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AI(人工智能)使越来越多的业务流程和工业应用程序实现自动化。智能自动化的范围和速度直接取决于人工智能的进步,因此近年来经历了巨大的飞跃。结合强大的 3D 机器视觉,AI 使机器人能够识别、定位和处理任何类型的物体,从而自动完成对人类来说太危险、太单调或要求太高的任务。



人工智能 可能代表许多机器功能和过程——从简单的统计数据到决策树,再到神经网络,例如卷积神经网络,甚至更高级的方法,例如强化学习。

AI 的发展历史见证了多种方法,但由于其泛化能力,神经网络被证明是最有前途和最有趣的方法。

在 1990 年代和 2000 年代初期,由于字符识别的首次成功应用,包括手写数字的读取,神经网络受到了极大的关注 在银行支票和信件邮政编码中。这些神经网络是在所谓的 MNIST 数据集 上训练的 (代表修改后的美国国家标准与技术研究所 ),它是 0 到 9 的手写数字的集合,用于机器学习和机器视觉以训练图像处理系统。 MNIST 数据集作为基准分类算法的基础,至今仍在用于训练和测试目的。

尽管这些经典的神经网络几乎可以学习任何东西,但它们代表了一种古老的全连接架构 培训他们需要大量的时间和精力 .这是因为一层中的所有神经元都与下一层中的神经元完全连接——这意味着需要学习的参数数量巨大,随着图像的大小而增加。尽管计算机的性能随着时间的推移而提高,但训练即使是小图像的识别仍然需要很长时间。

人工智能发展的转折点 以引入卷积神经网络 (CNN) 为标志 . CNN 主要用于分析视觉图像,包括图像分类或模式识别 ,并构成许多现代机器视觉系统的支柱。另一个主要应用领域是自然语言处理。

笼统地说,CNN 的灵感来自大脑中的视觉皮层系统。 CNN 背后的主要思想不是像完全连接的网络那样将所有神经元相互连接,而是仅与相邻的神经元建立接近度,因为相邻的输入(例如像素)携带相关信息。这意味着 CNN 可以有多个层,一层中的神经元仅连接到空间上靠近它们的下一层中的神经元 . 这降低了复杂性、网络中的神经元数量,从而也减少了要学习的参数数量。 正因如此,CNN 的训练速度更快,需要的样本更少,并且还可以应用于更大的图像。

术语“卷积” 指的是 CNN 检测模式的过滤过程。各个层卷积 ,即合并 , 输入并将结果传递给下一层。

图形处理单元 (GPU) 的进步也加速了 CNN 的发展。它们的性能和计算能力在过去几年中得到了极大的提高,为训练 CNN 开辟了新的可能性。

Geoffrey Hinton 是 AI 领域最受认可的领导者之一,通常被称为“AI 教父” .他拥有实验心理学和人工智能学位。这种结合使他对如何训练人工神经网络有了深刻的认识。

2012 年他的学生 Alex Krizhevsky 当他创建了一个能够模仿人脑识别物体方式的 CNN 时,标志着 AI 的另一个转折点。 CNN 被命名为 AlexNet 历史上第一次让机器像人一样识别物体。

这一突破推广了卷积神经网络,并展示了 CNN 的广泛应用范围。


在对象识别中,CNN 具有称为不变性 的属性很重要 .这意味着它不受平移、视点、大小或照明的影响,能够解释输入模式并对对象进行分类,而不管它们在图像中的位置和方式如何。 为此,CNN 需要在一定数量的示例上进行训练。增加数据集中相关数据量的最佳做法之一是数据扩充 .

增强是修改输入数据(即原始图像)以生成其他几个稍微改变的版本的做法。增强技术包括水平或垂直翻转、旋转、缩放、裁剪、沿 X 或 Y 方向移动图像等。

在改变的数据上训练 CNN 使其神经元对这种增强免疫,并防止它学习不相关的模式。因此翻转的鹦鹉仍将被识别为鹦鹉。

这里非常方便的是所谓的迁移学习 .为了消除训练数据量,可以使用现有的和已经训练过的网络并应用它的一些过滤器来识别新型对象。例如,通过保留其某些过滤器并仅修改其中的特定部分,为识别狗而训练的网络也可用于识别猫。这意味着网络将适应猫的识别。


CNN 的巨大价值在于它们的架构以及各个模块查看单个图像块的事实。这些模块不需要同时训练,可以很容易地连接在一起。结合这些训练有素的模块产生了可用于分割的复杂架构 .

