57 种最佳资产跟踪软件解决方案、系统和工具(用于跟踪您的设备和关键实物资产)
我们 Camcode 了解资产的价值以及利用高质量软件系统跟踪资产的重要性。这就是为什么我们编制了用于跟踪资产和设备的顶级软件解决方案和工具列表的原因。我们搜索了软件评论、顶级技术网站和博客以及专家意见,以构建此顶级资产跟踪软件解决方案列表。我们精选的软件涵盖了一系列行业,包括最有用的功能,例如自动签入和签出;按站点、位置、用户、序列号和其他标准进行资产跟踪;过期资产、维护需求、保修到期的警报和通知;多用户和多位置支持;和更多。为了满足您的所有资产跟踪需求,我们的顶级资产跟踪系统和工具列表还包括手持扫描仪和移动资产跟踪应用程序。
请注意:此处列出的最佳资产跟踪软件解决方案、系统和工具没有特定顺序 .
Share My Toolbox 是一种用于跟踪您的工具的现代解决方案,使承包商能够密切关注他们的投资在他们在开展业务过程中使用的许多小工具中。凭借干净、直观的界面和独特的点对点共享概念,Share My Tools 可以将工具从仓库移动到现场或从一个人到另一个人流畅地移动。
- 带有网络界面的移动优先解决方案
- 创建其他用户帐户
- 跟踪等待维修或在偏远地点或放置地点的工具
- 通过条形码定位工具;通过滑动分配给员工
- 在移动设备上使用内置摄像头
- 通过简单的搜索和转移跟踪工具在现场的移动
- 5 美元/月(基本系统 + 1 名管理员)
- 50 美元/月(每组 5 个额外用户)
2。 WiseTrack 核心资产跟踪软件
WiseTrack 核心资产跟踪软件管理资产、位置、用户、供应商、合同和更多的。所有数据都组织在 Microsoft SQL Server 支持的中央资产存储库中。 WiseTrack Core 采用 Windows 用户界面设计,让用户使用起来既简单又熟悉。
- 使用 Microsoft 技术进行设计和测试
- 按比例构建
- 支持系统的多个用户
- 可以作为一个独立的解决方案运行
- 集成了最佳实践、数据库设计、关系完整性和正确的命名约定
- 适用于条形码技术、数据导入/集成工具等
- 可轻松定制以满足您的特定需求
费用: 联系报价
IntelliTrack 软件管理库存和资产,包括可以标记或条形码的任何东西。 IntelliTrack 固定资产跟踪软件适用于各种行业和用途,使资产管理变得简单。
- 实时查看数据更新
- 在任何具有互联网连接的浏览器上访问所有数据
- 拖放式设计,使最终用户报告符合您的确切要求
- 使用报告选项卡搜索和查看报告并按类型或名称搜索
- 查看和编辑项目、分配编号、更新描述、分类、添加测量等
- 专为在移动设备上工作而设计,甚至允许您通过手机访问库存数据
费用: 每月 75 美元/并发用户
4. ManagerPlus 资产跟踪
ManagerPlus 资产跟踪器是一个易于使用的软件系统,可帮助公司提高投资回报率,同时降低他们的运营成本。使用 ManagerPlus 资产跟踪(ManagerPlus 桌面和 ManagerPlus Cloud 的附加模块)跟踪任何资产的位置和归还到期日。 ManagerPlus 资产跟踪还允许用户根据需要创建任意数量的位置。
- 创建工作地点,然后轻松拖放资产以将它们分配到一个位置
- 跟踪设施区域、各个工作地点、零件间等
- 保存每项任务的历史记录,从而深入了解资产历史或移动
- 跟踪资产分配的自定义数据字段
- 45 美元/用户每月(闪电基础版)
- 85 美元/用户每月(Lightning Plus)
5。 FMIS 固定资产管理
FMIS 固定资产管理软件在 40 多个国家/地区受到信任。 FIMS 提供全方位的固定资产管理解决方案来满足您的业务需求,从简单的固定资产登记到完整的资产管理和跟踪系统。借助 FIMS,您可以获得一种模块化方法来根据您的需求定制软件。
- 条码软件可灵活适应您的独特环境
- 为您的组织带来控制、信息和准确性
- 提高实物资产的速度和准确性
- 跟踪资产生命周期的每一步
- 高效的数据输入
- 始终提供准确和最新的设备和资产清单
费用: 联系报价
6. EZOfficeInventory
EZOfficeInventory 是领先的基于网络的资产跟踪软件解决方案。使用 EZOfficeInventory,您可以随时随地从任何设备轻松访问资产信息。 EZOfficeInventory 提供 Android、iOS 和 Windows 应用程序,可通过任何带有浏览器的移动设备访问。
- 支持、维护和升级与您的软件包捆绑在一起
- 轻松签入和签出资产
- 移动应用包含条码扫描功能,为您节省与专用扫描设备相关的成本和刚性
- 从您的智能手机扫描标签,随时随地快速获取资产详细信息
- 资产的自定义属性包括文本、数字、日期、多选和电子邮件警报类型
费用: 免费试用 15 天
- 基本:35-40 美元/月 - 无限用户,最多 250 个资产
- 高级版:45-52 美元/月 - 无限用户,最多 250 个资产
- 高级版:每月 50-60 美元 - 无限用户,最多 250 个资产
- 定价会根据资产总数而提高
- 企业:联系报价
Asset Panda 旨在帮助您的组织组织和管理您的所有资产。他们强大的资产跟踪系统旨在取代昂贵的硬件、软件和电子表格。 Asset Panda 是一个基于云的资产跟踪系统,允许用户使用智能手机或平板电脑通过他们的免费应用程序跟踪资产。
- 使用现有的智能手机和平板电脑避免购买额外的硬件
- 如有必要,替换电子表格并将数据导回 Excel
- 生成有关资产的自动报告并按位置、类别等组织数据
- 与您的云帐户同步的免费 Android 和 iOS 应用
- 通过自定义字段选项创建特殊项目
- 内置的移动条码扫描器可让您通过搜索已登录 Asset Panda 的资产来快速定位特定项目
费用: 免费试用 14 天;联系报价
Track'em 使公司能够获得可见性、提高效率并保持对停机、施工和维护的控制,为完成工作所需的每种资源的重要信息提供单一的真实来源,包括位置、条件、状态、历史, 和更多。 Track'em 使公司可以在一个综合平台中跟踪材料、时间、厂房和设备、商店和资产维护。
