仓库管理软件:提高仓库效率、减少开销和增加利润的 52 种最佳工具和系统
我们汇总了 52 个顶级仓库管理软件系统和工具,以使仓库管理人员更可行地更好地处理他们的工作量。这些顶级软件解决方案和工具包含使库存、工作流程、扫描、运输和跟踪更易于管理的所有特性和功能。它们还可以自动执行任务并提高仓库及其管理人员的效率和生产力。请注意,我们在此处列出了我们的顶级仓库管理软件解决方案和工具,没有特别 订购。
Kechie Warehouse Management 是 My Office Apps 工具套件的一部分,其中包括 Kechie Full ERP、Kechie 库存管理、Kechie 制造和 Kechie 财务管理。 Kechie 的仓库管理解决方案是一个完全集成的一体化解决方案,提供多仓库管理、库存、采购、财务、CRM 等。
- 通过条码扫描功能简化库存管理
- 自动化拣货、包装和发货流程
- 内置财务和会计工具
费用: 联系报价
2。 mobe3 WMS
mobe3 是针对中型和企业仓库设施的基于云的仓库管理解决方案 (WMS)。它是一个原生 iOS 解决方案,可让设施管理人员模拟他们的仓库操作,包括库存管理、交叉配送、逆向物流、购物车拣选、订单分派和装运跟踪以及计费和付款管理。
- Ai 层用于批量拣货、分配任务和执行基于规则的拣货/入库
- 直观设计的用户体验带来无与伦比的生产力和采用率
- 在实施新程序之前模拟仓库工作流程
- 在应用内使用库存图片来提高准确性和用户体验
- 实时工作流程执行和生产力指标
- 在仓库管理技术方面实现最快的投资回报率
费用: 每位用户每月 200 美元
3. Robocom WMS
- 获得仓库运营的关键可见性
- 用户友好的菜单驱动应用程序旨在满足特定行业仓库操作的要求
- 优化库存、人员、空间和设备,同时最大限度地降低成本
- 库存准确率接近 100%
- 无纸化订单拣选
费用: 联系报价
TECSYS 是仓库管理软件的领导者,为医疗保健、政府和大批量行业提供创新的供应链管理解决方案。 TECSYS 致力于成为适用于未来的仓库经理的解决方案。
- 利用超过 3 年的仓储最佳实践以及在全球配送站点的数百个实施方案
- 建立在行业首创的专利供应链技术平台之上
- 专利视觉提示可加速仓库任务
- 与企业应用程序(例如 ERP 和 CRM)协作
- 直观且易于使用
- 非技术用户可以修改的灵活工作流程
- 将供应链的可见性扩展到仓库之外
费用: 联系报价
5. IntelliTrack WMS RF 专业版
IntelliTrack 软件管理库存和资产,包括任何可以标记或条形码的东西。他们的 WMS RF Professional 是一种软件解决方案,可以在整个仓库流程中支持数百名用户并处理数千个 SKU。
- 易于安装
- 使用直观
- 可靠的基本功能和管理支持,包括查询、报告和条形码标签
- 使用掌上电脑
- 基于网络的安全存储
- 自动更新
- 验证发货和收货
- 与 QuickBooks 集成
费用: 每位用户每月 75 美元
Manhattan Associates 帮助世界顶级品牌解决他们在供应链、库存和全渠道方面最复杂的业务问题。他们的 WMS 是行业领先的解决方案,可加快货物和信息的流动,实现极其准确的执行。
- 支持增值服务、批次管理、序列号跟踪和产品召回等复杂需求
- 利用高级履行逻辑进行波次管理、基于约束的选择、实时补货和高级订单装箱
- 通过审核员批准的周期盘点消除昂贵的实物盘点
- 通过交叉对接、质量审核和供应商绩效来简化接收流程
- 在本地或云端托管
费用: 联系报价
Wireless Warehouse In a Box是一款专为移动世界设计的仓库管理系统。这款仓库管理软件具有适当的工具和功能组合,可帮助仓库经理简化运营并提高适应性、业务改进和增长。
- 为用户友好和简单而设计
- 提高机动性、准确性和效率的交钥匙系统
- 专为 3PL、分销、制造、履行等而设计
费用: 联系我们获取报价
8. SkuVault
SkuVault 的电子商务库存管理解决方案旨在在一个易于使用的平台中处理您的所有仓库库存需求。该软件的两个亮点是与所有主要电子商务销售渠道的轻松集成以及生成有用报告的能力。他们还拥有屡获殊荣的客户支持团队,可以通过电话、电子邮件或票务系统联系他们。虽然它不是传统的 WMS,但 SkuVault 在一个超直观的一体化系统中具有所有相同的属性。
