关于如何更有效地组织仓库的 50 条专家提示
如果您正在为如何更有效地组织仓库而苦苦挣扎,请考虑以下来自行业领导者和仓库当局的仓库组织理念和技巧。虽然我们在没有特别中列出了提示 订购 ,我们将它们分组,以便您更轻松地跳转到您最感兴趣的提示。
- 一般仓库组织技巧
- 仓库标签和技术提示
- 仓库布局提示
- 仓库拣货技巧
- 仓库收货提示
1.保持仓库清洁。 “每周甚至每月分配一两个小时来清洁仓库,可以极大地提高您的效率。您永远不知道您可能会发现哪些丢失或错放的订单。 [此外] 干净的仓库意味着员工可以更快地四处走动并更轻松地完成工作。这只是常识。” – 李家, 提高仓库管理效率的 5 种基本方法 , Business2Community;推特:@B2Community
2.减少混乱。 “一个杂乱无章或凌乱的仓库向访客、供应商和员工表明效率低下。它甚至可能表明潜在的收入正在流失,仓库工作人员不堪重负,甚至公司士气正在下降。” –通过良好的仓储管理来处理库存, 路径指南;推特:@PathGuide
3.采用精益库存做法。 “保持精益库存意味着您只保留实际需要的东西,仅此而已。这使您的员工在组织货运、完成订单履行服务等时需要筛选的产品更少。如果可能,请尝试减少您的安全库存,或者看看您是否可以让您的供应商更频繁地交付较小的负载。只要成本加起来正确,您就可以通过精益库存大大提高效率。” – 提高仓库运营效率的 4 种方法 , Overflo 仓库;推特:@Overflo3010
4.为了安全而组织起来。 “归根结底,对于仓库来说,安全是重中之重——在安全之后,你可以考虑效率。您要做的最后一件事就是让您的仓库工人处于危险之中——只是为了提高您的利润率。归根结底,安全的仓库就是高效的仓库。” – 为组织和安全建立公司仓库 , Business First Family.com;推特:@BusinessFF_com
5。评估货架和空间利用率。 “在尝试寻找提高仓库效率的方法时,一个好的计划是了解货架和空间的利用方式。货架和集装箱的放置,以及建筑的交通模式和总体设计最终会影响您利用任何可用空间的能力。” ——赛琳娜·高夫, 提高仓库效率的三种方法 , DELMIA Apriso;推特:@Apriso
6.根据您的行业定制组织。 “每个组织系统都应该针对企业的特定行业进行定制。有时会同时将多件物品运送到同一个目的地;将所有这些物品放在同一区域[有助于]所有员工快速找到他们的整个货物并将其装载到卡车上。另一方面,如果需要将单个包裹发送到不同的目的地,请尝试不同的组织系统,以找到最适合您运营的方式。” – 提高仓库效率 , 制造谈话收音机;推特:@MFGTalkRadio
7。减少运输容器的数量。 “尽量减少仓库中使用的集装箱数量似乎是简化运营流程中的一小步,尽管它是提高员工生产力的重要一步。你可能认为为运输容器提供几种不同尺寸和形状的容器可以消除浪费,但它也会减慢必须挑选适合某些产品尺寸的容器的工人的速度。” ——丹尼·哈马克 ,提高仓库运营效率的 5 大方法 , 供应链大脑;推特:@SCBrain
8.跟踪库存错误率。 “即使在最高效、最有组织的仓库中,拣货和包装错误也会时有发生。跟踪所犯的错误类型和频率,可以为可能存在改进空间的领域提供关键见解。” – 提高拣选和包装效率 , NPFulfillment;推特:@NPFulfilmentAu
9。专注于创建一个干净、准确的仓库。 “我注意到并赞赏的一件事是仓库保持得多么干净。所有的东西都被清楚地标记并以易于查找的方式排列在大量的货架上。简而言之,一切都说得通 .那里的仓库主管积极鼓励他的员工在每个工作日结束时清理他们的区域。正如我不止一次听到一些人说的那样,这种对清洁度的强调对于进来接订单的承运人来说是令人印象深刻的。很容易找到我正在寻找的东西,而且他们的库存管理令人印象深刻。这是人们的功劳,也是对清洁、准确仓库的重视,使我们的运营效率成为令人印象深刻的过程。” ——安迪·扬科夫斯基, 有组织的仓库的好处 , 领英
10.使用可堆叠的货架箱。 “可堆叠的货架箱也是小零件存储的简单解决方案。仓库拣货员可以使用它们来组织和访问需求量很大的小产品。相反,每个仓库部门都可以使用它们,因为较小的可堆叠货架箱可以存放在桌子和货架上。因此,即使是运输部门也可以使用它们来存储打印的标签或运输发票。” – 阿妮卡奥克斯 ,仓库的 4 种传统组织技术 , 鱼缸库存;推特:@fishbowl
