48 学校和教育工作者的顶级库存和资产管理资源
公立学区、私立学校和高等教育机构有责任适当管理其库存和资产,因为涉及的利益相关者太多。这些教育机构获得资金、学费和其他捐赠,使它们对这些利益相关者特别负责。更重要的是,这些机构受政府会计准则委员会 (GASB) 标准或财务会计准则委员会 (FASB) 标准的监管,遵守这些标准对其持续运营至关重要。
我们'我们还收集了我们精选的库存和资产管理工具和软件解决方案,以便教育机构可以选择最适合其需求的工具,并开始简化和自动化校园内的库存和资产管理。无论您是负责跟踪教科书或实验室化学品,还是维护和维修校车和设备,您一定会在以下库存和资产管理资源和工具中找到一些有用的信息、提示和工具。请注意,虽然我们在这里为学校和教育工作者列出了 48 种顶级库存和资产管理资源,没有特定顺序 ,我们提供了一个目录,以便您可以跳转到对您最有价值的资源。
- 文章
- 指南、案例研究和白皮书
- 视频、演示文稿和网络研讨会
- 工具和软件解决方案
1.成为学校午餐计划更好买家的 4 条提示
Gordon Food Service 提供了学区所需的优质产品,以便为超过 115 年。他们的库存管理文章《成为学校午餐计划更好买家的 4 条提示》是供食品服务主管使用的资源,他们关心观察自己的底线并确定花费应享权利的最佳方式。
我们喜欢的 4 个关于成为学校午餐计划更好买家的提示中的三个关键提示:
- 咨询能够回答美国农业部支出问题的食品服务分销商,并可以帮助食品服务主管最大限度地利用他们的资金
- 比较送货和仓储费,特别是如果您所在的州对存储 USDA 产品收取费用,而学校没有足够的空间来存储数千磅的食物
- 在订购提前一个月或更长时间送达的食物时要考虑新鲜度
费用: 免费
Wasp Barcode Technologies 的产品营销经理 Jason Sentell 是库存管理最佳实践方面的专家对于小型企业。他在这篇库存和资产管理文章中为希望在技术资产跟踪方面实施最佳实践的学区提供指导。正如 Sentell 指出的那样,学校因技术设备损失而受到抨击,因此他们必须采用最佳实践来帮助他们避免因资产管理而出现的错误。
- 基于 Excel 的手动资产跟踪系统既耗时又不可靠
- 手动资产跟踪速度慢、令人困惑且容易出错,而且会导致缺乏责任感
- 资产跟踪的最佳做法包括自动化、基于条形码的数据输入、集中资产数据、用户跟踪责任和移动库存扫描
费用: 免费
3。 5 个在学校管理平板电脑和 iPad 的真正解决方案
T.H.E. Journal 寻求通过技术改变教育。他们还通过其库存和资产管理文章《5 种用于在学校管理平板电脑和 iPad 的真实解决方案》,寻求为希望管理平板电脑和 iPad 的学区提供实用的解决方案。具体来说,作家 David Raths 分享了负责平板电脑部署的学区技术领导者的技巧。
我们喜欢 5 个在学校管理平板电脑和 iPad 的真正解决方案中的三个关键技巧:
- 自动化 iPad 跟踪,因为使用 Excel 电子表格并手动完成该过程是劳动密集型的
- 让 IT 人员参与跟踪 iPad 和平板电脑
- 学校需要建立一个系统来跟踪 iPad 和平板电脑的损坏和更新
费用: 免费
- 各区必须有一份完整、充分且集中的所有计算机库存记录
- 学区官员必须跟踪谁收到了设备,以及他们何时转移到不同的学校或员工
- 实物库存对学校运营至关重要
费用: 免费
5。简化零件库存管理的 5 个技巧
我们喜欢简化零件库存管理的 5 个技巧中的三个关键点:
- 采用条形码和扫描系统来跟踪零件并提高重新订购过程的效率
- 对库存区域进行良好的内务管理,包括更换磨损的条形码标签,以保持其平稳运行并优化资源
- 跟踪定价并与供应商合作库存标准零件,以便您的库存包含您需要经常访问的经销商专用零件和专用零件
费用: 免费
跟踪教科书是学校和教育工作者库存和资产管理的关键要素。在这篇库存管理文章中,来自 Follett Systems 的 Destiny 教科书管理器的全区管理员 Wendy Zirkin 解释了教科书跟踪如何节省她的时间和金钱。
我们喜欢 Book 'em 中的三个关键点:
- 跟踪系统简化了将旧书添加到新学校或合并学校的过程
- 教科书上的条形码可让您轻松跟踪每所学校的书籍数量、是否正在使用以及分配给学生的书籍
- 教科书库存管理系统记录评估的罚款和损坏或丢失的书籍,帮助收集丢失的书籍费用并帮助学校实现盈利
费用: 免费
GenesisSolutions 提供维护和资产管理服务,并致力于帮助客户识别和实施增强程序资产可靠性和增加容量,同时降低维护成本和延长资产生命周期。他们的资产管理文章《资产管理计划可以帮助实现公立学校设施现代化》探讨了公立学区特别受益于资产管理计划的原因。
