最适合仓库经理的移动应用程序:50 个用于管理库存、运输和跟踪、工作流程等的有用应用程序
我们从数百个适用于 iOS 和 Android 的移动应用程序中为仓库经理选择了排名前 50 的移动应用程序设备。我们的顶级应用程序在设计和开发时考虑了仓库经理的任务和需求,它们使库存、工作流程、扫描、运输、跟踪等使用智能手机和/或平板电脑成为可能。我们选择的大多数顶级应用程序都是独立工具,但有些需要付费软件订阅、服务或购买。请注意,我们在此处列出了仓库管理人员排名前 50 的移动应用程序,没有特别 订购 .
1. Snappii 仓库库存和发货应用程序
Snappii 构建原生功能丰富的 iOS 和 Android 应用程序。他们的 Warehouse Inventory and Shipment 应用程序可作为预构建解决方案提供或可定制。借助 Snappii Warehouse Inventory and Shipment App,仓库经理能够使用智能手机或平板电脑执行多项必要任务。
- 快速轻松地制作仓库库存
- 创建供应记录
- 跟踪进出的货物
- 制作快速选择列表
- 保存捕获的信息
- 跨多个设备同步数据
- 条码扫描器
- iTunes:免费
- Google Play:免费,提供应用内购买选项
2。 LoMag 仓库管理专业版
Longint 专注于打造满足客户需求和市场需求的高质量软件。他们的 LoMag Warehouse Management PRO 应用程序可用于 Android 设备,是 LoMag Inventory Management FREE 的完整版本。应用用户可以选择使用此应用,包括决定是否输入价格以及使用哪种类型的条形码。
- 从 Excel 导入数据
- 创建和恢复备份副本
- 使用移动设备摄像头的内置条码扫描器
- 可以将给定日期和时间的库存水平导出到 Excel
- 仓库文件包括收货单、发货单和库存
- 所选商品的仓库转移历史记录
下载: Google Play:2.97 美元
3。 AdvancePro 库存
AdvancePro Tech 库存管理软件旨在通过库存管理工具简化仓库经理的生活允许订单管理、效率和实时信息。适用于 Android 和 iOS 的 AdvancePro Inventory 移动应用程序是该软件的扩展,可让您从手掌中更好地控制仓库库存。
- 通过拣货、包装和发货操作处理仓单
- 接收订单、转移产品以及执行查找和周期盘点操作
- 与条码扫描器配合使用,可提高准确性和速度
- iTunes:购买 AdvancePro Inventory 软件后免费
- Google Play:购买 AdvancePro Inventory 软件即可免费使用
Inventory Now,以前的 Inventory Tracker,简化了库存管理。此移动应用旨在帮助跟踪整个产品生命周期中的库存。
- 获取您的库存快照
- 在收到、发货和交付时标记库存
- 随时概览库存
下载: iTunes:2.99 美元
5。 Frank Android Software 的库存跟踪器
借助 Inventory Tracker,仓库经理可以使用条码。将数据传输到电子表格以创建您的库存报告。
- 内置条码扫描器
- 密码保护,防止未经授权的使用
- 支持 37 种最常用的货币
- 内置人工智能记忆物品相关信息并自动填写其他信息
- 多个库存项目、类别、公司、地点、供应商和客户
下载: Google Play:5.99 美元
6。 Scandit 流程
Scandit 为智能手机、平板电脑和可穿戴设备提供高质量的移动条码扫描解决方案。 Scandit Flow 是一款可通过网络配置的仓库管理应用程序,旨在支持自定义企业条码扫描工作流程,例如移动库存管理、移动资产跟踪和移动交付证明。
- 将扫描的条形码保存到列表中
- 扫描条形码以填写表格、访问网站等
- 构建并导出扫描条码列表
- 启用任何网络表单以使用条形码扫描输入
- iTunes:免费
- Google Play:免费
EazyStock 是一种基于云的库存优化,可在提高客户服务水平的同时节省库存成本。 EazyStock 库存优化移动应用程序让仓库管理人员可以从 ERP 系统数据中即时访问所需的一切,无论他们身在何处。 EazyStock 具有 360 度库存视图,包括多个仪表板和报告。
- 库存水平报告
- 需求类型
- 库存状况报告
- 项目过滤和排序
- 商品详情
- 过时的库存报告
下载: iTunes:EasyStock 库存 ERP 系统免费
Goods Order Inventory System Pro (GOIS PRO) 是最先进的库存具有移动、桌面和 Web 状态的管理应用程序,可让用户全天 24 小时与他们的业务保持联系。 GOIS PRO 是同名付费高级库存管理系统的扩展。
- 简单的移动用户界面
- 跨设备管理和跟踪多个用户
- 多个组织、业务部门和地点
- 在线和离线模式下工作
- 使用设备摄像头和蓝牙扫描仪进行条码扫描
- 定义销售订单、采购订单和装箱单模板
- iTunes:购买 GOIS PRO 免费
- Google Play:购买 GOIS PRO 免费