- 直观的移动应用
- 简化部署
- 在线报告以获得最新见解
- 取代电子表格、纸质表格和手动流程
- 跟踪完成工作所需的所有资源
费用: 联系报价
Sunflower Systems 是一家企业资产管理解决方案公司,专注于部署软件工具以简化资产管理任务.凭借其全面的生命周期资产管理解决方案,Sunflower Systems 能够有效管理、控制和使用财产,提高整个企业资产管理生命周期的问责制和合规性。
- 监控、控制和记录财产交易
- 所有类型和财产分类的帐户
- 跟踪从个人和不动产到材料、资本、IT 资产、车辆、武器、科学设备、制服、零件、工具等的所有内容
- 用于收货、实物库存、运输和过剩管理的移动解决方案
- 在从购置到使用和处置的整个生命周期中跟踪您的企业资产
费用: 联系报价
Tofino Software 是全球领先的基于云的 SaaS 资源和采购管理应用程序供应商之一. Tofino 为您的组织的需求提供单一的集成云解决方案,包括库存管理、资产管理、维护管理和智能采购。他们的企业资产管理解决方案包括日志记录、位置跟踪、校准、维修和保修信息以及数字图书馆。
- 从您的桌面或任何支持网络的移动设备实时跟踪资产
- 创建您自己的资产类别
- 从支持网络的移动设备将图像实时上传到资产库
- 管理资产状况、维修状态、保修和完整的拥有成本
费用: 联系报价
11. Infor EAM
Infor 被称为行业领先的企业应用程序提供商。 Infor EAM 是一种高度可配置的企业级资产管理解决方案。获得改善资本资产管理的能力,以提高可靠性、加强预测性维护、确保合规性、减少能源使用并支持可持续发展计划。
- 提供特定行业的版本,包括制造、医疗保健、酒店、公共部门以及石油和天然气
- 安排预防性维护并将资源分配到最有益的地方
- 找出您的资本资产可能在哪里以及为什么会失败并计划替代方案
- 预测设备可靠性问题,从而防止它们发生
- 减少库存和采购成本并收取与保修相关的索赔
- 管理资产以实现公司绩效目标
费用: 联系报价
12. 4Site 企业资产管理
4Site Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) Suite 是一个用于维护、材料和财务的集成解决方案管理。借助 4Site EAM 对维护、采购、库存、会计和财务活动的紧密集成功能,将您的计算机化维护管理系统的范围扩展到维护之外。 4Site 资产维护是 4Site 集成 EAM 套件的核心。
- 提供独特的功能,帮助工厂和设备经理最大限度地提高资产性能、降低维护成本并从关键资产中挖掘收入
- 增强的预防性和预测性维护计划
- 以可靠性为中心的开箱即用维护工具
- 访问关键信息
- 有效的成本控制
费用: 联系报价
13. Fishbowl 资产跟踪和资产管理软件
Fishbowl 是 QuickBooks 用户最畅销的库存管理软件。 Fishbowl 是一个独立的资产跟踪解决方案,提供管理多个仓库、跟踪货物和提高效率所需的所有工具。
- 兼容 QuickBooks
- 避免缺货和积压
- 快速挑选、包装和运送产品
- 创建和组织多个营业地点和营业地点组
- 以不同的计量单位创建和跟踪项目
- 创建用户
费用: 免费试用 14 天;联系报价
ASAP Systems 提供全面的库存和资产跟踪系统,该系统由条形码和智能手机技术支持。 ASAP Systems 资产跟踪系统可适应您的业务需求。借助 ASAP 系统,您的组织可以提高业务生产力并自动化资产管理任务。
- 根据需要重命名数据字段和表单
- 自动化资产跟踪任务,包括数据收集和存储
- 创建富有洞察力的资产报告
费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
15. GigaTrak
GigaTrak 提供满足各种需求的解决方案,包括资产跟踪。他们的资产跟踪系统是一个完整的资产管理解决方案,以其可靠性和易用性而闻名。这款功能强大的软件可帮助您在需要时找到资产,并可按人或位置进行跟踪。
- 管理您要按位置或员工跟踪的任何资产或项目
- 按类别、类型、位置和设施搜索资产
- 资产跟踪软件保留完整的历史记录
- 内置完整报告
- 提供四个版本:资产跟踪入门版、资产跟踪基础版、资产跟踪专业版和资产跟踪学校版
费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
16. Apptricity 资产
Apptricity 是全球领先的供应链管理和综合金融创新移动企业软件提供商解决方案。 Apptricity Asset 提供标准版、专业版和企业版,使组织能够通过端到端的可见性和对其实物资产各个方面的监督来提高效率并最大限度地提高投资回报率。
- 为所有资产提供全面的企业范围跟踪、库存数据、维护记录和估值,从而延长资产寿命
- 用于制定采购、分配、调度、使用寿命和回收决策的关键实时数据
- 签入和签出功能以按部门、部门、员工、承包商或其他标准跟踪资产
- 通过网络浏览器或 Apptricity Asset Management 移动应用程序立即访问
费用: 联系报价
17.系统 ID
系统 ID 帮助中小型企业自动化手动流程、扩展现有系统和优化使用条形码解决方案的关键操作。他们的资产跟踪系统可帮助组织节省时间和金钱,避免审计难题并简化资产流程。
- 专门的资产解决方案团队可提供帮助
- 通过快速完成审核来节省时间
- 通过准确的报告最大限度地减少损失
- 通过轻松收集和检索详细数据来提高工作效率
- 通过消除不必要的购买和维修来增加利润
费用: 联系报价
18. ScanMan 资产管理系统 (SAMS)
ScanMan 软件旨在简化扫描。 ScanMan 资产管理系统 (SAMS) 使用最新的硬件、软件、扫描和通信技术来管理资产。 SAMS 以您的 ERP 或 Excel 数据开始和结束,并为您的所有资产提供全面详细的可追溯性。
- 管理资产数据并保留所做调整的完整历史记录