11.组织运输站以提高效率。 “为自己或合作伙伴安排产品包装运输过程的时间。剪刀、包装和胶带材料是否都放在一个垃圾桶中以便于取用?联邦快递的箱子在正确的地方吗?您是否需要移动秤,或预先构建一些盒子?您是否发现从开始到最终标签的整个过程中有很多物理回溯,或者您是否能够进行流线型组装?从字面上和比喻上讲,您可以在哪里减少步骤以节省时间和金钱?” ——艾丽卡, 您的运输区域是否旨在节省您的业务时间和金钱? ,船舶站;推特:@ShipStation
12.将类似的项目放在一起。 “库存中有 10 种不同类型的无扶手办公椅吗?确保在寻找物品时,您的员工知道一旦他们找到了一把办公椅,他们就找到了您的全部库存。” – 5 个仓库组织技巧 , Koke Inc.
13.定期培训仓库员工。 “保持仓库井井有条需要两种解决方案。首先是对仓库员工进行定期培训,了解保持仓库井井有条的重要性,并使用适当的工具使库存系统保持最新。当成为强制性培训课程的主题时,保持仓库井井有条成为企业文化的一部分。” – 需要您注意的仓库瓶颈 ,纽卡斯尔系统;推特:@NewcastleSys
14.实施周期计数 。 “与其每年进行一次大型库存盘点,不如采用循环盘点系统,在给定周期内定期盘点库存一次或多次。周期可以是每个月、每个季度或您选择的任何其他时间段。这有助于使库存数字更加准确,并有助于识别丢失的库存和上架错误。” ——里德·柯利, 维护仓库库存组织的 8 个技巧 , 执政官互动;推特:@WaveTrak
15.消除非增值行为。 “精益之旅包括不懈地追求和消除浪费。至少每年检查一次您的所有流程,以确保不会出现不必要的步骤。检查产品组合以确认新受欢迎的商品存放在前面而不是远处也很有意义。如果仓库配备了数据采集设备,请确保有足够的工作站并且它们的位置便于执行交易输入。材料到达时检查短缺和未结订单,因此团队不会将其收起并立即重新拾取。” ——迈克·克鲁格尔, 提高仓库管理效率的 9 种方法 , DELMIA Apriso;推特:@Apriso
16。在所有产品上使用信息标签。 “这确保了当您浏览库存时,您可以轻松地跟踪和存储它。例如,如果您的库存以 SKU(库存单位)编号进行标记,并附有产品类型和描述,那么当您搜索产品时,您可以根据标签查找,而不是猜测在你需要的地方。” – 琳达·莫特里·贝尔彻 ,如何组织仓库中的库存存储, 休斯顿纪事 ;推特:@HoustonChron
17.实施标签制度。 “手动库存识别是灾难的根源。首先,手动方法意味着人为错误。将人为错误的自然可能性添加到压力大和疲惫不堪的员工队伍中,不正确的装运、延误和其他问题每天都会出现在您的办公桌上的可能性很大。使用手持式条码扫描仪可以快速简单地扫描仓库条码标签,这意味着与手动方法相比,记录不仅需要一小部分时间,而且自动数据收集实际上是防错的。” —— 仓库标签解决了 4 个仓库挑战 , 凸轮码;推特:@Camcode
18.采用技术。 “您的竞争对手正在利用每一个技术角度来优化他们的运营,以获得竞争优势。从组织订单以转换传送带解决方案以更快地完成订单的 WMS 软件,这些技术都在您的仓库中占有一席之地——如果您愿意花时间确定哪些重复性任务可以从自动化中受益。” – 丹尼·哈马克 , 提高仓库运营效率的 5 大方法 , 供应链大脑;推特:@SCBrain
19.使用良好的库存控制系统。 “一旦您的货物处于最佳位置,重要的是使用良好的库存控制系统保留详细记录,这是一个管理仓库中所有物品的位置、库存和移动历史的过程。” ——蒂姆·奥尔德雷德, 如何管理有效的仓库 ,卫报;推特:@GuardianUS
20.使用软件对订单进行排序。 “您可以使用软件对订单进行排序,从而节省大量时间。您可以选择根据拣货路径对订单进行排序、按区域对订单进行分组、将一些订单组合在一起或将包含不可输送物品的订单放在一边。使用 WMS 软件,它可以让您以对您的组织有意义的方式组织工作流程,并优化订单的排序方式。” – 如何有效地组织仓库; SweetStartups;推特:@sweetstartups
21.利用自动数据收集技术。 “在过去十年中,技术取得显着进步的一个领域是自动数据收集领域。与手动写下长数字甚至将它们键入键盘的日子不同,大多数仓库和配送中心现在都在运行射频条形码和 RFID 系统,以消除跟踪过程中的人为错误因素。任何可以自动化的步骤都意味着少了一个管理步骤,而且您能够收集更准确、更及时的数据,帮助您做出明智的供应链决策。” –11 个仓库和配送中心的供应链最佳实践 , 传统供应链服务;推特:@LEGACYscs
22.使用正确的仓库位置标签。 “在仓库的拣货路径和地板堆垛区域内使用易于阅读和组织的仓库位置标签,使操作员和产品保持井井有条。此外,过道和码头标牌可以大大改善仓库环境中的交通流量。仓库标签和标牌的设计应允许从码头到拣货区再回到码头的线性流动。在添加更多插槽或重新配置存储系统的情况下,标签顺序应该是直观且可扩展的。标签应该是条形码和人类可读的。” – 史蒂夫无伴奏合唱 , 仓库改进 , Distribution Property Solutions, Inc. ;推特:@DistPropSol
