2017 年参加的 50 大物流、仓库和库存管理会议和活动
我们汇总了 2017 年 50 场最佳仓库管理、物流管理和库存管理活动,以帮助高管、经理和他们的公司控制他们的供应链。通过参加适合您挑战的活动,您将更有可能解决阻碍创建动态、经济高效、高效的仓库、物流和库存流程的问题。这些活动解决了当今仓库、物流和库存专业人员面临的主要问题,并提供了您在返回组织后做出更好的业务决策和采取行动所需的专家、跟踪、教育和交流机会。请注意,我们在此处列出了我们的 50 个最佳仓库管理、物流管理和库存管理活动,in 没有特定顺序 .
参加成本: 参会费用请联系
2. ProMat 2017
2017 年 4 月 3 日至 6 日
ProMat 2017 每隔一年举办一次,是北美最大的制造和供应链专业人士博览会.在 ProMat 2017 的 350,000 平方英尺展厅中,您可以接触到最新的物料搬运和物流设备技术,并参观来自工业、商业和政府的 850 多家参展商。本次活动以物料搬运设备和系统为特色;包装、容器和运输设备;库存管理和控制技术;码头和仓库设备和用品;以及更多。此外,与会者还可以在 ProMat 2017 上享受超过 100 场会议和交流。现在标记您的日历,这样您就不会错过 2017 年这个大型仓库管理会议。
参加费用: 免费注册进入展厅和教育会议
3 月 27 日至 29 日
第六届年度运营峰会将在匹兹堡的大卫·劳伦斯会议中心举行,宾夕法尼亚州,2017 年 3 月。2017 年运营峰会将重点关注直接面向客户和全渠道运营。在 2017 年运营峰会上与 800 多位运营总监、仓库经理、配送中心经理和其他仓库、物流和库存专业人士一起,获得提高效率、提高客户满意度和提高效率所需的所有创新、战略和策略使您的运营尽可能具有创新性。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
4. 3PL价值创造峰会
待定(2017 年 10 月)
3PL价值创造峰会是每年举办的一次非常成功和受欢迎的物流会议。 C 级高管、主要客户和行业专家齐聚一堂,评估 3PL 细分市场的未来并制定价值创造战略以推动竞争优势。 2016 年 3PL 价值创造活动已于 10 月结束,请回来查看有关 2017 年这个不容错过的仓库、物流策略和库存管理活动的更多详细信息。
参加费用: 参会费用请联系
5. IWLA 会展
3 月 19 日至 21 日
国际仓储物流协会 (IWLA) 致力于成为仓储物流供应商的资源,供应商和 3PL 客户。 IWLA Convention &Expo 是一项物流盛会,吸引了来自世界各地的物流领袖和仓储专业人士,因为 2017 年的盛会是国际仓储与物流协会联合会 (IFWLA) 和 IWLA 成员的双重会议。本次活动的主题是激发灵感的领导力,会议的重点是为与会者提供创新想法,以激励员工确保持续增长。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
6. 2017年WERC会议
4 月 30 日至 5 月 3 日
WERC 仓储教育与研究委员会是一个由物流和配送专业人士组成的协会。他们的仓库和物流管理会议将在德克萨斯州沃思堡举行,将为仓库和物流专业人士提供行业教育和解决方案。 2017 WERC 会议提供针对特定行业的继续教育、交流和头脑风暴机会,以及有关仓库和物流管理产品、技术和设备的最新信息。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
7. IACSC 会议和博览会
待定(2017 年 11 月)
全球冷链联盟代表了参与温控物流的各大行业,包括国际冷藏建筑协会 (IACSC)。 IACSC 支持参与建造冷库设施的组织的需求和利益,他们每年举办 IACSC 会议和博览会,这是唯一致力于冷库建设、设计和维护的活动。 IACSC Conference &Expo 吸引了 200 多家仓库运营商、承包商和供应商,并为与会者提供了与世界级博览会一起讨论和了解冷库建设趋势、法规和技术的机会。将您的日历标记为 2017 年 11 月,并继续关注有关第 37 届 IACSC 会议和博览会的更多信息。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