- 公立学校通常预算紧张,导致资产管理者需要确保资产生命周期最大化和成本最低
- 资产管理系统可帮助负责更新建筑技术并就生命周期成本、维护计划和替代行动方案做出决策的建筑经理
- 学校通过投资资产跟踪系统来降低与技术计划相关的风险
费用: 免费
Smartware Group 专注于维护专业人员,提供简单而强大的维护和安全解决方案。他们还提供“学校工具:学术界的资产管理”,这是一篇库存和资产管理文章,描述了学区在需要本地能源的平板电脑、电子阅读器、在线学习平台和远程教室上对资产管理解决方案的需求存储、电动汽车充电器和其他类似解决方案。
我们喜欢 Tools for Schools 中的三个关键点:学术界的资产管理:
- 教育工作者、技术经理和维护人员除了传统的日常任务外,还很难管理资产
- 应记录资产签入和签出流程,以防止资产被盗和损坏,但这可能会导致 IT 和其他员工额外工作
- 软件解决方案和资产管理工具可帮助学生保持技术设备正常运行,同时降低学区的成本
费用: 免费
全国高校商务官员协会 (NACUBO) 代表来自更多国家的商业和金融专业人士超过 2,100 所高校,促进健全的商业和金融战略。由于高校与其他教育机构一样有责任满足 GASB 和 FASB 会计标准,因此 NACUBO 分享了一篇内容丰富的文章,其中提供了“关于标准及其对校园的意义的速成课程”。
三个关键我们喜欢 GASB 和 FASB 的事实:
- GASB 声明 34,“州和地方政府的基本财务报表和管理层的讨论和分析”和 35,“公立高校的基本财务报表和管理层的讨论和分析”包含教育机构的会计和报告要求
- GASB 会影响高校的存款、在折旧、佩尔补助金、非交易所交易、财务报告模型等方面采用 FASB 指南
- 虽然 GASB 标准以问责制为中心,但 FASB 的存在是为了帮助投资者和债权人做出决策
费用: 免费
我们喜欢 Lab Cleanout Inventory 中的三个关键理念:
- 学校应创建和维护化学品清单,以帮助规划去除不需要的化学品的成本
- 实验室清单还为学校提供有关适当存储、处理和购买程序的信息
- 详细列出所有不适合或不允许在当地垃圾填埋场或下水道系统中处置的不需要的化学品
费用: 免费
PrimeroEdge 为学校提供营养膳食、高效运营和更好地服务学生的解决方案、家长和社区。他们的库存管理资源是建立高效库存管理系统的指南,包括订购和接收最佳实践。该指南鼓励食品服务主管查看营养和食品计划中涉及的所有形式的金融资产。
- 先进先出 (FIFO) 库存流有助于学校确保其库存在合理的时间内完全周转,并减少食物变质和浪费
- 没有存储设施的学校可能需要实行即时订购,但他们面临的困难是供应商无法在正确的时间范围内交付物品,并且手头没有足够的库存来应对延迟交付和其他意外情况
- 学校最重要的库存做法之一是确保记录的商品单价与报价相符
费用: 免费
Wasp Barcode 为小型企业制造效率解决方案,他们了解库存管理。他们的库存管理资源,牛津大学的库存跟踪最佳实践,是牛津大学如何使用库存管理跟踪技术来跟踪和维护近 30,000 部手机的案例研究。
我们喜欢 Inventory Tracking Best 的三个关键点牛津大学的实践:
- 手动库存跟踪通常包含十分之一的条码错误、耗时且始终过时
- 有效的库存管理利用最佳跟踪技术,包括自动输入以确保减少人为错误,并包括实时更新的信息
- 与条形码标签一起使用的库存系统可帮助教育机构实现强大的库存控制系统,同时了解要重新订购什么以及物品的位置
费用: 免费
保护学校设备是纽约市教育部发布的一份库存管理白皮书和美国教师联合会 (UFT) 提供提示,以确保台式机和笔记本电脑以及其他技术设备在纽约市的学校中保持安全。白皮书包含有关交付、库存、存储和分发、使用和收集的提示,以及处理丢失或被盗物品的指南。
- 设备必须包含序列号或库存清单的其他 ID 号
- 除学年开始和结束外,应在长假后进行盘点
- 必须在每年的 4 月 15 日之前进行实物盘点
费用: 免费
Meals Plus 为 K-12 学校的学校食堂管理提供了一套软件。他们的库存管理白皮书《管理食品货架上的钱:儿童营养计划的库存管理》解释说,库存管理必须是学校的优先事项,因为每个儿童营养计划收入的 40-46% 都花在了食品上
- 采购
- 订购和接收
- 食品成本和周转率
费用: 电子邮件注册免费
CrossTec Corporation 为 IT 安全、教育技术、企业网络和帮助台提供软件解决方案。他们提出了每个学区应该就资产和库存管理解决方案提出的七个问题,这是一份库存管理白皮书,强调了学校自动化资产管理的必要性。
- 用于跟踪和管理软件和硬件资产的系统可为技术协调员和地区 IT 部门节省时间和金钱