与只能识别图像中的内容的 AlexNet 相比,这些复杂的 CNN 可以进行对象分割并定义对象在图像中的位置 .

这种模块化使人们能够使用各种输入通道,这意味着如果 CNN 用于黑白数据,它也可以用于彩色数据,如果用于彩色数据,它可以通过深度信息进行扩展。 添加额外信息可提升 CNN 的性能 ,其中包括提高准确性和更好地识别物体及其位置。


基于卷积神经网络的上述特点和特点,Photoneo将CNNs作为其先进的机器人智能系统和自动化解决方案的基础 .

Photoneo 的 CNN 处理黑白数据、彩色数据以及深度信息。这些算法是在一个大型对象数据集上训练的,如果它们遇到新类型的项目,它们可以快速概括,即识别和分类它以前没有“见过”的对象。

让我们以盒子的概念为例。这些算法是在一个大的盒子数据集上训练的,所以他们知道一个盒子有一定数量的面、边和顶点。这个原则也适用于算法以前没有遇到过的盒子,即使是被挤压或损坏的盒子。 AI 的最大价值在于它可以概括其接受过训练的概念,而无需进一步的再训练。

This enables Photoneo systems to recognize items of various shapes, sizes, colors, or materials – a robotic ability used for the localization and handling of mixed objects, including organic items such as fruit or fish, sorting of parcels, unloading of pallets laden with boxes, and many other industrial applications.

It might also happen that the algorithms come across objects with features that are fundamentally different from those the algorithms were trained on. This might confuse the CNN and cause a decrease in its performance. What can be done to solve this problem is either to prevent it by expecting exotic objects or to have a good retraining system. In the latter case, the performance will be temporarily lower but the CNN will be retrained to reach full performance rather quickly.

In case a customer needs to pick unusual items or non-commercial products such as industrial components, the CNN can be trained on a specific dataset containing these exotic items .

When it comes to the realization of a customer project, the customer receives Photoneo’s CNN for pilot testing and a feasibility study to ensure that the network can be used for that particular application. This CNN can then be improved and further trained on images from the pilot phase of the project, which will provide greater variability.

The greatest challenge in AI-powered object recognition and picking

The greatest challenge could also be described as the last puzzle piece that was missing in the range of pickable objects. This last piece was bags .

The difficulty lies in the nature of bags since they are extremely deformable and full of wrinkles, folds, and other irregularities. Despite the challenges that bags pose to AI, Photoneo developed a system that is able to recognize and pick bags, may they be full, half-empty, colored, transparent, or semi-transparent. This task is often challenging even for the human eye, which may find it difficult to recognize boundaries between bags that are chaotically placed in a container, especially if they are transparent.

However, good recognition and localization of bags are only part of the precondition for successful object picking. The other part relates to the mechanical side of an application – the robot gripper. The fact that bags are full of folds and wrinkles increases the risk that they will fall off the gripper. This risk can be prevented by using an appropriate vacuum gripper with feedback.

Future developments of AI

Despite significant advancements that have been made in AI in recent years, the field still offers a vast space for new achievements. For instance, so-called reinforcement learning receives great attention as it seems to be very promising in suggesting complex movements, for instance allowing a robot to adjust the position of an item before grasping it.

Reinforcement learning is not only able to cope with object recognition but also with mechanical problems of an application. This means that it not only enables a system to recognize items but also assess the individual steps of a robot action on the basis of rewards and punishments and “calculate” the chance of success or failure . In other words, AI algorithms are trained to make a sequence of decisions that will lead to actions maximizing the total reward. An example of the power of reinforcement learning is mastering and winning the board game of Go.

Despite its immense potential, reinforcement learning is closely linked to the environment it is set in and to the limitations it may pose. For example, the deployed gripper and its functionalities and limitations will always influence a system’s overall performance.

AI is the main driver of emerging technologies and its developments will be very dependent on a number of factors, including market demands, customer expectations, competition, and many others.


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