23.使用条形码软件自动化流程。 “如果您不做任何其他事情,请确保实施条形码解决方案。条形码软件……减少了生产和运输之间的时间并提高了订单的准确性。大多数条码软件解决方案直接连接到您的 WMS 或 ERP 系统,因此公司高管可以实时查看仓库。” – 创建更高效仓库的技巧 , 斯坎科;推特:@ScancoLLC
24.投资于标签和标志。 “一旦仓库整理好,就可以使用清晰的标签轻松导航。想出一个系统来标记从产品到货架或仓库部分的所有东西。创建平面图或地图。清晰的标识和组织将使原本无法导航的迷宫变成有组织的系统。” – 提高仓库效率的 7 种方法 ,商店建设;推特:@Storeeconstruct
25.对所有内容进行条形码。 “对您的库存进行条码处理可确保在生产线上轻松准确地移动、计数和挑选产品。它可靠,并且比手动输入数据至少快 75%——即使是最熟练的打字员也是如此。而且,通过消除中间人,它完全消除了人为错误。
“从进入仓库的那一刻起就知道您的库存在哪里很重要,而条形码是一个可以帮助您准确跟踪库存的过程.它还可以让您随时了解您有多少库存,这意味着可以减少库存,减少仓库空间和间接费用。” – 山姆·摩西 ,当今改善库存管理系统的 3 种简单方法 , 零售运营;推特:@Retail_Ops
26.集成坚固耐用的移动设备以读取标签。 “通过优化您的拣货流程来创建一个高效的系统。保持一个清晰标记的仓库,将最畅销的产品放在最前面,以便快速将它们取出,从而创建一个高效的仓库。此外,集成坚固耐用的移动设备……可以减少拣货时间并提高整体仓库效率。” – 梅根·斯卡拉 , 使用这五个技巧让您的仓库井井有条并保持高效, 移动需求;推特:@RuggedTabletPC
27.重新评估您的设计。 “无论您的组织如何,如果您的公司销售额每年都在增长,您最终将需要一个新的仓库设计布局,甚至是一个全新的仓库来搬迁。建议大约每三到五年进行一次空间评估,具体取决于贵公司显着增加销售额的速度。随着贵公司的销售额(希望)每年都在增长,这意味着您仓库的空间需求自然需要随着时间的推移进行修改。” – 7 种组织仓库的方法, PHSWire
28.描述您的订单。 “您最受欢迎的 SKU 可能会随着季节而变化,因此请重新安排您的仓库以适应您的业务模式,并至少每年检查一次设置。这可确保您的“A”SKU 位于正确的存储介质和物理位置,从而减少您的拣货员不必要的出差。你的仓库管理系统 (WMS) 应该有一个动态的‘slotting’模块。” – 迈克尔·J·斯托拉奇克, 提高仓库运营效率的 10 个想法 n ,JOC.com;推特:@JOC_Updates
29.消除交通障碍。 “这似乎是一个显而易见的问题,但请确保您始终将事物保持在主要交通区域之外。推迟整理旧的运输箱或拆包物品可能很容易,但如果您不断堆积阻碍您完成订单的巨大障碍,您将获得主要的支持。没有人喜欢高峰时段的交通阻塞。将您的员工从囚禁中解放出来,并将他们从固定的储藏室中释放出来!” ——布丽娜·费恩, 优化仓库管理系统的 6 种方法 , StitchLabs;推特:@StitchLabs
30.合理利用您的空间。 “空间利用不足是所有仓库偶尔发生的常见情况,并且不排除仓库中的库存类型或存储条件。
“……应通过物理布局和工作站设计更改来解决这些类型的问题。” ——布赖恩·哈多克 , 当无法扩展时如何最大化仓库空间, 汤普金斯国际;推特:@jimtompkins
31.最大化可用空间。 “与其扩大仓库的占地面积,不如考虑更好地利用垂直空间。添加更高的存储单元和合适的设备来挑选和存储材料可以帮助您在相同的平方英尺中保留更多,而不是增加扩展成本。此外,请考虑使用的搁架的类型和种类。将小件物品存放在托盘架上会浪费空间,并且很容易放错物品。您可能需要不同类型的货架来存放不同的材料,而不是在整个仓库中使用相同的货架。此外,尝试使用标准化的垃圾箱来帮助保持货架整洁有序。” – 丹尼·哈马克, 提高仓库效率的五种简单方法 , 供应管理;推特:@supplymgmt
32.创建有组织的工作站。 “职业安全与健康管理局 (OSHA) 报告说,肌肉骨骼疾病(腕管综合症、肌腱炎、肌肉拉伤、下背部受伤等)是工伤和疾病的主要原因之一。为降低重复性手动任务中此类伤害的风险,重要的是根据具体任务和工人设计工作站(例如,确保工作表面高度是输送机或滚筒距离地面的高度)。这样做会增加人体工程学的好处,并在日常工作中提高效率和生产力。” – 供应链管理最佳实践:关于如何更有效地组织仓库的 20 条提示 , iCepts;推特:@iccepts
