最佳仓库管理演示和幻灯片:关于简化仓库运营、提高生产力等的 50 个深入资源
涵盖仓库布局和规划、精益仓储原则、管理技巧和生产力等主题,以下仓库管理演示文稿和幻灯片包含案例研究、策略和其他对仓库管理专业人员有用的信息。从库存和人员配备到成本和扫描方法,这些资源提供的内容肯定会激发您仓库中的创新和创造性实践。请注意,我们在此处列出了我们的 50 个顶级仓库管理演示文稿和幻灯片,没有特别 订购 .
作为领先的社交、移动、分析和云公司,Contus 通过其产品提供创新解决方案为全球客户提供服务。在仓库管理最佳实践中,Contus 数字营销主管 Meena V 探讨了增加收入的仓库控制策略。
- 分析仓库布局以有效利用空间;考虑低销量和高销量的产品
- 避免在一个容器中混合多个 SKU
- 将经常挑选的物品存放在送货区域附近,以便快速取货和发货
Datex 是领先的 3PL、冷藏、仓储、配送、和制造业。 Datex 营销协调员 Angela Carver 在此 SlideShare 演示文稿中介绍了冷藏仓库布局的最佳实践。
- 当员工不得不穿越低效的布局或在指定和标记不足的区域工作时,仓库设计会对生产力产生负面影响
- 引领行业效率的冷藏设施被划分为功能区域,每个区域用于支持运营流程
- 使用 WMS 的库存管理工具收集历史和预计的体积数据,以确定每个区域的位置和大小
仓储教育与研究委员会 (WERC) 是物流和配送专业人士的协会。在中国上海举行的消费品供应链官员峰会上,WERC 首席执行官 Michael Mikitka 介绍了基准测试和最佳实践:提高生产力和仓库效率,为仓库专业人员提供理想的基准测试方法的分步说明。
- 定性和定量基准测试应该齐头并进
- 成功的基准测试应包括规划、衡量、比较和执行步骤
- 从愿景声明和价值观开始设置基准测试优先级
UPS 通过全球贸易、可持续发展和物流连接世界。 SlideShare 上提供了他们的仓库管理演示文稿,其中重点介绍了通过运营发现成本节约的五种方法,作为管理供应链成本的综合方法的一部分。
- 50% 的供应链高管表示,劳动力成本是管理成本的主要挑战
- 为了节省成本,请重新考虑库存和订单管理控制系统
- 您可以通过重新评估供应链安全和合规成本来节省资金
interlinkONE 开发软件来简化组织与受众互动的方式。在 MFSA 年会的这个仓库管理演示中,interlinkONE 销售副总裁 Karen DeWolfe 概述了帮助组织简化库存管理和订单履行流程的策略、技术、工具和技巧。
- 寻求在线订购门户、库存管理、自动化和客户服务方面的改进
- 利用按需打印来降低存储、处理和库存核算方面的成本
- 不断分析拣货流程,以确定是否可以访问最受欢迎的库存,并确保拣货单将员工送上正确的道路
Capgemini Consulting 是一家帮助组织过渡到数字世界的转型顾问公司,以及 SAP ,一家领先的商业软件供应商,联手展示了仓库自动化趋势中的案例研究和思想领导力。此仓库管理幻灯片已在 NAW 分发圆桌会议上展示。
- 增强现实解决方案通常是手持设备的更好替代方案,因为它们允许工作人员使用头戴式显示器扫描条形码
- 托盘和叉车跟踪方面的创新正在提高生产力和库存准确性
- 自动化标准叉车可降低运营成本和劳动力、减少维护并提高安全性
在供应链转型——从第一英里到最后一英里,SAP 解决方案管理和扩展供应链专家 Kris Gorrepati 探讨了促使组织转变仓库管理和其他物流的市场和技术趋势。 Gorrepati 还研究了供应链在过去一个世纪中是如何演变的。
我们喜欢供应链转型的三个关键提示 - 从第一英里到最后一英里:
- 全渠道和电子商务趋势正在推动当今的供应链
- 响应迅速且智能的订单履行解决方案提供更快、更具成本效益的替代方案
- 库存管理需要适当的库存定位和敏捷性
8。 2015-2019年美国仓储市场
Technavio 提供可操作、战略性、竞争性和客户情报相关的市场研究报告全球领先的公司。他们的仓库管理幻灯片,2015-2019 年美国仓储和仓储市场,分享分析师对仓储和仓储市场的预测,显示该市场在五年期间的复合年增长率为 6.93%。
