2020 年国防制造会议:了解国防制造最新最佳实践的 50 场最佳行业活动
参与先进国防制造技术的开发商、供应商、制造商和研究人员致力于制造创新和国防进步。国防制造会议是汇集专家、思想领袖和创新公司的平台,以实现为战斗机配备先进国防材料和技术的目标。我们搜索了在创新和专业知识方面处于领先地位的国防制造会议,并根据其主题、主题演讲者、教育机会、先进国防技术的展示和交流机会,对我们的前 50 名会议进行了汇总。
请注意,此处列出了我们 2020 年的顶级国防制造会议,按时间顺序 , 让您更轻松地找到最适合您日历的内容。
1。 飞机估价和评估的原则
2020 年 1 月 10 日
飞机估价和评估原理是由航空业活动组织者 Aeropodium 举办的为期一天的研讨会。该活动将与专家发言人就航空电子设备如何影响价值、认证流程和 USPAP 以及围绕飞机评估的法律问题等主题进行一系列互动会议。研讨会的所有参与者都将收到一份结业证书,以表彰他们在会议上花费的时间。
- 早鸟价:550 美元
- 常规费用:950 美元
2020 年 1 月 16 日
- 早鸟价:250 美元(加元)
- 常规费用:600 美元(加元)
3。 2020 年国际装甲车辆
1 月 20 日至 23 日
被称为“世界首屈一指的装甲车辆论坛”的国际装甲车辆会议重点关注这样一个事实,即不断变化的战斗格局需要对中型轮式车辆进行现代化改造,以确保战备状态和快速打击能力,同时最大限度地减少后勤负担。与会者在本次活动中与全球同行分享他们的经验和人脉,还有 70 多位演讲者、50 位赞助商、200 位高级军事决策者以及来自 50 多个国家/地区的代表。
- 国际军事/政府/公共部门定价
- 白金套餐:799 英镑 + 20% 英国增值税
- 黄金套餐:699 英镑 + 20% 英国增值税
- 白银套餐:650 英镑 + 20% 英国增值税
- 青铜套餐:599 英镑 + 20% 英国增值税
- 行业定价
- 白金套餐:2,599 英镑 + 20% 英国增值税
- 黄金套餐:2,499 英镑 + 20% 英国增值税
- 白银套餐:2,099 英镑 + 20% 英国增值税
- 青铜套餐:1,999 英镑 + 20% 英国增值税
1 月 28 日至 30 日
作为武装部队和工业界的重要国际盛会,2020 年战斗后勤会议呼吁文职和军事专家合作并塑造军事后勤的未来。本次国防制造会议将探讨基于性能的物流,并从会前机动部队焦点日开始。为期两天的会议将围绕减少未来需求以优化物流足迹、减少物流阻力和增强战斗力,并为军队、原始设备制造商和支持承包商提供合作以实现军事供应链现代化的机会。
- 为军事和公共部门人员服务:免费
- 完整会议 + 焦点日:2800.00 英镑 + 增值税
1 月 29 日至 30 日
国防战略研究所将于 2020 年 1 月在圣地亚哥州立大学帕尔马佩恩古道尔校友中心举办联合战术网络峰会。与 C2 和网络社区成员、军事领导人和关键组织一起努力增强战术数据链接工具和网络,以支持对联合部队在峰会上取得成功至关重要的先进通信能力。 2020 年的主题包括改进固定和企业级系统的网络和服务,为 PACOM AOR 提供信息战准备,以及保护通过无线网络和设备传输的信息等。峰会以高层讨论为特色,讨论无线通信的更新和发展,以获得军事优势以及增强战术数据链路的战略。
参加费用: 注册费包括早餐、午餐、早午茶点、网络招待会使用权、WiFi 和商务中心使用权
- 行业/承包商提前注册:$890-$1090
- 非营利和学术标准注册:690 美元
- 现役军人和政府:免费
1 月 30 日至 31 日
SMi Group 是一家专业、独立的全球活动制作公司,专门从事 B2B 会议、研讨会和大师班,举办第 13 届年度移动可部署通信会议。本次国防制造会议考虑了对灵活、受保护和可互操作的 CIS 能力不断增长的需求。会议以来自全球领先权威机构的专家为主导,讨论的主题包括移动卫星通信、网络电子战干扰、采购与现有系统协作的新系统的必要性以及联合协作。
- Deployable Communications 2020 注册:1499 英镑
- 政府人员费率:899 英镑
- 代理军事人员费率:799 英镑
7。 SPIE 光子学西部
2 月 1 日至 6 日
SPIE Photonics West由三个会议和两个展览组成,是世界上最大的光子技术盛会。从事红外传感器、激光雷达、光方向和测距、数字信号处理或坚固耐用的移动计算机的制造商不容错过,SPIE Photonics West 欢迎超过 20,000 名与会者希望了解最新研究、设备和使用技术的系统推动用于制造和应用 3D 技术的新型激光器的进步。
- SPIE 会员会议注册费
- 全日制学生:400-575 美元
- 非作者参会者:805-920 美元
- 计划委员会:730-845 美元
- 会议主席:730-845 美元
- 演讲者/作者:730-845 美元
- 非会员会议注册费
- 全日制学生:$420-$595
- 非作者参会者:$955-$1070
- 项目委员会:880-995 美元
- 会议主席:880-995 美元
- 演讲者/作者:880-995 美元
8。网络中心战 (NCW) 会议
2020 年 2 月 3 日至 4 日
NCW 会议是审查正在部署用于战场作战的最新网络技术的重要活动。保持信息优势是现代军队的必需品,可以提供作战利益并提高任务效率。技术继续快速发展,本次活动将让与会者了解当前正在开展的国际计划,以开发和利用网络基础设施及其集成组件。
- 早起的鸟儿(截至 11 月 29 日):1,299 美元(英镑)
- 二等奖(截至 2013 年 12 月):1,399 英镑
- 常规费用:1,499 英镑
- 政府人员价格:早鸟价 699 英镑,第二早鸟价 799 英镑,普通价 899 英镑