8.物流与 SCM、PLM、制造和采购 2017
3 月 6 日至 8 日
Logistics &SCM 2017 与 PLM 2017、Manufacturing 2017、CRM 2017、Procurement 共同举办2017 年和 2017 年物联网。“使用 SAP 解决方案推动整个扩展供应链的卓越运营的组织的权威会议”,这甚至让与会者有机会聆听顶级 SAP 专家、领先的独立咨询公司和行业同行的演讲可以立即实施的提示、技巧、最佳实践等。如果您希望提高整个扩展供应链的敏捷性、成本分配和可见性,优化库存水平,提高仓库运营效率,并在优化流程的同时实现更高的运输管理和物流效率,那么您一定不能错过物流&SCM 2017。
- 3 月 5 日至 9 日通行证:2,899 美元
- 黄金通行证,3 月 6 日至 9 日:2,499 美元
- 3 月 5 日研讨会通行证:899 美元
3 月 19 日至 21 日
国际仓储物流协会会展将汇聚北美仓储物流领袖和仓储专业人士来自世界各地,因为 2017 年的活动与国际仓储和物流协会联合会 (IFWLA) 举行了双重会议。参加者将通过参与 2017 年 IWLA 会议和博览会的会议和活动来建立联系、学习、建立网络和协作,以建立一个更强大的行业。本次会议以“激发灵感的领导力”为主题,将帮助物流和仓储专业人士以创新理念激励员工,以确保持续增长。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
10. IWLA 仓储技术与运营解决方案会议
IWLA 仓储技术与运营解决方案会议在美国各地举行年。国际仓储物流协会的这次会议重点关注基于仓库的 3PL 技术和运营解决方案,并将仓库技术和运营专业人士与仓库供应商联合起来,以获得一流的教育和交流机会。通过您在 IWLA 仓储技术与运营解决方案会议上的体验,建立业务关系并实现您的目标,即提高运营效率和盈利能力。
参加费用: 参会费用请联系
4 月 17 日至 19 日
全国领导力发展会议 (NLDC) 是一项仅限受邀者参加的年度活动,是一项教育和来自不同行业的 100 位高级供应链和物流管理人员的交流论坛。此次独家峰会以最佳实践、坦诚讨论和与同行的交流为中心,旨在支持“通过高管层、供应链、仆人领导力发展来支持全球商业”。如果您是高级供应链主管或分销、物流、制造、供应链、运营、采购或运输副总裁,请考虑向 NLDC 发出邀请,并从其他人分享的战略和牵引现实案例研究中受益
参会费用: 200 美元的注册承诺费 - 对于注册和参加会议的个人以及在取消截止日期之前注册和取消注册的个人,将退还费用
12。 IWLA 仓储和 3PL 销售经济学
为期三天的会员驱动教育活动,IWLA 仓储经济学和 3PL 销售重点关于仓储物流行业的成本评估和销售。 IWLA 仓储经济学和 3PL 销售经济学是为中级或经验丰富的仓库经理、操作员和拥有估算、预算、营销、销售、会计或财务职责的所有者设计的互动课程,全年在不同时间提供,此仓库和物流管理活动包括案例研究、评级练习和圆桌会议,将专家的实用知识应用于学习体验。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
3 月 19 日至 21 日
与 SCOPE 采购峰会同期举行的 SCOPE Spring 计划于 2017 年 3 月在亚特兰大举行,乔治亚州。 SCOPE Spring 最适合那些正在寻找供应链、物流、仓储、运营、分销、采购和 IT 解决方案的具有购买影响力和权威的高管。与会者可以利用 SCOPE Spring 提供的教育和交流机会,还提供来自行业思想领袖的战略演示和小组讨论、现实世界、客户主导的案例研究,以及与领先解决方案提供商的有针对性的研究会议。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
14. IFDA 分销解决方案会议
待定(2017 年 10 月)
国际食品服务分销商协会在对其成员最重要的行业问题上提供领导和行动' 成功。 IFDA 配送解决方案会议为仓库和运输运营经理提供资源和见解,以加强各个层面的餐饮服务运营。该仓库和物流管理会议提供资源、见解、技术和最佳实践,以改善运营。 IFDA 分销解决方案会议的目标是“帮助运营人员更智能、更好、更快地工作。”