- 基于云的数据共享
- 电子商务库存可见性和报告
- 一流的仓库管理系统
- 自动化库存流程的工具
- 组合多个 SKU 以创建产品套件
费用: 联系报价
9. 3PL仓库经理
3PL Central 提供 3PL Warehouse Manager,一个易于使用的基于云的 3PL 仓库管理软件,公共仓库和所有类型的仓库操作。该仓库经理软件解决方案旨在让 3PL 供应商能够应对其独特的挑战。
- 管理多个客户及其各种做法、流程和计费时间表
- 灵活且可扩展
- 满足对实时信息的需求
- 完全可定制您公司的徽标
费用: 联系报价
Fishbowl 是 QuickBooks 用户最畅销的库存管理软件。他们的仓库解决方案自动包含简化仓库管理的功能,包括生成采购订单并在订购新产品时将其计入 QuickBooks。
- 使用无线移动设备扫描收到的产品
- 轻松将产品存放在指定位置
- 高效挑选、包装和运送产品
费用: 提供免费试用;联系报价
11. Korber 仓库管理系统
Korber 的仓库管理系统(前身为 HighJump)通过适应性强、互联的供应链网络解决方案帮助仓库经理保持敏捷。他们的 WMS 解决方案具有创新性,使仓库经理能够降低运营费用,同时有效且高效地运行复杂的供应链。
- 不断改进流程
- 实现战略业务目标
- 支持移动的执行平台
- 高度可配置和适应性强
- 针对各种复杂程度和数量的解决方案,从针对简单运营的快速实施到针对大批量、复杂企业的经过验证的解决方案
- 与主要 ERP 系统的无缝集成
费用: 联系报价
12. Foxfire仓库管理软件
- 灵活、可扩展且可适应您的仓储需求
- 用于实时管理仓库运营的直观、基于 Web 的仪表板
- 使用条形码标签,只需点击几下即可接收部分或全部货件
- 使用业务规则找到一个开放的上架位置,并允许您的接收团队将托盘扫描到该位置
- 每月 995 美元,最多 8 台设备(增长)
- 每月 1,695 美元,最多可用于 18 台设备(Plus)
- 1,995 美元/月,1 个仓库/位置(高级)
- 每月 10,000 美元,用于无限设备和设施(高级)
13. Epicor ERP 仓库管理系统
Epicor 通过面向制造、分销、零售和服务客户的行业特定软件推动业务增长.他们的仓库管理软件是一个用于更好地管理和自动化仓库和履行操作的系统。
- 包含完全集成的 WMS 功能,例如供应链管理
- 对所有物流和供应链管理运营进行完全控制、管理和可见性
- 绝对仓库管理、库存控制、有限箱和包装定义、任务和负载管理以及活动和消耗的交互式实时管理
- 入站和出站序列跟踪、拣货计划、整合拣货、订单打包、越库配送、纸箱包装等
费用: 联系报价
14. BlueYonder 仓库管理
BlueYonder(前身为 JDA)是端到端、综合零售、全渠道和供应链规划和执行解决方案的领导者。他们的仓库管理解决方案可优化成本和服务水平,并提高盈利能力,因为它对所有活动具有高度的实时可见性。
- 支持最佳做法的动态实时工作流
- 实时了解库存、员工和设备绩效
- 主动跟踪和管理异常情况
- 提高劳动力的生产力和利用率
费用: 联系报价
15. S2K仓库管理
Vormittag Associates, Inc. (VAI) 是 ERP 解决方案的软件开发商和行业领导者,其产品被制造商、批发分销商、零售商和其他人使用。他们的 S2K 仓库管理解决方案可实时监控仓库活动并最大限度地减少输入错误。
- 库存流程的纸质和射频处理
- 装箱单验证
- 补仓
- 原材料生产
- 仓库转移
- 循环和物理计数
费用: 联系报价
16. NetSuite 仓库和履行
NetSuite 是排名第一的云 ERP 软件套件。该仓库管理软件解决方案旨在简化履行流程并让客户满意。他们的 WMS 解决方案使组织能够通过自定义的用户定义策略和高级功能(如波次管理、周期盘点计划、实时库存更新等)驱动的任务来管理其配送运营。
- 收货和入库
- 库存管理
- 订单履行
- 实时可见性和控制
费用: 联系报价
PathGuide 的 Latitude 仓库管理系统是一个企业级的 WMS,允许定制并提供仓库管理人员拥有扩大销售、改善客户服务和击败竞争对手的必要工具。