33.根据拾取类型创建区域。 “根据选择类型将您的设施按区域划分。这简化了订单拣选和重新分配,因为具有类似存储和拣选方法的类似物品被组合在一起。” ——斯科特·斯通, 仓库生产力的 13 个最佳实践 , 思科鹰;推特:@CiscoEagle
34.跟踪结果并发展您的仓库组织。 “公司对仓库和配送中心业务的期望更高。期望实时查看库存、订单状态和任务状态。增加对可用技术的使用将为您提供可见性、更好的指标、仓库数据和更高的生产力。组织您的仓库并更换设备以增加可用生产空间的数量,这将使您在保持库存的同时增加销售额。建立跨培训和跨职能的团队将允许灵活地应对业务和季节性业务的波动。衡量结果、实施变更、分析数据并最终创建更高效的仓库。” ——卡尔·兰姆, 提高仓库运营和效率的 4 种方法 ,Building-Products.com;推特:@BPDMERCH
35.考虑垂直存储。 “地面空间是有限的,但垂直存储可以大大增加可存储的产品数量。垂直存储需要正确类型的产品搁架,重点是安全性和易于取用。对可用仓库空间的利用不足是一个常见问题,而定制工业货架系统很容易解决这个问题。” ——亚历克斯·怀特, 如何最大化仓库空间和效率 , 供应链之外;推特:@NetworkEffectSC
36.对库存进行分类。 “库存的分类精度取决于一系列因素。要考虑的关键特征是存储货物的大小和重量以及检索它们的频率。在此过程中,事实证明审查所有特别有效 存储货物,而不仅仅是专注于优化快速流动的货物 . The 80/20 rule often used by companies as a criterion, which states that 20 percent of goods account for 80 percent of sales, falls short here, because conversely this would mean that the company fails to take into consideration 80 percent of its goods – and thus the greater part of the total storage space – in the optimization process.” – Muhammad Hairul Bin Hassan, DLSM, Effective Warehouse Storage for Shipment Efficiency , SIPMM; Twitter:@SIPMM_SG
37. Ensure adequate aisle space. “Yes, you want to squeeze as much inventory into your warehouse as possible. But remember that when you’re moving your products around, you need room to maneuver. If you’ve squeezed the aisles too narrow by placing the shelving too close together, moving merchandise could take minutes instead of seconds.
“Keeping the aisles themselves clean and open will also save you time and money. Your workers can trip and damage the inventory they’re transporting when items are left in the middle of an aisle. You may want to assign one person to aisle cleanup to make sure this crucial element is taken care of.” – How to Organize the Storage of Apparel Inventory in a Warehouse, FDM4; Twitter:@fdm4