- 支持文件导入、PC 数据采集、USB 扫描仪、WiFi 扫描仪或批量扫描仪,以便您快速采集资产数据
- 支持 20 个资产字段,包括 4 级资产类别和 4 级位置
- 选择列表在 PC 上进行管理,并与扫描仪同步,以便轻松准确地捕获数据
- 用于将扫描的资产与金融交易相关联的快速核对工具
费用: 联系报价
19. 4SIGHT 资产跟踪
4SIGHT Asset Track 是一款库存管理软件,可帮助组织跟踪高价值库存,包括工作- 使用条形码和其他自动识别技术进行的库存和制造设备、可退回的运输物品,例如可重复使用的手提袋、托盘等。
- 实时监控
- 警报通知
- 数据聚合
- 人为错误消除
- 灵活的集成
- 库存管理
费用: 免费试用 90 天;联系报价
20. TrackAbout
TrackAbout 为包装天然气、化学品、HME、石油公司提供 SaaS 资产跟踪和管理解决方案场、大学设备等。借助 TrackAbout,员工可以获得强大的资产跟踪。 TrackAbout 还与现有企业系统集成,并提供相关、准确的数据,让您的组织更好地控制您的资产。
- 跟踪、管理、维护和可选择租用便携式物理资产
- 自动、智能地更正诸如错过扫描、同步设备故障、计费错误等问题
- 采用基于网络的创新技术构建
- 适用于各种设备
费用: 联系报价
21. BarControl Trak360 @BarControl
BarControl Systems 提供库存控制和供应链管理软件解决方案。他们的资产/设备管理核心模块 Trak360 是一个资产管理软件解决方案,提供完整的夹具、工具、设备和校准跟踪。
- 实现所有公司资产的高效维护和利用
- 跟踪每项资产的所有权、当前分配和位置以及使用情况
- 按一般位置(例如部门或客户)分配资产,或将资产详细签出给多个员工以用于多个工单
费用: 联系报价
22. Aridhio Technologies 实物资产跟踪应用程序
Aridhio Technologies 提供实物资产跟踪软件及其实物资产跟踪应用程序,以帮助组织跟踪实物资产带有条形码的位置标签。员工可以使用他们的 Android 智能手机扫描资产和位置条形码、维护交易记录、向人员检查资产,以及使用 Aridhio 的 Physical Asset Tracking 应用程序记录和跟踪维护。
- 适用于条形码标签
- 使用带条形码的 ID 徽章和资产的条形码向个人检查资产
- 指定截止日期
- 使用条形码位置标签按地址和设施的特定区域跟踪位置
- 生成使用和折旧历史的电子表格
- 跟踪维护和定期服务
费用: 免费试用 30 天
- 基本计划每月 18 美元(最多 3 个用户和 200 个资产)
- 专业计划每月 54 美元(最多 10 个用户和 800 个资产)
- 商业计划每月 89 美元(最多 25 个用户和 2,000 个资产)
- 企业计划每月 139 美元
黑莓雷达是一个完整的资产跟踪解决方案,专为监控拖车、集装箱和设备而设计.每台设备最多可从 8 个传感器获取读数,让您始终全面了解资产状态。该软件易于使用,该平台易于扩展以满足您的运营需求。
- 坚固耐用的设计和构造具有出色的耐用性
- 一台设备上的 8 个传感器读数
- 强大的仪表板、分析和报告
- 所有数据均受 Blackberry 加密和身份验证服务的保护
费用: 联系报价
- 易于使用的基于网络的企业资产管理软件
- 从任何带有智能手机和平板电脑的网络浏览器访问,以审计资产和管理库存
- iOS、Android 和 Win Mobile 上的原生移动应用
- 用于自定义屏幕、报告和工作流程的简单工具
- 通过 Web API 轻松与 ERP 或其他软件系统集成
费用: 联系报价
25. AsTrack
来自澳大利亚领先的条码解决方案提供商 BCDS Solutions,AsTrack 是一款适用于 Android 设备的资产跟踪工具. AsTrack 是一种安全、易于使用的资产管理解决方案,用于跟踪和跟踪仓库或商店环境中的资产。
- 基于网络
- 利用最新的移动网络技术
- 通过自动化资产管理流程来简化业务功能
- 用户友好的仪表板
- 按条形码、类型、类别、位置等跟踪资产
费用: 联系报价
26. ClearPathGPS
ClearPathGPS 为各类行业提供资产管理解决方案。使用的设备具有太阳能支持的双电源,您可以通过识别可以单独管理的特定地理区域轻松自动化您的资产跟踪。广泛的报告选项可帮助您的团队确定整个设备组中的问题和改进机会。
- 自动记录 GPS 地理围栏的到达和离开
- 太阳能追踪硬件可在资产移动时每 10 分钟更新一次
- 接收短信盗窃警报以帮助保护您的宝贵财产
- 易于配置的 ClearPathGPS 仪表板,可访问所有重要功能
- 每辆车每月 20 美元(标准软件)
- 每辆车每月 25 美元(专业软件)
- 跟踪设备和配件的额外费用
27。 Skyline 移动资产管理
Enigma Telematics 是 Viasat 集团旗下的一家公司,旨在帮助企业跟踪、追踪和监控他们的宝贵的移动资产。他们的 Skyline 移动资产管理解决方案是一个基于 Web 的跟踪平台,适用于建筑、工厂和农业机械、废物管理、物流、服务管理和公路运输组织。
- 获取有关车队位置、资产历史记录和路线的即时信息
- 访问被盗资产的数据(包括当前位置)以帮助执法机构
- 适用于 10 英寸和 7 英寸平板电脑用户
下载: Google Play:免费下载,但需要当前订阅 Skyline 资产跟踪系统才能使用
28. Dematic Sprocket EAM
Dematic Sprocket EAM is warehouse management software designed for lean warehouse facilities to proactively manage asset maintenance and reliability. The Dematic Sprocket EAM asset management solution allows organizations to effectively manage assets by assessing and tracking equipment repairs, forecasting future needs for better capital planning, and keeping your facility competitive.