Fishbowl 是 QuickBooks 用户最畅销的库存管理软件解决方案。 Fishbowl Go 与 Fishbowl 集成,可帮助仓库经理处理实物库存以扫描条形码、执行关键库存管理工作等。
- 挑选、包装和运送
- 循环计数
- 接收
- 零件信息
- 工单
下载: Google Play:付费 Fishbowl 库存管理系统用户可免费使用
Rapid Inventory 是一款适用于移动设备的仓库管理应用程序,可帮助管理人员进行盘点和库存控制。借助 Rapid Inventory,用户可以在 Android 智能手机或平板电脑上享受流畅、轻松的操作。这款仓库管理应用支持外部蓝牙扫描仪,特别适用于工业应用。
- 免费管理多达 100 件商品的库存和库存清单
- 具有搜索功能的清晰排列的项目列表
- 自定义字段包括各种数据类型、低/高分辨率图像、多个数量和多个到期日期字段
- 可调整的排序顺序
- 用标签标记项目
- CSV、XML、Google Drive等数据导入导出功能
下载: Google Play:免费,提供应用内购买选项
Warehouse Manager FREE是一款适用于单一仓库管理者的安卓设备应用。按名称、日期或数量编目和组织项目。条形码扫描仪功能使仓库管理员能够使用内部或供应商代码。
- 为您添加的每个项目写一个注释
- 为每件商品设置最低数量
- 数量少会以红色突出显示
下载: Google Play:免费
Inventory Management 是一款适用于 Android 设备的移动应用程序,可让仓库管理人员改善物流和管理库存.该应用程序的主要功能是控制仓库内货物或材料的移动和存储,并处理运输、接收、库存和拣货等交易。
- 在不同位置之间移动库存
- 所有用户的实时全球库存可见性
- 清点和更正库存
- 管理股票交易
- 管理仓库位置
- 广泛的报告和分析,包括统计数据、交易、快速和缓慢的推动者等等
下载: Google Play:免费,提供应用内购买选项
Warehouse Management 4 Tablets适用于Android平板电脑。这款移动应用程序是仓库管理员必备的应用程序,是检查库存、管理发货和执行必要计算的工具。该应用程序是可定制的,包括一个社区论坛,供用户向其他仓库经理提问。
- 使用相机扫描条码
- 在地图上可视化仓库检查
- 从本地存储或云端上传任何 PDF 表单或文档
- 添加您自己的字段
- 通过电子邮件和消息打印或共享表单
下载: Google Play:免费,提供应用内购买选项
Warehouse旨在成为管理者的仓库工具包。这款移动应用与 iPhone 和 iPad 兼容,可帮助仓库经理简化仓库任务。
- 添加新产品
- 收货
- 挑选、包装和运送
- 盘点
下载: iTunes:免费
15。 mERP仓库
mERP Warehouse 旨在与基于 Odoo 的 ERP on Premise 或 Odoo Cloud 配合使用。这款移动应用让仓库管理人员可以通过扫描设备即时访问所有 ERP 详细信息,从而使收货或库存盘点变得更快、更简单。
- 直接从您的移动设备处理采购订单的接收或销售订单的交付
- 优化库存盘点流程以快速调整库存
- 批次管理
- 上架、运输和交付
下载: Google Play:免费试用 15 天; 29.99 欧元/月或 99.99 欧元/年之后
这款适用于仓库经理的移动应用程序可提高生产力,并使您能够在 Android 智能手机上生成库存清单或平板电脑。最新版本包括库存位置输入、导出文件中的库存位置字段和界面增强功能。
- 条码扫描器
- 直观的库存界面
- 将 CSV 文件导出到本地设备或 FTP 服务器
下载: 谷歌播放: 免费
- 产品条目
- 输出产品
- 按仓库、供应商、产品和客户的产品移动报告
- 按产品或按仓库的余额报告
下载: Google Play:免费
WithoutWire是一款功能齐全的移动WMS解决方案。 withoutWire 可帮助仓库经理优化您的仓库和制造库存操作。使用此移动应用程序控制仓库材料的移动和存储,处理相关交易,并提供基于网络的实时可见性。
- 轻松的批次和序列跟踪
- 实时 KPI 和报告
- 利用拣货/包装/发货功能有效确保订单准确准时发出
- Provides visibility to the inbound overseas containers, inventory between sites, or the outbound inventory that has yet to reach its final destination
- iTunes:FREE
- Google Play:免费
19。 Agiliron Warehouse
Agiliron is an integrated SaaS platform for multichannel commerce. Their Agiliron Warehouse app for the iPad facilitates warehouse management functions such as picking for shipping, purchase order receiving, and inventory cycle counts.