38. Identify aisles within the warehouse for improve efficiency. “Aisle identification is equally as important as rack identification, especially in terms of efficiency. It takes time to enter each aisle to scan rack labels for identifying the proper area. But custom aisle signs make it easy to identify broader areas of the facility, so staff can more easily pinpoint specific products without wasting valuable time. Aisle warehouse signs are used to identify rack and shelf ends and offer the same high visibility as our hanging and fixed-mount warehouse signs.” – Could Your Warehouse Benefit from Custom Warehouse Labels? , Camcode; Twitter:@Camcode
39. Use slotting. “Slotting your inventory will provide great benefits in the form of increasing throughput and providing increased accuracy levels. Slotting is the process of keeping similar types of inventory items together. The similarity of the inventory can be categorized as velocity, physical size, frequency of picking the same items together, seasonality and other characteristics which lend themselves to some intelligent grouping… Slotting increases your accuracy by eliminating operator walk and search time searching for SKUs in distant parts of your warehouse.” – Ed Romaine, 11 Steps to Perfect Accuracy for Order Picking &Packing Operations, LinkedIn; Twitter:@SISystemsLLC
40. Pack goods tightly without compromising access speed. “Quite often, a part is not packaged and will need to be placed in a storage container before it is stored on the racks. Many warehouses do not have various sizes of these storage containers and adopt a “one size fits all” approach. This means that a replacement valve for a pump can be placed in the same size container as a few yards of PVC piping. The pump may fill the container 85 percent, while the piping barely takes up ten percent of the container. When the containers are stored on the rack, the space maximization can appear to be good, but in reality, there is a lot of wasted space inside of the containers, which is costing the company money.