Key Features:
- Easily index condition assessments, view contracts and warranty information, nameplate data, repair history, and customized spare parts lists per asset
- Track repair and installation costs to forecast expenditures for budgeting and better overall capital planning
- Customize meter thresholds for your warehouse assets to track run time and identify potential issues
费用: FREE trial available; Contact for a quote
29. AssetWorks
AssetWorks delivers industry-leading business solutions that help asset-intensive organizations control costs and streamline operations. Their mobile inventory solutions include a fixed asset data collection and on-site reconciliation system. Begin simply with a file containing the applicable fields for your physical inventory.
Key Features:
- Easy data capturing methods and full mobile database capabilities
- Gives users the ability to capture tags via barcode scanner, manual entry, and other methods
- User-friendly configuration utilities
- Utilizes handheld computers or scanners to scan tags and manage data in the field
- Create new assets and transfer assets from one location to another in one simple step
- Reconcile missing assets on-site based on a tag number, serial number, or asset ID
费用: Contact for a quote
30. Sortly
Sortly provides end-to-end inventory and asset management through an excellent digital platform. The visual inventory map is easy to customize with your own folders, fields, and barcodes. The system will display a visual inventory of your entire asset database, and you can also customize individual user permissions and generate reports using real-time data.
Key Features:
- Fully customize fields, categories, and sorting for the entire database
- Easily connect barcodes or QR codes to an asset
- Upload images and important documents for each item
- Mobile app available for Android and iOS
- FREE (100 entries, single user, 1 custom field)
- $39/month Advanced (2000 entries, 3 users, 10 custom fields)
- $99/month Ultra (Unlimited entries, 5 users, unlimited custom fields)
31. MapYourTag
MapYourTag makes asset tracking from your smartphone or tablet simple. MapYourTag assists enterprises and other organizations in tracking, managing, and tracing their assets, equipment, tools, and other items in a single interface using any ID, barcode, or other tags. Track assets, equipment, and tools with the MapYourTag app, available for Android and iOS devices.
