a robust catalog of courses related to site reliability. The eBook/online courses format makes it possible for industry professionals to learn at their own pace, when it works for them. Online Institute of America is a one-stop-shop for site reliability online training resources.
Key Topics:
- Reliability Operator certification exam prep
- NERC reliability standards compliance awareness
- Review of fundamentals
- Protection for system stability
- Efficient, reliable and environmentally sensitive operations
Cost: Courses range from $32.50 to $149
41.’s iPresentation Tutorials
@reliability is a leading online resource for all things reliability, so it’s no surprise that they offer online tutorials to teach technicians, engineers, and managers practical applications for site reliability. “Provided by leading subject matter experts,” the iPresentation Tutorials are available for anyone wishing to learn more about site reliability, simply by completing an online session registration form.
Key Topics:
- Root cause failure analysis
- Understanding maintenance related losses
- 10% rule of predictive maintenance
- Identifying energy efficiency opportunities and improving asset reliability
Cost: FREE
42. Reliability University
LAI Reliability Systems offers certified e-Learning and OnDemand Training solutions for industrial professionals who are looking to achieve skills mastery. The program is accredited and interactive, making it a great choice as a site reliability online training resource.
Key Features:
- Interactive courseware built to the highest standards by educational specialists using a SCORM and AICC certified training platform
- Standards-compliant software platform with full management team reports on individual participation and testing results
- Named the Best Training Platform for 6 years in a row by Elearning! Magazine
- Recognized by SMRP as eligible for continuing education credits for people to maintain CMRP certification
Cost: Contact for a quote
43. Maintenance Training Material via E-Learning
From IDCON, a reliability and maintenance consulting and training company, Maintenance Training Material via E-Learning is available in conjunction with HumEng International, a training content provider. The E-learning format provides IDCON’s Condition Monitoring Standards (CMS) for professional training purposes and focuses on the reasons and methods behind equipment inspections in reliability engineering. From two trusted sources, the Maintenance Training Material via E-Learning is a sure bet in site reliability online training resources.
Key Topics:
- Equipment inspections on AC motors, centrifugal pumps, valves, and more
- Condition monitoring inspections
- Predictive maintenance and operator essential care
Cost: Contact for a quote
44. Reliability Online
The A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland has several online degree programs available, including Reliability Online, an “interdisciplinary option offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering.” It is possible to complete the program in 20 months on a part-time basis, and the program was named one of the best online programs by U.S. News &World Report for Grad Engineering in 2014. Both a Masters program and certification program are available completely online for those looking to become more qualified in site reliability.
Key Topics:
- Reliability program plan
- Reliability potential of alternative designs
- Formulate and run tests on components, subsystems, and the reliability system itself
- Improving the life of a system and its ease of maintenance
Cost: Contact for tuition and fee information
45. Maintenance Management Professional Certification Program
Offered by Northern Lakes College in Northern Alberta, Canada, the Maintenance Management Professional (MMP) Certification Program was developed and authorized by the Plant and Engineering Maintenance Association of Canada (PEMAC) and consists of 8 modules. All classes are live online with the instructor and other students and may be accessed by participants from any browser. Anyone looking to learn more about maintenance and its relationship with site reliability should consider registering for the courses as a site reliability online training resource.
Key Topics:
- Integrated strategy for maintenance management
- Developing and implementing maintenance tactics
- Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS)
Cost: Receive a 5% discount when you register 3 weeks prior to the module start date
- Module 1:$425/person PLUS materials and shipping costs
- Modules 2-8:$825/person/module PLUS materials and shipping costs
46. Lifetime Reliability Institute
The Lifetime Reliability Institute offers tutored online training courses by distance education in reliability and maintenance solutions. Participants learn to handle and solve industrial operations maintenance and reliability challenges successfully. The variety of course titles and ease of use make the Lifetime Reliability Institute’s site reliability courses a great online training resource.
Key Topics:
- Maintenance and scheduling
- Applied reliability engineering for operating plants
- Preventive maintenance program and PM strategy development
- Problem solving and root cause analysis
Cost: Contact for a quote
47. The Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals
The Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) serves maintenance and reliability professionals in manufacturing, and their on-demand education series provides participants with “immediate access to cutting-edge professional development on topics related to maintenance and reliability.” Certificates of completion are available for individuals who view the entire education session and confirm participation at random checkpoints. Because the sessions are provided by experts in the industry, the SMRP on-demand education series should be included in your site reliability online training resources.
Key Topics:
- Accelerated life testing of bearings under different lubrication programs
- Integrity as a reliability performance differentiator
- Multi-tiered predictive maintenance programs
- Reliability leadership
- Improving wrench efficiency
- FREE for 2013 Conference attendees
- $30 for SMRP members
- $30 for non-members
48. Semitracks Online Training
Semitracks, Inc. provides education on topics relating to semiconductors and electronics. In manufacturing positions, reliability is essential in all aspects of the plant and organization, and semiconductors and electronics are sometimes overlooked in site reliability training. The online semiconductor training courses from Semitracks are customizable for participants’ job functions and should be considered as a supplemental site reliability online training resource.
Key Features:
- Learn at your own pace
- Train wherever and whenever you have access to the internet
- Individualized access via web interface with Learning Management features
- Participation in discussion groups
- Indexed and searchable content
Cost: $500 – 1-year access to the online training system
49. Reliability Engineering Fundamentals
Reliability Engineering Fundamentals is a course offered by RedVector, which provides online continuing education and professional development to the construction industry. A one-hour course, Reliability Engineering Fundamentals describes reliability engineers’ key tasks and “emphasizes the relationship of phases in the product life cycle to reliability analysis, the computation of reliabilities for simple systems, and methods that can be used to improve system reliability.” The course features a multiple-choice test at the end.
Key Topics:
- Reliability definitions
- Mortality “bathtub curve” and its implications for reliability analysis
- System reliability computations for simple series and parallel systems
- Six key methods for increasing system reliability
Cost: $29.95
50. Sustaining Skills Video Series
Erudition is known for “instruction, knowledge, and learning,” and their Sustaining Skills Video Series is part of its inspired Blended Learning (iBL™) programs that “have identified more than $8 in contribution margin gains since 2012 as maintenance and reliability professionals have applied the associated core skills towards reducing maintenance costs, increasing manufacturing throughput efficiency and engineering out defects that impact product quality within their learning projects.” With such a successful track record, Erudition’s Sustaining Skills Video Series should definitely be a part of your site reliability online training resources.
Key Features:
- Refreshes infrequently used skills
- Builds awareness amongst new recruits
- Kick-starts maintenance and reliability improvement efforts
- Customize with your company’s logo, branding, and equipment-specific images
- Integrates with your existing learning and professional development programs
Cost: Contact for a quote
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