“Maximizing space utilization can help with keeping inventory visible and easy to find. Some warehouses with limited space can cram items on a shelf, which they believe is helping with space utilization, but in fact, can be detrimental as some items can become harder to find if larger items are placed in front. This can slow down picking and the delivery of items to the customer, and possibly customer satisfaction.” – Martin Murray, How to Maximize Your Warehouse Space Utilization , The Balance Small Business; Twitter:@thebalance
Warehouse Picking Tips
41. Apply logic to pick processes. “Whether your warehouse is small or large, the amount of time spent picking orders is a large portion of your costs. If your warehouse is organized efficiently, you can organize pick lists for better time control.
“If you normally only ship a small number of orders with large quantities of products, arrange the lists so the picker can work from one material location to the next and avoid the constant back-and-forth process.
“If you ship numerous small orders, create pick lists in groups and then divide the materials by customer order when it reaches the verification stage.” – Jordan Lv, Warehouse Management:10 Tips for Smooth Operations , LinkedIn
42。 Evaluate picking methods. “In order to streamline your processes and make the picking process easier for your staff, you should consider implementing software that will help you sequence orders so that they are grouped by pick path or areas within your warehouse. Re-evaluate your picking methods and make sure that they are still appropriate. Consider the following picking options you have to choose from should you need to switch methods:single order, multi-order, batch picking, and zone picking.” – Robert Baran, 3 Steps to Improving Warehouse Efficiency and Inventory Control, PositiveVision; Twitter:@PositiveVision_
43. Reduce travel time. “Reducing travel time improves order picking productivity. This is why batch and cluster order picking strategies are used in warehouses. It is also why some companies invest into conveyor systems.
“Travel time can easily account for 50% or more of order picking hours. By combining orders into a single travel instance the time spent travelling is greatly reduced. The smaller the order, the better the opportunity to combine multiple orders into a single travel instance.” – 5 Ways to Improve Order Picking Productivity, SupplyChain247; Twitter:@SupplyChain247
44. Develop appropriate pick locations. “As much as 70 percent of a picker’s work hours may be spent walking. Consider product velocity (sales movement) and size (cube) when selecting the picking slots sizes and location. Many operations replenish forward picking too often. Set up a system in which you can store at least one week’s average unit movement in the pick slot and a hot pick area for extremely fast movers. Provide various slot sizes.” – 10 Ways to Improve Efficiency and Reduce Costs in Your Warehouse Operations, F. Curtis Barry &Company; Twitter:@FCurtisBarryCo
45. Ensure easy access to picking bins. “If you use picking bins, make sure they are easy to access and move about the warehouse. Much time and energy can be wasted just getting the bin to the storage location of a needed SKU. Remember that anything that looks difficult or awkward presents a risk of injury, and the cost and loss of efficiency injury brings.
“Make sure your pickers can see into the bins easily. Even if you have an automated process and everything is scanned, a visual check can catch a lot of potential errors.” – Four Ways to Make Your Pick and Pack Operations More Customer-Focused and Efficient, Fairway Fulfilment &Logistics; Twitter:@Fairwaylogistic
46. Assign storage locations based on pick frequency. “Applying the 80/20 rule, it is safe to assume that 20 percent of the items represent 80 percent of the picking activity. These are referred to as A items. The remaining 80 percent are B and C items, with lower pick frequencies.