- 收货、入库、拣货
- 周期盘点和周期盘点计划
- 绩效指标
- 自动化
- 事件跟踪
- 批次控制和检验
费用: 联系报价
Slingshot 是一款基于 Web 的企业业务软件,它将 ERP 软件操作与您的客户的操作集成在一起和用品。使用 Slingshot 可为仓库管理人员提供竞争优势,因为它提供了有效管理和监控所有类型设施中的库存所需的功能。
- 支持序列化和批次控制项目
- 为商品添加库存描述
- 按产品类型定义描述符
- 使用入库、出库和仓库流程规则定义设施级别的运营要求
费用: 联系报价
19. QuickBooks Commerce
QuickBooks Commerce(前身为 TradeGecko)为成功的经理提供基于云的库存。此仓库管理软件解决方案可帮助从发货和收货到拣货和包装的库存移动。
- 提高仓库和管理层之间的可见性
- 为每个销售订单生成拣货清单
- 改进对库存活动和库存变动的跟踪和控制
- 预测需求并接收提醒以避免缺货
- 管理多个地点的库存
- 与 Intuit 产品套件完全集成
费用: 联系报价
20. Minerva Associates 仓库管理和库存控制解决方案
Minerva Associates 致力于为追求高效、高效的公司提供世界一流的仓库管理软件解决方案。准确的操作。他们先进的库存管理软件 AWL 为分销、制造和 3PL 环境提供了可衡量的准确性和效率改进。
- 跟踪、指导和管理仓库所有区域的库存
- 适用于有或没有物理自动化的设施
- 审核跟踪
- 优化流程以减少错误并使经理和主管能够做出更好的决策
费用: 联系报价
21. Datex 3PL WMS
Datex 是 3PL、冷藏、仓储、配送和制造行业软件解决方案的领先开发商。他们的 FootPrint 3PL WMS 是专为 3PL 行业开发的综合系统。
- 满足具有不同要求和业务实践的多个客户的需求
- 按批次、增值税代码、SKU、UPC、序列号、批次、组件、包装或小瓶进行跟踪
- 依靠工作流程来推动运营流程
费用: 联系报价
22. SAP 扩展仓库管理
SAP 是领先的独立软件供应商。他们的扩展仓库管理系统将复杂的供应链物流与仓库和配送流程相结合。这款仓库管理软件提供可见性和控制力,让您可以实时优化库存跟踪、越库配送、配送操作等。
- 为仓库和配送物流提供灵活、自动化的支持
- 库存跟踪和管理
- 支持全方位的仓库流程
- 优化仓库资源和资产利用率
- 管理仓库内的物品移动
费用: 联系报价
Hardis Group 提供 Reflex WMS,一种仓库管理和协调软件。 Reflex 自动化和优化工业生产和跨渠道配送仓库的物流流程。
- 原生多站点、多客户端和多流
- 集成或管理关键的仓库性能技术,例如语音控制、机械化等
- 全面、强大、模块化的仓库管理和协调软件
- 处理所有类型的简单或复杂物流
- 管理小卷或大卷
- 监督仓库活动和资源
费用: 联系报价
24. Oracle 仓库管理云
Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud 是一种可最大限度提高物流绩效的软件解决方案。仓库经理能够简化日常仓储需求,同时使用 Oracle 的仓库管理解决方案管理运输和全球贸易运营。
- 为整个全球供应链提供单一平台
- 提高劳动力和空间利用率
- 降低履行成本
- 提高发货准确性
- 提高库存可见性
- 通过手持设备和车载扫描仪执行常见的仓库和车间交易
费用: 联系报价
25. 软体
Softeon WMS 是一个功能完善的平台,可提供广泛的功能来管理重要的仓库功能,例如库存、订单拣货和运输。他们的软件提供了一个灵活的基础,您可以从中自定义和扩展工作流程以满足未来的需求。 Softeon 还支持与主要 ERP、主机系统和材料处理设备的集成。
- 以云、本地或混合部署的形式提供
- 用于分配库存的“选择路线”功能
- 强大的任务管理引擎
- 先进的库存分配工具
- 自动化的新订单履行系统 (OFS)
费用: 联系报价
26. Zebra 仓库管理解决方案
Zebra Technologies 让客户能够通过实现可见性的创新产品和解决方案更智能地采取行动。他们的仓库管理解决方案推动了增长、效率、生产力和可见性。