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
2 月 13 日至 14 日
Marcus Evans 在会议、论坛和峰会上与前沿演讲者探讨前沿问题世界各地。 2017 年 2 月,他们举办了第四届年度仓库优化和绩效管理会议,该会议将战略重点放在仓库运营效率上。仓库优化和绩效管理会议考虑了仓库工作流程和流程的整体方法,并提供了简化和消除仓库资源使用效率低下的解决方案。此仓库管理的主要主题包括仓库管理系统、在仓库中使用精益和敏捷流程等。
参加成本: 参会费用联系方式
16. RLA 会议暨博览会
2 月 21 日至 23 日
逆向物流协会 (RLA) 成立于 2002 年,当时研究显示第三提供逆向物流服务的第三方服务提供商以及需要其服务的原始设备制造商、零售商和品牌营销商。 RLA Conference &Expo 以 3PSP 为特色,展示其逆向物流服务和解决方案,并为 OEM 和品牌公司提供确定未来服务合作伙伴的机会。研讨会将于 2 月 21 日星期二举行,会议和博览会将于 2 月 21 日至 23 日星期二至星期四举行。
参加费用: 1,249 美元
17。 JDA FOCUS 2017
4 月 25 日至 28 日
制造、批发分销、运输和物流、零售、和服务行业,FOCUS 2017 将在拉斯维加斯的米高梅大酒店举行。 JDA 的年度会议将汇聚 2,000 多名零售和制造专业人士,以建立网络、分享最佳实践,并了解行业领导者如何通过 JDA 的创新解决方案实现真正的成果。与会者将有机会获得 JDA 解决方案专家的实践培训,与行业同行建立联系,并通过 JDA 特殊兴趣小组影响产品方向和交流想法。最棒的是,您将在 FOCUS 2017 上体验 Flo Rida 的表演。
- 早鸟注册:1 月 31 日前 1,395 美元
- 单日注册 $1,095
全国电气经销商协会 (NAED) 全年提供仓库操作管理训练营并且在不同的位置。这些仓库研讨会提供为期两天的实践活动,为参与者提供所需的经验和交流机会,以有效运营仓库并提高盈利能力,同时管理资产和团队。运营和仓库经理尤其将受益于配送团队管理合伙人 Jason Bader 领导的学习。
参加成本: 参会费用联系方式
3 月 29 日至 30 日
智能供应链与物流会议为供应提供愿景、战略、网络和教育机会希望在数字化转型时代茁壮成长的连锁和物流经理和专业人士。与会者将学习如何应对不断变化的采购实践所带来的挑战,并识别和分析新技术以提高效率、降低成本和刺激增长。本次物流会议由推动供应链和制造活动专业化的非营利组织 apicsAU 主办。
- 完整会议早鸟会员:2 月 26 日前 1,597 美元
- 非会员,完整会议早鸟:2 月 26 日之前 1,730 美元
20。 2017分销管理大会暨博览会
3 月 5 日至 8 日
医疗保健分销管理协会 (HDMA) 与国际药品批发商联合会 (IFPW) 和加拿大药房分销管理协会 (CAPDM)。推动医药分销行业发展的 500 多家制造商、分销商、顾问和第三方参加了本次会议。与会者探讨与医疗保健供应链相关的主题,并鼓励运营和战略讨论。在这次物流管理会议上学习新工具并结识可以改善您的业务运营的战略合作伙伴。
- 完整会议,早鸟价:12 月 15 日前 1,295 美元
- 12 月 15 日前会员日票,早鸟价,800 美元/天
21。精益仓储和配送运营:Gemba 车间
精益仓储和配送运营:基于 Gemba 的研讨会是一个为期两天的课程,提供全年在美国各地举行。这个互动式研讨会面向负责在配送中心运营中实施精益原则的人员。精益仓储和配送运营:基于 Gemba 的研讨会涵盖实施精益原则和转变传统仓库运营的关键步骤。
参加成本: 1,600 美元或 1,400 美元,如果参与者在一个地点参加 2 个或更多研讨会
22。 CSCMP 2017年年会
9 月 24 日至 27 日
供应链管理专业人员委员会 (CSCMP) 教育和连接世界供应链专业人员。 CSCMP 2017 年年会是一项物流和库存管理活动,为与会者提供向专家学习、聆听著名演讲者并与有影响力的行业领导者建立联系的机会。向世界各地的同事学习,了解最新研究、行业发展和供应链管理知识。
- 会员:1,895 美元
- 教育工作者或年轻专业人士:995 美元
