50 篇关于设施管理的最佳文章
由于设施管理的精彩世界随着当今技术的变化和发展而变化,因此即使是最有经验的设施管理人员也必须跟上最新趋势。这就是为什么设施经理经常参加设施管理会议,即使是最有经验的专业人士也发现继续教育的价值。设施经理还发现阅读行业出版物和博客中发布的最新趋势和专家见解的价值。为了支持这一点,我们为您完成了作业,编制了 50 篇关于设施管理的最新和最有见地的文章。每一个都包含有关新兴趋势和最坚固运营的最佳实践的宝贵信息。我们按字母顺序和类别组织了这个列表。要跳转到最适合您需求的部分,请参考以下类别:
- 设施经理的最佳做法
- 设施管理技术
- 环境管理和可持续性
- 应急准备和安全
1。设施和设备维护管理的 10 个最佳实践
软件公司 Accruent 发布了一个博客,其中充满了有关所有设施管理的行业内幕技巧,无论是在医疗保健、现场服务管理、维护管理、空间规划等方面。在本文中,该公司采用简洁的方法为现代设施管理人员制定了“圣杯”最佳实践,包括故障排除、3PL 管理和细粒度数据评估。
- 所有经理,尤其是从事维护工作的经理,都应该拥有集中监督整个运营的工具。
- 为灾难发生时编制多个可靠服务提供商的列表。
- 保留每个资产的详细数据的最新列表。
Building Controls and Services, Inc. 是一家以向广泛的企业提供楼宇自动化服务为使命的公司。在本文中,BCS 分享了设施管理人员最重要的 5 个特征,从技术(如基准创建)到与人员相关的(如适当的沟通实践)。
- 建立有助于支持最准确跟踪的工单系统。
- 投资于有助于最大化利润的智能技术。
- 在您的工单系统中建立沟通渠道,让用户能够跟进,以便重要问题得到他们需要的关注。
许多设施经理面临的最棘手且最容易被忽视的问题之一是冬季天气问题以及它如何影响建筑物的完整性。在这篇文章中,由 Buildings 发布 ,我们可以先睹为快,了解 BIFM 发布的冬季良好实践指南中讨论的最有用的主题 .
- 冬季设施协议必须符合所有健康和安全管理系统和协议。
- 请务必在赛季开始前将您的冬季计划发送给您的保险公司和经纪人。
- 一旦发生冬季天气损坏,立即进行完整的事故报告。
成为“一流”的设施经理需要大量的经验、承诺和反复试验。幸运的是,Built Space 博客的作者创建了一份综合清单,详细列出了所有追求明星的经理在他们的旅程中应该实现的关键属性。在其中,我们了解了精心策划的流程、技术和组织如何将良好的运营转变为出色的运营。
- 使用专为您的设施设计的内部运营衡量标准。
- 标准化设施内使用的所有流程。
- 确保运营支持公司的目标和战略。
5。 50 个专家设施管理技巧和最佳实践
在 Camcode,我们发布了大量材料,旨在丰富和告知各级设施管理人员的经验。我们的文章,50 个专家设施管理技巧和最佳实践 , 为读者提供来自 FM 知名人士的最佳、最广泛的建议。如需最个性化的帮助,请按类别搜索文章。
- 在进行与能源相关的改进时,对当前基础设施进行广泛评估。
- 考虑将部分外包任务转移回内部。
- 投资热成像技术以发现隐藏的问题。
行业论文,设施杂志 ,为那些处理最技术性 FM 问题的人提供了一个有用的问答专栏。在本期中,Sharon Prezzy,位于弗吉尼亚州斯普林菲尔德的 Strategy and Management Services, Inc. (SAMS) 的副 PMO 负责人,以及 SAMS 的首席工程师/项目经理 Reginal McCotter, 回答这个问题:“无论是广泛的还是具体的,你为你的部门定位的最佳实践是什么?”