- 代理军事人员价格:早鸟价 699 英镑,第二早鸟价 799 英镑,普通价 899 英镑
9。 军用增材制造峰会
2 月 5 日至 6 日
国防战略研究所举办第四届年度军用增材制造峰会。该国防制造活动在 Chester H. Ferguson 法律中心举行,与国防部、联邦政府机构、学术界和解决方案一起举办,围绕增材制造在美国国防工业中的作用展开了协作讨论。
- 行业/承包商:$895-$1,095
- 非营利组织/学术界:595-695 美元
- 现役军人和政府:免费
10。 UAS 西部研讨会
2 月 13 日至 14 日
无人驾驶飞机系统 (UAS) West Symposium 是一个国防制造会议,包括高级军事官员的特别演讲,主题包括国防部和政府的需求和要求、前沿任务机会和新兴平台需求。与会者将有机会仔细研究当前的项目,并在研讨会上获得 UAS 的第一手经验。 UAS West Symposium 还提供 UAS 网络招待会,以便与会者可以与演讲嘉宾和其他与会者一起继续讨论 UAS 在军事、商业和民用市场中的新兴机会。
- 标准费用:1,290 美元
- 军事(非承包商):免费
- 3 人或以上的团队:990 美元/每位注册者
- 大学:495 美元
- 美国政府人员(非承包商):免费
2020 年 2 月 18 日至 19 日
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
12. 2020船舶技术论坛
2 月 25 日
造船技术论坛是一个为期一天的会议,专注于寻找常见海洋和造船问题的解决方案。它由加拿大历史最悠久的贸易期刊安全和国防出版物 Vanguard 发表。该活动旨在汇集来自政府、军队和民间组织的专业人士,分享他们的经验并讨论可以对全球造船业产生积极影响的最新技术。
- 早鸟价:389.85 美元(加元)
- 常规费率显示:502.85 美元(加元)
- 团体价格(4 人以上团体):355.95 美元(加元)
2 月 25 日至 27 日
国防供应链和物流是一项国防智商国防制造活动。与 Defense IQ 的军事工程峰会共同举办,国防供应链和物流是首届战斗支持周的一部分。与会者将有机会彻底改变供应链,并利用联合网络空间、跨服务受众和高级联合全体会议,突出为后勤人员和工程师提供协作和支持任务的机会。
- 银包
- 行业:1,749 英镑 + 20% 英国增值税
- 军事/政府:399 英镑 + 20% 英国增值税
- 金包
- 行业:2,049 英镑 + 20% 英国增值税
- 军事/政府:599 英镑 + 20% 英国增值税
2 月 26 日至 28 日
空军协会 (AFA) 是一个非营利、独立、专业的军事和航空航天教育协会,旨在促进公众了解航空航天力量在国家安全中发挥的关键作用。 AFA 的 2020 年空战研讨会是一项以创新为主题的专业发展活动:战士的优势。今年是第 34 届国防制造研讨会,将包括为期两天的讨论、充满行业洞察力和前瞻性展望的会议、有影响力的主题演讲、交流机会,以及数十家参展商展示他们的新技术和解决方案。
参加费用: 出勤费用联系方式
15。西部 2020
3 月 2 日至 3 日
在其 30 周年之际,WEST 是西海岸首屈一指的海军会议和博览会,将军事和工业领袖聚集在一起,并在海军作战部长、海军陆战队指挥官和海岸警卫队指挥官之间进行了市政厅讨论。加入由 AFCEA International 和美国海军研究所共同赞助的 WEST 的设备、武器、通信和技术系统设计师和制造商。 2020 WEST 设有两个订婚剧院或私密场所,为军事、政府和行业专业人士提供深入探讨各种主题和问题的场所。
- 完整会议
- 现役军人/政府:免费 - 包括除午餐外的所有三天;餐食可单独购买
- AFCEA 或 USNI 小型企业会员(必须受雇于员工人数不超过 49 人的公司):445 美元 - 包括所有三天、午餐和招待会
- AFCEA 或 USNI 行业/承包商/学术界/其他成员:525 美元 - 包括所有三天、午餐和招待会
- 非会员、行业/承包商/学术界/其他:695 美元 - 包括所有三天、午餐和招待会
- 仅限展厅
- 现役军人/政府:免费
- AFCEA 或 USNI 小型企业会员:免费
- AFCEA 或 USNI 行业/承包商/学术界/其他成员:免费
- 非会员、行业/承包商/学术界/其他:225 美元
16。 NDIA 人体系统会议
3 月 3 日至 4 日
国防工业协会 (NDIA) 是美国领先的促进国家安全的国防工业协会。他们的人体系统会议将于 3 月举行,政府、学术和行业领导者将参与探讨人体系统社区如何“量化 HSI 在整个人员和系统开发生命周期中的影响”。本次会议促进技术与政府之间的合作,以帮助军人和军事领导人超越对手,并通过使用先进技术更有效地理解信息并采取行动。
- 学术界/行业成员:665-805 美元
- 政府全体会议:200 美元
- 政府一日游:100 美元
- 行业非会员:$740-$1,065
- 小型企业:500-605 美元
- 学生:75 美元
17. AeroDef
3 月 16 日至 19 日
AeroDef Manufacturing 是为航空航天和国防制造商的独特需求提供制造解决方案的年度活动和会议,将于 3 月举行。 AeroDef 设有博览会、主要会议、研讨会、参观和网络招待会。这次国防制造会议由 SME 与行业 OEM 合作举办,旨在“促进整个扩展企业的创新,以降低成本、加快生产时间并保持制造在全球经济中的竞争力。” AeroDef 的与会者可以在一个促进寻求综合解决方案的参展商和买家之间的互动和业务关系的环境中近距离了解先进技术。
- 完整的会议通行证早鸟价:950 美元,截至 1 月 31 日
- 完整的会议通行证加 1 次研讨会:1,050 美元,截至 1 月 31 日