- 学生会员:450 美元
- 现役军人:995 美元
现场培训,1 天研讨会
参加成本: 参会费用请联系
现场培训,为期 2 天的研讨会
Ken Ackerman 的仓储论坛提供精益仓储,为期两天的仓库经理、主管研讨会,和团队领导。本次仓库管理研讨会以案例研究方法和演讲者 Ken Ackerman 和 W. Sheehan 为特色,他们是经验丰富的仓储专业人士。参加者将学习提高绩效、管理人员和在材料处理中利用创造力的新方法和想法。
参加费用: 1,190 美元/人
2 月 27 日至 28 日
Effective Inventory Management, Inc. 的使命是提供最高质量的库存管理咨询服务。他们还提供有效库存管理研讨会,这是一个为期两天的中级小组会议,面向准备好采用积极的、实际操作的方法应对库存挑战的库存经理。研讨会指导参与者使用自己的数据,同时学习概念、工具和最佳实践,以了解如何进行小调整以获得大改进。
参加费用: 参会费用请联系
4 月 10 日至 12 日
来自美国管理协会,管理发展的世界领先者,库存管理技术:计划,补货活动控制是一个为期三天的库存管理研讨会,全年在各个城市举办。 2017 年的第一届会议将于 4 月在佐治亚州亚特兰大举行,其他会议将于 5 月在纽约和 6 月在阿灵顿/华盛顿特区举行。库存管理技术:计划补货和活动控制提供库存管理技术,以提高与会者的库存周转率并将冻结资产转化为现金。了解最新的库存管理方法,并了解如何缩短制造和分销周期的时间。
- 非会员:2,345 美元
- AMA 会员:2,095 美元
- GSA:1,984 美元
27。 APICS 2017
10 月 15 日至 17 日
供应链专业人士供应链和运营管理认证、教育和研究的主要来源和企业,APICS 每年举办一次顶级的端到端供应链会议。 2017 年 APICS 会议将于 10 月在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥举行。来自 50 多个国家/地区的 2,000 多名专业人士将参加 APICS 2017,以获取知识、建立关系、探索趋势、应对挑战并提高效率。
参加费用: 提前注册:1,129 美元
10 月 3 日至 5 日
Consumer Returns 是“逆向物流和退货管理专业人士的首要活动”通过减少退货策略和优化逆向供应链来降低成本。”本次物流活动将重点关注制造商与零售商的合作伙伴关系、全渠道零售挑战、在利用二级市场替代品和渠道合作伙伴的同时保持品牌完整性、识别和防止欺诈等等。
参加费用: 参会费用联系方式
2 月 8 日至 9 日
- 展会:早鸟截止日期前免费
- 研讨会:早鸟截止日期前每场 35 美元以上
- CLC-VIP 通行证:早鸟截止日期前 325 美元
30。 2017供应链管理董事大会
3 月 1 日至 3 日
德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校金达尔管理学院和南加州大学马歇尔分校商学院于 2017 年 3 月举办了第 6 届年度 SCM 董事会议。该研讨会面向参与开发和管理供应链管理项目和课程不同方面的项目主管、助理/副院长和中心经理。第六届年度 SCM 董事会议是设计、开发和重塑 SCM 计划的首要供应链/物流活动,其特色是发人深省的对话、关于行业问题的辩论以及对促进计划成功的新兴想法的讨论。
参加费用: 免费注册
31. TPA 供应链会议
4 月 30 日至 5 月 2 日
贸易伙伴联盟 (TPA) 是一个联合行业事务/行业关系领导小组,旨在发展关于供应链效率问题、信息技术应用、采用环保商业实践等的零售商-制造商共享议程。他们的年度供应链会议汇集了 500 多家零售商、制造商和解决方案提供商,提供教育会议、互动展览和建立关系的交流机会。
- FMI/GMA 会员早鸟价:1 月 31 日前 895 美元
- 非会员早鸟:1 月 31 日前 2,245 美元
- 技术服务提供商早鸟:1 月 31 日之前 1,575 美元
- 非营利组织和 CG 论坛早鸟价:1 月 31 日之前 895 美元
现场培训,为期 1 天的研讨会
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6 月 4 日至 6 日