Key Features:
- For use with multiple warehouses and scales with the needs of your business
- Works offline to facilitate warehouse management even without being connected to the internet
- 2-way sync between the app and the Agiliron Back-Office when online
- Easy step-by-step workflows for picking, receiving, and cycle counts
- Integration with Bluetooth barcode scanner for rapid, accurate inventory counts
Download: iTunes:FREE for Agiliron Multi-Channel Commerce Solution Suite purchasers
20. SAP Inventory Manager
SAP Inventory Manager for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices gives warehouse managers the necessary tools for improving and managing inventory levels, filling customer orders efficiently, and tracking material movement using the scanning functionality. This mobile app accesses the SAP Enterprise Asset Management (SAP EAM) solution and enables warehouse managers to automate some warehouse operations.
Key Features:
- Perform physical and cycle counts quickly
- Accept and distribute incoming materials by purchase order
- Pre-pick materials based on work orders
- Track materials by number, work order, bin, location, and more
- iTunes:FREE trial available; FREE to paid SAP EAM users with mobile services enabled by your IT department
- Google Play: FREE trial available; FREE to paid SAP EAM users with mobile services enabled by your IT department
21。 Scout topShelf Mobile Inventory
Scout topShelf Mobile Inventory is a companion to the topShelf inventory management suite and requires a login to use the app. Warehouse managers use this mobile app for data entry, reporting, warehouse setup, and more.
Key Features:
- Pick and pack
- Receiving
- Work orders
- Automatic email notification
- Built-in reports
- Custom reporting
- Multi-user environment
- Real-time inventory
- iTunes:$0.99 30-day free trial with access to topShelf Inventory Management Software
- Google Play:FREE trial; Contact for cost and trial assistance
22。 Barcode-x
Barcode-x is a mobile app for fast, easy barcode scanning in distribution centers, warehouses, and stockrooms. With Barcode-x, warehouse managers use their iPhones as a mobile barcode scanner.
Key Features:
- Capable enough to replace a professional PDA barcode scanner
- Intuitive, easy-to-use interface for inventory and item movements in your warehouse
- Edit descriptions and quantities
- Continuous and single-shot scan mode
Download: iTunes:FREE, with in-app purchase options
23. Pocket Warehouse Pro
Pocket Warehouse Pro is a mobile app for warehouse managers that enables you to keep your inventory up to date. With Pocket Warehouse Pro, you can easily handle inventory tracking in the palm of your hand and provide an easy, efficient workflow.
Key Features:
- Quick barcode scanning
- Reporting
- History of inventory movements between warehouses
- Track inventory from location to location, warehouse to warehouse, or employee to employee
Download: iTunes:FREE
24. StorageManager – Stock Manager
StorageManger – Stock Manager includes an integrated barcode scanner and enables warehouse managers to manage inventory with an Android smartphone or tablet easily. Warehouse managers also have the ability to tailor the app to their needs, thanks to its various settings.