- 为员工提供强大的移动工具
- 让您的移动仓库解决方案以最佳性能正常运行
- 通过自动化简化操作
- 确保准确性并做出更有洞察力的决策
费用: 联系报价
27. Sage企业管理仓储
Sage Group 提供 Sage Enterprise Management Warehousing,这是一种仓库管理软件,可优化从收货到发货的可用空间和物流运营。 Sage 与自动化输送系统无缝集成。
- 可选的基于 Web 的架构,可供多结构公司建立集中式数据库,同时允许远程站点和公司分支机构独立运营
- 由专业人士设计,符合国际标准以及各行各业的各类公司和分销服务提供商
- 灵活满足所有类型公司的独特分销要求
- 轻松优化分销流程以提供最佳性能
费用: 联系报价
德马泰克北美是提供全方位智能仓储物流和物料搬运的全球领导者解决方案。 Dematic InSights 是一个资产绩效管理 (APM) 平台,包含 WMS 的所有属性。这是一个基于知识的实时仓库管理解决方案,可集成和优化设施运营。
- 在您的配送中心、仓库或工厂高效执行订单
- 降低总体运营成本
- 减少处理和运送产品所需的时间
- 提高效率、提高准确性并降低人工成本
- 通过主动维护节省时间并降低成本
- 完全访问设备历史记录
费用: 联系报价
Interlake Mecalux Inc. 是存储系统市场的全球领导者,为客户提供广泛的材料处理解决方案。 Easy WMS 就是这样一种解决方案;该仓库管理系统使管理人员能够控制他们的仓库、消除错误并降低物流成本。
- 优化物流的物理管理和跟踪
- 改善仓库所有区域的基本运营管理
- 实时盘点和库存控制
- 降低物流成本
- 将订单准备提高多达 30%
- 与任何 ERP 和所有类型的设备集成
- 100% 在线界面,用户友好
费用: 联系报价
30. ASCTrac WMS
ASC 软件有助于解决复杂的供应链挑战并促进创新和成功的供应链运营。他们的 ASCTrac WMS 使仓库经理能够保持对库存、空间、设备、人力和其他仓库资源的成本控制。
- 提供完整的管理规划工具来控制和协调多区域自动拣货系统
- 一种功能先进的企业系统,用于解决分销、制造和第三方物流组织的严苛运营挑战
- 模块化设计可支持任何规模的组织或复杂程度
- 可与任何 ERP 系统连接的完整解决方案,以实现无缝且完全集成的解决方案
费用: 联系报价
31.瑞仕格 WM 6
Swisslog 仓库和配送解决方案为有远见的仓库经理提供自动化。他们的 Swisslog SM 6 是一个仓库管理软件平台,可为自动化仓库控制解决方案和优化的仓库管理流程提供全面的功能。
- 整合人员、流程和技术以实现最大的客户价值
- 通过应用程序、应用程序和盒子等进行了增强,以满足最适合您业务的集成方案
- 标准化界面
- 用于仓库管理和控制的基于 Web 的用户界面
费用: 联系报价
32. AEB 仓库管理
AEB 提供仓库管理系统,该系统可为您的仓库、存储设施或配送中心的流程提供支持,并有助于简化工作流程。从入库到拣货和包装,AEB Warehouse Management 使管理人员能够设计流程以最大限度地提高可靠性并最大限度地减少错误。
- 所有广告资源完全透明
- 提高履行质量和更可靠的流程
- 交货时间更短
- 更准时的表现
- 交叉对接和其他策略
- 始终提供准确的库存信息
- 拣选准确率 99% 以上
费用: 765 英镑/月起
33。 Symphony 零售仓库管理
Aldata 和 EYC 合并为 Symphony Retail,一家全球零售和分销优化解决方案提供商。他们的 Symphony 零售仓库管理软件使用户能够管理、控制和优化物流运营,并具有多站点、多组织和多语言的功能。
- 先进的预测和补货技术,通过决策支持工具优化仓库库存水平
- 准确预测和管理资源异常
- 优化仓库拣货位和分配流程,以降低存储成本并提高吞吐量和劳动效率
- 优化卡车运力和运输路线,以降低运输成本、加快产品交付速度并减少碳排放
费用: 联系报价
34. ExactaWMS
Bastian Solutions 是一家帮助客户改进其分销和制造系统的物料搬运自动化公司。他们的 ExactaWMS 提供了一套软件应用程序,用于自定义和查看仓库系统,从而最大限度地满足您的业务需求。