物流与供应链论坛每年举办两次,2017 年的活动在佛罗里达州迈阿密的特朗普多拉尔。与会者将通过出色的会议体验向行业专家和彼此学习。与同行建立联系以解决挑战,讨论新技术和省钱策略,并结识创新供应商;在这次物流会议上选择预先安排的会议和商定的一对一会议。
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3 月 21 日至 22 日
Supply Chain Standard Events offer tailored networking events and leadership summits for Europe’s supply chain industry. Their Logistics &Supply Chain Conference is slated for March in Central London, United Kingdom. Learn “how to empower your operations at the game changers’ meeting place” and gain insight into better channel management, the different standards and agreements needed to improve collaborative performance, how to improve the customer experience and maximize growth in sales with award-winning supply chains, and more.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
35. 2017 Healthcare Supply Chain Summit
April 24-26
Austin, TX
Global Healthcare Exchange, LLC (GHX) works to enable better patient care and billions in savings for the healthcare community. They also offer the Healthcare Supply Chain Summit, a logistics/supply chain management event for providers, suppliers, distributors, and GPOs from every level of the organization. Attendees learn process efficiency and effectiveness, network with trading partners and peers, collaborate for best-in-class processes, understand the power of supply chain tools, and more. Topics include contracting and price alignment, EDI and automation, procurement, and others of interest to logistics and supply chain professionals. Attendees of the 2017 Healthcare Supply Chain Summit will have the pleasure of attending the keynote address by Archie Manning, NFL legend, College Football Hall of Famer, father of two star NFL quarterbacks, and humanitarian.
Cost to Attend: Early Registration: $795 through January 20
36. IWLA Warehouse Legal Practice Symposium
Throughout the Year
Throughout the U.S.