- 资产管理系统具有多项优势,包括管理软件许可合规性以防止许可处罚、定位和帮助阻止资产漂移、进行更有效的审计、优化硬件和软件使用等
- 资产和库存管理系统使流程自动化,例如管理许可证、查找重新安置的 PC、找到可用的 IT 救援人员以及防止盗窃
费用: 免费
16.美国食物浪费挑战 - 合作:最大限度地利用食物资源的最佳实践
此库存管理视频由美国农业部 (USDA) 食品和营养部提供服务。美国农业部食品和营养服务局致力于有效和高效地解决美国的饥饿和改善营养问题。该视频是密西西比大学国家食品服务管理研究所的 Pamela Quisenberry 和堪萨斯州立大学儿童营养项目食品安全卓越中心的 Jeannie Sneed 博士的演讲摘要。该视频探讨了学校如何通过适当的库存管理来减少食物浪费。
- 通过库存管理实践减少浪费和节省开支
- 学校的食物损失需要从计划和采购到接收和储存,再到生产和服务的积极管理控制
- 学校食堂库存管理的一个组成部分是确保在适当的温度下对食物进行分类
费用: 免费
17. GASB 34/35 101(基础)
北卡罗来纳大学每年举行一次 UNC 金融系统会议,主题包括预算编制、资本项目、合同等。他们在 2013 年的会议上由 UNC 夏洛特分校的 Ron Sanders 和 Laura Williams 就 GASB 34 和 35 发表了演讲。演示文稿包括有关大学和教育机构如何准备和遵守 GASB 标准的信息,其中包括库存和资产管理报告。
我们喜欢 GASB 34/35 101(基础知识)中的三个关键事实:
- GASB 34 要求除基金报表外,还应按权责发生制报告政府范围内的财务活动
- GASB 34/35 意味着教育机构的新财务报表
- GASB 34/35 报告的主要变化包括报告资本资产,包括折旧和基础设施
费用: 免费
Cisco WebEx 是远程工作协作的来源。由于学区和教育机构在不同地点都有建筑物,因此很难有效地进行库存和资产管理流程。 WebEx 为学校和教育工作者举办的库存管理网络研讨会“管理教科书库存以降低成本并支持学生取得成功”解决了教科书库存管理的挑战,并展示了学校如何有效地跟踪教科书库存以控制成本。此点播网络研讨会时长一小时。
- 首次实施教科书管理流程
- 组织条形码工作以提高效率
- 建立问责制并补偿丢失教科书的成本
费用: 电子邮件注册免费
19。 K-12 教育面临的六大资产库存挑战
Hayes Software Systems 为 K-12 管理提供库存控制解决方案,包括教科书管理、一一对一设备管理、IT 资产管理等。这就是为什么在了解 K-12 学校的资产和库存管理方面,它们是值得信赖的资源。他们的库存和资产管理网络研讨会“K-12 教育面临的六项资产库存挑战”解释了学区如何成功克服“影响计划有效性和员工满意度的六项关键资产挑战”。
我们喜欢的三个关键主题K-12 教育面临的六项资产库存挑战:
- 通过执行物理审计流程提高决策数据的准确性
- 通过加入企业级系统来减少纸质流程
- 通过加强问责制来降低风险
费用: 免费,通过电子邮件注册
20. SchoolDude InventoryDirect
自 1999 年以来,SchoolDude 一直是“为教育设施和技术专业人士提供软件解决方案的第一大供应商” 。”他们的库存管理软件 SchoolDude InventoryDirect 是一种基于云的库存管理软件解决方案,可跟踪学校的所有库存交易。 InventoryDirect 帮助学校简化申请、订购和跟踪学习用品和工具的流程,然后为即将到来的工作请求分配用品,从而节省学校的时间和金钱。
- 可以与 SchoolDude 的纠正性维护解决方案结合使用,用于向工作订单发放和收取库存,或与 SchoolDude 的预防性维护解决方案结合使用,以计划定期维护任务的库存水平
- 按类别类型管理库存并允许将库存发放到位置、项目、人员或工作订单
- 跟踪所有物料交易并分配库存池以查看哪些物料不足且需要补充
- 最终用户可以提出在线请求,然后向最终用户发送电子邮件通知,包括批准、拒绝或延期交货通知
费用: 联系报价
IntelliTrack 软件帮助学校管理库存和资产,包括任何可以标记或条形码的东西。事实上,教育机构选择 IntelliTrack 是为了满足他们的库存管理需求,因为该软件解决方案可以跟踪教科书、AV 设备、计算机和学习用品。此条码跟踪软件可跟踪学区、大学和学院的学校资源。
- 按位置、人员和日期跟踪视音频和技术设备,包括笔记本电脑、电脑等
- 跟踪每日供应库存以了解商品的位置以及何时订购更多商品
- 监控维护用品和消耗品
- 使用条形码标签自动分类和跟踪库存
费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