- 当您遇到运营“障碍”时,通过进行小幅、频繁的调整来改善情况。
- 投资分析系统,最大限度地提高您的底线。
- 及时解决必要的小型维修问题。
7。成功管理设施的 7 个步骤
设施和施工应用程序 Fasttac 为其博客的用户和访问者提供了大量有关设施管理物流的有用信息,特别是与安全和法规标准合规性相关的信息。在本文中,该公司深入探讨了他们必须遵循的 7 个步骤,所有这些步骤都可以应用于各种规模和行业的设施。
- 选择能够自动执行任务并帮助您减少加班费的设施管理软件。
- 投资一个软件系统,让您的操作完全无纸化。
- 使用 CMMS 有效管理您的备件库存。
FM Systems 是一家精通设施管理的软件公司,已发布了一系列针对现代设施经理的文章、白皮书和网络研讨会。在 Leasha Jackson 撰写的一篇文章中,读者可以窥见该公司的来往以及其在空间管理领域的最佳实践。
- 在制定空间管理计划时,始终考虑整体设施容量。
- 适当的空间管理规划可降低昂贵的房地产成本。
- 空间管理可帮助 FM 制定尽可能简化的维护和场景规划。
9。 新的 FM 框架为全球设施经理提供更多战略决策的最佳实践
环太平洋建设 杂志,也称为 PRC ,经常为在国际上工作的设施经理提供有价值的信息,特别是在环太平洋地区。在本文中,RICS 首席执行官肖恩·汤普金斯 (Sean Thompkins) 就 2018 年在迪拜推出的一系列新指南 IFMA 的“战略设施管理框架”发表了他的见解。
- FM 框架以新技术、社会愿望和政治格局为依据。
- 可以通过战略性设施管理实践优化运营的竞争优势。
- 随着时间的推移,设施管理与企业房地产之间的联系只会越来越紧密。
QSI Facilities 是 FM 频谱领域的技术和现场合作伙伴领导者,经常在其博客上发布对现代设施管理实践的直接评估。在这篇文章中,QSI 设施重点关注最新、最尖端的技术如何帮助塑造和通知该领域,无论是通过软件实施还是低技术流程大修。
- 选择允许自由定制的系统。
- 实施一个处理和促进远程协作的软件系统。
- 将所有数据和活动集中在一个强大的 CMMS 中。
11. 4 个常见的 FM 错误以及如何避免它们
有时,最有力的最佳实践列出了最危险的错误示例。在这篇服务频道帖子中,Kristen Rhodes 详细介绍了设施管理领域中最常见的 4 种错误。幸运的是,一旦您花时间熟悉了许多人落入陷阱的方式,这些错误中的每一个都很容易发现。
- 组织必须分配适当的资金和专业知识来运营成功的设施。
- 承包商管理是一项必须培养和优先考虑的技能。
- 从手动数据采集转变为数字数据采集。
Smartsheet 是一家为包括设施管理在内的广泛行业提供解决方案的软件公司,它发布了一份综合指南,面向崭露头角的设施经理以及着眼于提升的成熟设施经理。本指南涵盖了一系列主题,从日常运营基础知识到薪资信息。
- 从事设施管理工作的人必须知道如何有效地委派。
- 拥有房地产和物业管理背景是一大优势。
- FM 培训的基础之一在于广泛的消防安全知识。
Solid 是一家专门从事硬质表面护理的公司,它为设施管理人员发布了一系列有用的成本削减技巧。这个强硬的建议恳请读者更加仔细地审视他们的资产,挑战他们投资于维护能够为企业提供最佳整体价值的资产。
- 通过维护 HVAC 和锅炉系统来控制成本。
- 就智能节能最佳做法对所有员工和承包商进行教育。
- 考虑进行冷凝操作并留出几层楼空置。
在 Tradeline 的文章中 , 作者 Lawrence A. Howard 深入探讨了用于 FM 领域的最新最佳实践,尤其是关于企业工作场所建筑管理的建议。出版和基准测试组织 Facility Issues 的负责人兼创始人 Keith McClanahan 提供了更多见解。
- 实施有用且可靠的 IT 管理。
- 专注于满足客户的期望。
- 为员工提供建筑物的“所有权”,让他们更加珍惜空间。
15。 3 个值得关注的设施管理技术趋势
不要投资于很快就会过时的技术;相反,实施将在未来很好地支持您的操作的类型。在 AkitaBox 的一篇文章中,Rebecca Rudolph 向读者简要介绍了正在产生长期影响的 FM 技术趋势,包括资产维护系统、移动功能等。
- 投资一个允许您远程访问和记录数据的系统。
- 了解软件服务如何实现其产品。
- 设计一个服务于您独特业务的工单管理系统。
在有关建筑物的详细文章中, Janelle Perry 深入探讨了物联网这个经常被误解的主题,以及它如何改变现代设施管理的实践。在这篇文章中,佩里引用了多位企业主和设施经理的话说,了解他们对如何实施和管理这个高科技系统的看法。
- 在投资系统之前确定您要尝试解决的问题。
- 在投资之前提出稳健而保守的投资回报率。
- 让您自己和您的运营更轻松地进入物联网世界。
Protaiga 的首席执行官 Aval Sethi 为 Business World India 撰写了一篇文章 他在其中探讨了新技术改变 FM 业务的多种方式。尽管他承认该领域的趋势已经“智能”,但 Sethi 选择专注于他预测将带来更多进步的未来高科技趋势,例如机器人技术、人工智能和增强现实。
- 建立非传统的办公空间以吸引千禧一代员工。
- 使用实时定位系统 (RTLS) 有效地跟踪从小型物资到大型车队的任何事物。
- 关注基于全息图的新兴技术。
Planon 是一家为 FM 行业提供有用的解决方案和服务的软件公司,它与咨询公司 Panorama 合作,对 FM 领导者进行了一系列广泛的采访。通过这样做,该公司了解了 FM 技术不断变化的面貌,以及如何使用它来简化整个领域。然后它写了一份报告,可以在 Planon 的网站上查看。 注意:您必须通过 Planon 的在线提交表格索取这篇文章的免费副本。
- 当今的许多 FM 思想领袖都专注于逐步实施与大规模改革。
- 远程部署被认为是一种节省时间的“加分项”。
- 大多数人更愿意将最新的机器人技术与成熟的工人相结合,以打造更“合作”和更精确的工作环境。