The IWLA Warehouse Legal Practice Symposium addresses changes in warehouse, transportation, and human resources law, warehouse security and insurance, legal documents, and regulations. Participants are encouraged to ask questions, share experiences, and participate in discussions at this symposium that brings together the third-party logistics industry’s leading legal and insurance experts. Warehouse logistics executives and their legal counsel, warehousing clients, and warehouse managers will get inside knowledge and guidance on how to protect their businesses, along with information about transportation law, contract negotiation strategies, government regulations updates, and more at the IWLA Warehouse Legal Practice Symposium.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
37. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
January 4-7, 2017
Kohala Coast, HI
The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) is one of the longest-standing continually running scientific conferences. The Intelligent Decision for Logistics and Supply Chain Management Minitrack is a logistics management event that involves two sessions dealing with decision technologies that contribute to intelligent decision support in logistics and all categories of supply chain management. Please note that this logistics conference is scheduled for very early 2017, so be sure to register as soon as possible if you plan to attend.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
38. ISM INSIDE Indirect
TBD (December 2017)
Location TBD
The Institute for Supply Management (ISM), the largest global organization dedicated to advancing procurement and supply management, presents INSIDE Indirect. The 2016 event is slated to take place in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 30-December 2, so if you cannot attend the current event, be sure to check back for details about INSIDE Indirect 2017. Attendees of this logistics conference learn how to develop overall strategies for proactively managing indirect spend, which typically accounts for 26-50% of an organization’s entire procurement costs. With more than a dozen keynotes, general sessions, and breakouts, INSIDE Indirect is an informative procurement and supply management conference that is not to be missed.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
39. Oil and Gas Supply Chain and Procurement
TBD (December 2017)
Location TBD
Oil and Gas Supply Chain and Procurement is a two-day event that joins together supply chain management, procurement, and IT teams from E&P operator and oilfield service providers and provides a forum for discussing current opportunities and challenges. The interactive format of this supply chain and logistics conference includes industry updates, best practice case studies, interactive round tables, panel discussions, networking opportunities, a daily summary with key take-aways, and a key findings post-event report. Attendees gain a practical approach for transforming company performance and spend in order to gain a competitive edge.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
40. LogiPharma
September 18-21
Location TBD
LogiPharma invites supply chain and logistics management professionals to work together to evolve the supply chain and drive best-in-class performance. The forum delivers five-start content that is carefully selected by industry leaders. LogiPharma is a supply chain/logistics management event that gives attendees the opportunity to hear from customers about the rapidly changing healthcare environment so they can adapt and better manage the complexities involved in global expansion, temperature-controlled distribution, and increased reliance on suppliers. Supply chain and logistics leaders enjoy building their network and strengthening relationships in the fun, interactive environment that LogiPharma has to offer.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
41. The Health and Personal Care Logistics Conference
TBD (September 2017)
Philadelphia, PA
The Health and Personal Care Logistics Conference is one of the premier forums for logistics education that gives attendees the opportunity to remain up to date with the latest industry research and logistics trends. Compelling case studies and technology updates take center stage at this logistics management event, but there also is plenty of time for networking opportunities and socializing while enjoying all that Philadelphia has to offer. The 2017 Health and Personal Care Logistics Conference will center on strategic logistics themes that are most pressing in the health and personal care industries.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
42. LogiMed
March 7-9
Austin, TX
World Business Research (WBR) is a leading executive-level conference company and research organization. A WBR event for medical device supply chain innovators, LogiMed is “the largest gathering of medical device and diagnostics supply chain heads in North America” and offers best practices and relationship building. Over the course of the three days, the event will provide several opportunities for heads of supply chain on the manufacturing and provider sides to dive deeper into inventory management and visibility, customer centricity, cold chain, demand planning, and more.
Cost to Attend:
- Medical Device Manufacturers, Three Day Pass (March 7-9):$2,199 by January 31
- Solution Providers, Two Day Pass (March 7-8):$2,999
43. Federation of American Hospitals 2017 Public Policy Conference &Business Exposition
March 5-7
Washington, DC
After the conclusion of the 2015 Healthcare Supply Chain Expo, the Healthcare Supply Chain Association (HSCA) and the Healthcare Industry Supply Chain Institute (HISCI) teamed up with the Federation of American Hospitals (FAH) to hold the 2016 Public Policy Conference and Business Exposition. With a focus on health policy, this forum hosts more than 1,300 attendees representing hospital management companies and health systems, group purchasing organizations (GPOs), integrated delivery networks (IDNs), and health care supplier companies. High-quality educational sessions cover current trends in capital equipment, supply chain, and more.