22. Impero Education Pro 库存管理
Impero Software 为全球教育技术部门提供高效课堂、支持网络和更安全的学生的软件.他们的库存管理软件 Impero Education Pro 使教育机构能够轻松高效地跟踪软件和硬件库存。这款适用于学校的综合网络管理软件套件提供自动库存检查,可节省时间并使审核过程更加顺畅。
- 生成详细的硬件和软件报告以供审核
- 将序列号与设备匹配,无需手动检查
- 实时自动更新库存变化
- 确保设备处于最新状态并处于良好状态
- 通过集中视图轻松访问设备的使用年限和状态,以便更轻松地更换、刷新或移除设备
费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
23. ASAP 系统的护照
ASAP Systems 通过条形码和智能手机为学校提供全面的库存和资产跟踪系统技术。 ASAP Systems 的 Passport 为学区、学院和大学提供自动化库存管理和资产跟踪。该库存和资产管理系统可以配置为适合任何学校的特定需求。 Passport 还可以通过无线条码扫描仪、可配置的报告、签入功能等跟踪教职员工、实验室计算机、打印机、音频设备、视频设备、研讨会、材料和图书馆书籍。
- 安排资产维护
- 多个网站
- 按位置、人员、序列号、型号等跟踪资产。
- 数据导入
- 用于库存管理的电子邮件和短信提醒
- QuickBooks 集成
费用: 提供免费路径;联系报价
24. InstrumentLife 同步资产管理
InstrumentLife 是一个技术套件,适用于需要保护、管理和跟踪其宝贵资产的学校. InstrumentLife 提供强大的工具,包括具有 GPS 责任和多站点资产管理的学校库存移动应用程序,用于随时随地管理、跟踪和监控学校拥有的资产。使用 InstrumentLife 跟踪学校的库存,从音乐和乐队设备到运动装备,再到学生笔记本电脑,再到学校家具。 InstrumentLife Synchronized Asset Management 具有用于跟踪库存和资产的 iLiD 芯片和卡片,以及用于智能手机、平板电脑或台式计算机的 iLiD 应用程序。
- 用于预算和规划的自动报告
- 使用您的智能手机或移动设备将设备责任分配给教职员工或学生
- 联系当地维修店并向当地维修店提交维修请求,并使用该应用接收维修状态的实时更新
- 提醒 InstrumentLife 安全网络丢失或被盗,并在旅途中轻松获取所有权证明
费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
25. EducationStack 库存管理系统软件
一个连接学生、学者和员工的生态系统,EducationStack 提供其库存管理系统软件,用于有效地管理学校或学院的库存。教育机构管理员可以使用 EducationStack 库存管理系统软件管理学校的所有库存。
- 供应商管理允许管理员在数据库中添加、编辑或删除供应商详细信息
- 添加和维护完整的库存项目列表
- 维护单独的采购和销售清单,以便在库存从员工到学生或学生到学生时有效记录交易
- 在物品签入和签出时打印库存收据
费用: 免费
ChemTracker 软件由斯坦福大学开发,旨在为大学提供快速、强大的报告和库存管理校园内所有化学品的系统。 ChemTracker 的库存管理功能允许部门按容器、位置、部门或所有者跟踪材料,并确保实验室和化学教授能够安全地跟踪和管理他们的化学品,以满足法规要求,了解化学品及其位置,了解当前化学品的危害,并标记化学品以节省资金和防止浪费。
- 用户访问由基于个人资料的化学品所有者和位置授权控制的库存
- 按到期日期查找过期材料
- Identify surplus materials to reduce waste disposal and purchasing costs
- Link to building floor plans for one-click access to room inventory lists and hazards
- Easily determine locations of specific hazards, or all hazards in a particular area
- Supports barcode use
费用: 联系报价
27. WiseTrack