“The items in each category with the highest pick frequency should be stocked as close as possible to the packing station. If some items require secondary operations before packing, the ideal situation would be to locate secondary operations area in close proximity to the packing station. If that is not feasible, those items requiring secondary operations should be stocked near the secondary operations area by order of pick frequency.” – Frank Rubury, Improving Warehouse Operations for Tube, Pipe , TheFabricator.com; Twitter:@TubePipeJournal
Warehouse Receiving Tips
47. Make room for receiving. “A lot of inventory errors can happen at receiving if your inventory management personnel don’t have enough space to work. Avoid giving them a small office at the end of the room. Eliminating receiving errors will relieve you from all kinds of ugly issues later in the selling cycle, like losing time, money, and credibility.” – Emilie Fritsch, 10 Ways to Improve Warehouse Inventory Management With &Without Software, SKUVault; Twitter:@skuvault
48. Create a receiving policy and procedure sheet. “Write a policy and procedure sheet on how the inventory process works for your business. For example, the inventory may arrive in the receiving area of the warehouse, so describe how the inventory goes from receiving, who is responsible for logging the inventory into your inventory tracking software system and then how the inventory is placed on the storage shelves.” – Kristie Lorette, How to Set Up Inventory in a Warehouse, Houston Chronicle; Twitter:@HoustonChron
49. Super-Size the receiving area. “Receiving is arguably the most critical function of the warehouse. It is important to ensure you have enough room for your staff to carry out all of the necessary activities from breaking down pallets to counting items. The more space there is in the receiving area, then the easier it is for your staff to complete the job efficiently.” – Improving the Layout of Your Warehouse, Adaptalift Hyster; Twitter:@aalhyster
50. Have portions of orders arrive simultaneously on the dock. “Various portions of orders—full pallet, case pick, and loose pick—should arrive as closely as possible on the dock, so the order goes directly to the trailer rather than being set down.” – Leslie Hansen, Best Practices in Today’s Distribution Center, InboudLogistics; Twitter:@ILMagazine
How Do I Organize My Warehouse Inventory?
Organizing your warehouse inventory may seem like a daunting task, but optimizing the location of your inventory to ensure easy access and an efficient flow of goods will have a positive impact on your bottom line. While there are several approaches to organizing inventory, one commonly used best practice is storing the fastest-moving inventory in the most accessible picking locations. Ideally, these fast-moving items are also stored within proximity to packing and shipping areas, which reduces the time spent traveling throughout the building.
Another effective practice to consider when organizing inventory is to store items that are frequently picked together in the same (or nearby) zones. When used with a zone picking strategy, this approach to organizing inventory also helps to reduce travel time for pickers.
Organizing warehouse inventory is just a starting point, however. Use warehouse signs and labels to mark aisles, racks, and other locations throughout the warehouse to make it easy for workers to locate inventory. Proper warehouse signage offers the added benefit of improving safety by reducing aisle congestion. You’ll need to regularly audit your warehouse organization to ensure that inventory is in the correct picking locations and that inventory counts are accurate.
What is a Warehouse Layout?
Many warehouse organization ideas focus on optimizing the warehouse layout. Your warehouse layout is the configuration of designated spaces, such as packing and shipping areas, as well as warehouse aisles and racks organized in a manner designed to make navigation easy for both people and equipment.
There are several approaches to designing a warehouse layout, from organizing racks in clusters to organizing a warehouse layout after ABC analysis to optimize storage and streamline paths that workers must take to fill orders. Some warehouses find that a series of aisles is the most efficient layout, while others find that the addition of cross-aisles allows for a more efficient traffic flow.
There’s no single warehouse layout that works best for every warehouse. The ideal warehouse layout is one that maximizes space utilization, minimizes travel time and the handling of goods, provides easy access to inventory, and allows for storage flexibility as your warehouse’s needs change. A good warehouse layout should have ample space designated for receiving, shipping, packing, storage, and administrative office space.
How Do You Maintain a Warehouse?
While most warehouse organization ideas focus on initial setup and configuration, warehouse organization requires ongoing effort. Develop processes for labeling items as they enter receiving and regular inventory counts to ensure accuracy. You’ll also need to reevaluate your inventory organization periodically, particularly if your warehouse layout is based on velocity. Because the highest-velocity inventory may change seasonally or due to shifts in demand, you may need to relocate inventory storage locations periodically.
Finally, warehouse organization relies on keeping your warehouse clean. Eliminating clutter from aisles not only boosts efficiency, but it also improves safety. Ensure that everything that enters receiving is put away in the proper storage locations and that all packing materials and other items are put away or properly disposed of before the end of every shift. Even the most organized warehouse can become inefficient without proper cleaning procedures.
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