在遵守 OSHA 等就业监管机构时,这也是绝对必要的。职业安全与危害管理局严格执行指导方针,规定员工在焊接羽流中工作时可以接触金属氧化物、气体和金属的量。示例包括六价铬,它有毒并可能导致严重的健康问题,例如癌症、慢性疾病,甚至死亡。
在管理焊接烟雾和推动公司发展方面,您有多种选择。使用控制层次结构,OSHA 建议通过以下步骤最大限度地减少焊接烟雾暴露:
3. 行政控制,例如适当的身体定位
- 这对于正确清除工人呼吸区的烟雾至关重要。
- 如果您的抽油烟机臂或排烟臂是可移动的,请确认其放置并固定在 45 度角。
- 需要捕获的空气量将决定您需要将吸油烟机放置在距离方面的位置。但是,它通常相距大约 1 1/2 管道直径。
- 源头捕获是指在污染物到达工人之前直接从源头去除污染物的过程。
- 它被认为是最受青睐的排烟方法。
- 源捕获设备有多种形状和尺寸可供选择,可满足任何需求。
- 大小和形状将取决于需要从源中提取的烟雾量。
- 认真帮助排烟臂更有效地发挥作用。
- 对于保持高效操作同样重要,以确保手臂的正确定位。
- 交叉通风会干扰手臂从源头正确抽取烟雾的能力,使工人处于更大的危险之中。
- As a measure of safety, workers should be positioned so that the airflow of the fumes always reaches them from behind rather that the side or front. This will also help to limit the possibility of exposure.
Properly maintain fume extraction systems regularly.
- Perform regular maintenance to be sure that it operates properly, and efficiently, and that any necessary repairs are tended to.
- It is better to practice prevention than correction when it comes to mechanical systems that handle something as important as these extraction systems.
- Self-cleaning systems and filters are available to help ease on the amount of manual maintenance necessary.
- For these systems, regularly check the airflow production and that the air is both dry and clean.
Select and Use the Proper Respirator
Air-purifying and atmosphere-supplying are the two main types of respiration systems recognized for their level of effectiveness. Each are meant for specific types of working environments and have their own benefits. Regulatory agencies have outlined specific guidelines to measure the permissible exposure limits to help you select the respirator that is right for you. It is also necessary to conduct regular inspections of your respirator systems to detect and correct any potential malfunctions. One of the most important things you can do for your company is to invest in its efficiency and the people that keep it going. Weld fume management isn't just important, it is crucial.If you have a fabrication or welding need, contact Swanton Welding. Our innovative technology and expert welders will provide you with a great product every time.