WiseTrack offers “best of class asset tracking software” for schools. Whether it is used to manage education facility, IT, or lab equipment, WiseTrack is an easy-to-use system for assigning assets to faculty and students with check-out/check-in features and the ability to inventory or move assets with web or mobile devices.
Key Features:
- Easily manage inventory and assets in multiple classrooms, buildings, or campuses
- Commercial-grade integration tools for importing/exporting to other systems
- Confirm inventory using mobile devices with accuracy
- Hundreds of professional compliance reports included for K-12
- Track everything from furniture, to vehicles, to IT, to lab equipment
费用: 联系报价
28. MobileAsset.EDU
Wasp Barcode offers MobileAsset.EDU, an exemplary asset tracking system with easy reporting for educational institutions. MobileAsset.EDU checks assets in and out and makes it simple for schools and educators to manage assets by funding source. Reduce capital expenditures, ensure federal grant compliance, increase accountability, and quickly conduct audits with Wasp Barcode’s MobileAsset.EDU.
Key Features:
- More than 60 pre-built reports
- Receive notification of overdue checkouts, expiring warranties, scheduled maintenance, and more
- Ensure 100% asset compliance with quick audits and cycle counts on a mobile computer or iOS or Android device
- Integrated barcode software to ensure accuracy with barcode labels and asset tags
- Track specific assets purchased with specific government funds and grants by site, location, serial number, and user
- MobileAsset.EDU Professional with DT60 &WPL305 (5-user):$3,695
- MobileAsset.EDU Professional with HC1 &WPL305 (5-user):$4,295
- MobileAsset.EDU Enterprise with DT60 &WPL305 (unlimited user):$5,695
- MobileAsset.EDU Enterprise with HC1 &WPL305 (unlimited user):$6,295
29。 TS School Inventory Module
TS School offers basic and comprehensive school management and administration software that is extremely customizable, with 42 available modules. The inventory module is a professional-grade module that offers a complete inventory management solution.