- 1 天会议通行证:600 美元,截至 1 月 31 日
- 1 天会议通行证加 1 场研讨会:750 美元,截至 1 月 31 日
- 研讨会(如果单独购买):250 美元(截至 1 月 31 日)
- 展厅:1 月 31 日前免费
18. AUSA 全球力量 2020
3 月 17 日至 19 日
AUSA Global Force 2020 是由美国陆军协会主办的专业发展论坛,该协会是面向士兵、家庭成员和相关平民的专业协会。具体而言,美国陆军陆战研究所协会 (AUSA ILW) 将这次国防制造活动作为面向工业界和军事界成员的非机密研讨会举办。在为期三天的活动中,美国陆军物资司令部、美国陆军训练和条令司令部以及陆军助理部长办公室(采购、后勤和技术)将发表演讲。
- 全国合作伙伴会员:575-725 美元
- 社区合作伙伴成员:625-775 美元
- 个人 AUSA 会员:$625-$775
- 现役军人/政府(非承包商):免费
- 非会员:$1,000-$1,100
- 仅限展厅:免费
19。 IWCE 2020
3 月 30 日至 4 月 3 日
国际无线通信博览会 (IWCE) 是通信技术专业人士的领先盛会。 IWCE 2020 拥有 370 多家参展商以及行业的最新产品和趋势,提供为期一周的教育机会,并与另外两个会议同期举行。 IWCE 包括主题演讲、全体会议、市政厅会议和网络招待会,此外还有一个展厅,其中有 400 多家参展商展示行业领先的产品和趋势。政府和国防制造业的个人参加 IWCE 2020 与同行交流,了解支持工业和军事任务的最新产品和服务。
- 展厅:免费提供代码
- 一日套餐:649 美元
- 短期课程套餐:949 美元
- 高级套餐:1,549 美元
- 超级通行证:1,899 美元
4 月 1 日至 2 日
Future Armoured Vehicles Situational Awareness is a defense manufacturing conference that invites program managers, operational flag officers, senior engineers, and technical directors, and others who are responsible for increasing platform capability in armored vehicles. Attendees of Future Armoured Vehicles Situational Awareness will gain valuable insight through operational case studies, key programs, and vetronics architectures and advanced sensor development, optronics, and communication equipment presentations and discussions. Extensive networking opportunities also are a highlight of this defense manufacturing event. Future Armoured Vehicles Situational Awareness is designed for armored vehicle experts focused on C2, C4i, sensors, and optronics.
Cost to Attend:
- Early Bird Conference Rate:£1099 by December 13
- Early Bird Government Personnel Rate:£499 by December 13
- Early Bird Acting Military Personnel Rate:£499 by December 13
21。 SeaAirSpace 2020
April 6-8
National Harbor, MD
SeaAirSpace:The Navy League’s Global Maritime Exposition is the world’s largest maritime exposition. This defense manufacturing conference brings together the U.S. defense industrial base, private-sector U.S. companies, and key military decision-makers for an annual innovative, educational, professional, and maritime-based event. SeaAirSpace delivers cutting-edge technology and the latest information relevant to maritime policy. As they put it, “if the product is intended to enhance and advance the quality of America’s Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, or U.S.-flag Merchant Marine, then it is on display at the Navy League’s Sea-Air-Space Exposition!”
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