Cost to Attend:
- Supplier Company Registration
- FAH Associate Member:$3,975; additional company representatives:$725 each
- Non-Associate Member:$3,975; additional company representatives:$800 each
- Attendee (Non-Supplier) Registration
- FAH Member:$725
- Non-Member:$800
44. AWESOME Symposium
May 3-4
Location TBD
The fifth annual AWESOME Symposium (Achieving Women’s Excellence in Supply Chain Operations, Management, and Education) will be held in May 2017. This supply chain and logistics management event is “the supply chain’s most active and prominent organization focused on advancing women’s supply chain leadership.” This unique supply chain event offers opportunities for networking, collaboration, and development and is in industry-wide symposium that features panel discussions, up-close conversations, buzz sessions, a networking reception, and much more.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
45. 8th Annual North American Supply Chain Summit:Chicago
June 14-16
Chicago, IL
The 8th Annual North American Supply Chain Summit:Chicago is one of the largest gatherings of logistics and supply chain executives; it also draws more high-level executives than other events of its kind. Join more than 650 senior supply chain and logistics executives in June in Chicago, Illinois, and explore topics such as supply chain excellence in the digital age, change management, supplier risk management, intelligent analytics, and more. Supply chain leaders, 3PL executives, and industry experts flock to the Chief Supply Chain Officer Forum to hear from noted keynote speakers and gain an in-depth, comprehensive view into how to approach supply chain challenges.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
46. IARW-WFLO Convention
TBD (April 2017)
Location TBD
The IARW-WFLO Convention is an annual warehousing and logistics management conference dedicated to the temperature-controlled industry. More than 400 senior level executives representing cold storage warehousing and the suppliers who provide their products and services to the industry attend the IARW-WFLO Convention for the high-quality educational content and world-class networking opportunities. The educational program features focus sessions, keynote presentations, Scientists Speak, and the WFLO Learning Lounge, while the networking events include the Welcome Café, Business Lounge, receptions, Happy Hour, and the IARW Golf Tournament.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
47. 2017 Lean Transformation Summit
March 7-8
Carlsbad, CA
The 2017 Lean Transformation Summit is an annual event that draws thinkers and problem solvers from a wide range of industries to learn, share, and network. In 2017, the summit will include even more networking opportunities and will focus on managing and creating a culture of problem solvers, featuring a few of the best and most innovative management systems. Special Sessions, available for an additional fee, also have been added to the 2017 installment of the Lean Transformation Summit to deliver one-of-a-kind learning and networking opportunities on March 5. Pre-Summit Workshops also are available March 6 for an additional fee.
Cost to Attend: Standard Early Registration:$2,200
48. Lean Warehousing Course
Atlanta, GA
September 26-28
The Lean Warehousing course from Georgia Tech Professional Education is designed for supply chain professionals, logistics professionals, material managers, production control managers, transportation managers, warehousing managers, and purchasing managers. Students will gain an understanding of the ways in which warehouse operations are key to a successful supply chain implementation and serve as a starting point for transformation. The course focuses on lean principles in warehouses and distribution centers.
Cost to Attend: $3,000 with discounts available for alumni, member organizations, and certificate participants
49. Warehouse and Distribution Center Layout Seminar
April 18-20
Overland Park, KS
The Warehouse and Distribution Center Layout Seminar is offered at the University of Kansas Edwards Campus in April 2017. Sponsored by the UK Professional &Continuing Education and Engineering Management Programs, this warehouse and DC seminar addresses solutions for reducing costs without reducing service by implementing a well-planned warehouse layout. This seminar is geared toward logistics and supply chain planners, warehouse and distribution center managers, supply chain and lean initiative leaders, and others who are involved in improving warehouse processes and inventory control.
Cost to Attend: $1,895
50. SCTECH 2017
June 27-29
Mexico City, Mexico
SCTECH 2017 is a supply chain and technology event that joins together decision makers with first-hand knowledge of innovative and successful supply chain trends that is necessary for making informed technology selection decisions. Held in Mexico City in June 2017, SCTECH 2017 features an expansive exhibit floor to help attendees learn about new technology alternatives; in fact, this supply chain event features the largest exhibit floor in Latin America. SCTECH 2017 also features six international certification workshops and more than 20 inspirational supply chain technology speakers.
Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost
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