去年夏天,海湾新闻 在其业务部分发表了一篇文章,详细介绍了 FM 中的趋势发现。作家 Stephen Beesely 探讨了阿联酋成为支持新兴技术的温床的多种方式,特别是在机器人技术和可穿戴技术方面。他还预测了这种支持将如何帮助塑造 FM 技术的未来。
- 微薄的利润可能会威胁到供应商的稳定性,为不稳定的关系让路。
- 纸质订单应该被取消和重新。
- 投资于为服务交付提供现场服务管理功能的系统。
20。设施管理:改变工作方式的 5 项技术
基于云的软件提供商 Infor 定期在其博客上发布指南和文章,这些指南和文章以现代设施管理器的问题为中心。在本文中,CRMP 和 Infor EAM 产品经理 Mike Stone 探讨了软件和其他新兴技术可以简化甚至重新发明设施流程的多种方式。
- 将物联网用作大数据处理系统。
- 仅投资于提供可靠移动选项的应用。
- 通过实施最新的社交协作工具,更好地与您的员工建立联系。
21。影响现代设施管理的 4 项技术
设施运营负责人 iOffice 发表了一篇文章,揭示了当今影响设施管理的四项顶级技术。在这篇文章中,作者 James McDonald 探讨了 BIM、机器学习和 AI、智能建筑和可穿戴技术等高科技系统和配件如何成为所有设施都应该评估的省时省钱的解决方案。
- BIM supports facilities managers by allowing them to make data-driven decisions about space utilization, energy consumption, and redesigns.
- To strengthen a facility’s intelligent asset management initiatives, invest in machine learning technologies.
- Wearable technology is badging systems, revolutionized.
22。 Role of Technology in Facilities Management
In a piece written for PCQuest , Deepak Uppal, Executive Director at Enviro, tackles the broad topic of technology’s role in the facility management spectrum. Uppal uses the platform to praise the latest FM-driven information technology and educates readers on how to best select and implement such options.
Key Takeaways:
- Changing work cultures across the globe (particularly in Asia) are allowing for more seamless integration of FM technology.
- Emerging technologies are focused on the streamlining of life cycle management.
- Technology and analytics must embrace the FM industry in order to create change.
23。 10 Ways Sofware Can Help with Facilities Management
Those who are just sticking their toes into the idea of FM-based software implementations will find this SelectHub-penned article to be particularly helpful. In it, we learn that software investments aren’t just a passing fad, facilities managers in a wide range of industries are reaping the benefits and experiencing ultra-fast returns.
Key Takeaways:
- FM software can help fleet managers plan traffic flows.
- With the best systems, key security features can be accessed remotely, in real-time.
- CMMS and CAFM systems are beginning to offer many of the same options that traditional IWOMS systems do.
24。 14 Innovation and Trends Impacting Facilities Management
In a post for ServiceChannel, David Markowitz quotes a long list of industry experts after asking them to reveal their thoughts on the most lasting innovations and trends currently impacting facilities management. Though the responses run the gamut in terms of content, the reader is left with a very clear view of what tools the top FM executives value most.