Key Features:
- Add or edit customers, suppliers, and company data
- Effortlessly handle arrivals and shipments
- Easily conduct inventory counts and cycle counts
- Back up your warehouse management in a single file
Download: Google Play:$5.21
25. Inventory Management SDPmobile
Warehouse managers use Inventory Management SDPmobile to manage available stock in their warehouses. This mobile app is available free of charge without limitations, and the developers offer a custom version as well.
Key Features:
- Smart and flexible stock history
- Easy and user-friendly warehouse documents
- Quickly search items by names or codes
- Create and restore backup copy
- Unit customization
Download: Google Play:FREE
26. Scan to Spreadsheet
Scan to Spreadsheet is a mobile app that enables warehouse managers to scan a barcode, email it, and complete inventory, attendance, and spreadsheet tasks. This app is a solution for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) barcode scanning and inventory needs.
Key Features:
- Useful for inventory, cycle counts, marketing event scanning, attendance, or any other time warehouse managers need to scan to create a list
- Email CSV or Excel formats from your smartphone or tablet
- Use templates to customize column names for each spreadsheet column
- Records date and time of each scan
- iTunes:$2.99
- Google Play:$0.99
With SCANPET, warehouse managers can scan barcodes and utilize Excel files as databases. Simply use the camera in your Android device to read barcodes and look up item information.
Key Features:
- Manage your inventory and your warehouse
- Scan the barcode directly into a document on your PC
- Configure payments, shipments, accounting reports, and more
Download: Google Play:FREE
28. myStock Inventory Manager
myStock Inventory Manager puts the power of a full inventory management system into the palm of a warehouse manager’s hand. Using this mobile app and an Android device enables you to keep detailed records of inventory on your device and update stock movement in real time.
Key Features:
- Adapts to smartphones and tablet screen size
- Picture attachment for items
- Manage multiple warehouses
- Positive and negative stock calculations and options
- Built-in barcode reader
- Priority support for six months after purchase
Download: Google Play:$4.99
29. Inventory
Inventory is a mobile app for Android devices. Warehouse managers who use Inventory can scan barcodes using their smartphone and manage their inventory, all from within the app.
Key Features:
- Automatic syncing with web app
- Access assets from anywhere
- Daily data backup
- Web and mobile interface
- Internal barcode format support
- Multi device support
- Export data as XLS, CSV, or PDF
Download: Google Play:FREE, with in-app purchase options
By Davanti Warehouseing, CORAX WMS is an extension of the full warehouse management system of the same name. CORAX is an intuitive online WMS that is user friendly and delivers intelligent workflows.
Key Features:
- Tackle various logistics tasks
- Picking instructions
- Track item movements
Download: Google Play:FREE for paid CORAX WMS users
31. DECX Warehouse
DECX Warehouse is a mobile app for warehouse managers who use Android devices. The app is a handy tool that allows users to upload pictures of items to aid in efficient warehouse operations.
Key Features:
- Dedicates warehouse management tool
- Warehouse storage functions
- Upload images for easier item identification
- iTunes:FREE
- Google Play:免费
32. Warehouse Inquiry
From Oracle, Warehouse Inquiry is a mobile warehouse management app that leverages the functionality of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse Management and Inventory Management systems. Simply contact your IT department for final configuration of the mobile app to access your warehouse data on your Android device.
Key Features:
- Conduct inquiry and searches for warehouse items and license plate-enabled branches and plants
- View warehouse details, license plate parent/child relationships, locations, lots, and item availability per unit of measure
- Inquire on different units of measure to see availability in both primary and secondary for usual unit of measure items
Download: Google Play:FREE for paid JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Warehouse users
33. Inventory Droid
Inventory Droid is a full inventory management mobile application that includes a free PC inventory desk application. Warehouse managers use Inventory Droid to scan barcodes for item information and photos, move items between inventory accounts, and much more.
Key Features:
- Add custom fields, field units, and scannable fields
- CSV import/export/email
- Account backup and restore
- Support multiple accounts and categories
Download: Google Play:$4.99
34. Wynsight Mobile
From Wynright Corporation, a leading provider of intelligent material handling systems, Wynsight Mobile is an app that is well-suited to warehouse managers. Currently under development but available for use, Wynsight Mobile utilizes data from your warehouse management solution to help you make better decisions about managing your warehouse.