22。 Intelligence Analytics Summit
April 7-9
Washington, D.C.
The Intelligence Analytics Summit will bring together experts from major intelligence, government, and military organizations to discuss the challenges of extracting actionable intelligence from large scale data sets. Representatives are expected from the CIA, FBI, DARPA, DoD, and other important organizations. The sessions planned for the conference will focus on important topics including large scale data collection and validation, creating a cross-services and cross-allies unified language, and the use of AI and Deep Learning technology.
Cost to Attend:
- U.S. Military, Government &Law Enforcement Employees:Free
- Academia, Non-Profit and Foreign Military:
- Two-Day Conference:Early Bird $995, Regular $1,395
- Conference + Focus Day: Early Bird $1,495, Regular $1,895
- Focus Day:$595
- Vendors, Consultants, and Solution Providers:
- Two-Day Conference:Early Bird $1,115, Regular $1,515
- Conference + Focus Day:Early Bird $1,865, Regular $2,265
- Focus Day:$595
- Group Discounts:3-4 Attendees save 10%, 5+ Attendees save 15%
23。 Precision Strike Annual Review
April 14-15
Arlington, VA
The Precision Strike Association, a world-class organization dedicated to advancing the art and science of precision engagement concepts and technologies, presents the Precision Strike Annual Review. Previous PSAR events have encouraged government and industry to collaborate. This defense manufacturing conference features distinguished leaders, acquisition experts, and rocket scientists addressing critical topics and challenges, such as precision strike challenges, intelligence threat, rapid acquisition to support the warfighter, precision engagement strategies, and much more.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
24。 The Aircraft Airworthiness &Sustainment Conference
April 20-23
Denver, CO
The Aircraft Airworthiness &Sustainment Conference (AA&S 2020) will take place in Jacksonville, Florida, at the Hyatt Regency Riverfront. This defense manufacturing conference addresses the “sustainment and airworthiness concerns that have dramatically escalated in the military and aviation community during the past decade.” AA&S 2020 includes training courses, keynotes, concurrent technical sessions, poster sessions, a distinguished lecture and keystone panel on additive manufacturing, a keystone panel on sustainment technology, group luncheon with a featured speaker, and much more.