我们喜欢 2015-2019 年美国仓储市场的三个关键提示:
- 由于出口活动和贸易活动的增加,美国的仓储正在增长
- 仓库管理主管应了解影响市场的关键驱动因素、市场面临的挑战、利益相关者的活动以及将塑造市场未来的主要趋势
- 关键购买标准包括仓库的位置和与主要业务设施的连通性、对托运人的成本效益、仓库存储容量以及仓库服务提供商提供的增值服务
9。改善仓库管理流程的 10 个易于实施的技巧
我们喜欢 10 个易于实施的技巧来改进仓库管理流程中的三个关键技巧:
- 查看您当前的拣货方式
- 使用软件排序订单
- 在您的拣货区创建操舵室区域
10。电子商务仓库管理和订单履行的 7 大技巧
Peoplevox 专门为电子商务和多渠道零售商构建仓库管理软件,他们分享在这个简短的幻灯片中,专门针对电子商务仓库管理的提示。 Peoplevox 创始人兼首席执行官 Jonathan Bellwood 在 ChannelAdvisor Catalyst 上发表了这个特别的仓库管理演示。
我们喜欢电子商务仓库管理和订单履行的 7 大技巧中的三个关键技巧:
- 从一个系统处理所有履行
- 利用条形码确保准确性
- 过滤订单并确定优先顺序
StarTrack 是澳大利亚值得信赖的货运和物流供应商,与澳大利亚邮政合作,使交付更轻松、更好.他们寻求通过提高仓库管理和生产力的十大技巧来帮助组织提高效率。
- 优化您的仓库平面图,以确保最佳效率的方式使用您的空间
- 将最畅销的商品放在最容易访问的地方
- 在更改布局时更改照明配置
12. Greg 关于仓库准确性的重要提示
Edisoft Inc. 的解决方案专家 Greg Dow 分享减少仓库错误以节省时间的技巧Greg 的仓库准确性重要提示中的钱。此幻灯片是 Dow 准备展示一些最常见的仓库设计错误和解决方案的演示文稿的白皮书版本。
我们喜欢 Greg 的仓库准确性重要提示中的三个关键提示:
- 通过考虑字体大小来确保条形码的易读性,并考虑在长代码中使用标点符号、字体更改、下划线和方框等视觉提示
- 让您的技术尽可能简单地输入数据
- 在您购买之前,通过考虑扫描范围并使用您的条形码测试预期的阅读器和扫描仪,将您的条形码与您的扫描仪匹配
13.在不诉诸第 1 层技术的情况下提高仓库生产力
英联邦供应链顾问就提高供应链绩效的流程、设计和技术提供指导.他们在 WERC 会议上的演讲帮助仓库经理回答了如何在不进行大量资本投资的情况下改善仓库问题。
我们喜欢在不诉诸第 1 层技术的情况下提高仓库生产力的三个关键技巧:
- 一些组织可能会发现策略可以很好地解决他们的挑战,因此他们不需要在技术上进行大量资本投资
- 组织最好专注于中端 WMS 系统
- 考虑 SaaS 解决方案而不是现场 WMS 解决方案
KOMSystems 提供先进的供应链应用。他们的仓库管理幻灯片检查了配送中心的生产力基准,并探索了这种做法的好处,包括发现改进机会、提高盈利能力、证明成本高昂的运营改进的合理性、确定行业趋势以及增强内部生产力监控解决方案。
三我们喜欢Why Benchmark Warehouse Productivity? 中的关键提示:
- 当仓库经理对生产力进行基准测试时,他们能够更好地提高盈利能力并降低运营成本
- 生产力基准测试使仓库管理人员能够评估最佳做法和新技术的影响
- 仔细检查仓库活动以识别和消除效率低下的情况
西太平洋仓储解决方案 (WPSS) 是钢架和工业仓储解决方案的领导者。他们概述了最大化仓库生产力的好处,并在此仓库管理幻灯片中提供了有关仓库货架和布局的提示。
我们喜欢 Strategies for Making Your Warehouse More Efficient 中的三个关键提示:
- 自动化库存控制并使用条形码自动更新库存
- 使用工业存储设备(例如坚固的高架钢架、托盘架和滚轮),以便安全、轻松地取用产品和材料
- 创建一个有组织的订单拣选系统,以实现正确的工作流程