Key Features:
- Works for a number of industries, including home care, supply chain, industrial, event management, quality control, and more
- Easy-to-use cloud-based system delivers all of the benefits of asset management systems at a fraction of the cost
- Combines status and localization of your asset
- Get email alerts based upon asset status
- Available any time, anywhere from a smartphone or tablet
- Get more control in managing your asset on visibility, transparency, traceability, and productivity
- Free Plan – 2 users, 10 assets
- Pro:$17/month – 20 users, 50 assets
- Enterprise:$35/month – 200 users, 50 assets
- Custom:Contact for a quote
- Google Play:免费
- iTunes:FREE
32. Asset Tracker
Asset Tracker is a free inventory/asset tracking and management web application. Track any sort of asset, with a user-configurable number, type, and field name. Asset Tracker can hold multiple asset databases and has a plug-in system and simple authentication and access process.
Key Features:
- Add or remove any columns from the database at any time
- Create multiple asset databases containing any information you wish to track
- Comprehensive filters and sorting in the list view
- Bookmark all asset list views
费用: FREE
33. RedBeam Asset Tracking Software
RedBeam Asset Tracking Software helps organizations know what they have and where it is. With RedBeam, you can increase accountability, meet audit requirements, and minimize insurance costs and taxes. Manage your assets from anywhere with RedBeam’s web-based asset tracking.
Key Features:
- Easily tag and track asset movements
- Take physical inventories
- See what is lost, missing, or moved
- Suitable for 500 or more fixed assets
- Scalable and secure
- $995/year per user (1-year plan)
- $948.33/year per user ($2,845 3-year plan)
- $899 Per User/Per Year ($4,495 5-year plan)
34. TCMax Asset Tracking System
The Asset Tracking System from TCMax is real-time tracking software. Know exactly where your assets are at all times or track the status and condition of your assets with TCMax Asset Tracking software. Plus, quickly see who has your assets and pinpoint when and in whose possession asset defects occur.
Key Features:
- Automated exception notification and reporting
- Real-time asset management
- Track asset location, status, and condition
费用: Contact for a quote
35. Janam XM-75
The Janam XM-75 is an asset tracking tool that is known for its ease of use, durability, and flexibility. This portable barcode scanner is a fully functional AndroidOS portable computer, with a built-in laser barcode scanner. The Janam XM-75 has built-in Bluetooth and wifi connectivity and is certified by Google Mobile Services (GMS).
Key Features:
- AndroidOS
- High-performance barcode scanning
- Small, light, and truly pocketable
- Backlit numeric keypad
- Brilliant and durable Gorilla Glass 3 display
- Powerful computing performance
- Wireless communication options
费用: Contact for a quote
36. Real Asset Management Asset Tracking Software
Real Asset Management, a leader of fixed asset management solutions, offers fixed asset management and tracking software. Their fixed asset tracking software is a comprehensive data capture and asset tracking system that increases the speed, accuracy, and efficiency of the asset audit.
Key Features:
- Asset tracking software provides a central register in which detailed information on all assets can be recorded
- Appropriate for use in data collection or more comprehensively for ongoing audits
- Provides information concerning location history, condition, asset issue, asset returns, maintenance, and disposals
- Mobile asset tracking application available for iOs and Android devices
费用: Contact for a quote
- Google Play:免费
- iTunes:FREE
- Windows Phone:FREE
37. CG4 Asset Tracking
CG4 is an enterprise-level, web-based asset and equipment tracking system. With CG4, you can install the software locally or choose to have it installed on a hosted server. CG4 Asset Tracking is configurable and compatible with integrated scanners, smartphones, USB scanners, and Bluetooth-connected scanners using barcodes.
Key Features:
- Web-based asset tracking
- Mobile asset management
- Server and workstation operating system flexibility
- Offline and online modes
- Hardware and browser independent
- SQL database
费用: Contact for a quote
- Google Play:FREE companion app
- iTunes:FREE companion app
38. Assettrac
Dedicated to helping organizations manage and save with their physical assets, Assettrac offers a low-cost solution to all of your asset tracking needs. The Assettrac software is easy to use and an excellent off-the-shelf solution to your asset tracking needs.
Key Features:
- Transforms the lifecycle management of all your assets, without installing new software
- Reduce management time and paperwork
- Move data between PC and handheld very easily
- Carry your asset inventory around with you
- Interrogate any asset via its barcode label to display all characteristics
- Conduct inventory audits and amend any detail
费用: Contact for a quote
39. Bar|Scan Software
Bar|Scan is a complete barcode asset management system that delivers specialized barcoding software. It is designed to meet a company’s enterprise-wide asset information needs through the accuracy of barcodes and portable barcode readers so that your organization can more accurately track assets in less time compared to manual inventory tracking.
Key Features:
- Accounting, facilities, MIS, and purchasing departments can share Bar|Scan asset information for better communication
- Bar|Scan works equally as well in a warehouse environment
- Browse, sort, add, edit, or print assets
- Assign filters passwords so that only assets in workers’ areas of responsibility are accessible
费用: Contact for a quote
40. Finale Inventory
Finale Inventory offers cloud-based, adaptable inventory management. An ideal solution for small to medium-sized companies, Finale Inventory fits in with a company’s existing accounting system, such as QuickBooks or Excel. Finale Inventory Tracking Software includes is easy to understand and accessible from anywhere, so employees in various locations have consistent views of your records.