Key Takeaways:
- Invest in interactive store maps that display all of your valuable assets.
- Provide those working within your work order chain with mobile solutions.
- Streamline your finances by investing in an asset-based IoT system.
25。 5 Tech Features Facilities Managers Can’t Live Without
Space scheduling solution app Teem, recently published an article to its blog which explores the newest and classic tech features that top facility managers can’t get enough of. The piece covers everything from the most reliable and budget-friendly workflow systems to the ever-evolving world of automated building entry, all in a digestible format that even the busiest of facilities managers can benefit from.
Key Takeaways:
- Shore-up your office scheduling by investing in an all-in-one scheduling app.
- For the most secure facilities, test out a facial recognition security system.
- Find an automated system that takes all middlemen out of work request processing.
26。 Realizing Value from Investments in FM Technology:2018 Facility Management Benchmark Survey
French utility service provider, Veolia, has published its comprehensive Facility Management Benchmark Survey for 2018, a document that reveals hard-hitting facts about the most viable tech options used in FM today. In it, facilities managers get an in-depth look at how both “new and mature” technologies can be best implemented for a more maximized ROI.
Key Takeaways:
- Follow the trend:most facility managers have deployed data capture devices across multiple sites.
- Around half of firms are already using CAFM, CMMS or FDD.
- Wireless Occupancy Sensors offer the most convincing benefits.
Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability
27。 10 Tips for Green Building Certification
In an article written for Buildings , senior writer Janelle Penny provides facility managers with the top 10 ways they can most effectively receive a green building certification. Penny uses examples of businesses who have already managed to pull this off on large scales as a way to take hopeful managers through this often-laborious process.
Key Takeaways:
- Know exactly what you are trying to accomplish prior to commencing the green building initiative process.
- Put occupant and public health and safety before everything else.
- For a smoother certification process, document every step of the way.
28. 8 Recycling Tips for Facility Managers
CleanRiver, a recycling solution firm, has published its must-follow recycling tips for all facility managers. Considering the source, each and every tip holds high value, from the common-sense suggestions, like including high-impact signage, to the more involved, like waste hauler scheduling.
Key Takeaways:
- Before making any changes, conduct a waste audit.
- Identify your collection requirements and provide the equipment needed to fulfill them.
- Develop a facility culture that values recycling.
29。 Facility Managers and Sustainability:Challenges, Best Practices, and Trends
ENGIE Insight, an efficiency management solution provides products that help facilities attain greener statuses. In this piece, writer Jamie Daubenspeck explores the challenges associated with sustainability that so many facility managers face, while still focusing in on the built-in areas that they can leverage to their advantage.
Key Takeaways:
- Facility managers have unprecedented influence over all levels of the organization.
- The energy management trend is increasing at a rapid rate.
- Facility managers are burdened by energy and water cost increases.
30。 Efficient, Sustainable, and Effective Facilities Management
In a recent article published in Engineering News , the publication explores the ways in which today’s facilities are using sustainability initiatives to promote more effective management and operational practices. The piece also makes mention of the dreaded ‘sick building syndrome,’ a paramount FM failure that can put employees at risk.
Key Takeaways:
- One cannot run a ‘high-efficiency’ building if health and sustainability aren’t included.
- When executed correctly, green-cleaning buildings are assets to facility managers.
- Green buildings could require as little as 50% of the cleaning products used before the change.
31. Six Tips for a Green Cleaning Program
Armando Lezama, senior director of operations for facility services company UG2, reveals his best green cleaning program tips in an article for Facility Executive. In it, Lezama touches on a variety of actionable topics, such as product selection, training initiatives, compliance, and much more.
Key Takeaways:
- Details as small as ineffective entryway matting could compromise green cleaning plans.
- Spend time engaging and educating the public and staff.
- Once an initiative is deployed, continue to innovate.
32. Post-Disaster Energy Conservation Tips
Facilities Management Daily Advisor regularly publishes tips for those working in FM to follow, but one of its more important pieces details the ways in which energy conservation can be compromised post-disaster. This can be one of the most trying and dangerous times for a facility and its surrounding community, so the more preparation that is put into the area, the better.
Key Takeaways:
- Keep a wide variety of batteries on-hand and in accessible areas.
- Avoid unnecessary communication over voice lines.
- Put safety above all else, especially in disaster and post-disaster scenarios.