Key Features:
- Create multiple stores and assign an administrator and front desk member to each
- Create inventory item lists with assistance from the images module and access full inventory counts, prices, and purchase codes for easy reordering
- Each inventory item has detailed product information fields, stock dates and counts, reorder levels, and amounts, plus historical accounts
费用: FREE trial for 30 days
30. School Softwares
School Softwares offers Schools Inventory Management Software to handle various purchases, item issuance, and supply levels. This inventory management software solution offers multiple supplier support and tracks supplier payments in an account voucher. School Softwares’ Schools Inventory Management Software also allows for any level of grouping and item classification in categories and records item check-out and check-in.
Key Features:
- Paperless inventory management
- Track inventory levels
- Supports multiple users
- Customizable
费用: 联系报价
31. School Asset Manager
School Asset Manger is a complete asset management solution for education that utilizes the latest cloud and mobile technology. With asset tags, scanners, document and media storage, network management, and a help desk, School Asset Manager uses a mobile app-driven platform with cloud-hosted online reporting tools to help schools manage their assets while saving time and money.
Key Features:
- Add assets to the system via the web interface or mobile app or import assets from other systems or spreadsheets
- Scan and update asset details via the mobile app or the web interface
- Record and report the asset information that you choose
费用: FREE trial available for 30 days
32. Redox Educational Institutes Management System
Redox Technologies offers Redox Educational Institutes Management System (EIMS), an integrated solution for any size or level of school, from nursery schools to colleges. Redox EIMS is available with a financial accounting and inventory management module package that includes asset management. Redox EIMS is based on JAVA technology and open database standards and protocols.
Key Features:
- Multiple supplier support
- Fast, slow, and non-moving item analysis
- Supports any level of grouping and item classification
- Report assets and inventory by date, item, department, etc.
费用: Contact for a quote
33. PrimaSoft Handy Equipment/Tool Manager
PrimaSoft is a simple database software that offers inventory management solutions for schools. Their Handy Equipment/Tool Manager for Windows is an equipment inventory software for schools, colleges, and universities that allows administrators and other users to easily manage inventories and track school assets of all kinds.
Key Features:
- Easily manage video, audio, electronic, athletic, tool, and crib inventories
- Track student, teacher, and employee users
- Process check-in and check-out transactions
- Quickly display all outstanding or overdue items
- Send email reminders and print reminder letters
费用: 提供免费试用; Handy Equipment/Tool Manager pricing begins at $345
34. Parago School Inventory Manager
Parago offers a powerful asset management system that enables educational institutions to automate the processes relating to managing PCs, software, and all fixed and mobile assets. Known for being user friendly, Parago School Inventory Manager offers total asset and inventory visibility and enables administrators and other users to control and manage school assets with a touch of a screen.
Key Features:
- Search and repot on assets across all schools
- Run automated reports for auditors
- Share assets more effectively and avoid purchasing items you already own
- Helpdesk works with any portal, so staff and students do not need to be system users to log tickets
费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
35. MiChoice EZ-Task Inventory Control
MiChoice EZ-Task Inventory Control is a school food service management software tool from MiChoice Technology Systems, Inc. that includes an efficient back office inventory program. This inventory management tool for schools allows child nutrition directors and food service directors to easily track items and quantities, produce food service inventory reports, and effectively manage lunchroom inventory levels.
Key Features:
- Save time tracking and extending inventory
- More than 300 inventory/purchase order reports
- Multi-user client/server perpetual inventory system
- Periodic physical or perpetual inventory
- Easily adjust quantity in stock by location
费用: Contact for a quote
36. Meals Plus Inventory Management System
Meals Plus offers a full suite of software for school cafeteria management. The Meals Plus inventory management solution for schools provides a centralized ordering and management system for schools to track commodities, purchased foods, supplies, and more.