- 在不增加劳动力的情况下提高生产力和效率
- 降低运营成本
- 提高库存控制和准确性
- 提高仓库内的可见性
- 提高订单吞吐量
- 可扩展以管理您的业务变化
- 准时发货以缩短订单周期
费用: 联系报价
Cin7 是一款用于零售、批发和 B2B 的一体化库存、POS、EDI 和 3L 软件。 Cin7 通过集中式仓库管理实现更快的订单履行,并在连接销售渠道的同时提高库存可见性。
- 轻松创建分支机构、仓库和商店
- 将产品存放在多个位置,并为产品分配固定区域和箱子
- 使用可靠的系统平衡供应水平
- 使用 Pick n Pack 消除数据输入和纸质流程
- 线下和线上拣货
- 按地点挑选
- 适合移动设备
费用: 每月 299 美元起
Finale Inventory 为 SMB 提供云库存和订单管理,支持完整的多渠道商务解决方案的集成。这款仓库管理软件是一款顶级库存控制解决方案,可让您管理库存。
- 采购和销售
- 发货和收货
- 库存控制
- 报告
- Quickbooks 库存管理
- 条码系统
- 移动库存管理
- 资产管理
费用: 每月 75 美元起
CoreWarehouse 是一个仓库管理解决方案,适用于 10,000 平方英尺或更多的仓库。这款 1 级云仓库管理软件适用于第三方物流、食品行业、高科技、制药和消费品垂直行业,具有世界一流的功能,包括定向上架、波次拣货和 FIFO/LIFO/FEFO 分配。
- Easily process shipping, receiving, picking, and more
- Efficiently manage inventory, space, equipment, and staff
- Optimize warehouse processes with your customer and workforce in mind
- Maintain inventory integrity
费用: Contact for a quote
38. IQMS Warehouse Management System
The IQMS Warehouse Management System is a complete WMS and ERP integration for minimizing handling costs and optimizing warehouse efficiency. An extension of EnterpriseIQ ERP software, the IQMS WMS includes advanced tier one features that include rules-based pick and putaway, work order staging, wave planning, palletizing, and more.
Key Features:
- Increases order fulfillment speed and accuracy
- Eliminates shipping and receiving handling errors
- Decreases costs due to underutilized inventory resources
- Improves inventory visibility and traceability
- Optimizes movement of raw materials, WIP, and finished goods
费用: Contact for a quote
39. Infor CloudSuite™ WMS
Infor CloudSuite™ WMS combines best-in-class solutions with industry-specific functionality. From strategic and tactical planning to execution, this software is a solution that empowers warehouse managers to plan and execute strategies for maximum profitability.