33. Tips for Small Manufacturers Looking to Go Green
Another piece published in Facilities Management Daily Advisor , written by Claire Condon, reveals a set of important green-related tips geared towards small manufacturers. Topics explored in the piece include:greening products, greening wastes, and greening energy.
Key Takeaways:
- Adopt a life-cycle approach to all manufactured products.
- Purchase bags and boxes made with recycled content for shipping purposes.
- Designate specialized recycling coordinators.
34. 9 Steps to Creating a Culture of Sustainability
In an article written for FacilitiesNet , writer Stephen Ashkin, details the many steps that facility managers must take in order to attain more sustainable company cultures. Ashkin explores a variety of methods that this can be achieved, including honoring staff suggestions and promoting accountability throughout the organization.
Key Takeaways:
- Advise staffers to take sustainable approaches both at work and in their personal lives.
- Designate an in-house sustainable leader or “champion.”
- Sustainability involves three key components:social, environmental, and economic.
35。 14 Tips for Success in Green Building
For facility managers fortunate enough to be involved in the building of their facilities, FacilitiesNet has published a list of 14 tips that outline that ways in which green initiatives can start long before the construction begins.
Key Takeaways:
- Invest in low-risk energy conservation efforts before making a full commitment.
- Devise an attainable green plan and hire accordingly.
- Learn to communicate about important facilities decisions with the executive team.
36。 Sustainability Drives Facility’s Future
FacilitiesNet published yet another insightful article on sustainability in FM, this one penned by healthcare industries expert, Cathryn Jakicic. This quick read delivers a surprising punch, detailing the many trends that are shaping the future of sustainable facilities management at OhioHealth O’Bleness Hospital in Athens, Ohio.
Key Takeaways:
- Comprehensive sustainability plans include a range of social, economic, and environmental goals.
- A good portion of goals should fall into energy reduction and renewability.
- Consider including a local and sustainable purchasing initiative into your sustainability plan.
37. 4 Steps to Improve Your Facility’s Energy Efficiency
In this piece written for Software Advice , author Taylor Short explores the way in which comprehensive energy auditing can help form, and ultimately dictate, sustainability plans. This can be done through a series of submetering and consumption data analysis, as well as smart benchmarking.
Key Takeaways:
- Make use of your vendor resources to more accurately aggregate consumption data.
- Integrate Energy Star ratings into your facility’s benchmarks.
- Create an energy-saving contest or committee.
38. Improve Your Food Plant’s Sustainability with These 5 Tips
Those managing a food manufacturing facility will get helpful info from this piece published in Stellar Energy’s Food for Thought 博客。 In it, we are awarded great tips for promoting sustainability, including guidance on insulation, processing lighting, and water conservation.
Key Takeaways:
- Switch to LED lighting in processing areas.
- Invest in and make use of variable frequency drives (VFDs).
- Swap out your traditional paneling for insulated metal panels (IMPs).
39. Optimize Operational and Maintenance Practices
The Whole Building Design Guide , which is a program of the National Institute of Building Sciences, includes an article which focuses on the streamlining of operational and maintenance practices for facility managers. In it, readers are provided with guidelines on how to best launch sustainability-driven training programs, as well as the implementation of waste programs.
Key Takeaways:
- Switch to on-site composting of organic materials.
- Enable all power-down features on electronics.
- Consult the EPA for tips on safer cleaning alternatives.
Emergency Preparedness and Security
40。 A Building Security Checklist for Crime Prevention
In an article for The Balance Small Business, William Deutsch reveals his building security checklist, a set of rules that have been updated to meet the technological needs of today’s facility managers. Although each list should be customized to fit the needs of each unique operation, this one is a great place to start.
Key Takeaways:
- Devise a natural surveillance checklist that maximizes visibility.
- Develop a territorial reinforcement plan that makes a strong distinction between public and private property lines.
- Focus on keeping property well-maintained.
41. 4 Security Best Practices
Facility management publication, Buildings , created a slideshow-based article that covers the four main areas that all working in the field of FM should follow. Included in the post is a range of helpful advice, from adopting the latest technology to building a proactive security culture.
Key Takeaways:
- Develop a clear security plan and be sure to reinforce it as weak points become uncovered.
- Update all security cameras so that footage is as clear as possible and can be accessed remotely.
- Work with your IT department to fortify your digital security.