Key Features:
- Fully integrated with menu planning component
- First-in, first-out valuation method includes all items for an unlimited number of sites
- Enables electronic ordering
- Allows for limited item access by site
- Tracks an unlimited number of user-defined categories, such as USDA, supplies, processed, etc.
- Reports include item listing, open items/orders, inventory on hand, ending inventory count, and more
费用: 提供免费试用; Contact for a quote
37. AssetTrakker
AssetTrakker by K12USA.com gives schools an easy-to-use, portable, fully-featured web-based asset management system that may be integrated with TroubleTrakkerPRO and WorkTrakkerPRO for added inventory and materials tracking features.
Key Features:
- Reports allow users to see items they have at a glance and their location
- Sort items by building, room, category, and more
- See service and maintenance contracts for equipment
- Identify items by serial number, asset tag, or other unique identifier
费用 :
- FREE with purchase of TroubleTrakkerPRO or WorkTrakkerPRO
- Contact for a quote, based on the number of students in your district and the subscription length
38. iMagic Inventory – Education and Training Inventory Software
iMagic Inventory’s Education and Training Inventory Software is an inventory management solution for universities and colleges. This inventory management software solution helps these educational institutions gain control over educational resource spending and provides a district-wide view of all resources. Inventory and track items such as laptop carts, textbooks, students workbooks, and research materials with iMagic Inventory’s Education and Training Inventory Software and enjoy the benefits of managing fixed assets at a number of campuses and locations.
Key Features:
- Track all inventory transactions
- Use barcode labels to track supplies and fixed assets
- Manage upcoming work requests
- Track and manage inventory and assets from multiple locations
- Multi-user access
- iMagic Inventory – Single User:$249
- iMagic Inventory – Two Users:$478
- iMagic Inventory – Three Users:$707
- iMagic Inventory – Four Users:$936
- iMagic Inventory – Five Users:$1,165
- iMagic Inventory – Six Users:$1,394
- iMagic Inventory – Site License:Contact for a quote
39. IFNOSS Inventory/Stock Management System
IFNOSS provides software for the education industry, and their Inventory/Stock Management System is an inventory management tool for maintaining all records of college inventory. The stock module gives college officials the ability to handle any type of transaction relating to purchase, storage, and issuance of stock items to departments.
Key Features:
- Master Creation including category/sub-category, items list, and suppliers/vendors list
- Data entry for goods received, returned, and issued
- Stock purchase order generation
- Reports for stock available, stock issued, and stock received/returned
费用: Contact for a quote
40. TIPWeb-IT
Hayes Software offers inventory control solutions for K-12 administration that is designed specifically for K-12 schools. Their TIPWeb-IT solution is an easy-to-use school asset management tool for K-12 inventory control of mobile and fixed assets across rooms and assigned to staff and students. TIPWeb-IT is a leading solution for inventory control when integrated with barcode technology. Schools are able to track everything from Title I-funded classroom devices to learning devices for one-to-one initiatives with TIPWeb-IT.
Key Features:
- Track items through their life cycles
- Issue assets for one-to-one initiatives for increased accountability
- Access inventory details to have the right data at the right time
- Conduct real-time mobile audits
费用: Contact for a quote
41. Foodco
Food Service Solutions, Inc., offers software solutions for the food service industry, including school cafeterias. They offer Foodco, a software solution that focuses on back office inventory, accounting, and production management to maximize school profits.
Key Features:
- Build an item database for the items you want to track
- Break down each item based on how you purchase, inventory or issue it, or how you want to compare its cost
- Builds recipes that cooks understand and that help food service directors determine true costs of recipes
费用: Contact for a quote
42.装备! Enterprise Asset Management System
eQuip! is easy-to-use, flexible software for managing physical and IT assets. The eQuip! Enterprise Asset Management System is a software solution for educational institutions that hope to manage their assets more efficiently in order to meet their business needs.装备! Enterprise Asset Management System is especially helpful for schools that receive federal grants and are required to manage and report the equipment as capital assets or consumables to meet compliance regulations.