Turnaround Services Global 是一家澳大利亚企业,致力于帮助全球的商业领袖。提高仓库生产力 - 商务早餐会议是由 Turnaround Services 全球总经理 Sukesh Ned 发表的演讲,重点介绍如何使用工业工程、自动化流程、员工重新部署等多种技术优化仓库生产力。
我们喜欢提高仓库生产力 - 商务早餐会议的三个关键提示:
- 仓库经理需要适应不断变化的行业格局才能保持竞争力
- 了解、观察并激发客户的兴趣以提升价值
- 监控库存、优化安全库存和重新订购数量,并对产品使用 ABC/FSN 分析以降低库存成本
LeanCor 是一家专注于精益原则以实现运营改进的供应链合作伙伴。 LeanCor 的精益仓储 – 尊重卓越提供了一个关于分销环境中文化发展的案例研究,并且是他们网络研讨会的一部分,该研讨会讨论了部署定制方法以持续改进仓库的方式导致更高的生产力、更低的成本和更低的周转率.
- 仓库管理需要改变行为以改变思维
- 精益仓储包含多种要素,包括协作、减少库存、可见性以及以最低的总成本获得最高的客户价值等
- 组织必须能够识别仓库中的关键绩效驱动因素,以便进行改进
Datex 营销协调员 Angela Carver 在本次仓库管理中探讨了在仓库设施中使用移动打印机的好处幻灯片甲板。正如 Carver 指出的那样,移动打印机正在成为一种广泛使用的技术,因为它们在消除操作员错误和相关成本方面发挥着作用。
- 移动打印机可以打印标签以附在库存上,与条码系统配合使用时效率特别高
- 移动打印所需时间是固定打印机所需时间的 1/4
- 移动打印机可以在接收到码头时打印库存条码,并打印带有交叉码头信息的运输标签,这有助于提高快速移动物品的准确性
Flevy 是优质商业文件的市场。在此仓库管理幻灯片中,撰稿人 Howard Coleman 探讨了最大化现有空间或新空间以将劳动效率提升到新水平的技术,并重点介绍了配送中心和仓库中 10 种最常见的浪费。
- 识别和消除最常见的浪费有助于提高绩效
- 在考虑布局时,不要忽视生产位置,以及垂直和水平空间的使用情况
- 实施高速拣选区,以减少拣选员步行时间并提高拣选员生产力
Supply Chain Insights 是一家研究和咨询公司,致力于让客户改善供应链绩效并提供帮助公司变得更加敏捷和有利可图。他们的 Power of Voice Study 幻灯片将语音导向仓储作为一种潜在的解决方案来优化客户服务要求,同时将劳动力成本保持在最低水平。
我们喜欢 Power of Voice Study 的三个关键点:语音的价值- 定向仓储:
- 语音用户也比非用户更频繁地实施条形码扫描和高级自动化
- 语音用户对仓库运营的满意度高于非用户
- 语音控制仓储最常用于拣货/选择、补货、入库和盘点(周期盘点/全盘点)
21。为您的极窄通道 (VNA) 仓库确定合适的叉车导航系统
我们喜欢确定正确的叉车导航的三个关键点适用于非常窄通道 (VNA) 仓库的系统:
- 仓库经理可以通过三种叉车导航选项到达仓库目的地:手动系统、全自动选择以及混合或灵活的替代方案
- 二维条码跟踪系统适用于宽通道和 VNA 应用
- 叉车技术的新进步为仓库管理人员提供了新的解决方案,并为提高仓库效率和生产力提供了新机会
22。提高仓库效率的 7 种方法
Storee Construction Co. 自 1966 年以来一直提供高质量的工业和商业建筑。他们的仓库管理幻灯片展示了提高仓库效率的七种方法,并侧重于组织。
我们喜欢提高仓库效率的 7 种方法中的三个关键提示:
- 制定维护计划以防止停机;纳入日常护理和设备调整时间表
- 评估仓库布局的有效性和库存管理系统
- 通过周期盘点提高库存准确性
Equinox MHE 是一家系统集成商,通过交钥匙定制分拣帮助客户优化物流流程解决方案和定制软件和控件。此幻灯片来自 Equinox 产品开发经理 Peter Voet 在物流和运输论坛会议上发表的关于提高仓库效率的演示文稿。
我们喜欢分拣机的三个关键技巧 - 达到更高效率的可能性在您的仓库中:
- 分拣机是提高低速、中速和高速应用效率的解决方案
- 考虑自动化包装线和贴标线以提高生产力
- 结合了小型装载和分拣机解决方案的混合解决方案是提高仓库生产力的明智选择