Cost to Attend: $895
25。 SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing
April 26-30
Anaheim, CA
SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing is a leading global sensing, imaging, and photonics technologies event. This defense manufacturing conference features two collocated technical programs covering a variety of photonics technologies for defense and commercial applications. Previous speakers include Dr. Morley O. Stone, chief technology officer of the Air Force Research Lab, and Dr. Ray O. Johnson, executive in residence at Bessemer Venture Partners.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
26. ITEC
April 28-30
London, United Kingdom
Europe’s largest military defense, training, simulation, and education event, ITEC presents a world-class exhibition that is free to attend, plus a defense manufacturing conference that showcases the latest products and services from leading organizations. ITEC is an annual forum for military, industry, and academic representatives to meet and share their knowledge and experience with the international training, education, and simulation sectors. ITEC provides attendees with a platform for discussing developments in the evolving market and for exchanging ideas about future requirements for military training and simulation.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
May 4-7
Boston, MA
XPONENTIAL is the largest gathering of global leaders in intelligent robotics, drones, and unmanned systems. The educational program runs from April 30-May 3, and the exhibits are open May 4-7. More than 8,500 industry leaders and thought leaders from the defense and commercial sectors attend AUVSI XPONENTIAL, and more than 725 manufacturers showcase the latest technology in the exhibit space. Hear daily keynotes from tech visionaries and business experts and choose from more than 200 world-class sessions in three tracks at XPONENTIAL 2020.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
May 5-7
Laurel, MD
Held at the Kossiakoff Center at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, the AIAA Defense Forum is a SECRET/NoFORN forum for classified discussion of technical programmatic and policy issues relating to aerospace in national security. Government, military, industry, and academic leaders attend AIAA DEFENSE Forum to explore innovative technological breakthroughs to integrate with current and next-generation defense systems. Topics include advanced prototypes, hypersonic systems and technologies, missile defense, robotic and unmanned weapon systems, and more.
Cost to Attend:
- Full Conference
- Conference Rate:$1,149
- Early Member Rate:$649
- Standard Member Rate:$999
- Government Employee (AIAA Membership not required)
- Conference Rate:$1,149
- Early Member Rate:$649
- Standard Member Rate:$999
- One Day Rate:$395
29. 2020 SOFIC
May 11-14
Tampa, FL
NDIA presents the 2020 Special Operations Forces Industry Conference &Exhibition (2020 SOFIC) in Tampa in May 2020. Providing a forum for military, including partner nations, government, academia, and industry stakeholders, this defense manufacturing conference enables attendees to network and discuss the best practices for supporting SOF and adapting the SOF network to address present and future threats. Attendees also will have the opportunity to witness a live tactical capabilities exercise jointly conducted by U.S. and international SOF that highlights SOF sea, land, and air capabilities, during the International SOF Capabilities Demonstration.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
30. MegaRust 2020
May 19-21
San Diego, CA
MegaRust is an annual conference centering on Navy corrosion issues and the ways in which to control it. The conference provides a forum for government representatives, commercial organizations, and providers of coatings and corrosion control products, processes, technologies, and solutions to meet and discuss the programs, policies, standards, and Fleet experience related to corrosion. It also covers all segments of the naval services including sea, air, Marine Corps, vehicles, and facilities.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
31. Security &Counter Terror Expo
May 19-21
London, United Kingdom
The Security &Counter Terror Expo (SCTX 2020) provides counterterrorism and security solutions and joins together the entire security supply chain. Formerly known as Counter Terror Expo, SCTX 2020 is an event for anyone responsible for protecting assets, business, people, and nations from terrorism. Approximate 10,000 people from around the world attend SCTX to view the latest technology, learn about the latest developments, and share best practices to help ensure the effectiveness of their threat mitigation strategies. SCTX 2020 is the UK’s leading event for national security professionals and showcases the capabilities, strategies, and intelligence that keeps nations, infrastructure, business, and people safe.