Key Features:
- Cloud-hosted, so no need for IT or installation
- Works on any browser, with a PC or Mac
- Reduce human error
- Employees at multiple locations see the same record
- Make changes on-site and access asset records anywhere with mobile inventory software
- iPad inventory management has full-screen editing
费用: FREE trial available
- Bronze:$99/month – 2 users, 1,000 orders/month, 2 integrations, 100,000 items
- Silver:$275/month – 6 users, 5,000 orders/month, 4 integrations, 100,000 items
- Gold:$449/month – 8 users, 10,000 orders/month, 8 integrations, 100,000 items
- Platinum:$649/month – 12 users, 20 orders/month, unlimited integrations, 100,000 items
- Enterprise Custom:Contact for a quote
41. Unitech HT510A
Unitech is known for its affordable, reliable data capture products. Their HT510A is a best-selling asset tracking tool that provides a straightforward user experience. This rugged handheld computer is powerful and flexible enough to work in a variety of environments, including warehouses and stockrooms to track your assets.
Key Features:
- Ergonomic, single-hand holding design
- Protected against falls to concrete, withstanding repeated falls of up to 4 feet
- Equipped with a clear, sunlight-readable screen and luminescent keys that shine in the dark
- Designed specifically for warehousing applications
Cost: Contact for a quote
42. Datalogic PowerScan PD9501
Datalogic’s PowerScan PD9501 is a rugged cordless reader that is suitable even for demanding applications. This area imager is a great fit as an asset tracking tool because it is equipped with a new generation of the Datalogic STAR Cordless System, which improves its versatility, ease of use, and radio range. Its soft-pulsed white illumination light is gentle on the eyes and is less troublesome for operators during scan-intensive situations.
Key Features:
- High-performance Liquid Lens increases the depth-of-field for reading wide and high-density codes
- Snappy omnidirectional reading
- Soft white light illumination
- Point-to-point and multi-point transmission
费用: Contact for a quote
SHOOTRAC offers asset relationship management (ARM) in the form of a cloud-based, scalable, SaaS that gives organizations the ability to capture real-time data on its assets and mobile workforce. With SHOOOTRAC, you can gain efficiency and decrease costs while tracking your assets.
Key Features:
- Asset usage tracking improves efficiency and lowers costs
- Photo and video capture of assets, giving managers insight into asset condition and required repairs
- Asset check in/check out ensures accountability and theft reduction
- GPS locations of physical assets integrated with Google Maps, providing precision mapping
- The web-based app makes it simple for managers to access SHOOTRAC from anywhere
- Mobile app for field use, so you can easily gather information
费用: Contact for a quote
44. UpKeep
UpKeep’s asset management software helps you track equipment downtime, manage maintenance requests, and improve your overall return on investment. Users can set up automated workflows and create alerts to keep them informed of technician assignments and completed work. Creating and assigning work orders is convenient with the streamlined maintenance request system.
Key Features:
- Track the complete asset lifecycle for each piece of equipment
- Complete data management and reporting with PDF file export
- View accurate and real-time parts and inventory counts
- Support for managing vehicle fleets and tracking mileage
- Trial:FREE
- Starter:$35/month per user
- Professional:$60/month per user
- Business Plus:$100/month per user
45. Fiix
Fiix is a complete CMMS software platform that makes asset management easy. During setup, you can quickly build a complete asset inventory and define relationships within your equipment hierarchy. Works orders can be managed from the centralized dashboard, and scheduling maintenance work can be automated with custom notifications.
Key Features:
- Automated alerts for alarm triggers and meter readings
- Track asset information and maintenance history in an interactive calendar
- Easily monitor assets across multiple sites and work locations
- Free:FREE (up to 3 users)
- 基本:每位用户每月 40 美元
- Professional:$60/month per user
- 企业:联系报价
46. Trimble AllTrak
A tool tracking system designed especially for contractors and tool crib managers, Trimble AllTrak makes it possible to track construction asset usage and reduce loss. This professional tool and asset management system is highly efficient, giving contractors the solution they need for knowing where their tools are, who is responsible for them, when they should be returned, and when they need to be serviced.
Key Features:
- Centralize and simplify management of equipment and tools
- Track asset locations and employee responsibility
- Manage asset service and maintenance schedules
- Reduce tool loss
费用: Contact for a quote
47. Honeywell Granit 1990iSR Ultra-Rugged Handheld Scanner
Honeywell Scanning &Mobility offers the Granit 1990iSR to track your most valuable assets through their lifecycle. The Granit 1990iSR scanner is capable of scanning high-density bar codes commonly used to track assets in the defense, aerospace, automotive, pharmaceutical, and telecommunications industries.
Key Features:
- Cutting-edge imager scans 1D and 2D barcodes with top-notch motion tolerance and fast time-to-read, while also supporting image and real-time video capture
- Designed to withstand drops from 6.5 feet
- Rugged enough to handle extreme hot and cold temperatures, constant forklift vibration, and windblown dust and rain
- Highly visible aimer for quick and efficient barcode spotting
- Comfort grip and omnidirectional scanning capability to improve operator efficiency
费用: Contact for a quote
48. Samsara
Samsara is a popular fleet, equipment, and infrastructure tracking platform. The Samsara hardware can be installed in a few minutes and provides real-time location status and diagnostic data. Automated reports are a key feature of the software system, and you can easily detect equipment issues, missing items, and other issues.