在物流与订单履行策略中,SAP 高级解决方案专家 Avi Shacham 探讨如何改造供应链和物流进入需求网络。此演示文稿重点介绍了计划、可访问性和满足消费者的需求。
- 向以客户为中心的转变导致 45% 的企业实施了直接面向客户的履行功能
- 快速满足个性化客户需求需要物联网;事实上,87% 的供应链主管将物联网视为重要技术
- 技术解决方案将公司战略与客户和产品战略联系起来,以便组织能够规划、响应和交付
Insight Stock 是一个灵活的基于网络的库存管理软件解决方案,允许组织控制他们通过业务流程的库存变动。由 Simon Burgess 介绍的 Insight Stock 库存条码扫描幻灯片解释说,当条码扫描器与条码标签和库存需求相匹配时,条码扫描可以提高仓库的准确性、效率和生产力。
- 确保您的条码扫描仪能够快速读取条码并将库存信息提供给单个数据库
- 组织应确定线性条码还是二维条码更适合他们的需求
- 考虑使用自动序列化的二维资产标签和条形码以简化跟踪
制造宣传与增长网络 (MAGNET),NIST 制造推广合作伙伴关系在俄亥俄州北部,支持和支持该地区的制造商。 Cody White 的 MAGNET 幻灯片来自关于精益工具和见解的研讨会演示文稿,用于从仓库中清除废物以降低成本、改善服务并提高物流和仓储效率。
- 精益制造的重点应放在标准化、库存绩效、物流成本降低、差异减少、减少非增值活动造成的浪费以及速度和周期时间上
- 确定哪些活动只会增加成本,哪些活动会增加价值
- 采用精益履行流的原则,例如消除所有浪费、缩短交货时间、创建水平流、协作和使用流程纪律,以及关注履行的总成本
Advent Design Corporation 是一家屡获殊荣的公司,为企业提供定制工程解决方案。他们的幻灯片,在仓库操作中应用精益概念,是 Advent Design 合作伙伴 Frank Garcia 的演示文稿。该演示文稿涵盖了仓库改进中的精益概念、使用价值流图和实施流程改进。
- 要使用精益技术改进仓库,高管应让操作员和主管参与
- 依靠价值流图并计划实施精益改进
- 培训团队成员使用精益概念和进行长期规划至关重要
Zensar Technologies 是全球企业的转型合作伙伴,被评为 13 大 IT 服务公司由纳斯康姆。 Lean Warehouse 是他们的仓库管理白皮书,以幻灯片形式呈现,旨在帮助组织更好地了解整合精益仓储原则和分析关键关键绩效指标 (KPI)。
- 定制的精益仓储解决方案(包括入库物流、出库物流、移动设备集成和劳动力管理)通常有助于简化仓库管理并缩短实施时间
- 高效的仓库通过减少原材料库存和成品库存以及消除过时库存来提高运营利润率
- 精益仓库解决方案能够将库存减少 20%,实施时间减少 25%,库存核销减少 10%
Silver Lining Storage Solutions 专注于为各种垂直行业提供高质量、价值驱动的定制解决方案.他们的仓库管理演示概述了仓储的精益原则,并指导观众转变为精益仓库。
- 精益仓库需要远见、准备、文档、分析、适当的策略和持续改进
- 材料存储和处理对于仓库运营至关重要,低效的方法应该被以吞吐量为导向的高效设施取代
- 确保高效的仓库存储布局,快速移动的产品在前,慢速产品在后
Melinda Hollingshed,美世大学工程讲师,帮助组织改进业务流程。 Hollingshed 是精益制造专家,擅长技术写作,她在精益仓库优化(精益培训资源的案例研究)中介绍了她对精益仓储的见解。
- 精益布局技术以多种方式使仓库管理受益,包括降低每月劳动力成本、提高准时发货、增加每小时出库托盘以及减少客户投诉
- 专注于减少挑选和处理客户订单所需的差旅次数
- 将经常一起订购的产品存放在仓库的同一区域内
31. Peoplevox 仓库位置标签快速指南
在这个仓库管理幻灯片中,Peoplevox 创始人兼首席执行官 Jonathan Bellwood 提供了一个快速定位指南标签。该演示文稿介绍并链接到完整指南,该指南对于任何正在实施仓库管理系统的电子商务组织都是有用的资源。