Key Features:
- Industry-specific functionality for a range of industries, such as food and beverage, consumer goods, chemical and pharmaceuticals, distribution, logistics providers, high tech and electronics, and automotive
- Get end-to-end optimization
- See the profit impact of supply chain decisions in real-time
- Analyze supply chain, manufacturing options, and relevant constraints to choose the plan that best utilizes your assets
费用: Contact for a quote
40. SKULabs
SKULabs is an all-in-one picking and shipping solution that combines barcode-based picking, one-click shipping, and batch order fulfillment. Their warehouse management solutions make it possible to track inventory across multiple locations and to manage all stocking and shipping centers in one place.
Key Features:
- Track stock changes across your entire operation
- Break a single warehouse into multiple stock-keeping locations or track inventory across multiple warehouses
- Receive and return stock for any warehouse
- Transfer inventory between stock locations
- Basic:$499/month
- Pro:$799/month
- 企业:联系报价
41. DistributionPlus Warehouse Management
DistributionPlus Warehouse Management is a system developed by CP Tech. This software solution ensures orders are shipped correctly and warehouse processes are optimized.
Key Features:
- Minimize returns and credits
- Check and balance system for order accuracy
- Automatically send invoices with shipment
- Business intelligence
- Document and financial management
- Inventory management and purchasing
费用: Contact for a quote
42. Blue Link Warehouse Management
Blue Link offers integrated accounting and inventory management ERP software for small and medium-sized wholesalers and distributors. Their warehouse management system is an all-in-one solution that is a fully-integrated system that improves speed and accuracy via automated workflows.
Key Features:
- Multiple warehouse locations
- Consolidated pick slips
- Tracking of bin/shelf plus overflow locations
- In-transit warehouse
- Pick/pack/ship workflow management
- Mobile handheld picking
- Generate master shipment and specific box tracking
- Barcode verification scanning
费用: Contact for a quote
43. VeraCore
VeraCore is a browser-based order fulfillment software for fulfillment companies, printers, and marketing service providers. Their solution is a powerful suite that combines an order management system, a warehouse management system, and a business management system.
Key Features:
- Eliminate manual processes and lower operating costs
- Maintain inventory accuracy
- Barcode technology to reduce costly errors due to mistakes in fulfillment
- Integrate with leading technologies
费用: Contact for a quote
44. PowerHouseWMS
Quality Software Systems, Inc. (QSSI) is a leading software development company that specializes in designing and implementing warehouse automation and inventory control systems. Their PowerHouseWMS puts managers in control of warehouses and gives them the flexibility to implement just the right solutions for their operations.
Key Features:
- Full functionality
- Scalable
- Effortless configuration
- Flexible interfacing
- Swift implementation
- Receiving, directed putaway, task interleaving, cycle counting, replenishment, order processing, cross-docking, truck building, yard management, shipping, reporting, and more
费用: Contact for a quote
45. Beckard Masterworks WMS
Beckard ERP offers a vast array of distribution software applications and is especially focused on warehousing and logistics solutions. Their warehouse management system, Masterworks WMS, is a multiple company, multiple warehouse, and multiple location software application.
Key Features:
- View all of your inventory, no matter where you are
- Tracks turn rates and fill rates, to keep the right amount of stock at the right location
- Allows for centralized purchasing to distribute to multiple warehouses across the country
- Picking and shipping, inventory, and inventory counting
费用: Contact for a quote
46. Windward Inventory Control
Windward software helps businesses with their high-end point of sale, accounting, and inventory control software. Windward Inventory Control is a real-time inventory software that delivers the tools needed to manage stock levels and improve cost control processes.
Key Features:
- Reduce inventory shrinkage
- Optimize cash flow
- Improve customer satisfaction
- Reduce out-of-stock items
- Use barcodes for tighter inventory control
- Enhance security with serial number tracking
- Search inventory with multiple fields
费用: From $92/month
47. Camelot 3PL WMS
Camelot 3PL Software offers 3PLWarehouse Management, a solution that creates value for your bottom line. 3PLink keeps critical data secure and improves accuracy while enabling you to manage your warehouse more efficiently.