Key Features:
- 3 different hardware device options to cover a wide range of equipment needs
- Pre-built OEM integrations for connecting JDLink and VisionLink equipped assets
- 24/7 US-based customer support
Cost: Contact for a quote
49. Motorola Asset Management
With Motorola Asset Management, you can manage and track radios, communications equipment, and parts inventory. Organizations can maintain complete asset visibility with the intuitive user interface, configurable asset organization, and item search. If you need to manage and track assets on the go, you can use the mobile application for remote access any time, on any device.
Key Features:
- Centralized HTML5-based tracking database to manage all issued equipment and parts from any device
- Mobile application to streamline asset management
- Inventory tracking of assets and parts, including notifications for low inventory
- Quickly view equipment performance metrics with a convenient dashboard
- Standard and customer reporting to track maintenance history and costs
费用: Contact for a quote
50. IntelliScanner Scanabout Pro
The IntelliScanner Scanabout Pro includes Inventory 2.0, so that you can track your assets and inventory quickly and easily. Made for small businesses, the IntelliScanner Scanabout Pro also works with programs on your existing Mac or PC, including Excel and Microsoft Office, so that you can scan barcodes into any program with customizable keyboard emulation.
Key Features:
- Track internal assets and values
- Build an inventory database of your assets
- Start with 20 customizable templates
- Build, print, email, and export customer reports on your assets and inventory
- Create custom fields to store all of your information
- Store photos of assets from your camera, as well as text-based notes
费用: $299.00 – Includes IntelliScanner SOHO Black portable barcode scanner, mini USB cable and neck strap, Inventory 2.0 software, media software, business integration kit, and keyboard emulation
51. Wasp AssetCloud
Wasp AssetCloud provides tools for automating your fixed asset tracking. The asset software saves valuable time and eliminates the need for spreadsheets while ensuring proper inventory management for your organization. With Wasp AssetCloud, you instantly know who has which assets, when they are due back, the date of purchase, and when you are due a refresh.
Key Features:
- Automate the check-in and check-out to employees, vendors, or customers
- Go to your assets with mobile computers instead of bringing them back to your PC
- Add, edit, check in, check out, and move assets or quickly do audits with the mobility allowed by Wasp Asset Software
- Complete audits and cycle counts on a mobile computer for 100% accuracy
- Track assets by site, location, serial number, or user
- Alerts give notification of overdue checkouts, expiring warranties, schedule maintenance, certification/calibration, and more
- $995+ AssetCloud Complete
- $1,795+AssetCloudOP Basic
- $6,995+ AssetCloudOP Complete
52. Freshservice
Freshservice is an IT and non-IT asset management tool in the cloud. A leader in customer satisfaction, Freshservice helps organizations track IT assets and non-IT assets and their details throughout their lifecycle. Freshservice includes an app for scanning asset barcodes and QR codes on the go with an iOS or Android device.
Key Features:
- Link maintenance requests, asset changes, and more to have better control over the asset lifecycle
- Automatically update asset scans to your configuration management database (CMDB)
- Maintain records of contracts, hardware, and other assets and access information at your fingertips with the Freshservice mobile app
- Blossom:$19/agent/month billed annually – Custom widgets, satisfaction surveys, unlimited end-users, time tracking
- Garden:$49/agent/month billed annually – Problem management, change management, custom roles, plus everything in Blossom
- Estate:$79/agent/month billed annually – Round robin assignment, service catalog, contract management, plus everything in Garden
- Forest:$99/ageent/month billed annually – IP Whitelisting, audit logs, customer success manager, plus everything in Estate
53. Asset Track
Asset Track, a fixed asset tracker software solution, allows for easily tracking tools, equipment, fixed assets, and more in your facilities. Asset Track also enables you to scan asset barcode labels and tags directly from the program.
Key Features:
- Track fixed asset condition and location
- Track depreciating values of fixed and IT assets
- Link assets to borrower and track movement
- Manage asset maintenance records
- View activity logs and reports
费用: $750 Asset Track Premier
54. Tenna Asset Tracking
Tenna’s Asset Tracking software offers modules for tracking all owned and rental assets that you manage. This is a great option for companies there are operating large fleets of heavy equipment, and you can connect a variety of trackers for monitoring additional data.
- Automate asset transfers
- Monitor owned versus rental assets
- Track multiple assets and pay schedules associated with a master contract
- Receive email alerts for critical date
费用: Contact for a quote
55. eMaint
eMaint provides asset management for the connected world. eMaint has powerful CMMS asset management functionality for seamlessly tracking and reporting on your most critical assets. Extend asset life and maximize your return on assets by tracking equipment, buildings, vehicles, and more with eMaint.