我们喜欢仓库位置快速指南中的三个关键提示PeopleVox 的标签:
- 以一种合乎逻辑的方式标记位置,新仓库工作人员可以在短时间内理解,随着您的成长易于扩展,在您更换存储设备时易于更改,并且易于设置
- 请记住,操作员不会以完全分类的方式存放物品,因此您的系统必须考虑到间隙并为他们提供遵循的指导方针
- Determine whether having one product per location does or does not meet your warehousing needs
32. How Voice, Scanning, and Automation Can Work Together to Reduce Costs and Improve Service
Lucas Systems is a leading provider of solutions that transform distribution operations and provide for intelligent mobile work execution. Their warehouse management presentation explores the need for new approaches to fulfillment center operations and highlights two case studies on mobile applications and warehouse automation solving shop-floor challenges without altering back-end systems.
Three key tips we like from How Voice, Scanning and Automation Can Work Together to Reduce and Improve Service:
- New work execution systems are required to integrate worker mobility and process automation
- Warehouse executives should consider whether existing WMS systems are adequate, or whether they need a voice-enablement solution, a WMS upgrade, or a solution that provides multi-modal user process along with process optimization and management tools to extend WMS capabilities
- Warehouse executives also should consider whether mobile worker technology would supplement and complement automation systems for increasing productivity and efficiency
33. A Guide to Warehouse Planning
PD Industrial are experts in supplying, installing, and inspecting warehouse and retail pallet racking and shelving. Their warehouse management slide deck, A Guide to Warehouse Planning, shows viewers how to make the most of their warehouse space, which equipment to use, and how to ensure health and safety in the facility.
