全球机器人市场包含范围广泛的技术,这些技术正在以光速发展并有望实现巨大增长。这在协作分支中尤为明显。协作机器人市场预计在未来几年内将实现令人难以置信的高增长率。预计从 2016 年到 2022 年,复合年增长率将达到 60.04%,从 2015 年的 1.1 亿美元增长到 2022 年的 33 亿美元 (1)。
这种惊人增长的原因之一是机器人不再只是工业过程的工具;中小型企业 (SME) 现在能够负担得起机器人的优势。协作机器人市场正迅速变得更实惠、更易于使用且培训目的的复杂性降低。这最终允许更广泛的选择,并进一步增加机器人市场的驱动力和需求。协作机器人现在使各种规模的行业都能够保持竞争力,因为它们使用最新的传感器、即插即用技术以及基于 CAD 数据的自动机器人编程。
机器人技术的协作应用使人类和机器人能够在无笼罩的环境中安全有效地协同工作,而没有受伤/损坏的风险。协作机器人设计有多种先进的传感器、软件和 EOAT,可帮助它们快速、轻松地检测并适应对其工作范围内的任何类型的入侵。它们也很容易集成和编程,有些可以通过人工指导简单地教给一条路径。
2015 年,汽车行业在协作机器人市场中所占份额最大,预计家具和设备行业也将如此,未来五年有望实现快速增长 (2)。协作机器人是汽车最终用户的首选,因为它们易于编程和集成,并且具有较低的成本、重量和占地面积。此外,它们还赋予员工权力,同时减轻他们的工作压力并提高整体安全性。 For instance, collaborative robots can help assist with dangerous tasks such as heavy lifting, repetitive straining tasks, or application of toxic materials.
Competition drives vendors to constantly invest money into research and development that then results in robotic companies continuing to upgrade the product features, prices, customized solutions, and services. The key vendors in the global collaborative market include ABB, Fanuc, Universal Robots, and KUKA that covers a wide range of applications such as material handling, assembly, inspection, and welding. The collaborative sector can include robot-human collaboration and also robot-robot collaboration.
Material handling dominated the collaborative robot market, especially within the automotive industry, in 2016 (2). The automotive industry would use them on a large scale to handle individual vehicle parts of various shapes and sizes. Electrical, rubber and plastic, and food and beverage industries are also expected to increase the collaborative markets on their floors.
A few of the collaborative robots available today are ABB's amazingly dexterous YuMi; Fanuc's Collaborative Family that includes a large 35kg payload robot along with a mini-series, Universal Robots' lightweight and compact options; and KUKA's intelligent LBR iiwa series. Motoman also has the HC10 robot set to release soon.
The expected growth in the collaborative robotics movement reflects the ability of this sector to improve application functionality, while empowering human workers, and also decreasing the amount of space necessary for a robotic unit. This collaborative technology is offering huge advantages to businesses, production lines, and workers and is ready to help bring you the best ROI.
If you are interested in learning more about Collaborative Robots, contact our sales department online or call us at 877-762-6881.
(1) Tobe, Frank. "46 Research Reports Analyze the Robotics Industry and Autonomous Vehicles" https://www.therobotreport.com/news/45-research-reports-for-you-to-review
(2) https://www.marketreportsworld.com/collaborative-robots-market-by-payload-up-to-5-kg-up-to-10-kg-above-10-kg-application-industry-and-geography-global-forecast-to-2022-10225260