Key Features:
- Maintain a complete, up-to-date list of assets, including furniture, vehicles, and IT assets
- Facilitate the asset move workflow
- Schedule maintenance, repair, and issuance of common assets
- Track the maintenance on capital equipment
- Manage physical and IT assets to know who has which assets and where
费用: Contact for a quote
43. Creatrix Campus Inventory Tracking
Creatrix Campus Inventory Tracking is an automated inventory management tool that tracks inventory history with barcode scanners and mobile devices. A cloud-based inventory management tool, Creatrix Campus helps educational institutions streamline their inventory processes to make them more efficient. From custom reports to automated notifications and alerts, Creatrix Campus Inventory Tracking helps educational institutions save time and money.
Key Features:
- Intelligent automation of documents including invoices, packing lists, forms, and reports to ensure inventory is tracked in real time
- Manage and accurately locate inventory and assets such as equipment, consumables, library resources, and fixed assets using sophisticated identification tools
- Real-time tracking of inventory and asset location, condition and availability of items, and more from desktops or mobile devices
费用: Contact for a quote
Accruent LLC offers facilities management software, such as FAMIS, to help educational institutions manage their assets and inventory. FAMIS makes it possible for higher education institutions to automate the preventive, corrective, and predictive maintenance process for assets to ensure effective online facility management and a safe, clean campus.
Key Features:
- Manage work order lifecycle
- Integrate maintenance processes
- Improve visibility for facilities managers so they can be more proactive with maintenance requests and optimize repair-versus-replace decisions for assets
- Automate asset preventive maintenance
- Capture information on various types of inventory items to optimize inventory levels, manage total inventory value, and perform automated replenishment analysis, requisition, and purchasing
费用: Contact for a quote
45. Innovative Solution Experts Educational Software Products – Inventory Management System
Innovative Solution Experts (ISolExperts) offers software solutions for businesses and organizations, such as educational institutions, that are reliable. Their education software solutions are web based and help teachers, administrators, and staff efficiently handle their duties. With a user-friendly interface and wide range of features, ISolExperts’ educational software products include several useful modules, from library management to inventory management.
Key Features:
- Tracks all inventory received and records items returned and issued
- Maintains standard inventory cost and supplier information
- Reconciles physical inventory to book inventory
- Utilizes both cabled and portable scanners
- Item images
- Powerful FIFO, LIFO, average, weighted average, and standard inventory valuation features
费用: Contact for a quote
46. AudIT
With AudIT, school officials are able to track their assets on the internet or with AudIT Mobile on their smartphones or tablets. This assessment management system is designed specifically for schools and educational institutions and helps administrators by keeping all of their asset information together in a single software solution.
Key Features:
- Creates a complete asset register for administration, insurance, and financial planning
- Records all assets, from IT equipment, to computers and software, to furniture, to classroom instruments and teaching aids
- Control who can add, edit, change, and dispose of assets in the program
- Access asset information from anywhere with an Internet connection
费用: 提供免费试用; Contact for a quote
47. Booktracks
Book Systems has been providing library automation software for 25 years. Their inventory management system, Booktracks, is for far more than library books; it tracks textbooks, eReaders, tablets, laptops, and other expensive assets. In fact, Booktracks is an inventory and asset manager that tracks textbooks and assets in order to save schools time and money.
Key Features:
- Streamlines distribution and collection of resources
- Reduces loss substantially
- Increases accountability for students and staff
- Provides access to electronic textbooks
- Tracks all school devices
费用: Contact for a quote
48. Textbook Tracker
Schools lose hefty amounts of money due to textbook losses. Textbook Tracker is a textbook inventory management software solution that helps schools reduce textbook losses so they have better control over their bottom line.
Key Features:
- Easy-to-use, feature-rich textbook management software for Macs and PCs
- Includes a full complement of reporting features
- Textbook Tracker WEB gives students and parents the ability to view critical information from home or any web browser
- Fully customizable and includes instant updates
费用: Contact for a quote
Asset Tracking Solutions from Camcode:
- Asset Tags and Labels
- 资产跟踪提示
- Warehouse Hanging Signs
- 仓库标签
- 地板标签
- 机架标签