Cost to Attend: 免费
32. Undersea Defence Technology
May 26-28
Rotterdam Ahoy, NL
Undersea Defence Technology is a dedicated exhibition and conference that joins professionals from the military, industry, and academia. This global event for undersea defense and security centers on cutting-edge technologies and developments in the harsh undersea environment. This defense manufacturing conference hosts 1,100 industry-specific attendees and more than 100 international VIPs.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
33. Canada’s Global Defence &Security Trade Show
May 27-28
Ottawa, Canada
Canada’s Global Defence &Security Trade Show, CANSEC 2020 is the place for leading-edge technology, products and services for land-based, naval, aerospace, and joint forces military units. Be one of more than 11,000 attendees and visit defense and security exhibits, scheduled B2B/B2G meetings, and more at CANSEC 2020.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
34. 2020 Eurosatory
June 8-12
Paris, France
Eurosatory is the world’s largest international land and airline defense and security exhibition. This defense manufacturing conference addresses all aspects of land and airline defense, with a strong civil and homeland security focus. Eurosatory also addresses the entire supply chain, including operational systems, raw materials, and prime contractors’ finished products, in all defense and security areas. Attendees will enjoy life-size presentations of equipment and weapons systems during live demonstrations and engage in meetings, talks, and purchasing between major industrial prime contractors and subcontractors, as well as those between buyers and suppliers.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
35. 2020 IEEE Nuclear &Space Radiation Effects Conference
July 20-24
Santa Fe, NM
The 2020 IEE Nuclear &Space Radiation effects Conference will take place at the Hilton Waikoloa Village in July 2020. Attendees attend a one-day short course, Variability in Environments, Devices, and Radiation Effects – From Average to Extreme, and 3.5 days of technical sessions including 8-10 sessions of contributed papers, a poster session, and a data workshop. Technical sessions include but are not limited to Basic Mechanisms of Radiation Effects, Radiation Effects in Devices and Integrated Circuits, Single Event Effects:Devices and Integrated Circuits, Space and Terrestrial Environments, and Photonic Devices and Integrated Circuits.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
36. International Microwave Symposium
June 21-26
Los Angeles, CA
The International Microwave Symposium (IMS2020) is a premier gathering of RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave researchers, technologists, and practitioners from academia and industry. The flagship conference of the Microwave Theory &Techniques Society (MTT-S) of the Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the IMS2018 includes the 2020 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium and the 2020 Automatic Radio Frequency Techniques Group Conference. The conference themes are microwaves, medicine, and mobility, and it is an ideal forum for discussing the challenges of mitigating interference on military platforms.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
37. Embedded Systems Conference
August 11-13
Santa Clara, CA
The Embedded Systems Conference Santa Clara will take place in August 2020. The conference joins embedded engineers and purchase leaders with active next-generation projects and gives you the opportunity to put your cutting-edge products and services in front of leading embedded systems professionals.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
38. Department of the Navy Gold Coast Small Business Procurement Event
August 31-September 2
San Diego, CA
Presented by the San Diego Chapter of NDIA, the Department of the Navy Gold Coast Small Business Procurement Event provides a forum for educating, guiding, and assisting businesses in working with the government. Hear from informative, motivating speakers on topics regarding working with the government, with a focus on the Department of the Navy. Attend general/plenary and break-out sessions and vision more than 250 industry and government exhibitors and dozens of posters sharing company information and opportunities.
Cost to Attend:
- Industry – Conference Attendee/Booth Staff:$199 by December 31
- Industry – Exhibit Space:$499 by December 31
- Government Attendee w/ Exhibit Space:FREE
39. Air, Space &Cyber Conference
September 14-16
National Harbor, MD
The Air, Space &Cyber Conference hosts more than 9,000 attendees over three days. Hear from expert speakers, visit exhibitor booths, and explore 100,000 square feet of space at the technology exposition. Previous conference topics have included acquisition affordability challenges, strategic modernization, the logistics barrier, and cybersecurity.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
40. IMTS2020
September 14-19
Chicago, IL
The International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS2020) is America’s largest manufacturing show, as well as one of the largest industrial trade shows in the world. This defense manufacturing show boasts more than 2,400 exhibiting companies and 115,000 registrants. Attendees will see a broad range of manufacturing technology solutions in 10 pavilions and enjoy attending four co-located shows:Integrated Automation, Motion &Drives (IAMD) USA; Surface Technology USA; ComVac USA; and Industrial Supply USA.