Three key tips we like from A Guide to Warehouse Planning:
- Warehouse planning must involve considering efficiency and health and safety
- Ensure your warehouse has enough space for employees to move around and consider machinery that will be used
- Use the full height of your warehouse to optimize square footage
34. Warehouse Key Performance Indicators
With their library of business frameworks and analysis tools, Flevy provides a shortcut to immediate business value for organizations. In this warehouse management slide deck, Flevy shares information on key performance indicators (KPIs) for warehouses and explores best practices in using them.
Three key tips we like from Warehouse Key Performance Indicators:
- Warehouse executives should use KPIs in comparison to competition and customers to improve revenue
- Continually measure KPIs to determine the organization’s wellbeing
- Warehouse KPIs should be tied directly to receiving, put away, storage, picking and packing, and shipping
35. The “Dos and Don’ts” of Warehouse Developments and Moves
Hatmill is a management consultancy of supply chain and logistics advisors that help organizations address their challenges. Their warehouse management presentation, written by Hatmill managing director Simon Dixon is available in the form of a white paper on Slide Share to guide viewers who are considering embarking on a warehouse move.
Three key tips we like from The “Dos and Don’ts” of Warehouse Developments and Moves:
- Moving to a new warehouse requires detailed planning and strong controls and involves a range of stakeholders
- Begin with business requirements and know how much space you need now and in the future
- Consider how the building will work by walking through processes and tasks people will undertake
36. 7 Ways to Organize Your Warehouse for Better Productivity
WPSS is a trusted supplier and advisor to some of the world’s largest corporations. Their presentation on seven of the best ways to maximize time and space in the warehouse offers tips for warehouse managers looking to increase productivity.
Three key tips we like from 7 Ways to Organize Your Warehouse for Better Productivity:
- Color-coding is an organization technique that increases speed and productivity by allowing employees to find items more quickly
- Keep the most-sold items in easily accessible areas, such as in the very front of the warehouse and in shallow shelves
- Keep all equipment, such as forklifts, in one area to make your warehouse safer, more productive, and professional looking
37. Risks Associated with Warehouse Design and Process Flow
The Transport Forum provides a platform for discussing all issues that are relevant to transport. They share a presentation on understanding the impact of warehouse design and the risks associated with it and process flow; the presentation was made by made by Iain Sherwood at a Transport Forum special interest group.
Three key tips we like from Risks Associated with Warehouse Design and Process Flow:
- Customers select a facility based on its location, customer service, and operating costs
- When selecting a warehouse location, keep in mind that the correct positioning of a facility impacts costs and customer service levels
- To begin warehouse design, collect operations data, model actual facility throughput, project inventory levels, and determine the pick faces that are needed to handle the inventory you need to contain
38. Automated Data Collection &WMS:Empowering Your Operation with Real Time Accurate Information
Datex understands software solutions for the warehousing industry, and they share insights into the benefits of implementing a wider variety of technologies to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, increase data availability, and optimize labor productivity in this warehouse management slide deck. As Datex marketing coordinator Angela Carver points out, having the technology is not enough; organizations must integrate their technologies so they can perform as one effective network.
Three key tips we like from Automated Data Collection &WMS:Empowering Your Operation with Real Time Accurate Information:
- Putting a single vendor in charge of all of the automated data collection network components reduces the amount of touches and communication required to manage and update your network
- Your warehouse management system (WMS) must track movement of product within the facility, handle inventory and order management, perform customer communication, and include task planning if it will efficiently assist your automated data collection network
- Automated data collection may include barcode labels, voice technology, vehicle-mounted computers, handheld and mobile computers to scan barcodes and capture data, and mounted barcode scanners and automated retrieval systems
39. Warehouse Operations Training Session
Omar Youssef is a consultant at MENA Consulting Group. His warehouse management slide deck shares tips for managing and running warehouse operations and focuses on nine warehouse goals, such as maximizing effective use of space, maximizing effective use of equipment, and maximizing effective use of labor.
