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通常没有考虑到的是线轴的位置及其通向挤出机的路径,但可能是失败的根源。 为了便于挤出机的工作,应寻求丝材牵引阻力最小 .阻力越大,挤出机电机越难工作,产生更多的热量并增加螺距损失的可能性。此外,轮子与长丝的摩擦力会增加,造成更多的磨损和污垢并增加灯丝咬伤的可能性。


最佳线圈位置是保证到挤出机的路径最短和最直的位置。 此外,还应注意以下几点:

在任何一种情况下,行程都应尽可能短(在鲍登系统的情况下最大 80 厘米)并具有尽可能大的曲率半径。此外,PTFE管的一端应直接插入挤出机,另一端应与线轴相切,距离放丝区约10厘米。

图 1:PTFE 管入口的正确位置。来源Filament2print

图片 2:线圈中的灯丝重叠。来源:Filament2print.com


在柔性灯丝的情况下,减少距离和摩擦尤为重要。如果存在相当大的摩擦值,细丝将变形与到线轴的距离成比例,由于收缩现象而减小其横截面。 For practical purposes, this means that the real cross-section of the filament is not the nominal one, making it necessary to readjust the flux to avoid lack of extrusion. This is why it is sometimes necessary to use flow values above 115% in certain combinations of printer and flexible filament.

Filaments with metallic or ceramic fillers

One of the characteristics of the filaments with a high metallic or ceramic load intended for sintering is their high bending brittleness. This is why the way of feeding this type of filament is crucial to avoid breakage during printing.

Whenever you want to use this type of filament, it is advisable to do so in a 3D printer with a direct extrusion system and feed the filament in such a way that the path from the spool to the extruder is completely straight.

In the case of using Bowden printers, the largest possible bending radius in the path should be sought, even if this means using longer lengths of PTFE tubing. It may also be necessary to use devices that preheat the filament before it reaches the extruder in order to increase its ductility.

Image 3:Filawarmer device, intended for preheating metal filaments. Source:The Virtual Foundry
Note:This guide discusses concepts in a general way and does not focus on a particular brand or model, although they may be mentioned at some point. There may be important differences in calibration or adjustment procedures between different makes and models, so it is recommended that the manufacturer's manual be consulted before reading this guide.


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