Cost to Attend:
- Visitor (Individual):$50
- Visitor (Group of 5 or more):$35
- AMT Member:Complimentary
- International Visitors:Complimentary
41. AerospaceDefenseChain Conference
October 20-21
McLean, VA
The Annual AerospaceDefenseChain Conference (ADC 2020) centers on the content requirements and future programs needed “to balance changing customer demands, global markets, macroeconomic challenges and A&D industry consolidation.” Thus, the conference emphasizes the pursuit of sustainable growth opportunities and new initiatives. Join aerospace and defense leaders from key industry segments at the AerospaceDefenseChain Conference in 2020.
Cost to Attend: $1,747
42. CyberCon 2020
October 20-22
Austin, TX
CyberCon is presented by Fifth Domain, Defense News, Federal Times, and C4ISRNET. This conference focuses on defending cyberspace with a holistic approach, technology, policy, and people. Join military, intelligence community, and homeland security leaders to discuss the hottest topics in cyber defense and offense, including how to pursue the cyberwar.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
43. Precision Strike Technology Symposium
October 20-22
Laurel, MD
The Precision Strike Technology Symposium is held in October. Attendees experience a forum joining government, industry, and academia interests and classified interactions regarding precision strike weapons. Speakers include military leaders and civilian leaders from OSD, defense agencies, and industry and academia. Previous topics include global intelligence assessments, support for future warfare engagement, strategic capability development, next-generation strike capability and the Navy’s future anti-ship capability, and the geo-strategic security environment, among others.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
44. ICDMT 2020
October 29-30
Paris, France
From the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), the 22nd International Conference on Defence Manufacturing and Technology (ICDMT 2020) will be held in Paris in October 2020. The ICDMT joins academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to share their insights, experiences, and research results on defense manufacturing and technology. This conference also provides a platform for delving into leading-edge innovations and trends in addition to challenges and solutions for defense manufacturing.
Cost to Attend:
- Non-Student Oral/Poster Presenter Early Registration: €450
- Student Oral/Poster Presenter Early Registration: €350
- Listener Early Registration: €250
45. American Aerospace &Defense Summit
The American Aerospace &Defense Summit explores news and developments in aerospace and defense, covering everything from supply chain to manufacturing, innovation, cost optimization, and workforce management. Join more than 150 industry peers for discussion on strategies for optimizing manufacturing and R&D in American aerospace and defense, hear first-hand case studies, and gain strategic insights into aerospace and defense manufacturing.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
46. Best Defence Conference
Best Defence Conference is a must-attend defense and advanced manufacturing event held annually in Canada. Join Canadian and international companies to learn more about Canadian defense procurement and supply chain opportunities in addition to networking and attending B2B/B2G sessions. Event organizers strive to create a forum that fosters strategic partnerships and market entry into Canada.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
47. Cyber Security for Defense 2020
Cyber Security for Defense is in its fourth year. This conference presents the hottest, most critical topics within cyber defense. Become part of the conversation on cybersecurity solutions to protect the country and support the military in defending the U.S. from cyber attacks. Topics include collaboration between the military and private sector, future investments in cybersecurity, implementing robust cyber defense capabilities, and more.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
48. Defense Maintenance and Logistics Exhibition
SAE International is a global association committed to being a knowledge source for mobility engineers. They present the Defense Maintenance and Logistics Exhibition, co-located with the DoD Maintenance Symposium. The event is designed for companies involved in military and commercial maintenance technology, information systems, and management processes.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
49. DMC 2020
The Defense Manufacturing Conference features concurrent sessions, receptions, exhibits, keynotes, poster sessions, and other sessions with thought leaders and industry experts. The DMC Conference also is conducted simultaneously with the Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) Conference, so attendees can experience both conferences at no additional charge. Enjoy the expanded Exhibit Hall and networking opportunities at next year’s DMC Conference.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
50. Serious Play Conference
The Serious Play Conference is designed “for those who create, teach or train using serious games and SIMS.” Held at George Mason University Science &Technology Campus in the Hylton Performing Arts Center, the Serious Play Conference is hosted by the Virginia Serious Game Institute. The conference provides a forum for educators, chief learning officers, and heads of training in health care, government, and military to improve the effectiveness of their program and use data to maximize effectiveness.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
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