Three key tips we like from Warehouse Operations Training Session:
- Picking is time consuming, so ensure that your pickers are not spending too much time traveling and searching for items
- Determine whether automated picking or manual picking is best for your warehouse needs and company goals
- If you have a cold storage facility, keep in mind that good ventilation provides clean air at the required temperature and humidity
40. Operational Agility
Dematic Reddwerks delivers warehouse execution software that is powered by Distribution Science. In Operational Agility, Dematic Reddwerks explores how warehouse executives leverage software to optimize existing facility assets, synchronize data, and align the DC automation islands.
Three key points we like from Operational Agility:
- Warehouse execution software solves omni-channel order fulfillment demands
- Omni-channel just be a full, client-driven experience that revolves around providing products to customers when, where, and how they want them
- There is a good chance that the lack of agility in traditional warehouse management systems harms your bottom line
41. 5 Things You Should Know About Cost to Serve in Your Warehouse
Easy Metrics is a cloud-based business intelligence application that provides visibility into labor costs and helps companies optimize large, controllable expenses. In 5 Things You Should Know About Cost to Serve in Your Warehouse, Easy Metrics offers tips for controlling warehouse labor costs by knowing cost to serve and capturing 100% of labor spend to make management decisions based on current and constantly updated information.
Three key tips we like from 5 Things You Should Know About Cost to Serve in Your Warehouse:
- You should have complete visibility on profit and loss in regards to customers, products, processes, and employees
- When margins on a customer are negative, increasing volume actually increases losses
- If you let your least profitable customers go, you reduce workload and improve your bottom line
42. Warehouse Operations and Management
Andrea Payaro, vice president of SCM Academy, shares a comprehensive warehouse management presentation on the warehouse process in this slide deck. The focus is to help managers organize their warehouses in terms of people, material, and infrastructure and highlights common mistakes and risks in the industry.
Three key tips we like from Warehouse Operations and Management:
- A warehouse system should incorporate people, information technology and automation, and infrastructure and equipment
- Conduct touch analysis to determine whether the number of touches is high, because it is then likely that the costs are high and the number of mistakes or damages is high
- Consider cross docking if the item cannot be shipped directly
43. Warehouse Management Benefits for the eCommerce Industry
A partner in technology, Net@Work presents Warehouse Management Benefits for the eCommerce Industry. This slide deck is from a live webinar featuring HighJump solution consultant Chris Barnes and Net@Work senior solutions engineer Sean Fleming; the presentation explores how dynamic WMS capabilities help companies grow their eCommerce components and drive operations.
Three key tips we like from Warehouse Management Benefits for the eCommerce Industry:
- Flexible picking is a must, as 75% of orders are five or fewer lines today
- To optimize pick design, keep pickers picking instead of waiting, keep them picking instead of doing non-pick tasks, and keep product touches and travel to a minimum
- In terms of cluster picking, it is important to balance travel reduction with handling efficiency
44. 5 Principles of Effective Warehouse Management
Kerridge Commercial Systems provides insights for businesses within the distribution trades. Their slide deck highlights five principles of effective warehouse management and details how poor management affects sales and profits.
Three key tips we like from 5 Principles of Effective Warehouse Management:
- Keep optimum stock levels and consider implementing a WMS to make it easier to do so
- Enhance your warehouse management practices in order to process sales orders quickly
- Tightly control storage and movement of stock in order to have accurate records of stock levels and correctly fulfill orders
45. Warehouse Design and Appropriate Automation
Vanderlande provides automated material handling systems and warehouse automation. In his warehouse automation presentation originally delivered at the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) Seminar, Vanderlande business development manager Noel Blake discusses when and how to introduce automation to a warehouse or distribution center.