Key Features:
- Complete WMS designed especially for third-party logistics, public warehouses, public refrigerated warehouses, and packaging fulfillment operations
- Warehouse receipts, picking tickets, invoices, inventory reports, transaction history, customer history, account statements, and aged receivables
- Receive on the fly, create new items or SKUs on the fly
- Pick by FIFO, FEFO, code date, location, lot number, or any other logic
- Master files to automate customer and inventory setup
- Barcode scanning to support the most popular hardware
- Web visibility with real-time, secure access available 24/7
费用: Contact for a quote
48. Propago
Propago is a marketing asset management solution that includes a comprehensive WMS platform. The software supports high-volume order fulfillment operations with tools for fast pick pack, order signature detection, and order consolidation. Propago also helps streamline your operation with multiple methods for organizing pick &pack, receiving, and shipping workflows.
- A flexible 3PL module for integrating with outside vendors
- Support for product serialization
- Complete lot tracking for quality control
- A built-in returns management workflow
- Inbound receiving verification for purchase orders
Cost: Plans starting at $449/month
49. Microlistics WMS
Microlistics delivers warehouse management systems worldwide. Their WMS solutions are configured by supply chain experts and are tailored solutions to suit your business. Microlistics offers WMS Enterprise, WMS Chilled, WMS 3PL, and WMS Express.
Key Features:
- Eliminate errors
- Reduce operating costs
- Increase stock accuracy
- Integrates to systems and equipment
费用: Contact for a quote
50. Astro WMS® Cloud
Consafe Logistics is one of Europe’s leading suppliers in production logistics, enterprise mobility, and warehouse management. Their Astro WMS is a scalable, modular warehouse management system that guarantees complete control of all items, from picking to shipping.
Key Features:
- Real-time forecasts
- Full traceability
- Reduces operating expenses while optimizing workforce, warehouse space, and equipment
- Easily integrated with your ERP system
- Delivers a better overview of the entire flow
- Innovative dashboards and other management tools
费用: Contact for a quote
51. Aptean WMS irms Edition
The Aptean WMS irms Edition provides real-time visibility and end-to-end supply chain management in the cloud without the tier-1 price. Built upon a cutting-edge, fully secure cloud platform and bred from 30 years of supply chain excellence in Fortune 500 warehouses, this completely redesigned Warehouse Management System is incredibly easy to use and affordable for companies of all sizes.
Key Features:
- Fully functional on Apple iOS and Android devices
- Integrates out-of-the-box with more than 700+ software systems
- Utilizes state-of-the-art third-party technologies
- Entirely redesigned on an advanced cloud platform
- Provides the highest level of data security possible
费用: Contact for a quote
52. Magaya
Magaya is an industry-leading platform for logistics management and supply chain automation. Their software provides end-to-end management for your orders and inventory while supporting additional WMS capability. A new WMS mobile app is being released soon that will provide even greater control of inventory management within facilities.
- A user-friendly interface
- Multiple modules are available for a flexible deployment
- Real-time data sync between the mobile app and Magaya system
- Choose between a cloud or on-site deployment
- Access more extensions and apps through the Magaya Ecosystem
Cost: 联系报价
What should you look for when buying warehouse management software?
The number of features in a WMS system can be extensive, making it difficult to make a direct comparison between options in the market. One of the best ways to make an informed purchase is to focus on a few key capabilities that can have a direct impact on the ease of implementation.
Support for important integrations. Since a WMS system will become the central part of your day-to-day operations you want to ensure that you can integrate it with your other hardware and software components. One example is barcode technology, which is critical for efficient inventory management. Looking at your integration requirements upfront will allow you to make important decisions regarding how these systems will work together and any additional upgrades that may be necessary.
Ability to meet your must-have requirements. It is a near certainty that you will have a long list of requirements for your facility. Take the time to prioritize a shortlist of your must-have requirements so that you can make a direct comparison with each WMS system. Some examples of high-value WMS capabilities include real-time inventory updates, complete tracking of order and inventory lifecycles, and support for multiple picking methods.