42. Tips for Facility Security Planning and Training
Technical Response Planning, or TRP, is a firm that specializes in the field of response planning and software implementation for a variety of industries. In this piece, TRP takes a deep dive into the ways in which all different sizes of operations can develop their own customized facility security plans.
Key Takeaways:
- Develop a training plan that consists of focused drills and security actions for all those working in the facility.
- Take account of all current security threats and patterns.
- Regularly check all control and security devices.
43. Study:Ten Things that Any Emergency Preparedness/Business Continuity Plan Should Include
The authority on all things facility management, the IFMA, released an article that profiles its sweeping study of emergency preparedness and business continuity planning. This piece provides a breakdown of the statistics gathered and includes information on how facilities can right their wrongs moving forward.
Key Takeaways:
- 19 percent of surveyed organizations did not have an up-to-date emergency preparedness/business continuity plan
- Define important roles prior to the plan being written.
- Crowdsource by developing a network of strategic partners, if necessary.
44. Facility Managers and Their Role in an On-Site Emergency
IFMA’s Long Island Chapter penned an article that focuses in on the role of facility managers during on-site emergencies. In it, the organization speaks on a number of key safety topics, including preparation steps, quick decision-making during on-site emergencies, and crisis plan evaluation.
Key Takeaways:
- Communicate with all members of your team frequently in order to solidify emergency plans.
- Schedule trial runs and improve upon the weak points.
- Keep an updated list of staffers and any and all people who enter the building regularly.
45. What is the Facilities Manager’s Role in Keeping the Workplace Safe?
This article, written by Tiffany Bloodworth from iOffice Corp, covers the responsibilities that all facility managers should take both on a daily basis and in the event of an on-site emergency. Bloodworth speaks on high and low-tech ways to achieve this, with everything from system investments to common sense staff security training.
Key Takeaways:
- Install and regularly maintain outdoor lighting in parking lots and the outer areas of the building.
- Identify potentially violent or disgruntled employees and report them to upper management.
- Develop an emergency plan that fits your specific facility.
46. Facility Manager Tips:How Can You Actively Promote Workplace Safety
Workplace safety is a topic in which the average employee doesn’t place much interest, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways to spark motivation. In David Spence’s piece for the OfficeSpace Blog, we get valuable insight on how facility managers can keep everyday workers invested in the overall safety and disaster protocol followed by facilities.
Key Takeaways:
- Hold office training sessions and inform employees about any policy changes as they come up.
- Perform thorough, routine equipment checks.
- Educate yourself on all of the latest safety and disaster planning practices.
47. Facility Management Tips:Emergency and Disaster Drills Assisted by Software
Conducting emergency drills is an integral part of upholding facility safety plans, but ones that are handwritten often contain errors. In David Spence’s piece for the OfficeSpace Blog, we get introduced to floor plan software that is made to optimize and fortify these drills for the safest facilities possible.
Key Takeaways:
- Conduct separate drills for each disaster, including fire, chemical, and inclement weather.
- Make rules and expectations known to employees.
- Designate a drill observer or team of advisors to judge the efficacy of the safety plan.
48. How to Create an Emergency Plan for Facilities
In this article for Canadian Facility Management and Design, Jeffrey Gayer reports on the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety’s guidelines for creating the most thorough emergency plans for facilities. In it, we get an introduction to facility-specific plans, information that can help you gain an important awareness of the emergency-based ins and outs of your facility.
Key Takeaways:
- Consider providing first responder training to an employee or hiring someone who already has it.
- Be sure that your first aid kits meet the specific needs of your facility.
- Confirm that all MSDS and SDS are up-to-date and posted.
49. Facility Management Security:Technologies for a Solid Defense
In this enlightening piece written for Software Advice, writer Taylor Short takes a deep dive into the topic of facility security. This is done through a series of interviews, as well as an evaluation of the best emerging software that helps to fortify the plans.
Key Takeaways:
- Have an honest discussion with your teammates to ensure that your security plan is an effective one.
- Invest in ACAM and VSS security systems.
- Understand your facility’s goals before making staunch plans or pricy investments.
50. Top 11 Safety and Security Tips for Facilities in 2019
Emergency management firm, Who’s On Location, brings us the Top 11 Safety and Security Tips of 2019 , an article that brings to light the trusted tips and emerging technologies that are shaping the world of modern FM.
Key Takeaways:
- Consider implementing lone worker safety tracking solutions.
- Don’t trust one-size-fits-all emergency response plans.
- Invest in photo ID scanning for visitors.