Three key points we like from Warehouse Design and Appropriate Automation:
- Warehouse design is crucial because 80% of warehouse building costs are in the floor and roof, and more than 60% of warehouse operating costs are due to order picking
- Warehouse automation drivers include increasingly high customer service levels, difficulty in attracting and retaining qualified staff, scarcity of affordable warehouse space, pressure to reduce operational costs, and increasing health, safety, and ergonomics regulations
- The main reasons to adopt warehouse automation are growth, cost, and service
46. Advantages of Multi-Level Warehouse Picking Systems
Western Pacific Storage Solutions (WPSS) offers engineered industrial shelving systems and work platforms and maintains superior quality. They share some of the benefits of multi-level warehouse picking systems in this warehouse management slide deck.
Three key tips we like from Advantages of Multi-Level Warehouse Picking Systems:
- Use multi-level systems for pallet storage and moving a high volume of merchandise quickly
- Consider two- or three-tier reserve storage to allow for an abundance of merchandise to be stored nearby
- A horseshoe configuration is extremely efficient because fast-moving items can be stored at various points along the main picking aisle and restocking occurs from the center aisle without inhibiting the flow of order-picking in front
47. Lean Inventory Management:Using Lean Initiatives to Manage Inventory
Flevy is working to become a comprehensive knowledge base of premium business documents. Their Lean Inventory Management:Using Lean Initiatives to Manage Inventory slide deck explores the warehouse management trend of adopting lean techniques to build flexible and collaborative inventory.
Three key points we like from Lean Inventory Management:Using Lean Initiatives to Manage Inventory:
- Lean supply chain and inventory management enable small and medium businesses to improve efficiency and increase profits
- Lean inventory management techniques are built upon value, flow, pull, responsiveness, and perfection
- Lean inventory management practices reduces SKU counts and inventory levels, increases use of standards in processes and materials, improves collaboration, and results in a general reduction in costs of good sold
48. How to Improve Labor Productivity in the Warehouse
Datex is a leading developer of software solutions for warehousing, and they understand the need for warehouse management professionals to improve productivity in their facilities. In this slide deck, Datex marketing coordinator Angela Carver examines how reducing costs while increasing customer satisfaction via improved labor productivity leads to success for warehouse management.
Three key tips we like from How to Improve Labor Productivity in the Warehouse:
- There are six steps for developing effective labor standards for warehouses, and they include analyzing, establishing accountability, communicating, monitoring productivity, getting support from a WMS, and initiating management team buy-in
- Determine labor standards to more easily make decisions regarding changes to the warehouse, loading dock, shipping dock, and facility staffing
- Perform effective warehouse assessments by conducting walkthroughs, gathering performance metrics, speaking with staff, making use of internal data, and benchmarking
49. Benefits of a Warehouse Management System
Core Warehouse offers world-class warehouse management systems for distributors, 3PL, and food storage. Their warehouse management slide deck explores the benefits of adopting a warehouse management system.
Three key points we like from Benefits of a Warehouse Management System :
- Implementing a WMS improves traceability, as it makes it easier to keep track of inventory and locate products in real time
- A proper WMS improves accuracy by enabling managers to view inventory movement and double check shipment accuracy and order fulfillment accuracy
- Warehouse operations that incorporate a WMS are more productive and have an increased ability to meet customer requirements
50. Metrics Suck… Converting the Warehouse from a Cost Center to Profit Center
Integrated Systems Design (ISD) helps organizations optimize their warehouse, distribution, and manufacturing operations for cost-effective lean operations. Their warehouse management slide deck is from a presentation by Robert Jones at ProMat on the need to convert warehouses into profit centers.
Three key points we like from Metrics Suck… Converting the Warehouse from a Cost Center to Profit Center:
- Operate under the assumption that your competition is more automated, lean, and aggressive than you are
- Reengineer your facility to increase throughput while reducing labor and space
- Warehouses can make a profit if you use customized documents, offers, and promotion to generate revenue and keep five key metrics (order accuracy, inventory accuracy, cost per line processed, order fill rate, and out the door service level) in mind
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