Scalability to support future growth. Many WMS systems specialize in support for warehouses of a particular size and may even offer unique capabilities for specific industries. Depending upon the size of your current operation you may consider a standalone WMS or one that is provided within a larger ERP or SCM suite. Regardless of the software type, it is important to inquire about how the WMS system can be scaled as your operation changes over time. It is always wise to invest in a platform that can grow with your business without having to face major software changes.
How much does a warehouse management software system cost?
The true cost of a warehouse management software can go beyond the price of a software license and it helps to take a holistic approach to evaluate your deployment. Most businesses that consider implementing a WMS system are looking to streamline their operation and improve efficiency. The following ideas can help you determine important costs to consider.
Look at extended costs. Implementing a WMS system can sometimes lead to changes for warehouse layouts, vendors, hardware, and consumables. These can all have a positive or negative impact on your costs and should be considered. In addition, there can be additional training requirements for staff based on the new system.
Measure your return on investment (ROI). Costs are important, but the most valuable metric of an effective WMS implementation will be the ROI that your company achieves. The improvements to process efficiency and added capabilities can be difficult to estimate early on, but having a basic framework can help you decide between various features in WMS systems. Start with a set price point for your WMS. Looking at your extended costs and ROI will give you a great understanding of both the costs and savings that a WMS system can provide your organization. This will allow you to create a target price point for your WMS software rollout and help you set reasonable terms for contracts, installations, and training for your new system.
What are the key functions of a warehouse management system?
Warehouse management systems serve several different functions, and you will often find features that overlap with other types of software. Ultimately, a WMS platform can be used to monitor all important workflows within a warehouse. By using a centralized system, it is possible to streamline existing procedures and optimize performance. These are a few of the most important key functions of a warehouse management system.
Inventory Tracking . All warehouses must maintain suitable inventory levels and accurate cycle counts. A WMS platform helps collect all of the tracking information for inventory items in a single database that can be shared with team members and used for many different purposes. These systems also allow you to store important maintenance and warranty records for important assets.
Storage Management . Each warehouse layout is typically customized to meet local needs and provide for the smooth flow of inventory through the facility. Most WMS systems include several tools for managing and optimizing warehouse layouts. Key functions of these tools include identifying dedicated work areas, managing returns, and support for unique barcode formats. Optimizing space within a warehouse often requires a number of different tagging solutions that are integrated with handheld or fixed scanners.
Shipping and Receiving . In addition to other Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tools, a WMS provides support for shipping and receiving activities. These are often some of the busiest areas within a warehouse. In order to process orders efficiently several processes must often be carried out in parallel, and a warehouse management system provides visibility for the status and readiness of these functions.
Picking and Sorting . Inventory that is stored within a warehouse will eventually be retrieved to fulfill orders. Picking and sorting procedures can be managed within a WMS with a central function being order management. The ability to view and assign orders from a single system makes it easy for the entire warehouse team to coordinate their work efficiently.
What are the different types of warehouse management software systems?
When reviewing warehouse management software systems, you will find a wide range of features and product categories. There is truly no one-size-fits-all platform and warehouse managers need to choose tools that provide the most value for their unique operation. The following are four of the major WMS software categories that are used by 3PL providers.
Standalone Systems . This is what many consider to be a standard offering in the WMS space and most often includes an onsite installation of software. Standalone systems can be used to manage warehouse, inventory, and asset workflows. Some software providers offer additional modules with expanded capabilities.
Cloud Solutions . In recent years, many WMS providers have created completely cloud-based solutions. These systems are compatible with most mobile devices and often require little to no onsite software installation. Many of the core features are the same as a standalone platform but are often optimized for remote access and integration with other systems.
ERP Modules . Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have been used for decades as a way to integrate the supply chain, planning, and corporate management needs of even the largest businesses. You may also find warehouse management modules as part of these software suites with features that align with standalone or cloud-based WMS platforms.
Supply Chain Modules . Supply Chain Management (SCM) includes a large category of software and many of these platforms include a module for warehouse management. Features will vary depending upon the provider and may offer excellent integration with other modules from the same vendor.
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