Key Features:
- Designed to provide an exact level of exception-based, critical decision information display
- Uses real-time data from modules in your warehouse management solution
- Calculates the performance that will return savings to your company’s bottom line
Download: Google Play:FREE for paid Wynsoft Warehouse Management System users
35. Agility Delivers
Agility is “one of the world’s leading providers of integrated logistics with roots in emerging markets.” Their Agility Delivers mobile app, available for both iOS and Android devices, enables warehouse managers to update real-time events in shipment movement.
Key Features:
- Update the collection and delivery data to update the freight forwarding and/or the warehouse management system
- Updates the Enterprise Content Management system with a copy of documents for further reference
- Fetches shipment information from Control to facilitate unconfirmed jobs
- Push notifications allow for messages to be sent to users via the app
- iTunes:FREE for paid Agility system users
- Google Play:FREE for paid Agility system users
36. Stock Controllers – Inventories
Stock Controllers – Inventories is a mobile app for Android devices that simplifies inventory management by allowing warehouse managers to have access to inventory from anywhere at any time. Stock Controllers – Inventories is simple to use and includes support from a team that is available in one click.
Key Features:
- Work online or offline
- Create multiple users per account
- Create warehouses, product types, providers, clients, products, and transactions
- Define below-minimum inventory alerts by product
- Manage inventories by warehouse
Download: Google Play:FREE, with in-app purchase options
37. SphereWMS
SphereWMS offers web-based inventory management online anywhere at any time. Their iOS app for warehouse managers provides mobile access to the SphereWMS Warehouse Management System and includes functions for scanning and inquiry.
Key Features:
- Receiving/putaway
- Order allocation
- Order scan serial numbers
- Order pick validation
- Stock transfer
- Inventory adjustment
- Receipt history
- Shipment history
Download: iTunes:FREE for all SphereWMS customers with an active login
38. Inventory Control with Barcode Scanner
Inventory Control with Barcode Scanner is a mobile app that gives warehouse managers the ability to quickly and easily organize inventory using a powerful barcode scanner. This app is highly customizable and user friendly.
Key Features:
- Customize inventory options based on your needs
- Maintain item attributes such as price, quantity, and location in warehouse
- Supports EAN and UPC barcodes
- Maintain item information and stock quickly
Download: iTunes:FREE, with in-app purchase options
39. Barcode &Inventory Pro
A comprehensive inventory management app suited for warehouse managers, Barcode &Inventory Pro gives you access to your assets and helps you track your inventory. Barcode &Inventory Pro has a 4.5-star rating by Google Play users.
Key Features:
- Manage inventory items with multi-level categories or multi-level locations
- Scan custom barcodes or UPC/EAN codes
- Mange check-in and check-out transactions with time or with a quantity balance update
- Detailed search options
Download: Google Play:$2.99, offers in-app purchase options
40. On Hand
On Hand is a mobile app for warehouse managers that is available for iOS and Android devices. With On Hand, you get a powerful, easy-to-use inventory solution that collects barcodes via Bluetooth scanners, LineaPro barcode scanner sled, the device’s built-in camera, or manual input.
Key Features:
- Rapid quantity adjustment of items with simple taps for small changes or a special calculator for large changes
- Multi-location feature for separate inventories in various locations with overall totals
- Date and time stamp items
- Sort by barcode or name or leave items as they appear on the shelf
- Quickly search using barcode or name
- iTunes:$29.99
- Google Play:$29.95
41. Zoho Inventory
Compatible with iPhone or iPad, Zoho Inventory is a mobile app for warehouse managers that gives you control of your warehouse from anywhere, any time of day. Easily configure items or generate sales orders and invoices using your Apple device.
Key Features:
- Get real-time updates on sales orders and items that need your immediate attention
- Get instant updates on orders and items that are packed, shipped, and delivered
- Continuous sync between the web and mobile apps
Download: iTunes:FREE for paid Zoho Inventory web application users
42. LogFire Cloud WMS
LogFire is “empowering the new supply chain” with their cloud WMS solution. Likewise, their mobile app empowers warehouse managers to stay up to date with achieve total inventory management via their Apple device.