Key Features:
- Establish a hierarchical asset structure by creating asset parent groupings and child assets
- Track maintenance history to make data-driven decisions and reduce failures
- Streamline your asset tracking process
- Extend the life of assets
- Improve regulatory compliance
- Budget more accurately
费用: FREE trial available
- Team:$33/user/month – 3 User-package includes standard CMMS features, unlimited Helpdesk support, software updates and upgrades, 24/7 online training, and access on mobile devices
- Professional:$85/user/month – For 3 or more users and includes everything in Team plus an advanced feature set, dedicated account management, interactive image mapping, and more
- Enterprise:$120/user/month – For 5 or more users and includes everything in Professional plus unlimited work request user logins, access to Web API, multi-site toolkit, single sign-on, and more
56. Dude Solutions CMMS
The Dude Solutions CMMS is quick and easy to learn to ensure your organization gets quick results. This simple asset management software handles tracking all your assets, whether they are desktop PCs or industrial machines. With Dude Solutions asset management software, you can create preventive maintenance schedules, corrective work orders, and other maintenance records and tasks while creating a complete asset profile.
Key Features:
- Each asset will have a complete profile that includes make and model, serial code, barcode, lock-out/tag-out, safety notes, images, documents, and more
- Manage safety-related documentation and simplify compliance with regulatory requirements
- Map sites, locations, work orders, facilities, and assets
费用: Contact for a quote
57. Sage Fixed Assets
Sage Fixed Assets allows you to take control of your fixed assets, including buildings, machinery, computers and electronics equipment, office furnishings, and even your own assets that your company builds. With Sage Fixed Assets, managing and overseeing the varied lifecycles of such a broad array of assets becomes simple and straightforward.
Key Features:
- Manage depreciation of fixed assets over time with more than 50 depreciation methods
- Ensure compliance with government regulations
- Allocate cost and depreciation of individual or groups of assets to more than one funding source
- Easy-to-use wizards walk you through the inventory process
- 40 fully customizable fields for inventory control
- Track all of your project details, including status, contacts, notes, financials, and more
- Project, line item, and transaction-level viewing
- At-a-glance status updates with built-in reports
费用: Contact for a quote
What should you look for when buying asset tracking software?
Asset tracking features are included in a number of software platforms, including EAM and CMMS platforms. When comparing these options, it’s always important to consider your organization’s structure and workflows. Here are a few of the most important things to consider when choosing asset tracking software:
- Complete Asset Lifecycle Management . The typical asset tracking software can capture a great deal of information about each of your assets. This data can include equipment conditions, sensor readings, maintenance records, and barcode or RFID information. Some platforms also have extensive financial analysis tools for understanding depreciation and your potential return on investment (ROI). Makes sure that the platform you select can record data that is important to your organization. It may also be good to confirm if the software allows you to attach media and documents, such as manuals and maintenance reports.
- Workflow Management . The best asset management platforms help make your work processes more efficient. Rather than adding additional steps, look for software that uses automation and workflow management tools to reduce redundant tasks. Additional features to watch for include advanced task management, work order management, and the ability to easily track equipment rentals and transfers.
- Connectivity . Most of today’s asset tracking programs have excellent remote and cloud options. Make sure that any mobile applications can be easily installed and scaled to meet the needs of your workforce. It’s also helpful to review the hardware compatibility for any external scanners, sensors, asset tags, or other equipment you intend to use with the system. Finally, take a look at the supported 3rd-party integrations to confirm if any of your existing systems can be connected directly to the asset tracking program.
How much does asset tracking software cost?
As you can see in this guide, the cost of any particular asset tracking software can vary widely based on the size of your equipment inventory and the number of users. When making a comparison of costs, these factors usually have the largest impact on your overall cost:
- Number of Users . Many software programs set their pricing plans based on a per user, per month structure. The price per user generally decreases with more users with additional discounts for annual plans or multi-year contracts.
- Asset and Fleet Size . Some companies limit the number of assets that can be entered into the system when using lower-cost plans. By referencing the number of assets you control, it is possible to compare your total cost with each system and find the best balance of cost versus features.
- Types of Equipment . Each asset tracking software will have a core feature set that is optimized for some particular application. Some examples include fleet management, IT asset management, fixed asset management, and maintenance management. You may be able to realize some extensive cost savings by finding a single platform that can fulfill a number of different functions you require.
- Customization Options . This is especially important for large enterprises and businesses that have unique workflow requirements. Most software companies will offer custom quotes for enterprise plans that can be fully scaled to meet wide-ranging needs. There may also be unique customization options, such as APIs, that can give you more control over compatibility with existing systems.
Asset Tracking Solutions from Camcode:
- 资产标签
- 自定义条码标签
- 物业 ID
- 悬挂标志
- 仓库标签
- Tamper Proof Labels
- 机架标签
- UID 标签
- 军用标准 130
- 25 个最佳工具库存和设备跟踪软件系统
- 25 个最佳预防性维护软件系统
- 使用资产标签和资产标签进行资产跟踪的重要性
- 50 条资产跟踪技巧:帮助成功跟踪企业最有价值资产的解决方案和策略
- 顶级库存管理软件:30 个工具来像专业人士一样控制和跟踪您的库存
- 顶级 CMMS 软件系统:用于简化、集中和管理资产跟踪和维护活动的 47 个最佳软件程序
- 资产管理解决方案:强大公用事业基础设施的关键
- 顶级资产跟踪应用程序:55 个最佳应用程序来调动您的资产跟踪和管理活动
- 设备跟踪软件:优化您的维护管理
- 预防性维护系统和 CMMS 软件:进化
- 比较 CMMS 软件价格并选择最适合您业务的软件
- 使用设备维护软件提升您的业务资产