Key Features:
- Establish a reliable, accurate, real-time view of inventory levels
- Schedule and manage inbound shipments, cross-docking, and flow-through allocation processes
- Physical and cycle counting
- Replenishment management
Download: iTunes:FREE for paid LogFire Cloud WMS customers
43. Unleashed
Unleashed offers powerful inventory management and enables warehouse managers to control their inventory using their iPhone or iPad. Access your inventory information fro anywhere via Unleashed’s fast, intuitive interface.
Key Features:
- Create a sales order and save it offline to edit later or sync with Unleashed
- Check a customer’s details or call or email from within the app
- Check inventory levels in real time across all warehouses
- Show customers product images using the app as a digital showroom
Download: iTunes:FREE for Unleashed account holders
44. TradeGecko
TradeGecko is a cloud-based inventory management platform. Their iPad Warehouse Management App enables warehouse managers to simplify inventory and order management while on the go.
Key Features:
- Mange inventory across multiple warehouses and locations
- Transfer stock
- Mange orders
- Sync multiple sales channels
- Generate reports
Download: iTunes:FREE for TradeGecko Inventory Management account holders
45. RFgen 5.0.7 Mobile Client
RFgen delivers flexible, reliable mobile and wireless automated data collection solutions for JD Edwards, Oracle, SAP, Deltek Costpoint, and Microsoft Dynamics. Their Mobile Client app gives warehouse managers access to item information and warehouse data at any time and from any location.
Key Features:
- Compatible with Android and iOS smartphones and tablets as well as barcode scanners
- Enables automated data collection
- Provides real-time updates
- iTunes:FREE for paid RFgen clients
- Google Play:FREE for paid RFgen clients
46. Warehouse Navigation
Jungheinrich is a world leader in material handling equipment, warehousing, and material flow engineering. Their Warehouse Navigation app, available for both iOS and Android devices, helps warehouse managers increase efficiency by up to 25%.
Key Features:
- Decreases time spent searching for items or returning incorrect ones
- Control scans and incorrect stacking damage due to driving errors
- Create the best prerequisites for improved throughput and picking quality
- iTunes:FREE
- Google Play:免费
47. WMSFusion 2
From Warehouse Mobile Solutions, WMSFusion 2 is a mobile app for warehouse managers that is designed to increase picking efficiency and accuracy. This app is the latest version of WMSFusion.
Key Features:
- Try in demo mode before purchasing
- Verify Lot Screen waits for all lot quantities to be verified before users can commit it
- Easily conduct cycle counts
- Compatible with iPhone and iPad
Download: iTunes:FREE for paid Tablet Director 2 users
48. ConnectedWarehouse 15
ConnectedWarehouse 15 is compatible with iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and any Bluetooth scanner. This mobile app for warehouse managers speeds picking, packing, and shipping and decreases the overall number of errors in your warehouse.
Key Features:
- Physical inventory feature loads data for 10 items/batch to optimize loading time and prevent crashing
- Optional AutoPost for completed transactions
- Automatically create a backorder for skipped items
- Sort items by bin location when picking
Download: iTunes:FREE
49. WIS iMobile
Warehouse-In-Seconds (WIS) is a next-generation mobile app for warehouse automation. Designed to give warehouse managers a user-friendly interface and simple talking feature, WIS iMobile is integrated with Bluetooth scanners to increase picking speed and truck loading efficiency and accuracy.
Key Features:
- Reduce picking erros
- Reduce labor time and travel distance
- Single and batch picking
- Take physical inventory
- Move inventory between warehouses
Download: iTunes:FREE
50. Infor SCE Warehouse Director
Infor SCE Warehouse Director is a mobile app for Apple device users. With this mobile app, warehouse managers can monitor warehouse operations and manage inventory when you are on the go.
Key Features:
- Warehouse metrics and KPIs
- View inbound/outbound workflow and inventory metrics from anywhere
- Mange inventory and perform cycle counts in real time
- Optimize warehouse layout with the picking velocity heat map
Download: iTunes:FREE for paid Infor Supply Chain Execution users
Asset Tracking Solutions from Camcode:
- 资产标签
- Asset Tracking Tips
- Asset Tracking Software
- Warehouse Hanging Signs
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- 地板标签
- 机架标签